Report Title: by Madisyn Kendall & Bryanna Vazquez Ms. Watts Reading Technology 3/4/11

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Madisyn Kendall & Bryanna Vazquez

Ms. Watts

Reading Technology




I. Olympic History

A. The Olympic Revival

1. Baron Pierre de Coubertin

1. He has always had a passion for sports

2. He believed that sports have a positive influence on society

3. He thought it would be pride among nations and promote world


4. First modern game in 1896

5. Athens, Greece, was where were held

A. The First Modern Olympiad

1. April 6, 1896, King George I of Greece declared the first Olympics

2. Blue, yellow, black, green and red are colors of the rings because

they are on every nation flag in the world

C. Off to a Slow Start

1. Opening ceremony at the 1908 all the athletes walked in the stadium

Nation by nation

D. The Games Grow Up

1. World War I concealed the in 1916

2. Olympic flags made it first appearance in 1920

B. Controversy Taints the Games

1. Hitler would encourage racial discrimination of the Jews at the

Olympic games

2. Germany set the winning standard with 33 gold medals

C. Politics and the Olympic Games

1. World War II stopped the next to Summer Olympiads for 1940

and 1944

2. South America was banned from the competition

D. IOC Gets Though

1. The struggle of human rights was hard for the Olympics

2. 1972 Mark Spitz get the world record for winning seven gold


E. Olympics Surrender to Boycotts

1. The United States and 60 other countries don’t come to the

Olympic games

F. Changes: Good and bad

1. They did drug test on the athletes

2. 10,310 athletes from 197 nations and 271 events

G. Future Games

1. Athens games was the largest Summer games ever with 11,00o


II. Archery

A. Origin Of the Sport

1. Developed as a sport in England in the 1500’s

6. Became a official Olympic even in Paris, France

H. Competing in Event

1. Get points by getting closest to the inner point

7. Bow is made of wood

8. Arrows can reach the speed 150 miles per hour

I. In the Olympics

1. Huber Innis the most successful archer

II. Softball

A. Origin Of the Sport

1. Softball spread though the United States in 1895

J. Competing in the Events

1. Softball is a miniature version of baseball

9. Softball innings seven innings

10. Has 9 players on the field

11. Throw underhand

K. In the Olympics

1. Started in the games in 1996

2. Eight teams predicate

III. Swimming

A. Origin Of the Sports

1. Has been popular throughout history

2. Dolphin Swim Club in Toronto, Canada in 1876

3. First time in the Olympics in 1896

B. Competing in the Events

1. Compete in 32 events, 16 for men and 16 for women

2. Butterfly is the most demanding stroke

3. Divided into eight lanes

C. In the Olympics

1. Has undergone many changes since 1896

2. Kornelia Ender won 3 silver medals at age 13

Summer Olympics are sports and events that the best players in the world participate in.
Sports such as, softball swimming, archery, gymnastics, track, and tennis. They come
this far and they see who is the best, and the strongest contestant. People from all over the
world come to see these events. Every participant comes and does their best, to show that
their county is better at that sport. There are 35 sports that they participate in, and over
400 activities that they do. People enjoy watching the Olympics during the summer time
also if their favorite person wins.

Bryanna Vazquez & Madisyn Kendall

It all started one day when Kelley had a dream to one day be on the Olympic
Softball team member. But she was all in to tanning and getting her nails done. If she was
not doing that, then she was hanging out with friends. One day she signed up for MTV
Made soon after she signed up. Jenni Finch showed up at her door step to train to become
an Olympic Softball player. She would have to commit to training hard all Winter to go
try out for the team. Kelley used to play softball when she was younger so she has some
experience. She quit at age 15 because she got into friends and had no time for anything
One day while Kelley was sleeping, she heard a knock on the door. Jenni Finch
was there to be her made coach for the whole winter. Jenni wanted to change her life for
the better, because tanning, and hanging out with your friends all the time, gets you
nowhere in life and it can you in trouble. Jenni Finch said that if you want to become an
Olympic Athlete you have to learn facts about how the Olympics started.
Kelley researched about the Olympic and she learned many new interesting
things. Baron Pierre de Coubertin first came up with the idea of testing people’s ability
in sports. He also believed that sports have a positive influence on society and most
people have a passion for sports. She learned that the first modern game in 1896 in
Athens, Greece. They didn’t always call the Olympics the Olympics they used to call it
First things first, fast pitch softball has to deal with, bat, gloves and helmet. There
are three bases and one plate. The field consists of nine players and you can have up to
any amount of players. It is miniature version of baseball but baseball is slow and softball
is fast. Softball has seven innings in a name and the pitchers throw understand. In the
Olympics eight teams predicate in the games and it is very hard to get into the teams.
Back to Kelley getting ready to change her life styles to become an Olympic
Softball player. First she had to get rid of her habits and change them. She is not use to
getting down in the dirt again because it had been a while since she has played. Kelley
never stopped having a passion for the game of softball. She was a star athlete when she
was younger and had her team win many championships. Her father was the one wanting
her to thrive to become the best at what she loves but Kelley didn’t want the same thing
that he had in mind. But Jenni Finch wanted to make her love the sport again like she
never stopped playing.
The thing they had to do was get Kelley back in the shape she was when she uses
to play because she lost all of it. She lost most of it by her diet and lack of motivation to
staying in fit. Jenni first idea was to go into Kelley’s pantry where she is getting all this
junk food. Kelley mother agreed that, would be the best way to start again. So Kelley
started to change all her food habits. She is now eating fruit and healthy things her
mother is helping her out stay on track with the diet. Now it was time to hit the gym.
Jenni first started Kelley but having her run everyday 30 min on the treadmill to
get her body back into shape. Kelley didn’t mind working out but she did not enjoy it.
Then she started lifting weights to get her arm back in shape and getting her muscles
back. Having Jenni there got her though the work workout because she gave her the
motivation she needed to get though the pain full workouts. When her body started to get

into shape they got on to the field again to work with hitting and catching. She was in the
shape she needed to be in but she had to get the technical that she needed to get to her end
goal. Kelley was a little shaky at first with getting on the felid again but she thought of
what she wanted to become and be to make her father proud again like he use to be.
When she started off with ground balls and simple hitting to get her back into the sport.
Kelley was always a star hitter she always when 1st in hitting, she always got on base to
get her to score. She never disappointed her teammates and her family she never wanted
to fail. She started to look like she has never stopped playing the sport she loved doing.
Jenni Finch thought it would be best for her to join a team that was very known to
get her out in the eyes of the people that would recruit her to the Olympic team. Kelley
went to tryout and made the team so many of Jenni work were done. But she always kept
an eye on Kelley to make sure she got to her end goal. Kelley started making friends with
her teammates and she lost many school friends. It did not bother Kelley because she
always had her eye on the prize. Jenni came back after softball season was other to say it
was time for her to try out for the team. So in the winter Kelley went out to go for her
dreams. Kelley traveled to California to try out for the team to see if she can make it.
Jenni was confidante that if she did her best potions then Kelley had a good shot
of making the team but it was really luck. She had talked to the Olympic Coach to see
how her shots were. He has been watching her since she was younger he was very
disappointed when she stopped because she had so much potential in the sport, He was
very happy to find out she started again and was trying out for the team. He says “Kelley
has the best motivation that we need perfect for what the team needs for use to come
home with gold”.
When Kelley got to California she meet all the people she was going to against to
make the team. She began to become nervous to try out but she had a lot of hope in
herself and a lot of support from her family. When she got a good night sleep she was
ready to try out. It was a 2 day process to get on the team. Everyone was good here
because they all got asked to come and try out. After the first day she did very good
many girls were shocked because she was not in the eye of the media in a while and they
all knew what she was up against, they were really surprised that she came out of
retirement. After the second day she did her best but she was a little nervous on making
the team. That night at the team dinner they were going to post that made the team they
had room for together for 12 girls each team and 6 teams so 72 girls would make it out of
140 girls that were there.
Kelley looked up at the post and she made it on the team she was so excited to tell
Jenni that she made it on the team. Her whole family was so proud of her they were over
welled with joy. Kelley figures out that if you have a dream you should never girl up on
your dreams. She knows that friends all not going to get you anywhere in life it is you
setting your goals to strive to get them and succeed.

Bryanna Vazquez & Madisyn Kendall

Ms. Watts

Reading Literature



First paragraph. All paragraphs in the body of the report are indented and


Additional paragraphs.


First reference. The text begins at the left margin of the paper. Lines are double-spaced.

When the entry is longer than one line, the second line is automatically indented.

Additional references.
Fischer, David. The Summer Olympics. 1st. Princeton, New Jersey : For
Visual Education, 2003. 160. Print.



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