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1. Overall website speed is very slow. Please check that.

// Every new website

needs Optimization, This website also need optimization, then it will work

super Fast. Please Hire some Good Website Optimizer on fiverr for speed

up the website.

2. Make the top header menu tab a sticky one.

3. Pls interchange the colors as shown in the image (Hompage.jpg)

4. Hide the FB and Instagram Icons for now.

5. When you go inside the other pages or in your dashboard as well,

for eg:

the top links (About Us / Contact Us) do not work. Can you pls check.

6. Registration page, as i mentioned before i dont need the Confirm Password

section and also the sign in with google and FB is missing (pls check

Registeration page.jpg)

7. We also dont need the weak password / Medium password / Strong password

Strength option (Pls remove that)

8. Pls remove those that i have marked red in (Student Dashboard_1.jpg)

Just keep the blue section i.e. Profile Completion - Minimum………

9. Left Side Menu of Dashboard add Job Search(link it to the job page)

(Refer: Student Dashboard_Left Menu.jpg)

10. My Resume Section for Students - Reduce the font size & bold from

“optional” keep it half of whats its size is right now, and remove the

boldness from the headings. // I am sorry this can’t possible.

11. Under Candidate Current Details: change “ Name to Students Contacts Name “

and “Email to School Contacts Email”

12. Student Language Section : (Refer - Student_Language.jpg)

Job Search by Students

1. Refer the image (Job Search Page_1.jpg). Change the top image to Atlanta, USA
map & Country by default will be the USA. (As this website is only for US audience)
//It is showing map of the whole world, We cannot change it to only USA Map,
because it is added default by theme. But when you add jobs of USA it will
automatically show USA jobs on map with that location.

Business Profile

1. Please refer (Business _Company Profile .jpg) for the map section on the Company
Profile page
2. We dont need a job search section on the top bar for the Business logins.
Because when I clicked on the job search section from my business login, I was also
given the option to apply for the job.
3. Application Deadline the format will be MM/DD/YY

We have to rearrange this section. It's a bit confusing right now.

Below are the details

4. Post New Job Section - Other information (Keep the order of it as i have
a. Role Type Section : in dropdown menu put “others' wherein they can type in the
role if they dont find it in the list we have provided.
b. Start Date and End Date will be in (MM/DD/YY format) , and if i select the time in
that section it doesnt show up. (This is a question for you either we remove the
time slots from there or refer my, point e)
c. Choose Days: Only there will be two options
1.Weekend(s) 2. Weekday(s)
Add Days: Given the multiple options to select here (Between Monday-Sunday)
d. No. of Hours Section let that be a drop down of no. of hours 0-12 (The bar is
confusing at present)
e. TIme Slot : AM/PM (and include 24 hr time format) two boxes to show start time and
end time (Kindly suggest what would be easiest to do, point b or point e) // I have
remove this because we already choose time in above step b

4. In Post a new job section, we have a maps here, (again we dont want the latitude. Longitude
and zoom anywhere ) we also have a map section in company profile.

Can we capture the details of the address from the company profile section. So that they dont
have to fill in this address section every time they post a job. // You have to enter location of
every job each time, because as you know every job can have different location. If this option is
available on theme, I Will definetly do it.

In the Post a New job section we can just give them the option to “ Add a New Address” if the
company has different branches, and would like to hire in different locations only then a new
address is required.
Let me know your thoughts on this one as well.

New*. We also need one more option on both Students My Profile Section and Business Post a
New Job Section, important data

Education Level*: (dropdown will have)

1. Freshmen
2. Sophomore
3. Junior
4. Senior

All the Location and maps on the website will have, Location should show Georgia, USA and
the map image should show the same. Thats where the focus of the business is.

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