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Human (Standard) Doctor

1 Venomous Duality

+2 13 Strong Will

Once when you fail a saving throw, you can

14 +1 30 choose to reroll it with advantage. You must finish a

13 long rest
before you can use this trait again.

12 Human Determination.

Once when you're reduced to 0

13 10 hit points but not killed outright, you can choose to fall to 1
hit point instead. You must finish a long rest before you can
use this trait again.
Ardent Soul
Your soul flares with a passion unlike the common man,
0 1
which manifests occasionally as a disposition towards
elemental forces: Burning Passion, Caustic Spite, Cold
+3 Indifference, Fulminating Glee, Mindful Insight, Radiant

D10 Superiority or Venomous Duality, all detailed at the end of the
class description.
Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and then again

+1 at 3rd, 7th, 15th and 20th level.

Dagger +3 1d4 Piercing Rallying Presence

Whip +3 1d4 Slash, Reach See below
15 Pistol +3 1d6 Piercing M:2 R:4
Beginning when you unlock this ardent soul at 1st level, you

gain immunity to the poisoned condition, and resistance to
+5 13 poison damage. Additionally, you learn the poison spray trick
if you don't already know it.

+3 ● +5

◆ +5
Inspiring Energy Max: 5
17 ● +5 Used: 0
+3 poison spray 10 feet 1 action
The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d12 poison damage.
◆ +5

16 ● +5

+3 ● +5



● ●

● ●

Alchemist's Supplies,
● ● Herbalism Kit
Rallying Presence: At 1st level, Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a
your strong personality inspires mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches,
allies on the 10 days of rations, and a
battlefield, allowing them to Heavy Longcoat waterskin. The pack also has 50
catch their breath and have a feet of hempen rope strapped to
second wind. the side of it.
You have a pool of inspiring five javelins and a dagger
energy equal to five times your Heavy Longcoat
savant level. As an action, you A set of common clothes, a
can touch a willing creature herbalism kit, a
50,000 Beri
and draw power from the pool to stethoscope, encyclopedia on
restore a number of hit medicinal herbs and plants,
points to that creature, up to the
maximum amount
remaining in that pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 of
these hit points to help
the ally snap out of a stupor. The
ally can immediately make a
saving throw to remove one
effect that has it charmed or
frightened. You can aid it in
removing several of these effects
at once, expending hit points for
each effect.

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