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University Project Shop


To create a platform that puts together Masters University students (who are looking for a summer
project) together with companies that have a summer project for students to work on.

University will pay an annual fee for UNIVERSITYADMINISTRATORS and STUDENTS who are on
COURSES to access to the platform.

Headline on homepage: we provide OUTSTANDING projects and internships for University students:
virtual or local.

I would like all PROJECTS listed and searchable on the home page, but access to project details will
require payment access.


Each student will be at one UNIVERSITY and on one COURSE. Each ADMINISTRATOR will be at one
ADMINISTRATORS have admin access on behalf of the University. Each ADMINISTRATOR can add
many courses.

UNIVERSITYADMINISTRATORS can search the platform on behalf of STUDENTS.

UNIVERSITYADMINISTRATORS may add one or more COURSES which STUDENTS will be assigned to.
Each COURSE will have a project start date and a project end date.

STUDENTS can use the platform if their Administrator has given them a code. STUDENTS or
UniversityAdministrators cannot be given access until UniversityAdministrators have paid the annual
fee. STUDENTS can apply for a maximum of X PROJECTS, where X is a limit set by the SYSTEMADMIN.

The SYSTEMADMIN works on behalf of me, and has access / rights to everything.

CLIENTCOMPANIES will register for free on the platform, and post projects that STUDENT can apply
for. I would like the option to charge the client company eventually.

Each CLIENTCOMPANY can post several PROJECTS.

Usecase: UniversityAdministrator/STUDENT who has not paid visits site

Visits homepage: I’m from a University vs. I’m looking for a student

Clicks: I’m from a University

Sees all projects listed (without contact information or Clientname).

Can Search for projects by location / sector  search results (without contact information or

If visitor clicks on any project  Pop-up: “to apply please login or register”

Usecase: UniversityAdministrator registers & pays

Clicks on register

Capture: Universityname, address, email, administrator fname, contact lname,

Payment: payment option via e-payment, paypal or invoice.

Confirmation + Code provided to give access for University students and


Code valid for 12 months [email to renew after 10 months]

Administrator prompted to register courses

Usecase: UniversityAdministrator adds courses

Administrator logs in.

Administrator presented with dashboard.

Administrator clicks Add Course.

Administrator enters CourseName, CourseLevel (e.g. MSc, MBA, MA, BA, BSc), Course type (e.g. IT,
business, data, media, social science, etc)

Administrator clicks save.

Usecase: UniversityAdministrator views STUDENT information

Administrator logs in.

Administrator presented with dashboard showing different courses.

Administrator selects course. Sees:

STUDENTS on that course with confirmed projects.

STUDENTS’ on that course outstanding applications.

STUDENTS on that course with applications.

Administrator can cancel applications.

Administrator can view projects for existing applications or confirmed projects.

Use case: ClientCompanyX Registers

Capture the following details (Fname, Lname, email, role (dropdown), companyname, sector
(dropdown), size (dropdown), start-up (Y/N), username, password)

Email confirmation sent.

Use Case: ClientCompanyX Registers Projects

ClientCompanyX logs on

Clicks REGISTERPROJECTS (they may add more than one project)


System captures: (project title; Duration (dropdown); Specialism (dropdown), description (free text),
contact Fname, contact Lname, duration (dropdown); specialist skills needed (dropdown))

Individual project (tickbox) Group Project (tickbox) – if box is ticked then Max Group Size

Can the project be delivered entirely remotely (Y/N).

If NO then what is the address where the project will take place? (Capture / search address)

What percentage of time will the project require the consultants to be onsite?

Deadline for applications: standard date provided (e.g. 5 July 2021), but CLIENTCOMPANYX can
change this.

Project: Freetext

Project deliverables: Freetext

Project suitable for Course Type (checklist): e.g. IT, business, marketing, data, computing, etc

Project contact: firstname, lastname, email, role

Secondary contact: firstname, lastname, email, role

Text: Projects will usually take place over the summer between July and September. web

SAVE Project

ASK: Add another project?



Clicks button to register

Capture the following details (Fname, Lname, Universityname (dropdown), Course (dropdown),
username, password, email; telephone; Year of study (dropdown), address (search))

Upload CV

Email confirmation sent.

Usecase: Registered STUDENT/ADMINISTRATOR Searches for Projects

STUDENT can search projects by Sector / Project Focus

Choice between Group or individual projects

Choice between local or virtual projects

Search results

STUDENT can short-list and save projects

STUDENT can apply for project directly from search results page

STUDENT can short-list and save projects

Usecase: Registered STUDENT/ADMINISTRATOR Applies for Projects

STUDENT goes to My Account and selects Saved Projects

STUDENT selects a project and clicks apply

STUDENT uploads their CV, covering letter and a photograph of the signed NDA which will be
downloadable from the page. The NDA will be the one that CLIENTCOMPANYX has previously

STUDENT gets a confirmation screen.

STUDENT can apply for a maximum of X projects where X is set by the SYSTEMADMIN.


Project application end date triggers closure of open project and email to client company.

End date can also be triggered by open position receiving 10 (or number set by SYSTEMADMIN)

Company reviews student applications

Company select student A and shortlists students B,C,D. Email of offer sent to student A.

Student has X days (where X is set by the SYSTEMADMIN) to accept. If student rejects, offer email is
sent to student B. Student B has Y days to accept. If reject, email is sent to student C. If all students
reject, client can open project again.

The client company receives XXX applications

Usecase: student accepts project

When student receives company email offer they click accept.

Company receives email with student contact details and administrator contact details.

Student receives email with company contact details,

Administrator dashboard is updated.

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