Aifah Utami Putri 46119076 Spatial Order

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NIM : 46119076


Dreams are not just about future jobs, they can be as simple as wanting a dream
bedroom. I have always dreamed of a beautiful and comfortable bedroom. It is white, nice, and
quite small room so I can feel a cozy vibe that makes me want to linger there. There are wooden
door and floor to add a natural feel. And to complement the natural vibe, I wanted a large
window with white curtains that would bring sunlight into my room.
At the left of the window, there is a white desk with study equipment and ashoka
flowers placed at the top and books arranged by color under the desk. Moving to the right of
the window, there is a bed with white sheets that is comfortable enough for one person. Under
the bed there is a pastel yellow velvet carpet and a small multipurpose folding table that I can
use while relaxing on the floor.
Right in front of it, there is a full body mirror and a small and simple make up bag
beside it. There is a simple hanger and a small wardrobe for clothes. On the walls, there are
abstract paintings and themed stickers. Under the wardrobe there are shoes that are neatly lined
up, and on the right side there is a cat tower for my cat to play. There are decorative flowers in
every corner of the room.
There is also an empty space to watch movies via the LCD screen which is right in front
of the bed so I can watch while lying down comfortably. I also put my music album collection,
as well as other equipment in wooden boxes from IKEA and I arrange them in the right corner
of the room. That was my dream room which I will make happen in the near future.

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