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PERGAMON Carbon 39 (2001) 991–999

A novel laser technique for oxidation-resistant coating of

carbon–carbon composite
Lloyd Snell, Avery Nelson, Pal Molian*
Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Received 20 December 1999; accepted 2 July 2000


High-temperature protection of carbon–carbon (C / C) composites against oxidation by ambient air is a serious problem
with no single, universal solution. In this paper, we present the results of a novel laser-induced chemical decomposition
(LICD) process used to apply two types of oxidation protection system (OPS) coatings on C / C composites. Silicon carbide
and iridium were selected as the candidate materials for OPS based on their chemical compatibility with carbon and
oxidation protection capabilities, and deposited on the C / C substrates by LICD of Si 3 N 4 and IrCl 3 . High-temperature
oxidation tests of the coatings in air environment at 6508C showed a mass loss improvement of about 10% for single layer
SiC and 50% for single layer iridium.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: A. Carbon composites; B. Laser irradiation, Oxidation; C. Scanning electron microscopy; D. Surface properties

1. Introduction oxidation. When used as a thermal protector, the C / C

composite is often made extremely thick to compensate for
Carbon fiber-reinforced carbon (C / C) composites may its tendency to oxidize rapidly at elevated temperatures.
be the ultimate development in the history of carbon Research into development of an efficient oxidation
technology and are extensively used in extreme perform- protection system (OPS) for carbon has been an ongoing
ance situations that include high-temperature, high-speed, effort for the past 50 years, and many different combina-
low-friction, and highly corrosive environments [1–10]. tions of materials and processes have been attempted
These materials are known for their strength, light weight, [3,10]. Currently, three primary methods are used to apply
and thermal properties. Despite the numerous benefits of OPS to the surface of C / C composite: pack cementation,
C / C, their performance at high temperatures in long-term chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and slurry method. The
applications is seriously affected by their susceptibility to problems common to these techniques include low prod-
oxidation. At temperatures above 4008C, the carbon fibers uctivity (they are slow and tedious), low quality (thermal
readily react with oxygen and rapidly burn away, resulting cracks and porosity result), and non-flexibility (they cannot
in partial or complete deterioration of the composite [3,10]. apply coatings of varying compositions and structures). In
The oxidative behavior of C / C composites, which begins addition, the CVD and slurry methods occasionally require
with gasification of carbon fibers, is followed by enlarge- vacuum and are difficult to apply to large-scale structures.
ment of pores inherently present in the composite, further In this work, a novel laser-induced chemical decomposi-
aggravating the oxidation. The oxidation rate of C / C tion (LICD) method of coating C / C composite was
composites in air increases rapidly with increased tempera- investigated, the objectives being to develop a better
ture [10]. Water vapor in air further increases the rate of method and to enhance the usability of these composites in
extreme operating conditions.
LICD process has been previously applied [11] for
direct-writing metallization applications in microelectron-
*Corresponding author. Fax: 11-515-294-3261. ics using organometallic compounds. The principle of the
E-mail address: (P. Molian). process is to use a high-energy laser beam to dissociate a

0008-6223 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0008-6223( 00 )00200-1
992 L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999

precursor solid or liquid. For example, Si 3 N 4 and IrCl 3 can liquid or gaseous silicon, depending on the type of laser
be reduced to Si and Ir by the application of laser and the energy density of the beam [12]. The silicon
radiation. formed then reacts with carbon to form SiC, because the
energetic and process conditions in laser processing favor
Si 3 N 4 → 3Si(l) 1 2N 2 (g) SiC formation.
Si 3 N 4 (1–5 mm diameter) powder with a purity of 99%
was mixed with isopropyl alcohol (91%) and stirred with a
IrCl 3 → Ir(s) 1 3Cl(g) magnetic stirrer to obtain a homogeneous slurry. Although
no specific molar concentrations were calculated for the
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility mixture, enough alcohol was added to ensure that the
of using LICD technique to deposit silicon carbide (SiC) Si 3 N 4 could be suspended in the liquid. With an eyedrop-
and iridium coatings on C / C substrates and evaluate the per, a thin layer of Si 3 N 4 was deposited on a surface of a
oxidation resistance of these coatings. SiC is the most C / C coupon, and then allowed to dry naturally. Drying
widely used coating material for C / C because of high samples by forced airflow, as from a hair drier, caused the
refractoriness, chemical compatibility with carbon, and coating material to buckle on the C / C coupon surface.
better match of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) After the coating had dried, the coupons were weighed,
with carbon, compared with other materials. The oxidation and weights were compared with initial weights to de-
resistance derives from the formation of silica (SiO 2 ) scale termine the weight of the applied coating. The coating
upon oxidation. SiO 2 has low vapor pressure and low thickness, in the range of 25–75 mm, was calculated by
oxygen diffusivity. Noble metals such as iridium could be dividing the weight gain by the density (3.3 g / cm 3 ) of
alternative coatings because of their high melting point Si 3 N 4 , and then again by coating area.
(24408C) and extremely low permeability to oxygen. For iridium metal coating, iridium chloride hexahydrate,
Iridium has been demonstrated to offer excellent protection along with proprietary additives, was mixed with isopropyl
against oxidation but the difficulties of producing high- alcohol and blended for 1 h to form a smooth, fine slurry.
quality coatings, along with cost and availability, are The amount of isopropyl alcohol was varied to control the
significant barriers to further development of its use [3,10]. viscosity of the slurry. The purpose of the additives is to
reduce the thermal expansion mismatch of iridium (¯73
10 26 / K) with carbon that otherwise would lead to crack
formation. The samples were dipped in the slurry to form a
2. Materials and methods uniform coating of 50–100 mm in thickness.
The coated samples were mounted on an X–Y computer
Two types of C / C composites were employed in this controlled positioning table and then irradiated with two
work: Type I is a 2.5 mm thick, 2D-composite (lay-up5 types of high-power lasers, Nd:YAG and CO 2 , depending
2D 0 / 90M-0; fiber5Amoco T-300 3k tow; matrix5 on the type of coating. Si 3 N 4 deposited samples were
phenol; ply58-harness satin, weave524323 tows per 25 processed using a 30 W, continuous wave, Nd:YAG laser
mm); and Type II is a 6 mm thick, 3D-composite used in because absorption of the YAG wavelength by Si 3 N 4 is
friction applications. Type I was acquired from NASA– excellent. The beam was defocused (12 mm from the focal
Langley while Type II was received from BF Goodrich point) to a larger size on the surface, using a 127 mm focal
Aerospace, Carbon Products Division. The samples with length. The scanning speed ranged from 1 to 10 mm / s.
dimensions of 20 mm320 mm were cut using a 1 kW CO 2 Argon gas was flown around the optical lens at a rate of 30
laser (1.27 m / min cutting speed, 13 psig of O 2 , 127-mm ft 3 / h in order to protect the lens from airborne discharges
focal length lens) and then polished in 600-grit SiC paper. and to isolate the fusion zone from oxidation during
The samples were then cleaned by rinsing with isopropyl scanning. A glass ring, 100 mm diameter and 40 mm in
alcohol (91%), allowed to dry, and weighed using a height was secured to the sample platform to confine the
balance with milligram (mg) resolution. argon gas to the sample. Iridium coating was formed by
The LICD process consisted of two steps: first, a slurry use of a 500 W, continuous wave CO 2 laser because of the
of precursor material was prepared and painted on the need for higher laser power to deposit metal coatings. All
surfaces of C / C composite; second, using a raster scanning the experiments were carried out using a lens with a focal
method, a laser was used to irradiate the slurry so as to length of 254 mm and a defocused beam (12 mm above
form the desired coating. Si 3 N 4 was chosen as the the focal spot). The scanning rate was varied from 11
precursor material because its thermal expansion (¯33 mm / s to 44 mm / s. Argon was again used as the assist gas.
10 26 / K) matches closely with carbon than SiC (¯53 Optimum coatings were obtained at 500 watts and a
10 26 / K), allowing crack-free, excellent bonding of the scanning rate of 33 mm / s. In all the experiments, the
coating to be achieved during laser processing. When samples were laser-coated on all the sides.
Si 3 N 4 is subjected to laser irradiation, it decomposes into For microstructural evaluation, one specimen from each
L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999 993

of the coating systems was sectioned in the laser-coated vice, made of machinable ceramic, in the naturally occur-
condition, mounted, polished, and examined by optical and ring environment of the furnace. Five slots were milled in
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize the the ceramic material to allow the test samples to stand
coating microstructure and degradation of coatings due to upright. No attempt was made to control any other
oxidation. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was also variables during the temperature exposure period. Samples
performed for determining semi-quantitative chemical were removed at 30-min intervals, observed by use of an
composition of coatings. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy optical microscope, and weighed.
(XPS) was used to identify various phases formed in the
After laser processing, samples were exposed to high 3. Results and discussion
temperatures in air environment to test the effectiveness of
OPS. Effects of thermal exposure were evaluated using Fig. 1 shows a scanning electron micrograph of SiC-
mass-versus-time plots at 6508C. Isothermal oxidation coated Type I C / C substrate. Rough, continuous, non-
testing utilized samples mounted on a work-holding de- uniform coatings with an average thickness of 200 mm

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph showing the transverse section of SiC-coated Type I C / C substrate (1003).
994 L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999

Fig. 2. X-ray photoelecron spectrum of SiC-coated showing the peaks for SiC, SiO, Si and others.

were observed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis C / C composites, reported by Fitzer [13], indicates that the
of laser-processed layers revealed the formation of SiC on weight loss improvement was only marginal when SiC was
the surface of C / C composite (Fig. 2). In addition to SiC, deposited as a single layer. However, substantial improve-
metal silicates and silica were also formed. Fig. 3 shows ments were obtained if the SiC coated composite was
the oxidation test data of uncoated and laser-coated impregnated with boron oxide and zinc phosphates. The
samples at 6508C. Regression statistical analysis was used beneficial effects of impregnators are attributed to the
to plot the data for a reliability of 95% based on 11 data filling of cracks in the SiC formed during oxidation [10].
points. The laser-coated samples were produced using a Examination of the uncoated samples during oxidation
50-mm thick precursor Si 3 N 4 at a power of 30 W and scan testing revealed a sequence of events beginning with
rate of 2 mm / s. The oxidation loss was reduced by separation of the fibers at the edges, followed by surface
approximately 10% through the laser coating process. The deterioration and appearance of visible strands of indi-
small improvement in oxidation resistance is not highly vidual carbon fibers, and ending with complete delamina-
unexpected because the oxidation data of unidirectional tion. Fig. 4 shows the oxidized surfaces of laser-coated
C / C where the individual fibers, large cracks, and delami-
nated layers are readily seen. Fig. 4(a)–(c) show the
successive stages of delamination during oxidation. First,
the fibers are exposed through the coating (Fig. 4a) and
then cracks develop and further expose the fibers to the
oxygen (Fig. 4b). Finally, the fibers tend to lift the coated
layer (Fig. 4c). Although the laser-scanned shell remained
intact, the substrate was degraded by delamination, which
could be due to the porosity of the coating, which allows
oxygen to penetrate. During the oxidation tests, the layers
started to delaminate, although the edges continued to hold
them together. The delamination caused the center of each
sample to bow outwards.
Fig. 5 shows the scanning electron micrograph of a
Fig. 3. Oxidation test data of uncoated and SiC-coated Type I transverse section of CO 2 laser-coated Ir on Type II C / C.
C / C substrate at 6508C. The coating is relatively continuous, with few cracks, and
L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999 995

Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs showing the oxidized surfaces of SiC-coated C / C substrate (a) 153 (b) 103 (c) 303.

exhibited good adherence to the substrate. The cracks were due to the 3D woven composite. The weight gain in the
confined to the iridium layer without propagating into the coated sample was caused by oxide scale formation and
C / C substrate. The coating-substrate interface exhibited closing of the cracks. After 15 h, the specimen started
fine solidification grain structure of the coating with no losing weight because of exfoliation of oxide scale. In
evidence of delamination. Fig. 6 shows the weight loss as a contrast, the uncoated sample showed a continuous weight
function of exposure time at 6508C. The laser-coated loss caused by oxidation; the sample disintegrated after 3
samples were produced using a 50-mm thick precursor h. These results demonstrate that the laser-deposited
IrCl 3 at a power of 500 W and scan rate of 33 mm / s. Both coatings substantially increase the oxidation resistance of
coated and uncoated samples did not undergo delamination C / C composites. Fig. 7a and b are the top and transverse
996 L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrograph showing the transverse section of Ir-coated Type II C / C substrate.

section of oxidized surfaces of coated samples showing such as slurry dipping, plasma deposition followed by hot
several large cracks and oxygen penetration. isostatic pressing, and electroplating [14,15]. Wright et al.
Iridium coatings have been of great interest to the US [16] reported that iridium coatings could be used to protect
space programs for protecting the graphite nose cones on graphite for an hour or more in air at 20508C based on
reentry [14]. The problems confronted with iridium coat- plasma torch tests. Harding and Fry showed [17] that
ings were volatile oxide formation, poor adhesion to iridium coatings deposited by CVD prevented oxidation
carbon substrates and mismatch in CTE. However, dense, for more than 24 h at 20008C.
crack-free coatings were successfully produced by methods It is well known that cracks are induced during cooling

Fig. 6. Oxidation test data of uncoated and Ir-coated Type II C / C substrate at 658C.
L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999 997

Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs showing the oxidized surfaces of Ir-coated Type II C / C substrate. (a) Longitudinal. (b) Transverse.
998 L. Snell et al. / Carbon 39 (2001) 991 – 999

down from the processing temperatures due to thermal single layer SiC and 50% for single layer iridium were
expansion mismatch. In this work, the use of Si 3 N 4 obtained, implying that laser processing has the potential
minimized the CTE mismatch and reduced the crack to develop into a successful technique. Despite excellent
formation in SiC coatings. However, the use of iridium as adhesion of the coating, oxygen still penetrates at sufficient
a coating did produce cracks that could be attributed to the rates to be detrimental and causes difficulty in achieving
large CTE mismatch. To provide effective oxidation substantial improvements at high temperatures. Methods to
resistance, coatings should not only minimize cracks or reduce the cracking and obtain uniform coatings will
pores, but should be of uniform thickness. Coatings greatly assist in producing high-performance laser coat-
obtained by the laser process showed few cracks and are ings.
not uniform in thickness. In addition, coatings were not
formed in some isolated locations on the sample. These
defect regions provided pathways for oxygen to penetrate
the coating and attack the C / C composite substrate. Acknowledgements
SiC was much less effective compared to Ir in protecting
the C / C composites from oxidation. This could be ex- The authors extend thanks to the following supporters of
plained by the oxidation reactions of these two materials as this project: Iowa Space Grant Consortium, NASA Lan-
well as by the presence of chlorine compounds on the gley Research Center (Dr. Howard G. Maahs, Head of
surface of Ir-coated samples. Oxidation of C / C occurs at Environmental Interactions Branch, and Mr. Craig Oh-
temperatures higher than 5008C primarily because of its lhorst, Materials Division), Hampton, VA 23681; Carbon–
affinity to oxygen and the porous structure. Silicon carbide Carbon Advanced Technologies, Inc., (Mr. Doug Epper-
protects the composite up to 15008C through the following son), 5144 Southwest Loop 820, Fort Worth, TX 76140;
oxidation reaction: and Karta Technologies Inc., (Dr. Rao Govindaraju) San
Antonio, TX.
2SiC 1 3O 2 → 2SiO 2 (s) 1 2CO(g)

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