Lecture 8: Thin Film Deposition Processess

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Pros: Most uniform and fine features, step coverage and fewer defects. The best quality out of all



Can be done at much lower temp, but poorer quality, It is desirable to operate at lower temperature
because you have other choice of substrate, say copper or plastic. Metal are reactive sometimes so
metal substrate can be replaced with something that does is not as reactive. (LPCVD, silicon and quarts

Reactive walls are heated: Hot-wall CVD. Why?

1. It makes it easier to deliver the thermal energy, efficient way to provide heat to reactant gas.
2. You Don’t have thermal gradient anymore? To maintain uniform heat distribution.

Cold-wall CVD

Graphite can take up to 1000 degree, Quartz can take up to 1300, can withstand thermal shock, sudden
power shutdown can shatter glass but Quartz can withstand it. Aluminum can take 1800 degree. But it is
permeable to air, contaminate from outside can get in. So it is preferable to use quartz.

LPCVD, more complex, needs a vaccum pump.

PECVD, colorful discharge. 13.56MHz, metal can’t withstand too high of temperature.

LPCVD best, PECVD second best, step coverage

Lecture 8: Thin Film Deposition Processess

Thermal oxidation: best quality. Portion of silicon(substrate) has been consumed in the reaction.

The difference between wet and dry oxidation.

Wet oxidation gives you thicker but it tend to have more defects and dangling bonds, because it ifs very
fast, silicon reacts much fast with than. Wet you also get hydrogen so you get a little impurity. Dry
oxidation is slow and is used electronic application.

Electrodeposition(electroplating) versatile process

Titanmium, chrominum, aluminum, can not be electrode posited because they are too reactive.

Comb drive: made out of metal so that it is conductive.

Crystal planes, fast growing crystal get consumed, what you see is only slow growing plane.

Midterm up to deposition

Etch away

Thermal evaporation, resistive heating, metal are put inside a boat or filament? Substrate rotation.
Filament is used to provide uniform heating to void phenomena called flashing, when one section is
heated very hot it evaporates rapidly. lose deposition rate. Crucible(aluminum) is vulnerable to flashing.
Cooling water to cool down the substrate.

Crystal monitor quarts crystal, thing comes off easily, it has very high Q factor, resonance frequency/,
when material got deposited on it, its vibration changes. It is flat disk. Electrode connected to provide
vibration. PSO electrode material.

Gas form solid give away latent heat.

ALO, compound breaks down and have different diffusion rate. Good method to evaporation element
but not compound.

CVD highly conformal, does not code side walls

Evaporation highly non-conformal, does code side walls,

Sputter in between

Chamber pressure, more uniform, smoother film by lowering the pressure. Lower the torr. Less chamber
pressure, longer the free mean path, more uniform because it won’t bounce away but still have a little
momentum to form uniform structure at the wall.
Lecture 9 Bulk Micromachining(BMM)

Anisotropic: highly directional (direction dependent)

Isotropic: highly none directional (direction non-dependent)

Bulk micromachining vs surface micromachining

Surface: Selective etching, more popular, easy, cantaliveler is easy to make. But more than one material
to make.

Bulk: single crystal material has much higher mechanic strength(single crystal silicon is preferred due
to its resistivity and mechanical strength), more robust, then poly crystal material. It also produces the
more smoother surface than surface etching. Young’s modulus. High frequency and sensitivity.
Disadvantage is such that it is hard to pack too much this device on one wafer. Surface micromachining
is easy.

Sticktion(water gets on cantaliever), higher restoring force. 1-2um for, 2mm thick for bulk, can eliminate
the sticktion problem, it is distance between substrtate and catliever. More higher aspect ratio.
Sacrificial layer dictates the height of the cataliver,

Agitation: Improves diffusion, the bottom does get rounded bowls, without it bottom would be flat.

Crystal graphic?

Why do we need mask? Photoresist will be dissolved during the etching process, on the bottom of the
photoresist there is another layer of mask that survives the solvent, it will be the mask to


Cubic can’t be Pizeroelectric. Silicon is pizeroelectric, it has cubic, you need slight assymetric to have
pizeroelectric effect

Wet Anisotropic ectches away everything but 111. High index plane 211 and 411 etched away very fast.
Selectivity? Assume you are only using KOH. KOH leaves 111 alone and etch away everything else. Able
to invert. Can create cantilever. 45 degree angle.

111 next lower plane 100.

Feature bounded by high index plane is highly undesirable. Concave is almost 111 planes. Hard to
control, no reproducibility. Self-limiting SP, STP on the right. Z is the thickness of the silicon in 100 plane.

W: feature size,

T: time(thicknese)

Only get through hole only feature size is big. 0.5mm thich silicon. More than square of two times the
thickness of the wafer.

Trapezoid Cavity slide on the last. Bridge created in the mask material.


Midterm question

SI3N4 low etch rate

Non-uniform electric field

Si02 Silicon Nitride, are, single crystal silicon structure have extremely strong mechanical strength. It has
high young’s modulus and doesn’t suffer from metal fatigue.

P++ extremely heavily doped silicon. Wet istropic rely on electron injection, P++ doesn’t have electron. P
increase you decrease n. It acts like an etch top. ON the exam could give you a structure and ask you
what method were used here.

Isotropic: orientation independent, leads to more rounds structure. A mask is needed to selective etch
the material.


Fina exam design a 4/30,

DBR 80-90% reflective, phototnic device

Q factor: measure of how sharp the peak is, peak freq/ of half maximum

Physical definition: enegery stroed per unit cycle in the system/tendary of system to disappate energy

1000 or 50 high Q

100k to million ultra high Q

Final exam?

What is the difference between plasm and ion beam? FMP, Physical

Plasma: collective quasil neutral. Equal number of electrons and ions in a plasma.

Ion Beam: how to create a beam of ions? Use grids, the collective quasil is no longer valid, you have a
directional beam of plasma.

Ion Beam Sputtering: expensive, not scaleable, hard to maintain.

w to create plasm? Doesn’t require high temperature, two electrodes and current pass through. Current
ionized the gas, electric field matter, you need ionized gas, but gas is insulator, only when u ionize the
gas it will carry current. How to ionize the gas? If electric field is high enough and gas is in low
pressure(confined space), dielectric take down potential. 100 ion you have 99 electrons. Need source of

How is glow discharge create?

Pure oxygen plasma is pink?

High p, MFP is small,

Mass transport limitation(loading effect)

Ions are positive, ar


Polycrystal stronger mechanical and electrical properties, piezoelectric property better than metal

Smaller dynamic which cause sticktion. Much larger dynamic range for the cantiliever to vibrate

Bulk Machinary: limited addictive steps, mostly subtractive steps.

Surface Machinary: Lot of addictive steps

Sacrificial layer = spacer layer

Metal disspate lots of heat, low Q factor, poor mechanical performance,

Co2 replace alchohol, CO2 has extremely low surface tension, when pressure decrease, liquid C02
sublimes and become gas phase.

Dimple: mechanically no or small contact between cantilever beam and the surface.

The holes are to facilitate the release of the sacrificial layer.


Shadow Mask: alignment problems. Adv is the great simplicity.

Electrostaic and sensing. Disadvantage is pull in effect. Restricted by the restoring force of the
cantilever. The mechanical force is linear.

Intrinsic: no doping at all

NC conduction band

NV valence band

No and Po has to be constant at equilibrium

LED can only be made from direct band gap

Stress = force/area


Stress strain young curve on the exam, toughness, area of the curve


C central prove(proof) mass

D and E moment of inertia (resistance to bending). D has lower moment of inertia

I and j system of beams

Final Question: Why is it hard to make vertical beam horizontal.

V shear force


Pull-in; 1/3 of total available distance.

Pull-in voltage: two condition are met. Slope of mechanical force = slope of electrostatic force. Two
equaltion and two unknow

Fifth BC: Third derivative at a1 is 0

W’’’(L)=0 shear force is zero

Damping in solution is too large, it comes to a stop after one or two cycles.

You don’t want oscialltion to stop immediately, u want underdamped, which dyes out slowly


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