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ALGEBRA REVIEW NOTES ») 3 MEGAMATH WEBINAR 2024 ENGR. ERNICK ROMEN ALGEBRA REVIEW NOTES: LAWS OF EXPONENTS AK =2K x Ke % FACTORS AND SPECIAL PRODUCTS Factoring ean be done by srouping to produce 3. Common factors cor a senate gntaiotomny FOIL tMethad) xt ny? =~ yVUet 9) Dif ference of two squares Oinide. Koy gx -20 xt Pty!s @ y= y= 9) Suef Ewe evber siny!z (e—y) a2 + ay +92 Difference of twoeubes m4 YP kyo key +92 Square of Bnamiat 14 Gery-petpretay- ne ts 1 0 40-4 -2 (ax + D)(ex+ a) = 0en? + (Gd +be)x +b 4 (eo we © 4 te we | i46¢ © ao rag tonig t FO. f a LAWS OF RADICAL 2 = 4 qa * o QUADRATIC FORMULA ‘An equation i sald tobe of quadratic form f thas the foim ax" + D® + = 0, where nis an integer ofa faction: ‘The quadtati formula, = The expression —4ac called discminant When b!—4ze> O,the rots are real and unequal When b!—4ze = 0,the ots ate real and equal(or quastatc equations a perfect nomial, When b!—4e < 0,the 10 ate imaginaty and unequal complex conjugates) The rote 0+ ae = ‘Sum ofthe roots. + Product ofthe roots, 23 4 legat leg. =0 2a BINOMIAL THEOREM Use the Pascats Triangle. Any loner ow formed by adding any two adjacent numbers of the upper ow and place 1 at both ends so as to form a toangle. tis used to eas recall the numerical coetciante of the expansion ofthe ponets of s binomial The ri term of +3)" ’ kxg? tals ye nepord® \ fz! \ neat 33 14% 41 1S yp le © J) > feurnmwes tl Tid Yee 3d erm ine exponsion cays Cay” = nb att? of < (Crean) Gog) 6e-3402'G-! oe PP" gy” nas e.2 = xd Example: Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of (2x — 3y) Long werhod 3 Ca-3y)? = (2x 36 2 (89) + 3 Cod Cay C2) = C2 32x HF 90) G*-awyY Short keoog ~ The 7 Cx sy)? = ¢2019 -3G)) * REMAINDER THEOREM v if a polynomials) s divided by 1 uni he remainder i constant then this remainde is). Example: ithe polynomial e-+4r2 — ax +8) & divided by (¢~5), determine the remainder Se fre, ox See frow en. to Wy? ax -20 dade vy Kd pod Fa = 4 top? -9t) ~20 ~ 25% - 1G0 ~ 56-10 <4 3 xy ~3Kk4y dinde by x-£ ree fe) = Gt Aw 30 4 alS4loo ay = 1d FACTOR THEOREM AND ITS CONVERSE fei a soot ofthe cational intagral equation f) =O, then srl a factor of): conversely. fais a factor offs). then aro of 0), Find the value ofk so thatx+2is a factor of x? ~ka?+2x-+4=0 Xin xe -k 3(-2)" -E(-2% $22) r4=d = -74-4"(4) yh “ 4 ge 7% fy LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE (LEM) ‘Te lowest common mutiple (LCM) of several numbers i the smallest natural numberof which each of the given numbers f a factor. may be found by taking the produc ofall the diferent prime factors of the numbets, each taken the greatest numberof mes that ceute in any of those umber. Ex. Whats the LOM of 18 & 187 Wes LOM 7 6745 «2 eres Lem = 40 HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR (HCF) The highest common factor (HCF) of several natural numbers is the largest which & 2 factor of allthe given numbers. may be found by taking the product of allthe diferent prime factors common tothe given numbers, each taken the Smallest number ef time that koccuts in any of hose umber. ithe given numbers have no prime facats in common te (HOF) define tobe 1, nths ease the numbers ate salto be relatively me. Ex Whats the HOF of70 81129 pes 7 He = 27 bas 2-7 Bor = LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR The least common denominator (LCD) tefers tothe product of several prime numbers occuring inthe denominators, each taken wth fs greatest mii. Ex Whatis the LED of, 8, 128 157 oF 3 of 4-3 Leo = 2.3 +s Y 3° ae Leo = 2°. ge joe 32k . js 9-5 tod * 3¢6 a, PROGRESSIONS a= kerterm S=Sum oF aA teres d= eumof allterme ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION (AP) ‘Auitmetc progression (AP) ~is a sequence of numbers caled terms, each of which after the fist. is derived fiom the proceeding one by adding to ta ‘xed number ealed the “common difference" The.” eammon afference can be found by subtracting an term fromthe one folowing & FORMULAS: a= te- De saya) =Bl2a, Hoe Dal - 4 caq-04) Archaic mean Am) = tsa de an -d, 3 om PATIOS Ogg = = 28 G9 ~4) a 27 4e3 Jaa, +cn-| Yd d 1 . > 2 BC) a =4tr@ 3 Son 49e aa= 74 GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION (GP) Geometie Progression (GP)—is a sequence of numbers called terms, _aach ofwhich ater the fist, obtained by multing preceding bya fixed umber ealed the common ratio" The common raves equalte the fate of any etm, ae the fst tothe one preceding & FORMULAS: et Ex 2,6, 8,54 Cth Jen ay=2 redke MG n=@ a % when 71 a-) c=3 ea, Ag= ar 4 (> = 20H For infinite Geometric Series a = 436 ocret Geometie Mean (OM) = Yar HARMONIC PROGRESSION (HP) Harmonie Progression — i a series of tens whose reciprocal forms andarthmetie progression, cLock PROBLEMS Fer the clock problems, the minute hands alvays 12 times the speed ofthe hour hand. Hence, the dstance taveled by the hour hand s 1/12 the ‘stance tavelleg by te minute hand at any given time they moved x. Tanjzo Kamado teste kil Muzan Kibutsujiby the afternoon inorder to kill Mzan there’ a condition which safer 2 o'clock the hands of lock wil, be petpendicular forthe fsttime. How many minutes Awiltake to reach the time? ort 2— angle oF Srovel of in hand 1 mT CAucregad movement hoor hand) SSO Te zo 9% ~oL- y G J =® “J = 2:86 mph —_#

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