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Putri mega wijayanti agustin, Husnul Khotimah, Ns.,M.Kep, Ns.Sri Astutik

Program Studi S1 Keperawatan Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Nurul Jadid Paiton-Probolinggo 082264212469


Personal Protective equipment (PPE) is a set of safety equipment used by

workers to protect all or part of the body from the possibility. Of exposure to
potential hazards of the work environment to accidents and occupational diseases.
Nurses are required to use personal protective equipment to avoid occupational
safety and health risks in hospital in providing nursing care. In addition, before
we perform an action, the most important procedure is clean and sterile after
coming into contact with patient fluids. The purpose of this study was to
determine the experience of nurses in using PPE in preventing infection control.
Qualitatif research with fenomonologi approach perpouse to get information
going deep about experience of nurses in using PPE in prevention of infection
control in clinic. Five participants were selected based on research criteria and
were saturated. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and observations.
Selective analisys focused on (the selective or highlighting approach) used in data

analysis. Three times were identified in this study (1) compliance of nurses in the
clinic (2) prevention of disease in the clinic (3) limited equipment in the clinic.
The results of the study are supported by the fact that the client uses PPE
properly. the desire is that there is a relationship between nurses’ compliance with
the use of PPE in the clinic

Keywords: Experience, PPE



Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a set of work tools used by workers to

protect part or all of the body from potential hazards or work accidents when
doing actions that are at risk of infection. Personal protective equipment also
serves to protect the body against the dangers of work accidents that have a
negative impact on nurses in hospitals. A hospital nurse must know about the
benefits of using PPE properly by increasing the knowledge and attitudes of
nurses about PPE through education and training for nurses on an ongoing basis.
Nurses' compliance with the use of PPE greatly affects the transmission of
diseases that are at risk of infection in the inpatient room.

Disease transmission can be at risk of occurring to all health workers if during

the action the patient does not pay attention to preventive measures (invection
control) by using personal protective equipment.


Exploring in-depth information on the experience of a nurse in the use of PPE

with the prevention of invection control at the az-zainiyah clinic of PP Nurul

Identification of information about the experience of az-zainiyah clinic nurses in

handling prevention control invection.

Identification of information about the experience of nurses in using the correct

mask at the az-zainiyah clinic.


This study uses a qualitative method with a phonomenological approach, which

aims to investigate conscious experiences related to questions, such as how the
division between subject and object arises and how things in this world are
classified. Qualitative research methods are research methods used to examine the
condition of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, the data
collection technique is done by triangulation (combined), data analysis is
inductive, and the results of qualitative research emphasize the meaning more
than generalization.


Participants in this study amounted to 5 people, with the sex of 3 men and 2
women, aged between 29-31 years. The first participant was 30 years old, the
second participant was 31 years old, the third participant was 29 years old, the
fourth participant was 30 years old, the fifth participant was 29 years old. Of the
five participants are Muslim. The status of five participants worked as nurses.
Based on the transcripts from the interview results and field notes that the
researchers made simultaneously, they were analyzed. So that you get 3 themes,
namely: compliance with nurses in the clinic, prevention of disease in the clinic,
limited equipment in the clinic. All will be described one by one.


In this section the researcher will discuss and explain the interpretation of the
research results, the limitations when the research was carried out, and the
implications of the research results. The discussion of the interpretation of the
research results was carried out by comparing the results of the study with the
literature review described in the previous chapter. Research limitations will
discuss the shortcomings and weaknesses, as well as obstacles encountered by
researchers at the time of carrying out research during the field time. The
implications of the research results discuss what can be developed further from
this study, especially to determine the experience of the nurse in using PPE in the
prevention of invection control in az-Zainiyah clinic.


Based on the research results that have been stated in the previous chapter, the
researcher can draw the conclusion that:
ctive equipment (PPE) is a set of work tools used by workers to protect body parts
from potential hazards or work accidents when carrying out an action. The
benefits of using the correct PPE are by increasing the knowledge and attitudes of
nurses about PPE through education and training for nurses on an ongoing basis.
As for the factors that play a role in the high prevalence of nurse adherence in the
use of PPE that is not good, many do not pay attention to the use of PPE so that it
is susceptible to infection transmission from patients.


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