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Eating Disorders in Today’s Society


April Enriquez

Campbell County Schools Senior Research Project

submitted to Brookville High School

April 23, 2021

Eating Disorders in Today’s Society

Introduction/Problem Statement
When someone thinks of eating disorders, is the first thing that comes to their mind a

teenage girl starving herself? Well to be honest that is usually what happens. Eating disorders

have recently started to be a big problem with many adolescents, especially in girls. I am lucky

to not have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or know anyone close to me that has, but it is

a very serious topic that more people should be educated on. People who develop eating

disorders are all affected mentally and physically by them differently.

In order to educate myself more and hopefully help other people know more about the

subject I decided to research some of the more basic topics within eating disorders. To do so I

researched the following three questions: “What are the leading causes of eating disorders?”

“How does social media influence eating disorders?” and “How do eating disorders affect

someone mentally and physically?” I decided to look into these questions because I believe they

are basic enough to get an understanding of what people with eating disorders go through. As

well, someone who is looking to learn more about eating disorders could have somewhere to


Literature Review

What are the leading causes of eating disorders?

There are many things that contribute to an eating disorder. Different people will develop

eating disorders due to different circumstances. There are two factors that can contribute to

eating disorders, society and genetics. Society is the most common cause of eating disorders.

Society pushes the idea of females having a “perfect body” or females only being attractive if

they have an “hourglass figure”. In TV there is little to no representation of plus sized women
Eating Disorders in Today’s Society

but when there is they’re seen “That said, it's no secret that plus-sized actors have typically

played the sidekick to tall, thin, "conventionally beautiful" women in TV and film for years”

(Enochs). Genetics also play a certain role in developing eating disorders. Eating disorders tend

to run in families. Research in the CEDARS program found that, individuals with someone in

their family who has developed anorexia nervosa are 11 times more likely to develop an eating

disorder. The program also found that patients who have a certain genotype are more at risk of

developing an eating disorder.

How does social media influence eating disorders?

Social media is a big part of many adolescents and young adults lives. Social media tends

to be where many of these individuals can express themselves and upload pictures of themselves

for the whole world to see. Not only teens, but celebrities as well. Many younger females tend to

follow these beautiful actresses and models, looking up to them and wanting to look like them.

Most of the time actresses and models hand pick their pictures and edit them to make them look

more appealing. Younger audiences may not realize this and set an unrealistic perception of body

image. “These teens are constantly seeking approval and ways to feel better about themselves as

it is, so this added pressure can easily trigger disordered eating behaviors as they try to achieve

an impossible standard” (Hunnicutt). Social media also has features where an individual can

message another person. Many teens hide behind their screens and will bully others. “65% of

people with an eating disorder say that bullying contributed to it, according to the National

Eating Disorders Association (NEDA).” (Hunnicutt). Cyberbullying causes all the things eating

disorders thrive off of anxiety, depression, feelings of low or no self-worth.

Eating Disorders in Today’s Society

How do eating disorders affect someone mentally and physically?

An eating disorder can be one of the most dangerous conditions a person can develop.

Eating disorders affect a person mentally and physically. People who have eating disorders

usually already suffer from a mental health condition like depression or anxiety. If a person is not

already suffering from a mental health condition they are very likely to develop one. Physically,

an eating disorder can affect your entire body, from the way your skin looks to your internal

organs. The bigger categories that get affected physically are developing heart problems,

hormonal problems, Digestion problems and it can greatly affect your brain.

Learning Explanation

By researching this topic, I learned more about what people with eating disorders can go

through. I feel now if someone close to me were diagnosed with an eating disorder, I would be

able to help them get through it and give them the needed support. Throughout my research I

learned things that I never thought that would affect someone into developing an eating disorder.

Even looking into something like this could help a person support someone else.
Eating Disorders in Today’s Society


Enochs, Elizabeth. “5 Ways Society Is Influencing You To Develop An Eating Disorder.”

Bustle, Bustle, 26 Feb. 2016,

“Are Eating Disorders Genetic?” CEDARS,

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