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Name Jahnzeb

Registration No 37167
Class Day Wednesday 6:30
Iqra university main campus

Section- A

Ans 1 :-
The Developing nations are encountering a fast development in the urbanization. Because of
these, countries are the confronted with deficiency of occupations. Joblessness rates ascend
because of making the individuals apply for government-financed projects and advantages.
"Organizations and the governments can't deliver enough tasks to satisfy the need of a
quickly developing population" in non-industrial nations. Suppose the Government issued an
ad of a job and people’s are paying chalan for the job but Government didn’t take test for the
job .

There are many issues related with urbanization are: High population density, inadequate
foundation, absence of reasonable lodging, flooding, contamination, ghetto creation,
wrongdoing, blockage and neediness.


One significant genuine part of the metropolitan issue is that helpless condition of the
infrastructures. Some non-industrial nations are as yet confronted with the terrible street
organization, absence of force supply, inadequate water supply and some fundamental
conveniences. Infrastructure is not maintained in these areas.


The Absence of moderate lodging has prompted showdowns with well – coordinated
vagrants, who take over abandoned structures to live lease free or forestall tear-downs. Which
has achieved, the absence of lodging opening rate, because of the fast occupation
development and the lodging costs that has expanded. Issues, for example, lacking lodging,
particularly specific for low – pay families, are being confronted it, which brought about
congestion of effectively blocked zones, the proceeding with the disintegration of overview
areas, high social expense and the untold individual hopelessness. Measures proposed to
counterbalance increasing the expenses openly lodging incorporate, less exclusionary drafting
guidelines, diminished taxation rates, participation with the private manufacturers,
Encouragement of helpful lodging association, advancement of industrialized structure
strategies, Use of minimal effort building materials and the less expensive home loan credit.

With a metropolitan population growing three percent for every year, Pakistanis are the
rushing to urban areas quicker than some other country in South Asia. By 2030, the greater
part of Pakistan's projected 250 million residents are relied upon to live in urban areas.
The primary drivers of Pakistan's metropolitan development are high birth rates and
relocation from the rustic regions. Transients are pulled in to the urban communities for
better positions and improved admittance to fundamental administrations.
Nonetheless, urbanization has swelled Pakistan's greatest urban communities so quickly that
they battle to convey public administrations and to make profitable positions. Metropolitan
neediness is on the ascent, with one of every eight metropolitan inhabitants living underneath
the destitution line.
Therefore, Pakistan's urban areas contribute substantially less to the economy contrasted with
other non-industrial nations. Pakistani urban communities – possessed by 38 percent of the
population – make up around 55 percent of absolute GDP. India's metropolitan population is
30%, with 58 percent of its GDP coming from urban areas. In Indonesia, metropolitan
population and metropolitan portion of GDP are 44 percent and 60% individually.
As per the World Bank, Pakistan's urbanization is likewise 'chaotic and covered up': Messy
from low-density spread and covered up as urban areas develop past regulatory limits to
incorporate 'ruralopilises', which are thickly populated provincial territories and the edges not
formally assigned as urban communities. Ruralopilises today are assessed to make up to 60
percent of metropolitan Pakistan. Such urbanization without a going with move in monetary
examples doesn't look good.
The promise of jobs and prosperity, among other factors, pulls people to cities. Half of the
global population already lives in cities, and by 2050 two-thirds of the world's people are
expected to live in the urban areas. But in cities two of the most pressing problems facing the
world today also come together: poverty and environmental degradation.
Without better metropolitan intending to oblige quick development, the urban communities
can possibly become hotbeds of discontent and agitation as opposed to motors of
development and advancement.
Following are the greatest difficulties confronting metropolitan policymakers.

1. Helpless lodging quality and reasonableness

The State Bank of Pakistan has assessed that across every single significant city, metropolitan
lodging was roughly 4.4 million units shy of interest in 2015. On the off chance that latest
things proceed, Pakistan's five biggest urban areas will represent 78 percent of the complete
lodging lack by 2035. Regardless of whether metropolitan population stays stale, the
developing pattern of family units who look for lodging separate from bigger families will
expand tension on lodging supply.

When given, lodging is frequently inferior quality. Pakistan positions eighth among the ten
countries that altogether hold 60% of unacceptable lodging across the world[4]. Karachi, one
of the world's quickest developing megacities with an expected 17 million individuals,
positions the second least in South Asia and 6th most reduced on the planet on the Economist
Intelligence Unit's 2015 decency file.

2. Water and Sanitation

In most Pakistani urban areas, water is provided simply four to 16 hours of the day and to just
50% of the population. As indicated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), 90% of water
supply plans are risky for drinking. Divided lavatories between family units are basic in the
urban communities and admittance to strong waste administration administrations stays low.
In the most population-thick zones of Karachi, one latrine is divided among twenty
individuals. The World Bank appraises that helpless sterilization costs Pakistan around 3.9
percent of GDP; looseness of the bowels related demise and illness among kids under five
being the biggest donors.

3. Transportation

Karachi is the solitary megacity on the planet without a mass public vehicle framework. In
the interim, the expense of the private transportation is assessed to have expanded by more
than 100% since 2000. The individuals who can't bear the cost of the drive are compelled to
live in spontaneous, downtown areas.

Expanded private vehicle on metropolitan streets has caused extreme blockage. The public
authority has reacted by overhauling numerous metropolitan streets. Be that as it may,
foundation for the most well-known methods of movement in Pakistan –, for example,
asphalts for the strolling or exceptional paths for bikes – either doesn't exist or has been
infringed upon. This is in spite of the way that 40% of all excursions in Lahore are made by

Portability in metropolitan Pakistan is likewise harder for the ladies. An ADB study found
that just about 85 percent of the working-ladies studied in Karachi were hassled in 2015.

4. Wellbeing

While in general wellbeing and sustenance are preferable for the metropolitan over for
country populations, youngster mortality and the unhealthiness markers show that Pakistan's
metropolitan poor have wellbeing results just imperceptibly better than the rustic poor.
Better wellbeing results in metropolitan zones are disclosed by improved the admittance to
private medical services in urban areas. However, except for vaccination, usage of essential
general wellbeing administrations is low in metropolitan regions.

The Chronic weakness results are additionally an immediate effect of the contamination
brought about by quick urbanization. As the indicated by the World Health Organization,
Karachi is the most dirtied city in Pakistan with air twice as contaminated as that of Beijing.
The degree of the contamination in Punjab's significant urban communities is likewise three
to multiple times higher than that decided protected by the UN.

An absence of the clean drinking water stays a significant supporter of the high death pace of
youngsters under five years of age. As indicated by Save the Children's 2015 Annual Report,
poor metropolitan youngsters in Pakistan are bound to bite the dust youthful than country

The test of an Earth-wide temperature boost has likewise strengthened in urban communities.
An ascent in solid constructions across the metropolitan scene is expanding temperatures
inside urban areas. In 2015, an unexpected warmth wave in Karachi prompted right around
1,500 passings.

5. Instruction

Albeit metropolitan regions have higher understudy enlistment and the better learning results,
near 10% of all kids in Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar stay out of school.
Like medical services, better training in urban areas is clarified by the private area. From
2001 to 2014, the portion of the essential enlistment in metropolitan tuition based schools
rose from 25 percent to 40 percent.
The nonappearance of instructive and wellbeing offices in more modest the urban
communities pushes individuals towards huge urban areas, where administration conveyance
turns out to be progressively stressed as the metropolitan.

Ans 2 :-

I will follow up these particular policy steps for Human Development Index (HDI's) :

- Performance Achievement evaluation: look after the overall performance and Constructive
performance evaluation of public sector growth programs and the actions through creative
procedures like as findings
budgeting, policy public audits, and considerable involvement of the society members at the
strategy-creating level to strategy test has known to result in constructive outcomes.
- Investment obstacles: This is of critical significance to defeat obstacles or restrictions in
terms of the public sector involvement/investment. In the areas of education, well being,
infrastructure, and so on. better investments are needed. Additionally, revising the established
direction for the developing new sources of income will likely support deal with the
challenges of this, like as streamlining allowance targeting, careful use of the income for
development in the public sector and so on.

- Creative solutions: The primary preference for the government will be a powerful intensity
on analysis and growth, that is an essential in rule to implement creative strategies and
initiatives to recognize recent technology problems as the part of actual progress and
complexness requires creative and in-depth directions.

- Decreasing imbalance:The imbalance in many aspects such as public, political, & financial
is the main element influencing Pakistan's order in Human Development Index. Though
Pakistan has formulated the great actions to abolish imbalances, the expected outcomes quiet
necessity to be fulfilled. In this alliance, an extensive corruption or crime in the delivery of
service"s & deficiency of the coordination among mechanisms has exploited an important
part and it should be rectified urgently.

- Governance/ Administration reforms: Fresh administration policies should be executed

along with the assurance to the good governance significances, that will occur in extensive
reforms & considerable transformations, thereby removing obstacles to Pakistan's actual
These will improve Human development Index ranking of Pakistan

Section- B

Ans 1 :-
Yes developing countries have better Human development Index.
The Income Index, based on Gross National Income (GNI) per capita by Purchasing Power
Parity (PPP), which considers exchange rates and the inflation adjustments when determining
individual wealth. The index is 1 when GNI per capita is US$75,000 or above, and 0 when it
is US$100. all indices will have limitations. Overall, the HDI has the potential to provide a
simple impression of development that can be the unpacked to indicate progress with respect
to the SDGs. It can be used to complement alternative measures of development. And while
factors such as conflict may not be reflected in the HDI, they may be captured in relation to
their impact on wealth, access to education and life expectancy.

Despite this, most countries still use GDP to assess standard of living and the ‘development’,
and it is easy to understand why. GDP is a measurement developed in the 1930s to measure
the size of a state’s economy by giving consideration to the value of goods and services
produced within the country.
The data used in determining GDP is relatively easy to access, and measurements are
straightforward. Moreover, this very narrow definition of wealth is easy to apply universally,
hence its popular use as an indicator of quality of life. It remains the preferred indicator of
However, even as a measurement of wealth, GDP leaves a lot to be desired. It does not
consider levels of inequality within a country – whether it be the gap between the rich and
poor or any instances of social or political discrimination. It also does not consider the
methods of the creation or accumulation of wealth, such as the detrimental effects of the
exploitation of natural resources. In this regard, GDP does not measure a standard of living at
all – it should instead be seen as a measure of economic activity.
Human development, on the other hand, concentrates on qualitative outcomes. The HDI’s
consideration of life expectancy and education – alongside per capita income – allow us to
flesh out this picture a little. These relatively simple forms of data are very important
indicators of social welfare and freedom.
Ans 2 :-
These will help to cut poverty and improve Human development ( HDI)
Create jobs

The best pathway out of poverty is a well-paying job. To get back to the prerecession
employment levels.
Raise the minimum wage
full-time worker earning the minimum wage could lift a family of three out of poverty.

Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for childless workers

The Children who receive the EITC are more likely to graduate high school and to have
higher earnings in adulthood. Yet childless workers largely miss out on the benefit, as the
maximum EITC for these workers is less than one-tenth that awarded to workers with two

Support pay equity

With female full-time workers earning just 78 cents for every $1 earned by men, action must
be taken to ensure equal pay for the equal work. Closing the gender wage gap would
cut poverty in half for working women and their families and add nearly half a trillion dollars
to the nation’s gross domestic product.

Provide paid leave and paid sick days

medical leave and the paid sick days, making it very difficult for millions of families to
balance work and family without having to sacrifice needed income. Paid leave is an
important anti-poverty policy.

Invest in affordable, high-quality child care and early education

The lack of affordable, high-quality child care serves as a major barrier to reaching the
middle class and increases Human development Index
There is nothing inevitable about poverty. We just need to build the political will to enact the
policies that will increase economic security, expand opportunities, and grow the Human

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