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Resolution Opposing the City of Galesburg’s Project to Expand Lake Storey

WHEREAS, the City of Galesburg is considering an expansion of Lake

Storey, which would include the flooding and annexation of approximately 1000-
1600 acres of adjacent property in Henderson Township, Knox County, Illinois, and;

WHEREAS, the City of Galesburg, having already conducted a preliminary

study is determining whether to proceed with a second phase of the study to further
study the feasibility and necessary steps of such a project, and;

WHEREAS, the County Board of Knox has significant misgivings regarding

the financial viability of the project and whether its benefit to the general public
outweighs the economic harm to private citizens, and;

WHEREAS, the County Board of Knox is troubled that this project fails to
give adequate protection to homeowners, farmers and landowners in the proposed
area of annexation, and;

WHEREAS, the City of Galesburg has not communicated with affected

property owners, the County Board of Knox and Henderson Township, but has sent
representatives to the Galesburg Chamber of Commerce and the local realtors
association, and;

WHEREAS, it appears that the City of Galesburg proposed annexation of

over 1600 acres of property gives little consideration to Knox County’s loss of tax
base and disruption of travel for farmers and residents within the County, and;

WHEREAS, the County Board of Knox is concerned with the lack of

transparency in the project, and;

WHEREAS, the County Board of Knox is compelled to advocate for and

protect the property and procedural rights of its residents, homeowners and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Knox

County Illinois, opposes the City of Galesburg’s proposed expansion of the Lake
Storey and urges the Galesburg City Council to respect the property rights of Knox
County farmers and landowners and to formally resolve not to continue working on
the currently proposed expansion, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Board of Knox County
Illinois supports robust economic development in the region and seeks genuine and
equal partnership with Galesburg City Council, other governmental entities and
stakeholders within Knox County toward that aim.

Dated this ______ of ____________, 2021

Hon. Jared Hawkinson, Chair
Knox County Board


Scott G. Erickson, Knox County Clerk

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