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NAME: Adil Javed Chaudhary

ROLL NO: 016
SUBJECT: Introduction to psychology
SUBMITTED TO: Mam Syeda Mehreen Zahra

Areas on which I will work as a psychologist to upgrade employees performance are as follows:

Stress Management:
Strategies adopted by psychologist in managing stress will be as follows:
 Use reframing.
 Improve employees planning and take action by organizing employees weekly activities.
 Manage strength imbalance.
 Practice mindfulness to the employees.
 Use positive self-affirmation by the employees.

Focusing on the personality:

Strategies adopted to improve the personality of the employees will be:

 Conduct systematic studies of employee’s personality.

 Observe, interview, and survey individually.
 Research and identify behavioral or emotional patterns.
 Test for patterns that will help them better understand.
 Discuss the treatment of problems with employees.
 Write articles, research papers, and reports to share findings and inform employees.

Counselling of employees:
Counselling employees is very important for a company to upgrade its employee’s performance.
For this following strategy should be adopted by psychologist:   

 help him decide, motivate him to do what is jointly decided.

 help him make up his mind to act as he thinks fit.
 employee should psychologically accept the counselor.
 must be able to listen well and communicate effectively.
  An atmosphere of trust and confidence.
  Credibility & Sensitivity of the employee.
Better communication:

For better communication I will follow up the following strategies in the work environment:

 know how to listen to employees’ opinions and needs.

 Wait until the right moment to speak.
 encourage awareness.
 allow some time for reflection and assessment of how problems can arise.
 know the things from employees when appropriate.
 create a place of safety so everyone feels free to express.
 be genuine and authentic to your employees.
 bring employees to a clear understanding of communication that works.

Improve behavior:
Following strategies can be implemented for improving the behavior of employees:

 Building a supportive environment for behavioral change.

 Social influence. Making people aware of social norms changes their behavior. As
people care about their reputation, peer pressure and accountability.
 Tackle problems as they emerge.
 Planning for setbacks by identifying problems that might arise with the desired behavior

Influencing the work environment:

Influencing the work environment raises the morale of employees, promotes employees'
commitment to work, and increases worker productivity. It can be obtained by adopting
following strategies:

 favor a work environment in which employees are able to assume responsibility for
solving problems.
 An environment in which employees tend to take calculated risks and to set moderate,
attainable goals.
 A workplace environment in which employees need continuing recognition and feedback
about their progress so that they know how well they are doing.
 link organizational, productive and consultative processes, in addition to providing
clinical services to all staff who feel the need to speak with a psychologist. 


 developing leadership skills involves a slow, steady process of observation, trial and error,
interpersonal connection, and experience.
 understand the importance of building trust and respect in co-workers and subordinates.
 focus their reward structures on things like loyalty or intellectual conformity.
 moving from an awareness of yourself, to an awareness of your place in a relationship

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