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1 Careers of the Future Discussion Forum

Hanna Miller
1. Name of the career
2. Why you chose this career
I like designing buildings and being creative.
3. The projected increase or number of jobs projected to be available
The number of jobs are going to increase, only by a little bit though.
4. The average salary or this job in today’s workplace if it exists now. ( If it is a
job that does not exist yet, what is the projected salary?)
5. What education and training are needed
4 year bacheolers degree and take the final boards.
1. Job outlook (or why is this job going to be important in the year 2020?)

People always want the new modern looking houses or buildings.

2. In order for you to best prepare now for this career, develop one goal and one strategy that should
help you be prepared for this job in your future.

I am going to take drafting to see what it is like drawing out buildings.

3. Include images of a person that represents this career in your presentation and list all sources
where your information is found.

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