Performance Management Practices and Its Impact On Perceived Discrimination: A Case Study On Icon'

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Performance Management Practices

and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination:

A Case Study on ‘icon’
Performance Management Practices
and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination:
A Case Study on ‘icon’




18 AUGUST, 2013

Performance Management Practices

and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination:
A Case Study on ‘icon’

Submitted to
Shayla Binta Sayeed
Course Instructor, School Of Business and Economics
United International University

Submitted By
Name ID
Tasnim Nazir Trina 111 101 027
Muhummud Zayeed Choudhury 111 101 126
Farzana Rahman 111 101 189
Syeda Shotorupa Zafar 111 101 192
Asiful Haque Chowdhury 111 101 240

Section: B


Date of Submission: August 18, 2013

18 August, 2013

Shayla Binta Sayeed

Course Instructor
School of Business and Ecconomics
United International University

Subject: Regarding submission of term paper on “Performance Management Practices and its
Impact on Perceived Discrimination: A case study on Telco.”

Dear Madam,

With due respect, we want to deliver our great pleasure for having such an opportunity to submit
the term paper on “Performance Management Practices and its Impact on Perceived
Discrimination: A case study on Telco, which had been a great experience for us to work with
such a real life issue to analyze with. We tried utmost to make & let it look like a professional
one. Any shortcomings are expected to have a kind view for our encouragement. Thank you for
your sincere & honest try to let us make easy & get familiar with the terms & facts of this
analysis to help us make the paper a successful one.

Our efforts will be valued, if this report can serve for what it’s been meant for & our assistance
will be there for any queries.

Thank You.



Syeda Shotorupa Zafar

On the Behalf of the Group

The term paper on “Performance Management Practices and its Impact on Perceived
Discrimination: A case study on Telco in light of the course Performance Management
and Appraisal (HRM 4358) results from considerable intellectual and moral support
given by our honorable course teacher, Shayla Binta Sayeed, Course Instructor, School
of Business, United International University. Over the last four months, she has been
our guide from whom we got the inspiration and guidance to learn “Performance
Management and Appraisal”. We strongly believe works like this one will surely help us
to develop & make us better adapted as well as capable to cope with the issues &
practical exposures in this field as well as to the whole of the Legislative tools that are
being extensively exploited in today’s world.

Our next honest & heartiest gratitude goes to Nazia Barkat, Group Icon Manager, for
his sincere & utmost guidance to prepare this report & to gather huge practical and
realistic knowledge & help us to prepare this term paper.

We want to thank Mr. Tanvir Hashem, Icon Manager, who helped us to reach Ms.
Nazia Barakat. Without his help we will not be to move forward with this project.

Last of all we want to thank the Almighty for making our effort a successful one. We
would like to express our heartiest gratitude to all our team members who shared their
expertise, struggled with difficulties, passed away many awaked night to design the
report, to those who roamed corporate offices & the practical field to accumulate solid &
complete information. And we would like to thank all the personalities who helped us for
making our report. Thanks and take care.

Executive Summary
This study attempted to analyze the performance appraisal system of an organization and its
impact on the perceived discrimination. For this study one of the leading company ‘icon’ in the
telecom sector has been studied here. As telecom sector is one of the most versatile sector in our
country we can easily differentiate the relation between them. But one thing may come in a very
serious way, like most of the telecom company in our country is owned by foreign country. Their
management is likely to be world class and thus it will be difficult to notify any problem
regarding the performance system.

The performance system of ‘icon’ is very smooth according to Nazia Barakat, icon Manager.
The system is based on not only the performance or result, behavior also plays an important role
in this regard. The HR department as well as the related department involved with the
performance all work together.

All the employees of ‘icon’ are very friendly. They know each other very well. They share their
daily struggles, happiness with each other. So, according to them there is less like to be chance of
ignoring each of them. Even there are some staffs who are assigned to monitor them. There are
Close Circuit Camera so that no movement miss to record. This record is used to evaluate the

Performance Management System is flawless though there is little bit problem sometimes occurs
among the employees and ultimately some of them has to face it seriously. There is less like to
be a chance of removing the wrong judgment. ‘icon’ is more concern about their working
environment, as they believe that once one has got the proper environment is there, then he/she
can feel free to give his/her best.

Through the study here we try to provide the theories that have been used here along with the
practical experiences regarding the ‘icon’. Then we suggest some solutions for the problem that
is perceived decimation.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the study ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Objective of the study ........................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Limitation of the study .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Research methodology .......................................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 2: Literature Review

2.1 Human Resource Management (HRM): ............................................................................................... 15

2.2 Performance Appraisal.......................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Results of purpose of PA: ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 Potential benefits:.................................................................................................................................. 16
2.5 Other potential benefits include: ........................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Potential Complications: ....................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Improving Performance Appraisals ...................................................................................................... 18
2.8 The Performance Appraisal Model: ...................................................................................................... 19
2.9 Performance Management (PM) ........................................................................................................... 19
2.10 Application of PM System .................................................................................................................. 20
2.11 Benefits ............................................................................................................................................... 20
2.12 Other Benefits: .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.13 The Drawbacks of Performance Management System: ...................................................................... 22
Discrimination................................................................................................................................. 22
Expensive and Time-Consuming .................................................................................................... 23
Manager's Problem.......................................................................................................................... 23
Complicated and Practical .............................................................................................................. 23
2.14 Performance Management System Model: ......................................................................................... 24
2.15 Perceived Discrimination: ................................................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER 3: Organizational Overview

3.1 Organizational Profile ........................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Vision: ................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.3 Traits: .................................................................................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER 4: Findings & Analysis

4.1 Performance Management System of ‘icon’ ................................................................................... 33
4.2 Finding out the Perceived Discrimination regarding Performance Management System of ‘icon’ 34
4.3 Sort out the Relationship pattern of Performance Management System and Perceived Value ...... 37

CHAPTER 5: Recommendation
5.0 Recommendation ............................................................................................................................ 39

CHAPTER 6: Appendix
6.0 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ A
1.1 Background of the study

In this summer 2013 trimester we were assigned to the course “Performance Appraisal
and Management”. Ms. Shayla Binta Sayeed is our course instructor. So far we have
been taught about the theoretical part regarding the performance appraisal and
management of an organization. Our course instructor believes that in this era only
bookish knowledge is not enough for the professional world. As we are going to enter
into the professional world after our graduation, we need to know the practical situational
knowledge. The reason is this knowledge will help us to cope up with the real world very
easily or we can handle the complex situation successfully.

This time our course instructor Ms. Shayla Binta Sayeed told us to focus on the telecom
sector in Bangladesh. As telecom sector is one of the challenging and dynamic sectors in
the economy of Bangladesh, the HR policies and performance appraisal will also be
dynamic. That is why we were ordered to work with this sector.

After discussing with our group members we came to a decision that we are going to
analyze the performance appraisal and management system of ‘icon’, a sister concern of
Orascom. After informing our course instructor she approved our proposal and we started
working on it.

10 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

1.2 Statement of the problem

Ms. Shayla Binta Sayeed, our course instructor gave us a instruction paper where the
topic indicated was Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived
Discrimination on Telco Sector. Here we have to focus on few important things that
were in the instruction paper. The points to be focused:

 PM System of ‘icon’
 Perceived discrimination regarding PM System in the organization
 Relationship pattern between PM System and Perceived Discrimination

1.3 Objective of the study

The main objective of this report is to make us able to relate the theoretical knowledge to
the practical knowledge. That is why it was mandatory for us to visit the organization. As
the problem was mentioned above here the objective is to solve the problem relating the
practical experiences from the real resource persons.

 If there is any problem found in ‘icon’ regarding PM system, then to find out the solution
 Finding out the actual reason of perceived discrimination
 Sorting out the relationship pattern of perceived discrimination and PM system and
providing the clear picture of it
 Identifying the desired solution

11 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

1.4 Limitation of the study

To complete any work we have to face many problems. For completing our term paper
we are facing following limitations:

 The internal and sensitive information was not found properly from the

 Published information is not up to date.

 Unavailability of enough relevant records and information

 Employees are not allowed to provide information about their practices as the
information is confidential.

 Because of Strikes and Eid vacations, we didn’t get enough time for our research

 Group members have different class schedule. As a result we have faced many
problems to meet each other.

Our chosen organization is far away from our University. For that reason, we can’t
maintain our time.

12 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

1.5 Research methodology

The methodology of this term paper is divided in two parts, Primary & Secondary. The
methods are,

 Primary:

We went to ‘icon’ office and talked with Nazia Barkat for collecting information.

 Secondary:

Secondarily, we collect information for our term paper from ours books, Internet and
website of Banglalink

13 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.1 Human Resource Management (HRM):

Human resource management is the management process

of an organization's workforce or human resources. It is
responsible for the attraction, selection, training,
assessment, monitoring and rewarding of employees.
Performance Appraisal and Management is considering a
part of Human Resource Management.

2.2 Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal is the process by which a Manager
or Consultant:

(1) Examines and

evaluates an employee's work behavior by comparing it
with preset standards,
(2) Documents the results of the comparison, and
(3) Uses the results to provide feedback to the employee to
show where improvements are needed and why.

Performance appraisals are employed to determine who needs what training, and who
will be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired.

15 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.3 Results of purpose of PA:
A central reason for the utilization of performance
appraisals (PAs) is performance improvement.

Other fundamental reasons include:

1. as a basis for employment decisions (promotions,

terminations, transfers),
2. as criteria in research (test validation), to aid with communication (allowing
employees to know how they are doing and organizational expectations),
3. to establish personal objectives for training” programs, for broadcast of objective
feedback for personal development, “
4. As a means of documentation to aid in keeping track of decisions and legal
requirements” and in wage and salary administration.
5. A PA can be part of guiding and monitoring employee career development.
6. PAs can also be used to aid in work motivation through the use of reward systems.

2.4 Potential benefits:

There are a number of potential benefits of organizational
performance management conducting formal performance
appraisals (PAs). There has been a general consensus in the
belief that PAs lead to positive implications of organizations.
Furthermore, PAs can benefit an organization’s effectiveness. One way is PAs can often
lead to giving individual workers feedback about their job performance. From this may
generate several potential benefits such as the individual workers becoming more

16 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.5 Other potential benefits include:
 Facilitation of communication: Communication in organizations is considered an
essential function of worker motivation. Fundamentally, feedback and
management-employee communication can serve as a guide in job performance.

 Enhancement of employee focus through promoting trust: Behaviors,

thoughts, and or issues may divert employees from their work, and trust issues
may be among these distracting factors.[ PAs have the ability encourage trust
within the organization.

 Goal setting and desired performance reinforcement: Organizations find it

efficient to match individual worker’s goals and performance with organizational
goals. PAs provide room for discussion in the teamwork of these individual and
organizational goals.

 Performance improvement: Well constructed PAs can be valuable tools for

communication with employees, how their job performance stands with
organizational expectations.
 Determination of training needs: “Employee training and development are
crucial components in helping an organization achieve strategic plan”. Finally,
PAs can help in the establishment and control of employees’ career goals.

17 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.6 Potential Complications:
Despite all the potential advantages of
formal performance appraisals (PAs),
there are also potential drawbacks. It has
been noted that determining the
relationship between individual job
performance and organizational
performance can be a difficult task.
Generally, there are two overarching
problems from which several
complications spawn.

 One of the problems with formal PAs is there can be unfavorable effects to the
organization involved if the appraisals are not used appropriately.
 The second problem with formal PAs is they can be ineffective if the PA system
does not match with the organizational culture and system.

2.7 Improving Performance Appraisals

Although performance appraisals can be so easily biased, there are certain steps that can
be taken to improve the evaluations and reduce the margin of errors through the

 Training - Training - Creating an awareness and acceptance in the people

conducting the appraisals that within a group of workers, they will find a wide
range in difference of skills and abilities.

18 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

 Providing Feedback to Raters - Trained raters provide managers who evaluated
their subordinates with feedback, including information on ratings from other
managers. This reduces leniency errors.

 Subordinate Participation - By allowing employee participation in the evaluation

process, there is employee-supervisor reciprocity in the discussion for any
disagreement between self ratings and supervisor ratings, thus, increasing job
satisfaction and motivation.

2.8 The Performance Appraisal Model:

2.9 Performance Management (PM)

Performance management is a systematic approach that
involves a range of activities undertaken to get the best
performance from people to achieve agency and team
objectives and individual goals.

19 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.10 Application of PM System
 This is used most often in the workplace, can apply wherever people interact —
schools, churches, community meetings, sports teams, health setting,
governmental agencies, social events and even political settings.

 It may be possible to get all employees to settle personal goals with organizational
goals and increase productivity and profitability of an organization using this

 It can be applied by organizations or a single department or section inside an

organization, as well as an individual person.

2.11 Benefits
1. Managing employee or system performance and aligning their objectives
facilitates the effective delivery of strategic and operational goals.

2. There is a clear and immediate correlation between using performance

management programs or software and improved business and organizational

3. For employee performance management, using included software, rather than a

spreadsheet based recording system, may deliver a significant return on
investment through a range of direct and indirect sales benefits, operational
efficiency benefits and by unlocking the latent potential in every employees work.

20 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.12 Other Benefits:

Direct financial gain,

 Grow sales
 Reduce costs in the organization
 Aligns the organization directly behind the CEO's
 Decreases the time it takes to create strategic or
operational changes by communicating the changes through a new set of goals
Motivated workforce

 Optimizes incentive plans to specific goals for over achievement, not just business as
 Improves employee engagement because everyone understands how they are directly
contributing to the organizations high level goals
 Create simplicity in achievement of goals
 High confidence in bonus payment process
 Professional development programs are better associated directly to achieving
business level goals.

Improved management control

 Flexible, responsive to management needs

 Displays data relationships
 Helps audit
 Simplifies communication of strategic goals

21 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.13 The Drawbacks of Performance Management System:

 Risk of Internal Competition

Under this system, employees compete
with each other for job status, position
and pay. This could amount to
backstabbing, failure among team
members to communicate efficiently and
strong employee competition. It could
lead to dysfunction of the department
and/or team, resulting in failure to
achieve performance standards.

 Discrimination
Managers and supervisors tend to trust
and depend on one employee more than
the others. This employee could be the
foreman or the team leader. This
employee is entrusted with responsibility
of explaining new job roles and duties to
other employees. It leads to disagreement
and distrust among the group members.
It causes team fraction and adversely
effects employee morale and satisfaction.
The attitude of Employee B or C will be
like: "Why should I even try, when the
boss will only trust Employee A?”

22 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

 Expensive and Time-Consuming
Performance management systems are workshops for every division and
costly, requiring a lot of administrative employee level. This turns out a costly
work, patience and time. Usually, the process.
areas impacted negatively include the
human resources department, finance
and organizational development.
Performance management demands
equipping employees with the "right"
skills and knowledge. This means
conducting wide-ranging training,
retraining and career development

 Manager's Problem
The manager is unable to perform his tasks efficiently because he spends too much time
supervising employees about their job functions. He is faced with value-based appraisal
systems. It becomes challenging and tough to decide value and performance indicators
for measurement..

 Complicated and Practical

The company ends up hiring and training
new personnel. Performance
management creates new organizational
layers. The employee population
increases. Now, instead of one team to
do a project, two teams are doing it. This
actually affects the financial structure of
the organization.

23 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

2.14 Performance Management System Model:

2.15 Perceived Discrimination:

The feeling of discrimination of employees within an organization that may happen or
not in reality. The employee actually feels the discrimination but even he/she is not
confirmed about the discrimination. When an employee feels he/she is depriving from
any facility or opportunity and another less deserved employee got the facility or
opportunity, then the term perceived discrimination is arisen in the mind of this
In reality it has seen that sometimes the discrimination is truly happened but sometimes
the feeling is raised because of the failure of the employee or for more expectation.

24 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

Reasons of Perceived discrimination:

 When the top management or supervisor is biased to any employee then the rest of
the employee feels the discrimination.
 When an employee evaluates his own performance exceedingly, then he is
expecting more. But in reality he gets less than the more expectation. Ultimately
he/she feels perceived discrimination.
 If the whole PM system is not appropriate for each and every employee then
employee may feel perceived discrimination.
 If in PM system supervisor keeps one PM method to evaluate employees
 When top management is not flexible and the given task to employee is not easy
going then he may feel such kind of discrimination.
 If employees are not knowledgeable about the PM system, after getting poor score
he can feel the discrimination.

25 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

Consequences of Perceived Discrimination:

As there is a hypothesis relationship between motivation and perceived discrimination.

And Performance Appraisal has intense impact on perceived discrimination of
There may happen two sequences:
Sequence 1 (When there is no Perceived discrimination)

Performance No perceived
Appraisal discrimination

Sequence 2 (When there is Perceived discrimination)

Performance Perceived
Appraisal Discrimination

26 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

Ways to avoid perceived discrimination:

1) In PM system supervisor Employees should know about the

should keep more than one evaluation system properly to score
PM method to evaluate more.
employee’s performance.
Then the PM system becomes
2) Top management should set a
fair PM system for each and
every employee.
3) Employees should score them
4) Top management should guide
the employees properly to do
their job and should also
flexible to employee for any
kind of co-operation.

27 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

3.1 Organizational Profile

Icon is the premium telecom brand of the country. Icon is much more than a mobile
connection. We not only provide you with a complete solution for all your mobile
telephony needs, but also add value to your lifestyle.

If you become an icon, you will be part of an exclusive, select group of highly valued
and well taken care of
clients, to whom we provide
a variety of exclusive
lifestyle facilities and
events. Banglalink GSM
Bangladesh Limited is
introducing a premium
brand Icon on 25th-
November-2 010. Icon is
such a kind of mobile
collection where you will enjoy the best facilities of mobile phone as well as different
kinds of offer for an Icon Subscriber.

3.2 Vision:
We can avail the services of the best customer care network in the country, where a team
of customer care representatives dedicated especially for icons will ensure two things.
We receive the best service, before anyone else.

While a dedicated icon manager will answer to any of our service requests right at our
doorstep - round the clock, should we ever need to visit their customer care centers, we
can enjoy a special treatment waiting for us, and receive exclusive services straight from
their care center manager's room.

29 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

A dedicated icon manager will provide us with customized solutions to all our digital
information needs including:

Unbounded communication
As an icon, we will get the most lucrative deal available to us in the country, including
access to:

 As many calls as you need to make

 Unlimited SMS
 Unlimited downloads with free internet

Loyalty scheme
Enjoy special benefits from their points plan designed exclusively for icons. Enjoy their
service to earn points; redeem our points to receive fantastic rewards!

Always stays connected with easy access to e-mail in our handset. icon managers will be
there to assist us in setting up our e-mail account or any other problem that we may face.

Easily access the world wide web through a modem or our handset. our dedicated icon
manager will aid us in choosing the solution that fits our lifestyle best.

Icon subscribers also enjoy some of the same benefits that are enjoyed by Postpaid
Unlimited subscribers, such as:
• Supplementary connections facility
• Loyalty discount
• Special discounts at various restaurants, hotels, shops etc.

30 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

3.3 Traits:

1. A dedicated Icon manager who will be one stop service point for us.
2. Will get different kinds of offer and facilities in our partner outlet all over the country.
3. Different kinds of program invitation only for Icon subscribers.
4. Will get the company service with minimum time period for different kinds of
5. As an Icon subscriber we will count as a VVIP customer.

31 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

4.1 Performance Management System of ‘icon’

In a year icon evaluates their employee’s performance twice as follows:

 Firstly semi annually

 Secondly annually.

And basis on the annually performance they promote their employees but in the semi
annually evaluation they icon gives other kinds of facilities and increments.

Though it’s very tough to get promotion but icon provides their facilities properly to their
employees based on their outstanding performance. Besides employee can make stronger
their career profile and they can make themselves able for the next promotion step.

Performance evaluation of icon

Semi annually Annually

Increasing salaries, Increment, other Promotion declaration

 Basically BL focuses on the behavior of the employees and the behavior

represents here as the performance.

 That means if the employee is doing better through the performance session then
the organization consider it rather focus on his/her ultimate result.

 Even organization helps employees to recover any kind of personal issues or

professional clashes among the organization for a certain time.

 Actually the organization provides a flexible PM system for their employees.

33 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

 Basis on the performance employees get promotion or increment. It may
sometimes little bit more time for some employees to get those opportunities. But
it does not mean that the PM system is corrupted.

Besides behavior icon considers employees attitude, dress patterns, body language, and
gesture and so on. That means icon also think about the overall personality of an
employee before promoting him,/her.

4.2 Finding out the Perceived Discrimination regarding

Performance Management System of ‘icon’

In performance system employee at first evaluates themselves and then their supervisor
evaluates the employee. But if there any kind of misunderstanding or dissatisfaction
arises then icon’s HR dept. comes forward as a mediator.

Performance evaluation in Figure:

 nn When there is no misunderstanding between Employee and supervisor :

Performance Employee’s self Supervisor evaluates

Evaluation Supervisor appraisal overall team
Evaluates whole team
Supervisor Evaluates
whole team
 When
there is dissatisfaction and misunderstanding between Employee and
Performance Employee’s self Supervisor HR department
Performance appraisal evaluates works as a
Evaluation overall mediator

34 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’
Performance Management focuses on three vital facts:

1. Internal behavior:

 Employee’s attitude

 Dress code

 Body language

 Gesture

 Behavior toward coworkers

 Employee’s attitude in case of critical situation

2. Target Fill up level:

 Employees reporting about their given project.

 Basically icon focuses on sales volume of employees.

 Performance level of employees in critical situation.

3. Employee’s competency level:

 Communication skill

 Interpersonal skill

 Reported on time

 Competency in using competency & technology

35 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

 In icon performance management system employees continuously are informed by
HR dept. HR dept. daily basis provides employees performance standards through
email to employees as well as to top management.
 Though icon has well organized and proper maintained Performance system, but
still employees feel dissatisfaction in case of promotion, supervisor feedback, and
reward system and so on.
 For example, an employee deserves promotion but after declaring promotion
he/she shows that he/she is out of the promotion list then that employee may feel
the discrimination and switch the job.
 Or, if the employee failed to fulfill the target level of the performance then the
organization does not provide any kind of facilities to that employee. In result that
employee becomes frustrated and may switch the job.
 Because of all time monitoring system employee feels hesitate to do their job
 Employee always asks to give justification on their statements. Sometimes top
management calls meeting to get information and personal opinion of the

In case of re-structuring Mgt. evaluates and give position on the basis of the alignment.
As a result some employees face promotion whereas some face demotion or rest may feel
constant situation.

36 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

4.3 Sort out the Relationship pattern of Performance
Management System and Perceived Value

When employees face perceived discrimination they switch the job. Then top
management takes some steps to fulfill the vacancy of the employee’s position.

1) In case of internally hiring:

For one position management has to choose one employee for promotion
whereas for this one position more than one employee competes against the
position. When Mgt. selects most capable one than other employees may feel
perceived discrimination. This kind of situation arises when Performance Mgt.
replaces employee internally.

2) In case of Externally hiring:

In this situation employee may feel discrimination because employee may

think Mgt. has doubt about their capabilities and employees are not competent
to perform that job.

3) Job Sharing:

To cover the performance gap of the vacant position, Mgt. distributes those
jobs to the particular employee because of this those particular employees may
feel stress or job overload.

Replacement strategy of icon Company in figure:

Steps of mgt.after
employee switching

Internally hire Externally hire Job sharing

37 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

5.0 Recommendation

1. Give appropriate reason for why the organization does not give an employee the
promotion. What is the lacking that fall him behind. And how the employee would
fill um the lacking, company must give him some suggestion and way to recover

2. Motivate the employee through giving him praise, reward, bonus and appropriate
feedback in details about his work performance. So he or she cannot switch the

3. Organization or icon department can make a monthly survey of employee

motivation, satisfaction and dissatisfaction level.

4. Do not fall the employee I routine life. Sometime, give them some break or
entertainment facility in the office, so that they work with fresh mind.

5. Listening when employees have something important to say.

6. Giving employees credit for their ideas.

7. Showing concern for employees' career progress and providing clear instructions
about his duties and responsibilities. So that employee can play appropriate role of
his job.

8. Fair Evaluation by Supervisor.

39 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

9. Providing training to employees.

10. Taking personal interview of employees.

11. Arranging meeting session before evaluation.

12. Setting PM system by getting option of the employees.

13. Replacing position from internal sources then think about external to fill up ripple

14. Do job sharing. But also see that it should not causes of employee burn out.

15. Set a perfect performance standard according to the position and it must be fair for

Showing concern for employees' career progress and providing clear instructions about
his duties and responsibilities. So that employee can play appropriate role of his job.

40 | Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination ‘icon’

Performance Management Practices and Its Impact on Perceived Discrimination

6.0 Appendix

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7:

Reference 8:

Reference 9:


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