I Cried My Eyes Out

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Morota, Arabella Nicole S.

BSM 1-1
As I watched the video compilations, I got emotional. I cried at the very first
video. I’ve already seen some of the ads but they never failed to make me cry my
eyes out again. Many of them were about love for family, teachers and for the
people around you. The advertisements that touched my heart the most are the
Breeze ad, the Jollibee ad, and the Coca-Cola ad. The Breeze ad is all about the
mothers who’ve seen their children having dirty clothes after school. At the first,
they got a little bit mad at their kids because they thought they got dirty because
of playing and also as we all know, it is difficult to wash dirty clothes. However,
the parents got surprised when they learned where their kids got their clothes. It
really made my heart happy when they helped the old man lift and move his stuff
even though his things were covered with mud and dirt. At their age, they already
know how to be a good citizen by helping those who are in need. I feel proud for
the parents who raised them. I am also moved by the Jollibee ad. It is about a
boy who graduated as valedictorian. In his valedictorian speech, he shows his
appreciation to his mother who raised her despite of the struggles of being a
single parent. He also gave his medals to his mother as a gratitude for all of the
things she did. This advertisement made me realize that we should be grateful
for the things our parents did for us. it made me love my parents even more. Last
but definitely not the least is the Coca-Cola ad which is about the employees who
work until Christmas or holidays. It was discussed there how they miss being with
their families on Christmas day. Hence, in appreciation for their dedication to
their works despite of the struggles, good Samaritans gave them presents. This
advertisement made me appreciate that kind of employees more. We must be
grateful when did a great job and a little patient when they made some mistakes.
We must be appreciative to them specially on holidays because they miss
spending their time with their families.
Being a good citizen does not have an age requirement. You can be a
good citizen regardless of your age. The world would be a better place to live in if
we start being good to the people around us. we should treat people with

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