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Dawson VanLaeys

Period 5


Orgional Prompt

The orgional prompt of our essay on Romeo and Juliet, is to show a theme of the two characters

developing in the story. I chose to show how the teo grow apart from their families and began to

change their devotions into love for others.

Scholarship Revised Essay

In a love that can not be broken two young lovers must face many challenges and hold

thei rbond together. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare

develops Romeo’s character through showing his devoted loyalty to Juliet’s love. Juliet’s

character by how feelings of love towards family shift toward Romeo. These character traits are

revealed throughout the developments made in the characters love for eachother. These traits

releval the theme of a strong love coming before family.

In the beginning of the novel, Romeo was love struck for a young girl named Rosaline

before his love for Juliet developed and Romeo’s loyalty was to Rosaline before his family

members. One quote I can use to prove this is, when Romeo is talking to his cousin Benvolio

about why he is sad, “Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still”(1.1. 170-171). This quote

talks about how, Romeo is in love with Rosaline who does not love him back, He is talking to

Benvolio one of his family members but Romeo will still not tell Benvolio who he loves.This

reveals the theme Romeo values his love for someone else over telling his very own family

members the truth. Another quote to produce the theme, is when Romeo is still talking to

Benvolio, “Tut, I have lost myself, I am not here”(1.1.195). This quote means that Romeo is
depressed and feeling that he is losing himself to his feelings over Rosaline. Romeo is feeling

down on himself over a love that has just begun and may not be his true feelings. Romeo is

describing how he feels to Benvolio but he still will not tell Benvolio who he is feeling it for, this

reveals the theme by not expressing himself with his family. Romeo also hasn't listened to his

family’s problems such as, Benvolio’s fight. These quotes prove in this paragraph, how Romeo

feels and the values he hold before his relationship with Juliet are still love over family.

In the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was loyal to her family and thier name before

she met Romeo. One quote to prove this is, when Juliet is in her room with Romeo when they

first meet and her nurse needs her, “Nurse calls within”(2.2.131). Juliet's nurse calls for her and

Juliet goes to her call and leaves Romeo. Juliet is still respecting her family and their servants,

placing them at a higher status then she has Romeo. Another quote I found is, when Juliet is

talking to her mother about marriage, “ It is an honor that I have dreamt not of”(1.3.67). Juliet

has not yet thought of marrying another person, leaving her family. Juliet is still showing loyalty

to her family and her families name. These quotes provide evidence for how Juliet was before

and the at beginning of meeting Romeo and her relationship with her family. This connects to the

theme Juliet still values her family before love. Juliet held values of family and friends over her

values of love.

Towards the end of the book, Romeo has changed from his time with Rosaline and his

family life has improved. This also discusses how Juliet has changed from before Romeo and her

relationships and the way she interacts with her family. One quote I can use to prove this calim is

when Juliet is talking to Romeo from her balcony, “ without that title, Romeo, doff thy name…”

(2.2.45). Juliet wants Romeo to change his name so she doesn't have to have the name of her

family's worst enemies. Juliet is willing to leave her family for him but not to accept the enemy
families name. One quote for Romeo is, when he is talking to Juliet while she is standing on her

balcony, “ Neither, fair maid, If they dislike”(2.2.60). This quote shows how Romeo is willing to

sacrifice his families name for Juliet to be willing to join him in marriage. This shows how the

two are willing to leave their families to love eacher and that is a task both are accepting to take.

In this paragraph I proved how Juliet's perspective on her family and family name has changed.

Juliet’s interactions with her family, and how Romeo help to develop her character

throught the story help to refine the central idea of love coming before family. Her converstaions

with her mother show how she is witty and understands conversations well, her first encounter

with Romeo help to display her romanticness. Romeos poems and word choice shows how he is

romantic. Throught the story Shakespeare devolps these characters to a deeper level than is just

seen with the bare eye. Shakespeare’s central ideas and word choices make his stories gems.

Original Essay


Mrs. Stro

9th Grade ELA

29 November 2017

Romeo and Juliet Mid-Unit Assessment

Two star crossed lovers must maintain their bond, love that cannot be broken, through the

dangers they face. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare develops

Romeo’s character through showing his loyalty to love. Juliet’s character by how her loyalty to

her family changes to loyalty to Romeo. These character traits are revealed through the story.

This reveals the theme of love coming before family.

In the beginning of what we read,Romeo was love struck for Rosaline before Juliet and his

loyalty was to love before family. One quote I can use to prove this is, when Romeo is talking to

his cousin Benvolio about why he is sad, “Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still”(1.1.

170-171). This quote talks about how, Romeo is in love with Rosaline who doesn't love him

back, He is talking to Benvolio one of his family members but he still will not tell him who he is

in love with. This reveals the theme Romeo values love for someone else over his own family.

Another quote to prove this is, when Romeo is still talking to Benvolio, “Tut, I have lost myself,

I am not here”(1.1.195). This quote means that Romeo is depressed and feeling that he is losing

himself because of Rosaline. Romeo is depressed over a love that has just started and may not be

real feelings. Romeo is describing how he feels to Benvolio but he still will not tell Benvolio

who he is feeling it for, this reveals the theme by not expressing himself with his family. Romeo

also hasn't listened to his family’s problems such as, Benvolio’s fight. These quotes prove in this

paragraph, how Romeo feels and his values before Juliet and how his relationship is with his


In the Beginning of what we read, Juliet was loyal to her family before Romeo and her

devotion to her family name. One quote to prove this is, when Juliet is in her room with Romeo

when they first meet and her nurse needs her, “Nurse calls within”(2.2.131). Juliet's nurse calls

for her and Juliet goes to her call and leaves Romeo. Juliet is still respecting her family and her

family is going before love. Another quote I an use is, when juliet is talking to her mother about

marriage, “ It is an honor that I have dreamt not of”(1.3.67). Juliet has not yet thought about

marrying anyone. Juliet is still loyal to her family and her families name. These quotes prove

how Juliet was before and the beginning of meeting Romeo and her relationship with her family.
This connects to the theme Juliet still values her family before love. Juliet still has values becides

love and Romeo.

Towards the end of what we read, Romeo has changed from before Juliet and his

relationship with his family, and how Juliet has changed from before Romeo and her relationship

with her family. One quote I can prove for Juliet is, when she is talking to Romeo from her

balcony, “ without that title, Romeo, doff thy name…” (2.2.45). Juliet wants Romeo to change

his name so she doesn't have to have the name of her family's worst enemies. Juliet is willing to

leave her family for him but not to the enemy. One quote for Romeo is, when he is talking to

Juliet while she is on her balcony, “ Neither, fair maid, If they dislike”(2.2.60). This quote shows

how Romeo will change either one of his names or both if Juliet does not like them. This shows

how they will now leave their families to love eacher and that is all they want now. In this

paragraph I proved how Juliet's perspective on her family and family name has changed.

Juliet’s interactions with her family, and Romeo help develop her character throught the story

and help refine the central idea of love coomes before family. Her converstaions with her mother

show she is witty and understands things well, her first encounter with Romeo help display her

romanticness. Romeos poems and word choice shows how he is romantic. Throught the story

Shakespeare devolps these characters. Shakespeares central ideas and word choices make his

stories gems.

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