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Dawson VanLaeys

Period 5


19 April, 2021

Reflection Essay Prompt 1

The pandemic and Covid 19 has had a major change to my outlook on life, this pandemic

has had many impacts on my life as well, many negative and many positive. Some negative

impacts the pandemic has had on me include, the loss of sports, just starting to pick up lacrosse

and the season being cut to only four games, as well as losing an entire hockey season while my

friends from other states had a normal final season. Covid lockdowns have had a positive impact

on me because I was able to take the time and get two steady jobs for the majority of our time in

the pandemic. I have gained much more family time and taken the time to figure out who my

close friends are, I have also realized that my grades began to go down as i fell into the swing of

online school, the transition back to school has also been hard because it’s new all over

again.During the pandemic i also took the time to work on my physical health and change my

eating habits as many fast food places were not open we would eat many more home cooked

meals. My family has started new traditions, with my brother being gone to college, it has just

been me and my parents which is a whole new dynamic for all of us, we began to have more

family at home dinners and appreciate their company a lot more than before. Not being able to

see people has made me much more appreciative of the time I am able to spend with friends and

people not in my immediate family. I never realized how much social interactions were a part of

my life until they all came to a screeching stop.

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