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 Etimology

According to Kridalaksana (2011: 91), implicature is the logical conclusion of a sentence, as well as the
shared history of knowledge between the speaker and the hearer in a given context.

 Terminology

The elements outside of the text, according to Brown and Yule (1983: 27), are implicature. Returning to
the original definition, it is clear that the relationship between the two prepositions – speech and
implication – is not a one-to-one correspondence (Parker, 1986: 21). The absence of such a relationship
can actually connect conversational act so that the conversation can run smoothly and succeed

Based on the previously described definition, implicature can be characterized as follows: (1) the
inference is not specified explicitly, (2) has no absolute relationship with realized utterances, (3) involves
extralinguistic elements, (4) is open to interpretation, and (5) occurs as a result of obedience or
disobedience to the cooperative principles in the conversation.

 Example and analysis

The following is an example of conversational implicature taken from Bahasa Indonesia.

(5) A: (Saya mau ke belakang) Ada kamar kecil di sini?

B: Ada, kan memang semua kamarnya kecil-kecil.

(6) A: (Saya mau ke belakang) Permisi pak, mau minta ijin ke belakang sebentar.

B: Belakang sekolah atau belakang kelas?

(7) A: (Saya merasa lapar) Ada warung di sekitar sini?

B: Ada di ujung jalan sana.

In conversation examples (5) and (6), cooperative values are violated, although there is no violation in
conversation example (7). Since response B does not provide true facts, Example (5) violates the
consistency maxim. Example (6) contradicts the quantity maxim since A only asks for B's approval, but B
responds with a response that is longer than what A expects. The sample (7), on the other hand, has
complied with the consistency maxim by providing a true response.

 Conclusion

Conversational implicature is considered a crucial topic and the most basic feature of pragmatics
research. It occurs because the existence of implicature is needed to connect communication and clarify
language facts that are not protected by structural linguistics theories. Furthermore, the capacity to
recognize and comprehend the implications of an utterance is a sign of conversational performance. The
presence of various forms of implicature demonstrates how subtle and nuanced a statement is.

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