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Tutorial Letter 101/0/2021

Classroom Management


Year module

Department of Educational
Leadership and Management

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


1 INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULE ............................................................................................ 3

2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 7
3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Department .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 University .................................................................................................................................... 10
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Recommended books: ................................................................................................................ 10
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................ 11
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES .............................................................................................. 12
6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................. 13
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ................................................... 13
8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Assessment criteria..................................................................................................................... 13
8.2 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 13
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 14
8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 14
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ......................................................................................................... 13
8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................ 13
8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 13
8.6 The assignments ........................................................................................................................ 13
8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 19
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 19
10 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 18
12 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................... 18

CMG3701 101/0/2021

Dear Student

A word of welcome
We welcome you to the module Classroom Management (CMG3701). We hope that
you will find this module meaningful, enriching and relevant to your own classroom
practice. The purpose of this tutorial letter is to direct your exploration of your role as
a classroom manager by highlighting important aspects in the prescribed book and providing
activities which should enhance your knowledge and skills. Study this tutorial letter and the
relevant sections in your prescribed book thoroughly to familiarise yourself with the terminology.
Do extra reading to ensure that you develop informed opinions on selected topics creatively,
critically and independently.

In this module we inspire you to participate in a practical way.


The purpose of this module is to explore the roles of the teacher as leader, manager and
administrator. It explores issues that will be critical to successful classroom management and
leadership within the context of legal governing principles.
A key competence is effective classroom management in different educational contexts. All
teachers need good classroom management skills to be able to cope with the increasing demands
on education, schools and instructional practice. They also need to be aware of various elements
that need to be considered in classroom management.

This module will guide your intellectual, scientific and professional development by training you
in select aspects such as the following:

• Management in the context of the classroom.

• Functions of classroom management (planning, organising, leading, controlling, policy

development and implementation, decision-making, communicating and motivating).

• Elements that need to be considered in classroom management (arranging the

environment; creating a positive climate; organising and conducting teaching; organising
learner activities; maintaining positive discipline; managing conflict; managing homework;
managing administration; managing parental involvement; managing relationships; acting
professionally; self-management and being knowledgeable about legal provisions
regulating the management of learners).

[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]

• Analysing published research reports, legal documents and articles.

• Assuming roles and taking stances that are justified by pertinent reference to theory, policy,
legal provisions, observed practice and personal experience.

• Following different strategies for engagement in policy and practice in diverse contexts.

• Managing learning environments democratically; ensuring a safe teaching and learning

environments conducive to fostering creative and critical thinking.

• Disciplining learners in ways that are firm, fair and promote growth.

• Creating learning environments that are sensitive to different cultures, languages, genders
and other features of diversity.

• Resolving conflict situations within classrooms in an ethical and sensitive way.

• Managing yourself, your time, your physical space and your resources and helping
learners to do the same.

• Acting as leaders in the teaching and learning environment.

• Practising continuous professional development.

• Developing an appraisal system for professional development.

• Following an Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS).

Your professional development as a classroom leader and manager cannot be achieved based
on theoretical content alone; knowledge must be supplemented with practical implementation; in
other words, you must integrate theory and practical experience. This means that when
completing the activities presented in the study guide, you should always relate them to your own
experience as a teacher; or think back to classroom situations when you were at school: you still
have to do teaching practice as part of your studies. This module will teach you various skills and
to perform activities that will be expected of you during your teaching internship.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

• Discuss, compare and implement key ideas and debates on issues related to effective
classroom management.

• Adopt in a flexible manner a variety of classroom management roles and strategies in

response to changing teaching and learning needs and contexts.

• Identify, justify and apply varied strategies for effective classroom management in ways that
are appropriate for different purposes and contexts.

• Identify and discuss the legal provisions regulating the management of learners.

CMG3701 101/0/2021

After completing this course, you should be able to demonstrate competence in all the
stated learning outcomes. You will note that the study guide is organised according to
the outcomes with the use of the following headings, sub-headings and icons to guide
you through this study guide.


2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this module is to explore the roles of the teacher as leader, manager and
administrator. It explores issues that will be critical to successful classroom management
and leadership within the context of legal governing principles.
A key competence is effective management of the classroom in different educational contexts. All
teachers need good classroom management skills to be able to cope with the increasing
demands on education, schools and instructional practice. They also need to be aware of
various elements that need to be considered in classroom management.

This module will guide your intellectual, scientific and professional development by training you
in select aspects, such as the following:

• Management in the context of the classroom.

• Functions of classroom management (planning, organising, leading, controlling, policy

development and implementation, decision-making, communicating and motivating).

• Elements that need to be considered in classroom management (arranging the

environment; creating a positive climate; organising and conducting teaching; organising
learner activities; maintaining positive discipline; managing conflict; managing homework;
managing administration; managing parental involvement; managing relationships; acting

[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]

professionally; self-management and being knowledgeable about legal provisions
regulating the management of learners).

• Analysing published research reports, legal documents and articles.

• Assuming roles and taking stances that are justified by pertinent reference to theory, policy,
legal provisions, observed practice and personal experience.

• Practising different strategies for engagement in policy and practice in diverse contexts.

• Managing learning environments democratically, ensuring safe and conducive teaching

and learning environments that foster creative and critical thinking.

• Disciplining learners in ways that are firm, fair and promote growth.

• Creating learning environments that are sensitive to different cultures, languages, gender
and other features of diversity.

• Resolving conflict situations within classrooms in an ethical and sensitive way.

• Managing yourself, your time, your physical space and your resources and assisting
learners to do the same.

• Acting as leaders in the teaching and learning environment.

• Practising continuous professional development.

• Developing an appraisal system for professional development.

• Applying an integrated Quality Management System (IQMS).

Your professional development as a classroom leader and manager cannot be achieved based
on theoretical content alone – knowledge must be supplemented with practical
implementation; in other words, you must integrate theory and practical experience. This
means that when completing the activities presented in this study guide you should always
relate them to your own experience as a teacher or reflect on classroom situations when
you were at school; you still have to do teaching practice as part of your studies. This

CMG3701 101/0/2021

module will teach you various skills and to perform activities that will be expected of you
during your teaching internship.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

• Discuss, compare and implement key ideas and debates on issues related to effective
classroom management.

• Adopt in a flexible manner a variety of classroom management roles and strategies in

response to changing teaching and learning needs and contexts.

• Identify, justify and apply varied strategies for effective classroom management in ways that
are appropriate for different purposes and contexts.

• Identify and discuss the legal provisions regulating the management of learners.
2.2 Outcomes
The outcomes of this module are, broadly indicated, as follows:

• Discuss, compare and implement key ideas and debates on issues related to effective
classroom management.

• Adopt a variety of classroom management roles and strategies in response to changing

teaching and learning needs and contexts in a flexible manner.

• Identify, justify and apply varied strategies for effective classroom management in ways that
are appropriate for different purposes and contexts.

• Identify and discuss the legal provisions regulating the management of learners.


3.1 Lecturer(s)
The lecturers responsible for this module are as follows:
Please direct all your enquiries for Part 1: Introduction to classroom management to:
Dr K Prins
AJH van der Walt Building 6-69
Tel: 012 429 8854
Dr MT Lekalakala
AJH Van Der Walt Building, Room 6-83
Tel: 012 429 2181

[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]

Please direct all enquiries for Part 2: Introduction to South African Education Law to:
Prof VP Mahlangu
AJH Van der Walt Building, Room 6-105
Tel: 012 429 8550

Ms MR Mabusela
AJH Van Der Walt Building, Room 7-20
Tel: 012 429 4474
Should there be changes to the lecturers involved in this module it will be announced in a tutorial
letter early in 2018.

3.2 Department
All queries about the content of this module ( not administrative queries) should be directed
to us. Please have your study material with you when youcontact us. E-mail
and telephone numbers are included above, but you are also welcome to write to us.
Letters should be sent to:
The Module Coordinator (CMG3071)
Department of Educational Management and Leadership
PO Box 392
PLEASE NOTE: Do not enclose letters to lecturers with your assignments.

3.3 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module,
please consult the brochure Study @ Unisa that you received with your study material. This
brochure contains information on how to contact the University ( who to write to for different

CMG3701 101/0/2021

queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain
facilities are open).

4.1 Prescribed book:
Coetzee, SA, Van Niekerk, EJ, Wydeman, JL & Mokoena, SP. 2019. The teacher as
classroom manager. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
You are advised to purchase this prescribed book immediately since you need it to do your
assignments and for your examination preparations.
Important: Make sure that it is the second edition that you obtain.
The Department of Despatch should supply you with the following study material for this module:

• Only Study Guide for CMG3701: Classroom Management

• ?>>Author please add information.DM<<

• Tutorial Letter 101 and Study guide

Please note: The study guide for this module will help you in your study of the syllabus; it is an
additional source that you can use for completing your assignments. The examination questions
will come from your prescribed book.
Apart from Tutorial Letter 101, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the year. These
tutorial letters will not necessarily be available at the time of registration. You will receive tutorial
letters (. for feedback on assignments) electronically on myUnisa as soon as they are available
or needed. Through the postal system it will take longer to reach you.
If you have access to the internet, you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the
modules for which you are registered on the university’s online campus, myUnisa, at
4.2 Recommended books:
Kruger, AG & Van Schalkwyk, OJ. 1997. Classroom management. Revised edition. Pretoria:
Van Schaik.
Rika Joubert (Editor), 2015. The Law of Education in South Africa. 3 rd Edition. Pretoria: Van
Additional sources for education law
At the request of some of our students, we have included information on additional sources for
education law. Please note that these books are neither prescribed nor recommended.
They provide background reading for students who wish to read more widely. The Library may
not keep these books and you may therefore find them difficult to obtain. You should further
note that the Library does not provide photocopies of sections of these books:
Basson, AC, Christianson, MA, Garbersk, C, Le Roux, PAK, Mischke, C & Strydom, EML.
2005. Essential labour law. 4th edition. Centurion: Labour Law Publications.

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Boshoff, E & Morkel, P. 1999. Juta’s education law and policy handbook. Kenwyn: Juta.
Burns, Y & Beukes, M. 2006. Administrative law under the 1996 Constitution. Durban:
Currie, I & De Waal, J. 2005. The Bill of Rights handbook. Lansdowne: Juta.
De Groof, J, Malherbe, R & Sachs, A. 2000. Constitutional implementation in South Africa.
Ghent: Mys & Breesch.
Joubert, R & Bray, E (eds). 2007. Public school governance in South Africa. Pretoria: CELP.
Joubert, R & Prinsloo, S. 2001. Education law: a practical guide for educators. Pretoria: Van
Kleyn, D & Viljoen, F. 1998. Beginner's guide for law students. 2nd edition. Kenwyn: Juta.
Neethling, J, Potgieter, JM & Visser, PJ. 2002. Law of delict. 4th edition. Durban: Butterworths.
Oosthuizen, IJ (ed). 2009. Aspects of educational law. 4th edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
Oosthuizen, IJ, Rossouw, JP & De Wet, A. 2004. Introduction to education law. Pretoria: Van
Rautenbach, IJ & Malherbe, EFJ. 1994. Your rights in the Constitution. Johannesburg: Rand
Afrikaans University.
Taylor, BB. 1996. Education and the law: a dictionary. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Sometimes students ask lecturers to send them copies of specific Acts such as the
Constitution, the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, the Employment of Educators Act 76
of 1998 or the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995. Unfortunately, we cannot help you. All these
Acts are bound in the Butterworths volumes of statutes in the Unisa law library (and other law
libraries), but these are reference works and cannot be borrowed by students. Your school or
district offices should also have a set of education legislation. If you do not have access to
education legislation and want to order your own copies, you should inquire from the
Government Printer at the following address:
Tel. 012 334 4508/09/10
FAX: 012 323 9574


CMG3701 101/0/2021

You do not have to buy any of the legislation mentioned. The prescribed book, study
guide and tutorial letters are the only compulsory study material for this section of the
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)
E-reserves can be downloaded from the Library catalogue. More information is available at:
4.4 Library services and resources information
For brief information, go to

For detailed information, go to the Unisa website at and click on Library.

The library has compiled a number of library guides:

• finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves –
• requesting material –
• how to contact the library/finding us on social media/frequently asked questions –
Recommended guides:

• request and find library material/download recommended material:
• postgraduate information services:
• finding and using library resources and tools:
• Frequently asked questions about the Library:
• Services to students living with disabilities:

Important contact information:

• – Ask a Librarian

• – technical problems accessing library online services
• - general library related queries
• – for queries related to library fines and payments


The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on myUnisa:
This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed in distance learning,
specifically at Unisa.

[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]

Refer to the Study @ Unisa brochure for guidance on time management and planning skills. Take
your study of this module very seriously as it is presented on SAQA Level 7 and many students
find it difficult to pass.



8.1 Assessment criteria
The markers will closely note whether Assignments 01 and 02 comply with the technical, content
and scientific criteria which are provided for this assignment. It is specifically important that you
answer the question(s)in a logical and systematic way.
You will also get feedback on these assignments in a tutorial letter, which you may use for self-
evaluation purposes. You will receive the answers to Assignments 01 and 02, as soon as the
marking process has been completed.
8.2 Assessment plan
The assignments form an integral part of the assessment plan; therefore, both assignments are
compulsory. To gain entrance to the examination you need to submit both assignments for the
It is most important that you do both assignments because they count towards your year mark.
Assignment 01 (10%) and Assignment 02 (10%); so, try to do them very well because these
assignments count 20% towards your final mark for this module. Your year mark is calculated
on the basis of your mark for Assignment 01 and Assignment 02.
Your type of assignment questions provide an indication of the type of examination questions,
except that they will be in a structured format ( paragraph-type questions) in order to cover all
the content of the module. You will receive separate tutorial letters (TL 201 and TL 202) with
guidelines on the examination, and in paragraph 8.8 of this tutorial letter you also find provisional
guidelines on your examination preparation which will enable you to start preparing early.
Tutors may also set additional tasks and give feedback to students who participate in tutorial
sessions. If you are involved in the tutoring system, we encourage you to take part actively in the
online discussions.
8.3 Assignment numbers
8.3.1 General assignment numbers
In this module you should submit two compulsory assignments: Assignment 01 and
Assignment 02. Make very sure that you submit the correct assignments according to the
sections of the module.

CMG3701 101/0/2021

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

Assignment number Unique number

01 775739

02 505412

8.4 Assignment due dates

Take careful note of the following closing dates for Assignments 01 and 02. No extension can
be granted for Assignments 01 and 02. Extension will only be considered if solid reasons are
provided with related documentary proof, for example a doctor’s certificate.

Assignment number Unique number Due date

01 775739 19APRIL 2021

02 505412 29July 2021

8.5 Submission of assignments

You may submit written assignments by post or electronically via myUnisa. We recommend the
use of myUnisa. Assignments must not be submitted by fax or email. For detailed information
and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure Study @ Unisa, which
you received with your study material.
To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

• Go to myUnisa.
• Log in with your student number and password.
• Select the module.
• Click on assignments in the menu on the left.
• Click on the assignment number you want to submit.
• Follow the instructions on the screen.
8.6 The assignments
Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student must write
and submit his or her own individual assignment. In other words, you must submit your own
ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersed with relevant, short quotations that are
properly referenced. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the
basis that they worked together. This is copying (a form of plagiarism) and none of these
assignments will be marked. Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary
proceedings by the university.
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ASSIGNMENT 01: (Compulsory)
(Assignment 01 unique number:)

Due date: 19 April 2021

This assignment is compulsory and constitutes 10% of your year mark. Any extension
request for Assignment 01 will only be considered if solid reasons are provided
beforehand with related documentary proof, for example a doctor’s certificate.
Answer all the questions (Questions 1-4).
Question 1
Read prescribed book pp 22-24: focus on paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.1.2

The creation of desirable conditions under which learners can excel requires the
formulation of a vision that will act as a directive inspiration for all classroom activities
that have to be performed.

In light of the above statement, answer the following questions:

1. Formulate a vision and mission statement for your class.
2. How will your class vision and mission contribute towards creating desirable conditions
under which learners can excel?
3.Msila(2008:70-71) emphasised that the African philosophy of Ubuntu is the
interconnectedness and inter-dependence of humans. Based on the above statement, how
can a teacher use this philosophy to promote the establishment of a common vision and
mission to align the vision and the mission in schools and classrooms?

Question 2
Read prescribed book pp 24-25: focus on paragraph 4.1.3

The promotion of values in the classroom can contribute towards establishing a

classroom climate and culture that is conducive to effective teaching and learning.

Now answer the following questions:

1. will the teacher as leader go about
• identifying desirable values?
• nurturing desirable values?
• modelling desirable values?
2. Discuss how a teacher can promote the African Ubuntu values of humanity, caring, sharing,
respect and compassion to build a classroom atmosphere conducive to effective teaching and

CMG3701 101/0/2021

Question 3
Read prescribed book page 29 (paragraph and page 53 to 55 (paragraph 6.1) for
background information.
1. How would you, as a classroom leader, motivate learners from a disadvantaged socio-
economic setting by applying these Ubuntu principles (Malunga, 2006:3; Msila
• Participatory leadership and decision-making in their class
• The sharing and collective ownership of opportunities, responsibilities and
challenges in their classroom.
• The importance of people and relationships over things in the classroom.

Question 4
Read prescribed book pp 31-32 (paragraph 4.2.4)
1. Describe the basic characteristics of leadership styles: the autocratic, participative and
laissez-faire leadership on the web to describe the type of leadership style(s) that you display
as a teacher.
2. In what way can the Ubuntu philosophy influence your exercise of leadership style?

You must consult your prescribed book (which must be purchased in time) and can also consult
your study guide, recommended books and/or other relevant sources to answer the following
question. Take note of the following guidelines on writing structured essay assignments:

• Provide a table of contents.

• Use headings and subheadings for the various sections of the assignment.
• First write an introduction, indicating briefly what the main focus points of the assignment will
• The content of your assignment should be presented scientifically; that is, references must
be provided for the sources used. The more references to a variety of sources, the better.
Your assignment must not be a mere compilation of information from your prescribed book.
• Use the information to draw your own logical conclusions, otherwise the assignment will be
a mere compilation of the content of the sources used.
• The assignment should be provided with a summary of your conclusions at the end.
• Pay attention to the various sections of the assignment according to the mark allocation.
• Provide a bibliography of all the sources consulted in writing your assignment. The more
sources used (books, articles in scientific journals, circular letters from education
departments, educational Acts, newspaper articles etc.), the better.
• Your total assignment (classroom management and education law sections), including the
table of contents and bibliography, must not be longer than nine pages (typed or written).
[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]


ASSIGNMENT 02: (Compulsory)
(Assignment 02 unique number:)
19July 2021
This assignment is compulsory and constitutes 10% of your year mark. Any extension
request for Assignment 01 will only be considered if solid reasons are provided beforehand
with related documentary proof; that is, a doctor’s certificate.
Answer all the questions (questions 1-3)
Describe the following concept and principles:
1.1 Explain negligence by means of examples (2)
1.2 Describe ‘procedurally fair’ by means of an example (2)
1.3 Clarify what is meant by ‘Audi alteram partem’ (2)
1.4 Simplify the nemo iudex in sua causa principle (2)
1.5 On which two principles are the rules of natural justice based? (2)


2.1 Explain the concept “duty of care” and give examples. (5)

2.2 Discuss human dignity [section 10 in the Bill of Rights] in the classroom as this provision
recognises the right of people to be treated with respect and dignity. (5)

2.3 In terms of section 7(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, everyone including
teachers and parents have the duty to respect, protect and fulfil learners’ right to education.
Discuss the statement in line with the following: availability, accessibility, acceptability and
adaptability (5)



The trial will see two Cape Town sisters testify against the people they allege abused them when
they were children in the 1970s. It is a 45-year old case, and the oldest at the moment.. It is the
first test case after the overturning ruling by the Constitutional Court on reporting sexual
3.1 Write an Essay about a classroom free from sexual misconduct, the Constitution and sexual
misconduct, legislation regulating sexual misconduct, the Employment of Educators Act 76 of

CMG3701 101/0/2021

1998 (section 17(1) (as amended by section 10 of the Education laws Amendment Act 53 of
2000; and discuss about misconduct. (25)

Question 4

Why should an educator as a classroom manager have knowledge of education law and of what
use can such knowledge be to the educator? (10)

Question 5

Distinguish between differentiation, discrimination and unfair discrimination by giving examples

from situations in the classroom that would constitute differentiation, discrimination and unfair
discrimination respectively. (20)

You may consult your study guide, prescribed book (that must be purchased in time), recommended
books and/or other relevant sources to answer the assignments. Take note of the following guidelines
on writing structured essay assignments:

• Provide your assignment with a table of contents.

• Use headings and subheadings for the various sections of the assignment.
• First write an introduction, indicating briefly what the main focus points of the assignment will be.
• The content of your assignment should be presented scientifically; that is, references must be
provided for the sources used. The more references to a variety of sources, the better. Your
assignment must not be a mere compilation of information from your prescribed book.

• Use the information to draw your own logical conclusions, otherwise the assignment will be a
mere compilation of the content of the sources used.
• The assignment should be provided with a summary of your conclusions at the end.
• Pay attention to the various sections of the assignments according to the mark allocation.
• Provide a bibliography of all the sources consulted in writing your assignments. The more sources
used (books, articles in scientific journals, circular letters from education departments,
educational Acts, newspaper articles, etc.), the better.

8.7 Other assessment methods

This module is offered in a year period of 30 weeks. This means that if you are registered for the
module, you will write the examination in October/November 2021; and the supplementary
examination will be written in May/June 2022.

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The examination paper for CMG3701 consists of Section A: Introduction to classroom
management and Section B: Introduction to South African education law. The paper counts
100 marks and the duration is two hours. As the duration of your paper for CMG3071 is two hours;
you have only one hour for each section. This implies that you will have to know your content and
work fast and efficiently to complete all the questions.
During the year, the Examination Section will provide you with information on the examination in
general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times.
To help you prepare for the examination, you will receive Tutorial Letter 201 and 202 that will
explain the format of the examination paper; give you information on the type of questions that you
may expect; and clearly set out the material you have to study for examination purposes. These
tutorial letters will usually be uploaded on myUnisa about six weeks before your examination date.
NB: In terms of a decision reached by the College, examination questions should be based on all
the work covering the notional hours of modules. Therefore, we indicate here that the notional
hours for CMG3017 cover the study guide and chapters from your prescribed book:
Part A: Effective Classroom Management: Chapters 1-8
Part B: Managing Classrooms Legally: Chapters 9 – 14.
In instances where competencies or skills are assessed differently during the tuition period, the
various methods of assessment will be spelled out clearly by the lecturer in Tutorial Letter 201 and
According to Assessment Procedure Manual 2013, paragraph 4.5.2(e), the examination memoranda
(guidelines, rubrics, and so forth) shall not be made available to students.


The Study @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of most relevant information.

If you have difficulties with your studies, please contact your lecturer(s) as soon as possible -
in writing, by e-mail or by telephone. You are also welcome to visit us personally during office
hours from Monday to Friday. However, please make an appointment beforehand.

Your lecturers are aware that this module is challenging; therefore, you are advised to do your best
in it. Good luck with your studies!

Prof VP Mahlangu
Dr EK Prins
Ms MR Mabusela
CMG3701 101/0/2021

Dr MT Lekalakala.

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