Iggy Actual Actual GDD Chilly Wars

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Chilly Wars

Ignacio Cortez

Table of Contents

Cover Page -------------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 1

Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 2

Working Title and Genre ------------------------------------------------ Pg. 3

Target Audience --------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 4

Story & Characters: Idea ----------------------------------------------- Pg. 5

Art: All Sketches ------------------------------------------------------- Pg.6-8

Gameplay ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 9

Rules ---------------------------------------------------------------- Pg. 10-11

Cover Letter to Producers --------------------------------------------- Pg. 12

Working Title & Genre

The title for this game is Chilly Wars. The idea for the name of the
game came from the setting, characters, and the premise of the game.
Chilly Wars is a strategy-based game based on the game Chess. In Chilly
Wars players need to incorporate their logic and reasoning skills in order
to surpass their opponents.

Target Audience

Chilly Wars is targeted to players between the ages of 12 and 22. The
game itself is fairly like Chess, so it may be a bit too complex for younger
children. Since it is based off Chess, there may be some Chess players
that still have a somewhat understanding of the game.

Story & Characters: Idea

I came up with the idea for this game with my siblings a few years
ago. The original idea involved little army men. The game concept was
the same, but the characters were different. The game plays around the
conflict between the Pengus and P-Bears. They’ve both been advancing in
technology and claim to be “environmentally friendly”. Their oceans have
been polluted and both species are starving. The real villains of this story
are unknown to the Pengus and P-Bears, but they continue to fight over
their water.

Pengus are penguins that have evolved to be more sophisticated

and intelligent. P-Bears prefer brute force over brains but tend to get the
job done. Though the two species are very different, they both train
similarly for war. Both teams will be equal in power during the game, so
it really does not matter which one the player chooses.

My goal for the style of the game is to make it look a bit vibrant or
eye-catching and keep it a bit gloomy and serious. I want to make the
design suitable for older children and young adults. The actual board will
be flat and 2-D, with a bit of a cartoony vibe. I aim to make the character
models very simplistic but also give them a bit of charm.

Art: All Sketches





The game may work a little bit like Chess but with a few twists here
and there. At the start of the round players will roll a die and whoever
rolls the lower number goes first. The players then roll a die to determine
how many moves they have that round. The player who eliminates all
their opponent’s pieces first wins.

There are different tiles with unique properties that will influence
troops on those tiles. Different types of pieces will each have their own
moving pattern as well. In addition to different tiles, there will be stacked
sandbags, fences, and walls that can be moved around the board.

There are 5 different variants of tiles, each with different attributes.

Plain grass tiles are the most abundant tile that make up most of the
board game and have nothing special about them. Next up are the
Polluted Water tiles which are tiles that cannot be crossed. Ice tiles make
troops slide across them but cannot be stopped unless they come across
a different tile. Rose Bushes require the player to use double the move
cost in order to cross them, bigger troops require more force and more
moves. Now for the trench tiles, these tiles allow troops to hide in them
so they cannot receive damage from most weapons while in the trenches.

Hats in the game act as hit points. Each troop has 2 hp. Troops with
a hat on still have 2 hp and once a troop is hit, the player must remove
the hat. The player can also choose from 2 hat types, a Ushakna or a


• Eliminate all the opponent’s pieces.

• One 6-sided die
• A 20-section spinner
• Troops - 1 LMG, 1 Sniper, 2 Rocketeers, 2 Shotgunners, 2
Grenade Throwers, and 8 Pistol Men per team. 16 Pengus, 16
• Hats - 16 Ushakna, 16 Berets.
• Tiles – 28 Grass Tiles, 14 Polluted Water Tiles, 10 Trench
Tiles, 7 Ice Tiles, 5 Rose Bushes.


• Players will setup the board in any pattern that does not break
the rules.
• Players choose either Pengus or P-Bears and select a hat.
• Players place troops in any way they want in the first few
• Players will roll a die; lower number goes first.


• Players must use all their moves.

• Each tile must have at least 2 neighboring tiles. (Excludes
Polluted Water Tiles)
• Players take turns rolling the die and making their moves.
• If a player attacks the enemy team, they spin for a headshot
which instantly eliminates the opponent.

10 | P a g e
• Troops have different attack patterns. (See Art for more
• Some troops are heavier than other, so they require more
moves to get around the field:
o 1 Move – Grenade Throwers, Shotgunners, and Pistol
o 2 Moves – Snipers, LMGs, and Rocketeers.
o Traveling through Rose Bushes doubles move cost.
o Ice Tiles only require initial move cost to slide through.
• Ice Tiles must be place in lines of at least 2 and must only be
placed in a single direction (Tiles cannot turn).
• Hats may not be added back on troops that have lost them.
• Players cannot travel through Polluted Water and must go
around it.

11 | P a g e
Cover Letter to Producers

12 | P a g e

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