Health and Safety

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DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Please complete the form below so that your tutor can offer feedback on the sections completed. If you have
any queries regarding the assignment that are not covered by the outline plan in the DNI module of your
course or the guidance, there is a box at the end of the form where you can add any questions.

Please note, your tutor cannot offer feedback on sections that have come directly from your assignment.
This form is a BRIEF overview of the types of information you have included. If you include sections of your
assignment, your tutor will need to send it back, without feedback, to be amended. This is in accordance
with the requirements set by NEBOSH.

The form is structured in the order set out in the NEBOSH guidance document and this should be reflected in
your assignment. Any appendices must be relevant, in English, and be referenced in your main assignment. If
you choose to do a gap analysis, you should include it in the appendices and refer to it throughout your
assignment. Documents or data in the appendices will not attract marks and they do not contribute to the
word count of the assignment.

The word count of your completed assignment should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words. If you find that
this is much longer, it is likely that you have lost focus and we suggest that you go back to your Outline Plan
(and the DNI Module) to carefully review the information you have included.

The aim of this report is to carry out a detailed review of the arrangements for managing
What aims have Health and Safety, to produce a justified action plan in order to improve performance
you included? standards and to gain a great understanding of Dutco Construction’s Health and Safety
 To conduct a full risk assessment of the highest priority physical hazard and
health and welfare hazard, taking into consideration all factors
 To understand fully the legal environment within which our company is operating
and to conform the current health and safety management system (HSMS)
What objectives
 To make a critically review of the HSMS within Dutco, and to identify
have you
weaknesses and strengths in all areas of work
 To Identify and prioritise significant physical hazards and hazards appropriate to
health and welfare within Dutco.

 Assess Dutco Health and Safety policies and amend them according to arising
needs and legal requirements/ current legislations.
What methods
will you be using A lot of methods were used to collect date for the research which includes:
to collect your

DNI Outline plan – November 2019



Data Collection Methods

Documents & Records

Focus Groups



1)Dutco Construction L.L.C is part of the Dutco Group of Construction companies which
started operations in the United Arab Emirates in 1947 and today one of the leading civil
contractors in the U.A.E. Dutco Construction L.L.C is considered one of the largest
construction companies in the U.A.E with a manpower of about 20 000 workers to date.
Dutco We are involved in large scale projects that include Power stations, reservoirs,
hotels, and airport infrastructure and port development with many of the country’s
highways, tunnels and bridges having been built and engineered by us. Some of our
completed state of the art iconic projects include, The Address hotel renovation,
Bluewaters, Marsa Al Seef, City Walk, the expansion of the Fashion Avenue in the Dubai
Mall and the Lockout project which we are currently working on at the Souk Al Bahar,
Please give a Dubai Mall.
brief description 2)The Souk Al Bahar is a 10 000 hector piece of land in downtown Dubai adjacent to, the
of workplace. popular Dubai mall and covering about 10 000 hectares of space… It is adjacent to Dubai
Mall and consists of an existing Mall with both residential and commercial buildings. The
project name is Lockout and involves renovating an existing commercial building (The
North Block Core A and Core D, 2nd Floor), to put an additional number of business units
to the existing ones. The client in this case is EMAAR while Dutco Construction L.L.C is
the main contractor. The project is headed by a project manager with six sub-contractors
and a total of 250 workers on site, including a 10 member Dutco Management team with
me as their Safety Officer.

Have you
included your
 YES No
role of H&S
Have you
included  YES
information on No
your Morale principles that govern a person’s behaviour or
understanding of code of conduct in a workplace. This may refer to the

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

edge to do something that may not be morally right by

nature, but because of good morals and best practise
ethics in relation
ethics you may not do it.
to health and

Review and critical analysis
Please give BRIEF bullet points of what you have included in this section and do not include actual sections
from your report.
You should compare each section against a recognised standard or methodology. This can be from legislation
or defined management system standards.

This should include details of leadership visibility, focus on health and safety, examples that are set,
acknowledgement and action regarding health and safety risks
Outline of points you will include:

Dutco Construction LLC has been certified for conforming to ISO: 9001: 2015 ; ISO 14001:2015 ISO
45:001:2018 standards and has a HSE Management system developed based on OSHAS 18000 guidelines and
HSG 65. Successful Health and Safety Management and also embraces the principle of OHSAS
18001“Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems .The Management of the company comprise of
the board of directors and the General Manager heading the Middle East Operations. In Dutco Company LLC
they use four types of leadership Charismatic, Pacesetters, Coaching and Servant Leadership styles. Below is
a diagram indicating our leader’s work ethics within Dutco LLC. Our Leaders set organizational goals and
update the employee handbook while communicating any changes of safety and health policy. They plan
current strategies on how to implement the policy, set reminders and guidance to managers of deadlines to
complete employee’s annual goals. They conduct performance evaluations according to established systems
and policies at Dutco LLC.
Dutco Company leadership engagement and arrangements for workers in ensuring a safe workplace:
I. Set goals and targets based on health and legal guidelines
II. identify and report hazards
III. Investigate incidents, and implement health and safety recommendations.
IV. Orient new joiners and make them understand their roles and responsibilities to create an effective and
safe worker
V. Continually identify workplace hazards and evaluate risks.
VI. Ensure initial assessments of existing hazards/exposures and their control measures are reviewed
periodically through inspections and re-assessments so as to remain efficient.
VII. Ensure that incidents are investigated with the goal of identifying the root causes and not to apportion
VIII. Ensure that identified hazards are prioritized for control.
IX. Develop a plan that ensures the controls are implemented, interim protection is provided, progress is
tracked, and the effectiveness of controls is verified.
X. Employees participate in worker training programs, to gain knowledge on the scope of work being
performed and how to carry out their responsibilities assigned to them under the program.
XI. Managers and supervisors receive adequate training on safety concepts/safe systems of work and their
responsibility for protecting workers’ rights and responding to workers’ reports and concerns.
XII. Leaders allow all workers to be trained to recognize workplace hazards and to understand the control
measures that have been implemented.
XIII. Make arrangements for main contractors, and staffing agencies to coordinate on work planning and
scheduling to identify and resolve any conflicts that could affect health and safety of the workers.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Dutco LLC leadership approach to Health and Safety

Leaders at Dutco LLC play a major role in implementing our Health and Safety policies by;
1. Implementing Management commitment to health and Safety issues.
2. Company values are one of the fundamentals of our company values.
3. Having an accountability on our projects for safety and health.
4. Worker involvement and ownership of health and Safety at the workplace.
5. Excellent leadership and close supervision of health and Safety at the workplace.
6. Good communication and of health and Safety at the workplace.
7. Dutco leaders are involved in project safety and health.

Brief details recognised standard (or standards) will you use to compare and contrast against your
organisational arrangements for Leadership?
health and safety included in

The below UAE Standards assisted a lot on my research to compare and contrast against my organisational
arrangement for leadership.

Standard Purpose Guidelines

UAE Ministry of Labor and The labour Act seeks to govern It will guide on how to arrange
Social Affairs (Federal Law No. the rights of employees in the roles to leaders.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

8/1980 private sector. It applies to all

employees working in the UAE,
whether UAE nationals or
HSG65. Spells out the fundamental It will help management to check
elements of managing health and if they are following the safety
safety in the Organisation; and health procedures of the
■ ascertaining if you are doing organization, and ascertaining if
what you need to do or not; they are following the right when
■ delivering effective giving duties to leaders.
arrangements for H&S;
■Provision of necessary and
useful resources.
ILO recommendations and The ILO Governing Body has Leaders will be guided on how to
conventions identified 8 “fundamental” respect workers’ rights’ and how
Conventions, that cover subjects to eliminate discrimination in the
. considered to be fundamental work force during the hiring
principles and labour rights at the process.
workplace: freedom of
association and the effective
recognition of the right to
collective bargaining; the
elimination of all forms of forced
or compulsory labour; the
effective abolition of child
labour; and the elimination of
discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation
INDG417 - Leading Health and This guidance sets out an agenda Leaders to lead health and safety
Safety at Work. for the effective leadership of at the work place
health and safety. It is designed
for use by all directors,
governors, trustees, officers and
their equivalents in the private,
public and third sectors. It
applies to organisations of all
sizes.* Protecting the health and
safety of employees or members
of the public who may be
affected by your activities is an
essential part of risk
management and must be led by
the board.
INDG277 - Leadership for the Leadership for the major hazard Help leaders to lead major
Major Hazard Industries industries - effective health and hazards in the industries
safety management
ISO 9001:2015 Defined as the international Leaders will have a great
standard that specifies understanding on quality
requirements for a quality management system, in order to
management system (QMS), ISO provide good services and
9001 is a widely used standard products that meet consumers
by Organizations to demonstrate satisfactory.
the ability to consistently provide
products and services that meet

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

customer and regulatory

requirements. It is the most
popular standard in the ISO 9000
series and the only standard in
the series to which organizations
can certify.
ISO 45001:2018. ISO 45001:2018 This is an To improve their safety and
internationally recognised health performances and prevent
voluntary standard for injuries or death at work places.
occupational health and safety
(OH&S) management systems. It
helps Organizations to
proactively improve their OH&S
performance in preventing injury
and ill-health. ISO 45001
enables a business to integrate
other aspects of health and
safety, such as worker
wellness/wellbeing, through its
OH&S management system.
ISO 45001 is usually a
requirement in the PQQ / tender
application process and being
able to provide a copy of a
certificate from a UKAS
accredited company makes this
process far easier, often giving
you an advantage over rival

ISO 45001 Top level structure:

 Context of the
 Leadership
 Planning
 Support
 Operation
 Performance Evaluation
 Improvement
Trakhees Department of Planning and Leaders will understand all
Development – Trakhees,this is documentation needed for safety
the regulatory arm of Ports, and health regulations.
Customs and Free Zone
Corporation (PCFC) in Dubai. It
is the authority responsible for
licensing and regulating
businesses in special
development zones and areas.

Consists of 6 main sections:

 Civil Engineering

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

 Licensing

 Inspection

 Innovation and

 Business Support

 Research and
Dubai Health Authority It ensures that public health is Provides leaderswith clear
protected and quality of life is guidelines on how to ensure a
improved, provides health good safety and health within the
strategy workplace.
The Institution of Occupational IOSH stands for Institution of Leaders will be guided on how to
Safety and Health (IOSH) Occupational Safety and raise standards of Health and
Health;It is the Chartered body safety in the workplace
for health and safety
professionals in the UK. It is a
UK-based organisation that
offers professional qualifications
that seeks to raise standards of
health and safety in the
Dubai Municipality Under Dubai Municipality Local A guideline on how leaders can
Order 61 and 32 of 1991, and protect workers’ health and
codes which are adopted under safety needs.
this order, states that, it is the
Duty of every employer to
protect the health and safety of
all employees. Under UAE
Federal Law No.
Each employer is required to
provide adequate and appropriate
safety measures to protect
workers against any hazards
found during the course of their
All contractors, consultants and
stakeholders are mandated to
take every opportunity to review,
revise and
Check their HSE management

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Areas to cover: the management arrangements for health and safety, key responsibilities, performance
monitoring, competent advice, control of contractors and provision of communication regarding health and
safety documentation / information.
Our health and safety is included in management arrangement of Dutco Company through many channels. We
have documents like Staff Handbook which indicates every worker’s role, including the management’s role in
health and safety. Our Organisation's management system covers:

i. Health and safety, work organisation and policy

ii. ill health prevention and emergency
iii. the line management responsibilities and duties
iv. Practices, procedures and resources for developing and implementing, reviewing and maintaining
the occupational safety and health policy.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

The health and safety policy safe guards our management in complying all health and safety measurement.
Dutco LLC management has a plan for arrangements for health and safety. Management use key action plan-
Plan, Do, Check and act.
Plan- implementation of the policies within Dutco.
Do-Profiling health and safety risks and organising for healthy and safety
Check- measuring workers performances and investigating accidents and incidents and come up with an
action plan.
Act- reviewing performances and learning lesson for all workers through trainings and other means.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

At Dutco LLC we prepare an occupational safety and health policy programme as part of the preparation of
the Safety Statement required by Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. For us to
have an effective safety and health policies, we have set a clear direction for the organisation to follow.
Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare Act 2005 requires Ducto to complete a written Safety statement
demonstrating management’s commitment to health and safety issues at the workplace. Dutco have
formulated a plan to fulfil its safety and health policy as set out in the Safety Statement. We have put an
effective management structure and arrangements in place for delivering the policy. Our safety and health
objectives and targets are set for all managers and employees to understand them.
For effective implementation of our policies, Dutco has developed the capabilities and support mechanisms
necessary to achieve the safety and health policy, objectives and targets. All our staff are motivated and
empowered to work safely, at the same time protected their long-term health. We use a safety committee and
staff representation system to underpin the effective staff involvement. We allow our staff and representatives
to make contribution to our health and safety effort by giving trainings and staff handbooks that include the
policies inside. We committed to effective communication and promotion of competence through consulting
staff on areas if development and amendments needed to be look at on health and safety policy. We use a
systematic approach when implementing our health and safety policy through our effective health and safety
management system. Our aim is to minimize risks at Dutco Company, through risk assessments to eliminate
hazards. Our selection of facilities, processes and equipment helps us to eliminate hazards and reduce risks.
We have performance standards that we use measure staff achievements. We have a shared common

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

understanding of Dutco’s values, vision and beliefs on our health and safety with all staff and management.
Our leaders foster a positive safety and health environment. Dutco measure, monitor and evaluate safety and
health performance amongst staff. We measure using Dutco standards like staff appraisals, active self-
monitoring, mentoring, training to reveal when and where improvement is needed. We review our police
continuously in order to improve our safety and health management and its performances.

Brief details of recognised standard (or standards) will you use to compare and contrast against your
organisational arrangements for management of health and safety:
Standard Purpose Guidelines
UAE Ministry of Labor and The labour Act seeks to govern Managers will be guided on how
Social Affairs (Federal Law No. the rights of employees in the to respect workers’ rights
8/1980 private sector. It applies to all including their safety and health.
employees working in the UAE,
whether UAE nationals or
HSG65. Spells out the fundamental It will help management to check
elements of managing health and if they are following the safety
safety in the Organisation; and health procedures of the
■ ascertaining if you are doing organization, and ascertaining if
what you need to do or not; they are following the right
■ delivering effective procedures and using the right
arrangements for H&S; resources
■ Provision of necessary and
useful resources.
ILO recommendations and The ILO Governing Body has Management will be guided on
conventions identified 8 “fundamental” how to respect workers’ rights
Conventions, that cover subjects and how to eliminate
considered to be fundamental discrimination in the work force.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

principles and labour rights at the

workplace: freedom of
association and the effective
recognition of the right to
collective bargaining; the
elimination of all forms of forced
or compulsory labour; the
effective abolition of child
labour; and the elimination of
discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation
ISO 9001:2015 Defined as the international Management will have a great
standard that specifies understanding on quality
requirements for a quality management system, in order to
management system (QMS), ISO provide good services and
9001 is a widely used standard products that meet consumers
by Organizations to demonstrate satisfactory.
the ability to consistently provide
products and services that meet
customer and regulatory
requirements. It is the most
popular standard in the ISO 9000
series and the only standard in
the series to which organizations
can certify.
ISO 45001:2018. ISO 45001:2018 This is an To improve their safety and
internationally recognised health performances and prevent
voluntary standard for injuries or death at work places.
occupational health and safety
(OH&S) management systems. It
helps Organizations to
proactively improve their OH&S
performance in preventing injury
and ill-health. ISO 45001
enables a business to integrate
other aspects of health and
safety, such as worker
wellness/wellbeing, through its
OH&S management system.
ISO 45001 is usually a
requirement in the PQQ / tender
application process and being
able to provide a copy of a
certificate from a UKAS
accredited company makes this
process far easier, often giving
you an advantage over rival

ISO 45001 Top level structure:

 Context of the
 Leadership

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

 Planning
 Support
 Operation
 Performance Evaluation
 Improvement
INDG368 Using Contractors HSE leaflets aimed at employers Management will be guided on
in businesses that use which contractors to hire and
contractors. Advices on actions how select them. They will have
to be taken in order to comply a clear guideline on how to
with health and safety manage and supervise the
regulations. It helps in workers and how to assess the
identifying the job, selecting a risk of the work.
suitable contractor, assessing the
risks of the work, providing
information, instruction and
training, consultation with the
workforce, managing and
supervising the workforce,
demonstrates a standard level of
cooperation with the contractor
and where responsibility lies. It
also guides employers on where
to find more information.
Trakhees Department of Planning and Management will understand all
Development – Trakhees, this is documentation needed for safety
the regulatory arm of Ports, and health regulations.
Customs and Free Zone
Corporation (PCFC) in Dubai. It
is the authority responsible for
licensing and regulating
businesses in special
development zones and areas.

Consists of 6 main sections:

 Civil Engineering

 Licensing

 Inspection

 Innovation and

 Business Support

 Research and
Dubai Health Authority It ensures that public health is Provides management with clear
protected and quality of life is guidelines on how to ensure a
improved, provides health good safety and health within the
strategy workplace.
The Institution of Occupational IOSH stands for Institution of To raise standards of Health and
Safety and Health (IOSH) Occupational Safety and Health; safety in the workplace.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

It is the Chartered body for

health and safety professionals in
the UK. It is a UK-based
organisation that offers
professional qualifications that
seeks to raise standards of health
and safety in the workplace.
Dubai Municipality Under Dubai Municipality Local Managemet will be guided on
Order 61 and 32 of 1991, and how to protect workers’ health
codes which are adopted under and safety needs.
this order, states that, it is the
Duty of every employer to
protect the health and safety of
all employees. Under UAE
Federal Law No.
Each employer is required to
provide adequate and appropriate
safety measures to protect
workers against any hazards
found during the course of their
All contractors, consultants and
stakeholders are mandated to
take every opportunity to review,
revise and
check their own HSE
management systems.
BS EN ISO 9001 Quality
management system
United Kingdom Health and
Safety Executive guidance
document HSG65
Work at Height Regulations

Worker involvement
Areas to cover: worker consultation; vulnerable workers (in some detail); health and safety representatives;
According to latest official figures 6, 1.7 million workers, or 34% of the total workforce, are employed in the
UAE’s construction industry, making it the largest sector in the country. Low-wage construction laborers
continue to be among the most vulnerable groups (along with domestic workers), given high risks of human
rights abuses inherent in the construction industry’s business model. According to recent research from Gulf
Labour Markets and Migration, over 50% of construction laborer’s that were surveyed in Dubai didn’t
receive their wages on time and were also denied adequate overtime payments. Migrant workers make up
about 90% of UAE’s labour force. In spite of 2017’s labour reforms, migrant workers in Dubai remain tied to
the kafala (sponsorship) system. Workers are still being denied collective bargaining rights that leaves them
vulnerable to exploitation and abuse by employers. Not having a national minimum wage leaves, low payed
workers still struggling to maintain an adequate standard of living and to send money to support their families
back to their home countries. Research by the Resource Centre in 2016 and 2018 found alarming evidence of
failure by the majority of construction companies operating in the UAE to take care of their workers’ welfare

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

and to consider mitigating specific risks, such as, heat stress and late payment.
Regardless of the research findings, at Dutco Company we strive to give our workers good welfare provisions
that include clean drinking-water, washing, sanitary, changing accommodation, rest-rooms and shelter,
facilities for preparing, heating and eating meals, temporary housing, free transportation to and from the
workplace, help our workers to be efficient at work and produce better results. We provide our workers with a
free return ticket to their countries of origin on a yearly basis. We offer free English lessons to the non-native
English speakers for easier and effective communication amongst our workforce. We are a multi-cultured
Organization that hires people of different nationalities indiscriminately. Our prime focus still remains to
improve our workers health and welfare, while providing physiological counselling and support to those in

Above is a diagram indicating workers flow chart at Dutco LLC, Dubai, UAE

At Dutco LLC Dubai, we value all our workers and urge them to follow all our health and safety procedures.
We do so by:
a. Workers are encouraged and have means to communicate openly with management and to report
safety and health concerns without fear of retaliation.
b. Any potential barriers or obstacles to worker participation in the program (for example, language, lack
of information, or disincentives) are removed or addressed.
c. Procedures are put in place to continually identify workplace hazards and evaluate risks. Safety and
health hazards from routine, non-routine, and emergency situations are identified and assessed.
d. An initial assessment of existing hazards, exposures, and control measures is followed by periodic
inspections and reassessments to identify new hazards.
e. Procedures are put in place to continually identify workplace hazards and evaluate risks. Safety and
health hazards from routine, non-routine, and emergency situations are identified and assessed.
f. An initial assessment of existing hazards, exposures, and control measures is followed by periodic
inspections and reassessments to identify new hazards.
g. Any incidents are investigated with the goal of identifying the root causes.
h. Identified hazards are prioritized for control.
i. Employers and workers cooperate to identify and select methods for eliminating, preventing, or
controlling workplace hazards.
j. Controls are selected according to a hierarchy that uses engineering solutions first, followed by safe
work practices, administrative controls, and finally, personal protective equipment (PPE).
k. A plan is developed to ensure that controls are implemented, interim protection is provided,

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

progress is tracked, and the effectiveness of controls is verified.

Workers/ Vulnerable Workers Welfare checklist

Yes No
Do you have Migrant workers within your organization
Do you provide them Work permits
Do you give them contracts
Do you register your workers with all boards
Do you have a health and Safety policy
Does your policies Support your Workers welfare
Do you provide accommodation to your workers
Does your site have sanitary areas for both women and men
Do you have water facilities
Does your site have Resting rooms for workers
Do you embrace Diversity
Does your working environment embrace diversity
Do you hire one nationality
Do you hire vulnerable workers
Do you hire Disabled workers
Does your facilities accommodate Disabled people?
Are you registered with any workers Union

• Host employers, contractors, and staffing agencies commit to providing the same level of safety and
health protection to all employees.
• Host employers, contractors, and staffing agencies communicate the hazards present at the worksite and
the hazards that the work of contract workers may create on site.
• Host employers establish specifications and qualifications for contractors and staffing agencies.
• Before beginning work, host employers, contractors, and staffing agencies coordinate on work planning
and scheduling to identify and resolve any conflicts that could affect safety or health.

Diagram illustrates worker Engagement approaches

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Brief details recognised standard (or standards) will you use to compare and contrast against your
organisational arrangements for Worker involvement?

Standard Purpose Guidelines

UAE Ministry of Labor and The labour Act seeks to govern Managers will be guided on how
Social Affairs (Federal Law No. the rights of employees in the to respect workers’ rights
8/1980 private sector. It applies to all including their safety and health.
employees working in the UAE,
whether UAE nationals or
HSG65. Spells out the fundamental It will help management to check
elements of managing health and if they are following the safety
safety in the Organisation; and health procedures of the
■ ascertaining if you are doing organization, and ascertaining if
what you need to do or not; they are following the right
■ delivering effective procedures and using the right
arrangements for H&S; resources
■ Provision of necessary and
useful resources.
ILO recommendations and The ILO Governing Body has Management will be guided on
conventions identified 8 “fundamental” how to respect workers’ rights
Conventions, that cover subjects and how to eliminate
considered to be fundamental discrimination in the work force.
principles and labour rights at the
workplace: freedom of
association and the effective
recognition of the right to
collective bargaining; the
elimination of all forms of forced
or compulsory labour; the

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

effective abolition of child

labour; and the elimination of
discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation
ISO 9001:2015 Defined as the international Management will have a great
standard that specifies understanding on quality
requirements for a quality management system, in order to
management system (QMS), ISO provide good services and
9001 is a widely used standard products that meet consumers
by Organizations to demonstrate satisfactory.
the ability to consistently provide
products and services that meet
customer and regulatory
requirements. It is the most
popular standard in the ISO 9000
series and the only standard in
the series to which organizations
can certify.
ISO 45001:2018. ISO 45001:2018 This is an To improve their safety and
internationally recognised health performances and prevent
voluntary standard for injuries or death at work places.
occupational health and safety
(OH&S) management systems. It
helps Organizations to
proactively improve their OH&S
performance in preventing injury
and ill-health. ISO 45001
enables a business to integrate
other aspects of health and
safety, such as worker
wellness/wellbeing, through its
OH&S management system.
ISO 45001 is usually a
requirement in the PQQ / tender
application process and being
able to provide a copy of a
certificate from a UKAS
accredited company makes this
process far easier, often giving
you an advantage over rival

ISO 45001 Top level structure:

 Context of the
 Leadership
 Planning
 Support
 Operation
 Performance Evaluation
 Improvement
INDG368 Using Contractors HSE leaflets aimed at employers Management will be guided on
in businesses that use which contractors to hire and

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

contractors. Advices on actions how select them. They will have

to be taken in order to comply a clear guideline on how to
with health and safety manage and supervise the
regulations. It helps in workers and how to assess the
identifying the job, selecting a risk of the work.
suitable contractor, assessing the
risks of the work, providing
information, instruction and
training, consultation with the
workforce, managing and
supervising the workforce,
demonstrates a standard level of
cooperation with the contractor
and where responsibility lies. It
also guides employers on where
to find more information.
Trakhees Department of Planning and Management will understand all
Development – Trakhees, this is documentation needed for safety
the regulatory arm of Ports, and health regulations.
Customs and Free Zone
Corporation (PCFC) in Dubai. It
is the authority responsible for
licensing and regulating
businesses in special
development zones and areas.

Consists of 6 main sections:

 Civil Engineering

 Licensing

 Inspection

 Innovation and

 Business Support

 Research and
Dubai Health Authority It ensures that public health is Provides management with clear
protected and quality of life is guidelines on how to ensure a
improved, provides health good safety and health within the
strategy workplace.
The Institution of Occupational IOSH stands for Institution of To raise standards of Health and
Safety and Health (IOSH) Occupational Safety and Health; safety in the workplace.
It is the Chartered body for
health and safety professionals in
the UK. It is a UK-based
organisation that offers
professional qualifications that
seeks to raise standards of health
and safety in the workplace.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Dubai Municipality Under Dubai Municipality Local Managemet will be guided on

Order 61 and 32 of 1991, and how to protect workers’ health
codes which are adopted under and safety needs.
this order, states that, it is the
Duty of every employer to
protect the health and safety of
all employees. Under UAE
Federal Law No.
Each employer is required to
provide adequate and appropriate
safety measures to protect
workers against any hazards
found during the course of their
All contractors, consultants and
stakeholders are mandated to
take every opportunity to review,
revise and
check their own HSE
management systems.
BS EN ISO 9001 Quality
management system
United Kingdom Health and
Safety Executive guidance
document HSG65
Work at Height Regulations

Areas to cover: H&S responsibilities of managers and effectiveness; whether health and safety people are
competent; whether advice from competent people is acted upon; selection of workers for specific tasks;
training needs; induction training; cover for absences and arrangements for raising awareness of roles and

Outline of points you will include:

At Dutco Company we have defined role and responsibilities for managers and Supervisors. We make sure all
our managers and supervisors are receiving proper training and monitoring so that they are competent in
carrying their roles. The managers and supervisors health and safety responsibilities are proven to be
effective because we give them sufficient resources to deal with health and safety issues. All our managers
and supervisors at Dutco are encouraged to have a positive attitude towards health and safety. We have
checklist, Appraisals, Monitoring tracking sheets, Trainings, meetings and many more channels that we use
to check if the health and safety is effective. Our supervisors and managers included in assessing risks and
manage the effect of any changes at Dutco. We do a checking if all our managers and supervisions
understand what is expected from them. We make sure all our Dutco managers and supervisors are setting
good example to workers and enforce the safety and health measures.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

   Yes  No Partially

Comment comment Comment
Do you    
understand your
and accountability
for the health and
performance of
the people under
your care?
Have you ensured    
that your fire and
other emergency
staff are aware of
and drilled in the
Have you    
purchases for the
purposes of safety
as necessary to
attain compliance
with the
specifications and
relevant statutory
requirements and
to inform senior
should the existing
budget need to be
exceeded to
achieve this?
Have you    
implement a
training plan for
new or
employees or for
those tasks that
may require
refreshing and
kept copies of the
training records
which are
accessible by the
Have you    
reviewed the

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

health and safety

performance of
personnel in your
department and
submitted a report
to the Managing
Have you ensured    
illnesses and
investigations are
always reported
to the
Authority, Insurer
and Managing
Director as
required? In
conclusion, was an
action plan, with
, and timescales to
prevent a
Have you ensured    
including Personal
Equipment is
issued to
employees in
accordance with
the appropriate
Risk Assessment
also accompanied
with relevant
instruction and
training on the
risks they protect
the user from,
detailing their
proper use,
storage, cleaning
and replacement ?
Have you assigned    

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

responsibility for
specific areas to
ensuring there is a
understanding of
their specific
duties and
e.g. to make spot
checks, carry out
inspections and to
submit written
reports with
and timescales for
any required
actions plan?;
Have you ensured    
that all health and
safety documents
(such as the
organization’s Risk
Assessments, Safe
Systems of work
(SSW), Plans and
Procedures) are
easily accessible
as required
Have you    
promoted and
positive attitude
and behavior’s to
develop and
maintain a
positive safety
culture amongst
your staff.
Have you    
managed to
maintain regular
contact with your
supervisors (the
frequency may
vary according to
the changing risks)
to receive
information from

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

monitoring of the
health and safety
Have you    
managed to set up
provisions or
measures towards
employees such
as the young,
pregnant, nursing,
ill or injured
safety or health
Have you    
managed the
process of
inducting back
into the workplace
(including making
adjustments) of
employees who
have been absent
from work due to
ill-health(this may
involve working
alongside the
Human Resources
Have you ensured    
all contractors are
properly vetted
before being
appointed and
have suitable and
sufficient safety
systems and
arrangements in
place including
coordinating these
with the
own where
Have you taken all    
reasonably and
practicable steps

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

to ensure their
areas remain
legally compliant.
Do you conduct    
health and safety
meetings with
your supervisors
(contact Greens
for a suggested
Have you ensured    
that equipment
such as machinery
and vehicles, are
maintained in safe
conditions for use,
the unauthorized
use of the
defected ones,
keeping copies of
all maintenance
records, statutory
instrument’s and
Have you ensured    
that there are
adequate first-aid
arrangements on
all shifts and first-
aid boxes are
stocked at all
Have you ensured    
that safe systems
of work SSW(safe
ways of working)
are in place and
that these are
recorded and
communicated as
required (know
which tasks legally
require a written
Have you ensured    
suitable and
sufficient Risk
Assessments are

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

in place and that

these are
recorded and
communicated as
required (Risk
Assessments are
required to be
recorded if 5 or
more people are

Our competent person has proven effective because he has been Dutco to comply with health and
safety law and taking all reasonable steps tour workers from harm. He managed to recognise the
health and safety risks associated with our organisation and identify sensible and proportionate
solutions. He has managed to inspect and audit or safety and health practices and has come up with
good amendments.
We appointed our competence person through giving them examination to check their theoretical
knowledge and through doing practical to check their experience. At Dutco LLC, we have allowed
our competence person to act independently and impartially and must report all hazards to the


 identifying root causes or problematic issues in different scenarios at the workplace
 identifying and gathering sufficient and relevant information to determine the cause of system
 appreciating the limits of personal knowledge and seeking further guidance and help to resolve
different problems

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

 applying relevant aspects of the core knowledge to formulate a practicable solution — taking
into account both legislative requirements and the available resources of the organization
 implementing solutions, most often through a third party (e.g through a supervisor or manager)
 Carefully monitoring the operations of an organization in a bid to foresee possible future
problems and issues that may arise and take preventative measures at hand.

At Dutco, our managers and supervisors allocate task based on the team’s and organization’s goals.
Management evaluate the workers skills and allocate them tasks according to their capabilities.
Management will check on availability of the worker needed to allocated work and his competence towards
the task to be completed. It has proven effective for management to establish a clear set of objectives for
each task allocated to workers, because they will have a great understating of the task being allocated to
them, hence bringing good results. After allocating task, management collects feedback and may offer
coaching where needed. This helps a lot when taking workers’ performances to the next level. Below is a
diagram indicating how management allocate task to workers.

Use follow-
up tasks to keep
your workers on

Construct a timeline
Identify key
opportunities for
Establish a clear set of
objectives for
each task.

Play to your
coworker's strengths.


 identify the root problem or issue in a situation
 identify and obtain sufficient relevant information to determine the cause
 appreciate the limits of personal knowledge and seek further guidance and help
 apply the relevant aspects of the core knowledge to formulate a practicable solution — taking
into account both legislative requirements and the resources of the organisation
 implement the solution, most often through a third party (eg a supervisor or manager)
 Monitor the operations of an organisation to attempt to foresee future problems and issues that
may arise and take pre-emptive action where possible.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Dutco LLC management and Contractors must ensure that all its employees receive regular HSE education
and training such as:
a. Orientation
b. Compliance to standard precaution;
c. Emergency Preparedness;
d. Fire safety and General health, safety and environmental issues

Workers are made aware of their roles and responsibilities through

i. A detailed list of roles and responsibilities on their offer letter
ii. Roles clearly stated on staff handbook
iii. Labour Contract
iv. Mentorship
v. Coaching
vi. Trainings

Training needed are identified through

i. Workers performance
ii. Appraisals
iii. Feedback from competence person.
iv. Face to face feedback
v. Self- reflection
vi. Shadowing reports
Do contractors have appropriate induction and training? Is there sufficient competent cover for absences?
We use the below checklist for contractors and give training where needed.
No. DEE ESWB-24-
Authorised By:
Manager 00936
Title: Contractor Induction Checklist
Issue Date: January 2021 Page Number: 1 of 1
Last Reviewed: November 2020 CENTRAL OFFICE USE ONLY

Next Review Date: June 2021

Company Name
Contractor’s Name
Brief Description of Works

4. Sign off

Workplace Manager and/or
Management OHS Nominee:

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

1. General Induction The workplace is to ensure that the above named Completed
contractor(s) have been provided with following information and/or instructions:
Dutco LLC Occupational Health and Safety Policy Yes
Hazard and incident reporting procedures Yes
Emergency procedures Yes
Location of first aid facilities and amenities Yes
Security and access arrangements Yes
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods stored on site Yes
Traffic Management Plan Yes
Required conduct/behavior Yes
(e.g. no smoking, offensive language or loud music etc)
Permits to Work are required for high risks tasks Yes
(i.e. hot work, confined spaces, working at heights, and destructive or asbestos based
Current Asbestos Management Plan and Division 5 Asbestos Register Yes N/A
2. Information to be provided by the Contractor Completed
Licence and qualification details Yes N/A

Current Working with Children Check Yes N/A

Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) or equivalent (e.g. Job Safety Yes N/A
A copy of the current contractors public liability insurance has been Yes
provided (if only sighted then the policy number and expiry date
must be obtained and recorded on the Approved Contractor
Register) Note: 5 MILLION Dirham minimum cover required:
A copy of the current workers compensation insurance has been Yes
provided (if only sighted then the policy number and expiry date
must be obtained):
3. Contractor SWMS review (or equivalent) Y/N Commen
Lists the types of work being performed
Identifies the health and safety hazards and risks arising from the
Lists the risk control measures to be implemented

Name Signature Date

I have been inducted in the above information and will comply with the safety instructions
listed in my SWMS (or equivalent).

When a verbal Notification has been ignored or a HSE hazard has not been corrected within a twenty four
hour period, the HSE department shall issue an Improvement Notice detailing contents of the Verbal
Notification if issued prior, full explanation of the HSE, recommendations for corrective actions, and their
time frames.
Improvement Notices may include penalties in line with the regulatory frame work while also being
escalated to a Prohibition Notice if not complied with within an agreed time frame.
Improvement Notices copies shall be distributed to DHCC / DHCR Management or any of the Regulatory
enforcing authorities which includes Dubai Municipality, Dubai Civil Defence, Zoning authority and Dubai

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Health Authority as per requirement.

Brief details recognised standard (or standards) will you use to compare and contrast against your
organisational arrangements for Competency?
i. HSG65- Spells out the fundamental elements of managing health and safety in the Organisation.
Our organization will check if they are doing what is expected in terms of health and safety
measures and protection.
ii. Dutco will deliver effective arrangements for H&S.
iii. Dutco will have a good guideline on the provision of necessary and useful resources.
iv. ILO recommendations and conventions.
Dutco LLC will understand and implement principle that protect workers from sickness, disease and
injury arising from their employment.
v. ISO 2001.
Dutco LLC competency will be guided on how to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide
products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including
processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
vi. ISO 45001:2018.
Dutco LLC competency team will have a clear guidance for use of ISO 45001:2018 and be able to
provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health.

vii. NDG345 Health and Safety Training: A Brief Guide.

Dutco will have a guidance on which training to enroll workers
viii. INDG420 Getting Specialist Help with Health and Safety.
Dutco LLC will get specialist help and guidance on issues concerning health and safety of the
ix. Dubai Municipality - organizational arrangements for Competency of Dutco will benefit from
Dubai Municipality Standards of health and safety all workers.

x. Dubai Health Authority- under Dubai Municipality Local Order 61 and 32 of 1991, and codes

which are adopted under this order, states that, it is the Duty of every employer to protect the health

and safety of all employees.

xi. Ministry of Labour UAE- govern the rights of employees in the private sector. It applies to all

employees working in the UAE, whether UAE nationals or expatriates, thereby giving a guideline

to our competency. Dutco LLC team will know which Standards to follow on workers protection.

Areas to cover: Awareness of legislation, defined standards, organisational standards; demonstration of
compliance with said standards.
You need to keep focussed on assessing current competency levels and how this is updated regularly.

Outline of points you will include:

The Civil Transactions Code (Federal Law 1/1985, as amended is the primary legislation that regulates the
construction industry in the U.A.E, it covers general contract principles as well as a section on construction.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

The Dubai Government consists of numerous regulating standards, codes of practice, federal, guidelines and
circulars issued by the Dubai municipality and the free zones the likes of Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA)) and
TECOM relating to building standards in their relevant jurisdictions. Building standards, environmental
standards, health and safety guidelines and other technical conditions all form part of the regulating
standards prescribed. The adoption of building regulations and standards provides a detailed technical
discourse about how to build in Dubai municipality-governed areas, referenced in the Administration
resolution 125/2007. Similar standards are used in free zones such as JAFZA and TECOM areas. The Federal
Law 8/1980, as amended sets the main provisions on health and safety and other employment-related
matters, in addition to numerous regulations, codes of practice and specific technical guidelines. The local
municipalities of each emirate, along with the Civil Defence Department, regulate the construction sector in
the United Arab Emirates. The Dubai municipality and the Dubai Civil Defence Department are the regulating
authorities in the Construction industry in Dubai, while in free zone areas construction is regulated by
Trakhees (the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation) along with the other relevant authorities as
mentioned previously.
Below are some of the legislation adopted in the research.

I. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

II. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

III. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992

IV. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

V. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007

VI. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

VII. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
VIII. Civil Defense
IX. Trakhees
X. Dubai Municipality
XI. Minstry of Labor
XII. ISO 45001:2018 or HSG65 (i.e. recognised management standards).

Types of Risk Assessments we use at Dutco LLC

Site-Specific Risk Assessment A Specific site risk assessment done on hazards

that might only apply to that specific situation, on
that particular day. Used to look for common
hazards and address the unusual.
Qualitative Risk Assessment This is the most common form of risk assessment
used mainly in workplaces. The assessor often
using their own experience and judgemental
skills , but would also consult with others in
carrying out the activity with best practice
guidance to reach their decisions.
Quantitative Risk Assessment Used to measure risk by assigning a numerical
value. This type of risk assessment will most likely
be used with major hazards, like aerodynamics,
chemical and nuclear plants.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Generic Risk Assessment The main idea of Generic Risk Assessment is to cut
down on any duplication of effort and paperwork
and it cover common hazards for the task or
activity being done.

Below is an example of one of the risk assessments we use at Dutco LLC

Management Location: (Site/ Building/
Unit: Room)

Assessment Review Date:


Assessors Job Title:


Task / Activity:

What are Who What control Risk Evaluation Risk

the might be measures are Rating
hazards? What are harmed? required to Overall Low,
Consequence Likelihood
(See list of the risks? (eg Staff, eliminate or reduce (1 – 3) (1 – 3)
risk Medium
sample students, (C x L) or High
the risks?
hazards) visitors)

Potential consequence of harm

Working at Height Noise Hand tools Vibration
Falling objects Extreme Heat / cold Confined spaces Repetitive hand/ arm mo
Slippery/ uneven/ worn floors Radiation Poor housekeeping / cleaning Machine operation
Obstructions/ projections Lighting Vehicle movement Electro Magnet
Manual handling Compressed air Fire / explosion Pressurised systems
Mechanical Lifting Substances / materials Electricity Other (specify on asse
DNI Outline plan – November 2019

1 – Minor Injury 2 – Significant 3 – Major Injury
(e.g. hazard can cause illness, injury or Injury (e.g. hazard capable
equipment damage but the results would not (e.g. hazard can of causing death or
be expected to be serious) result in serious serious and life
injury and/or illness, threatening injuries)
over 3 day absence)
(injury rare, 1 – Low 2 – Low 3 – Medium
Likelihoo (injury could 2 – Low 4 – Medium 6 – High
d of harm
likely to 3 – Medium 6 – High 9 – Extreme
occur, can

Brief details recognised standard (or standards) will you use to compare and contrast against your
organisational arrangements for Compliance?

The Construction (Head Regulation seeks the provision of protection, so far as is

protection) regulations reasonably practicable, against any foreseeable risks of
1989 injury to the head to which the workers are exposed to in a
construction environment.
Falling Object Protective Seeks to regulate measures in respect of the marketing of,
Structure for Construction technical requirements relating to, construction plant and
Plant (EC Requirements) the protective structures for the construction plant thereof
Regulations 1988 in respect to falling objects protection at the workplace
Roll-over Protective Seeks to regulate measures in respect of the marketing of,
Structures for Construction technical requirements relating to, construction plant and
Plant (EC Requirements) the protective structures for the construction plant thereof
Regulations 1988 in respect of roll over protection equipment at the
construction workplace
Reporting of Injuries, In addition, there are a number of relevant regulations that
Diseases and Dangerous were passed in order to comply with EC directives on type
Occurrences Regulations examination certificates of approval and European Union
1995 (RIDDOR) (EU) directives
Employers’ Liability Companies here are required by the law to insure against
Compulsory Insurance Act liability for injury or disease to their employees arising out of
1969 and associated their employment.
guidelines, A Guide for
Employers HSE 40(rev1)
The Health and Safety Here Companies are required to make consultations with
(Consultation with employees not represented by safety representatives under
Employees) Regulations the 1977 Regulations. The company is mandated to consult

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

1996 with those employees in good time on such matters relating

to their health and safety at their workplace
The Control of Substances Applicable to those activities that involve handling of
Hazardous to Health hazardous substances like paints, solvents, cement during
Regulations 2002 the construction works or any other work related activity.
The Working at Heights Seeks to regulate all activities that involve working at height
Regulations 2005 and and may result in an injury or death, even if it is at or below
associated ACOPs INDG ground level. Also includes moving around at a place of
401 work, but not travel to or from a place of work.
The Lifting Operations and Applies to the Safe Use of Ladders & Step Ladders: It is an
Lifting Equipment employer’s guide that is applicable to all lifting equipment
Regulations 1998(in and operations, including access equipment and other
association with The machines and tools used during construction works.
Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations
1998) and associated
ACOPs and guidelines
The Construction (Health, A regulation underpinning the requirements that apply to
Safety and Welfare) the health, safety and welfare of persons at work carrying
Regulations 1996 out construction activities. These arrangements in the
regulation cover all activities on a construction site.

Risk profile
Areas to cover: Significant risks to organisation; adverse effects and disruption; inclusion of health and safety
risks in business risk management; effective assessment of risk level; whether controls have been effectively
implemented with correct priority; whether risks are managed proportionately and sensibly; inclusion of risk
control for vulnerable workers (be specific); active/reactive monitoring; reviews of assessments; health and
safety practitioner’s role with regards to these topics.

Brief details of the significant risks to your organisation and the adverse effects on health and safety:
We use different types of assessment like:
a. Fire risk assessments: fire safety management procedures are required to be
established in all workplaces including a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment.
b. Manual handling risk assessments: should be conducted in any workplace where an
employee may be at risk from injury and/or ill-health through the need to lift, carry,
and move loads.
c. Display screen equipment (DSE) risk assessments: are required to be completed in
workplaces where employees (and others) are using computers, laptops, etc.
d. COSHH risk assessments: are required within workplaces where hazardous
substances are stored, used or manufactured.
Dutco LLC steps
Risk profiling
Effective leaders and line managers know the risks their organisations face, rank
them in order of importance and take action to control them. The range of risks
goes beyond health and safety risks to include quality, environmental and asset
damage, but issues in one area could impact in another.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Keep health and safety documents functional and concise, with the emphasis on
their effectiveness rather than sheer volume of paperwork.
Focusing too much on the formal documentation of a health and safety
management system will distract you from addressing the human elements of its
implementation – the focus becomes the process of the system itself rather than
actually controlling risks.

Brief details of how the critical risks have been assessed effectively and how it is done:

Risk management in the construction project management context involves identification,

assessment and prioritization of risks by monitoring, controlling, and applying managerial
resources with a coordinated and economical effort so as to minimize the probability and/or
impact of unfortunate events and so as to maximize the realization of project objectives
Environmental risks

Organizational risks

Project management risks

Right of way risks

Construction risks

External risks

Design risks

At Dutco we have many critical risks that affect our day to day smooth running of our business
Below is a diagram indicating critical construction Risk

Inadequate Equipment and Subcontractors Differing and Progress

schedule labor productivity performance unforeseen site acceleration
Accident/safety Project location Material, Testing Material,
and accessibility equipment or laboratories equipment or
work furnished by work furnished by
other owner
Long lead New technology Hazardous
material/equipmen material
We work collectively with our partners in identifying things that could go wrong during a project and score
the risk on a sliding scale to decide how much impact it might have on your project in the event it happens.
Priority is always given to the biggest risks. We then come up with such plans to reduce the risks for a less
likelihood and outline procedures to be followed should the risk arise. We assess our projects for Health and
Safety and search for any risks that may occur.
We have construction apps which supports our approach to risk management. These apps help us to monitor
risk on construction site and helps us take mitigation actions. The biggest advantage of using Apps on risk
management is that it gives more data and a faster method of communication.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Dutco LLC Risk Assessment Cycle

Brief details on implemented controls and how vulnerable people are included in risk profiling and

At Dutco LLC we design, and give provision for a safe place of work to all our employees, including the
vulnerable people and their specific/individual needs
Dutco LLC, maintains a safe means of access to and egress from each part of the workplace, including those
specifically designed to accommodate vulnerable people and their specific/individual needs
We design, provide and maintain any article, plant, equipment or machinery for use at work in a safe
manner, and offer the provision of systems of work that are planned, organised, performed, maintained or
revised, so as to be safe, particularly for safety critical process operations or services, with vulnerable people
and their specific/individual needs in mind
We constantly carryout on-going hazard identification and Risk Assessments, in compliance with the general
principles of prevention as set out in the legislation, in consultation with the vulnerable groups forming part
of our workforce
WE Offer welfare facilities and PPE, that accommodates or is inclusive to vulnerable people and their

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

specific/individual needs
We prepare emergency plans and provide first-aid training, to all vulnerable groups and workers on how to
accommodate the vulnerable as part of the workforce
We at Dutco also offer suitable and convenient shift patterns and light duties to the vulnerably groups in
accordance to their individual abilities and needs
We always ensure that the vulnerable groups work under proper supervision by a responsible individual as
to ensure their safety
Dutco also offers free counselling sessions for those vulnerable groups in distress who might not be able to
cope with their situations or disabilities

Brief details of any recognised standards/risk assessment methodology used for comparison against
organisational arrangements for risk profiling and risk management:
■ ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems;
■ BS EN ISO 9001 Quality management system;
ISO 14001:2015 Environment Management System
■ In-house standards, procedures or codes;
■ Sector-specific frameworks such as: The Working at Heights Regulations 2005 and associated ACOPs INDG
■ The Energy Institute’s High-level framework for process safety management;
■ The Chemical Industries Association Responsible Care framework.

Brief details of active and reactive monitoring to assess controls:

We measure health and safety performance through monitoring. The monitory has two categories, active
and reactive monitoring. In active monitoring we ensure that health and safety standards are correct in our
workplace before accidents, incidents or ill-health are caused. On reactive monitoring, we use accidents,
incidents and ill-health as indicators of performance in order to highlight areas of concern.

Below are types of monitoring we use to monitor our health and safety.
Type of Monitoring How it is performed in Dutco
1. Systematic Inspections
Safety Inspections Going to the work place and identifying hazards,
assessing the risks and controlling the risk using
the hierarchy of controls
Safety Sampling

Safety Tours

Safety Surveys

We use reports to give feedback on monitoring

Recommended action Priority Time- scale Responsible person

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Dutco LLC Program Evaluation and Improvement

• Our Control measures are evaluated over a specific period of time to ensure if they are still effective.
• At Dutco LLC we have established performance monitoring programs which verify program
implementation, and identify shortcomings in the system while offering opportunities for future
• Adequate procedures have been implemented to improve the program and the overall safety and health

Information regarding review and recording of risk assessments:

Health and Safety Auditing

Evaluation of improvements required

What are your suggested three improvements? These should be based on the previous sections of
Leadership, Management, Worker Involvement and Risk Profile. Do not include more than three
improvements as only the first three will attract marks in your assignment.

Improvement 1 Improvement 2 Improvement 3

For each of the improvements, you will need to include further information in your report regarding
responsibilities for implementation; resources required (this should be a variety); training requirements;
monitoring and measuring effectiveness; how lessons will be learnt; any ethical or other conflicts that may
be encountered and how they can be resolved. Do not include them here.

The following areas are a checklist for you to complete to acknowledge you have included the relevant
information in your report. We cannot offer specific feedback on these areas as they demonstrate your
understanding and opinion of the previous sections.

Role of H&S Practitioner (checklist)

Included in Included in Included in
Improvement 1 Improvement 2 Improvement 3
Mentoring and supporting competency.
Distinction between leadership and
Different management styles required.

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Recognising personal competency limits.

Specialist input required.

Effective communication of improvements (checklist)

Included in Included in Included in
Improvement 1 Improvement 2 Improvement 3
Communication methods & media to be used. Yes Yes

Influencing improvement via participation. Yes Yes

Influencing improvement via management
Yes Yes
accountability. Yes
Influencing improvement via consultation. Yes No
Influencing improvement via negotiation. No No
Influencing improvement via feedback Yes Yes

Financial justification (checklist)

Improvement 1 Improvement 2 Improvement 3
Likely initial costs involved. No No

Ongoing costs. Yes Yes Yes

How to influence the budget holder. Yes Yes Yes

Improvements that will be made (include the

Yes Yes
time period here for payback).
Your opinion on whether the improvement is
proportionate and sensible (based on costs Yes Yes Yes
and resources).

Conclusions and recommendations(checklist)

Tick when
Have you referred back to the aims & objectives?
Have you stated whether the aims and objectives were achieved and how?

DNI Outline plan – November 2019

Have you based recommendations on the three improvements?

Have you included full justification for each recommendation?

Executive summary (checklist)

Tick when

To be written at the end but inserted at the front of the report.

Deliver key information with a persuasive, well-substantiated pitch that avoids jargon and
includes a summary of the conclusions and recommendations.
Establish key issues that need solving and describe the measurable impact on performance
in order to capture and maintain the reader’s attention and thereby prompt a response and
support that is positive. Focus on the three improvements.
Provide a convincing case for solving the key issues by recommending proportionate and
sensible solutions and a corresponding benefit to the reader. This should be written with a
moral, legal, and economic persuasiveness.
An executive summary should provide sufficient information to enable a busy senior
manager to decide whether or not to read the full report and to provide a persuasive case
for implementation of recommendations made.
The executive summary should be no longer than one side of A4 using single-spaced Arial
font (size 11) and 2cm print margins (left, right, top and bottom).

Which referencing system have you used?
 Harvard Vancouver
(Tick the box)


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