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Pakistan Telecommuinig Wafagi Mohiasib'(Ombudsin: Petitioner by: Respondent No.1 by: Respondent No.2 by: Date of Hearing: Vintend to decide writ petition No:244i 2449/2013, 2450/2013, 2451/21 2454/2013 involving the similar fax 2. “Through aboverinentfned petitions) i invoked the jurisdiction-F this:c Constitution of Islamic Repiblic of Pakistan, Prayer;- Be Tru \ ae ts therefore ‘TESPBEIRINY: ‘nfo Ne Copy ected that, PTCL is: nok’ Respondent No cig. \ | Respondent No.1 are withou ‘1 ONOV 2020 Notice issued by Res won. be quashed and Re ‘srinas Notice/s'to the Petitioner Any further. rel the’ establishment of the office 7 Order 1983 was seed whey petition: 4, Learned counsel for.the’ 1 petitioner Is amenable ‘ot Consumer Courts all overPakist 5... On the other hand, leaned’ coun et et submitted that office of the Wafagi: Mohtasib: established vide establishment: of the (Ombudsman) Order, 1983, Presiden providing forum to redréks. the at Provides rele through a! épeedy prot | the object of appointment of: we Copyedress, and rectify any injust ov 7020 Govertiment by introduction ‘of Federal a Reforms Act, 2013; that Pakistan’ Tel nui Bhnited (hereinafter be refetred to as ‘™PTCL? nincooh defintiort of Agency and also falls with defined in the Act of 2013, as Federal. In PTCL, which fact is admitted by, \ Mohtasib has jurisdiction to entertain corm \ of P.O No.1 of 1983 read with. Section 2'( %° Next submitted that the Prov 7. Ombudsman Institutional. Reforms: * % to other laws. Therefore, no "5 fling of complaints Pertaining fo: Wategi Mohtasib “Secretariat As 7. From perusal of the record ta Converted into a statutory Corporation = Telecommunication Corporation Aét 409} Pakistan Telecommunication ¢Re-orgai year 2008 Federal, Government transferred 26% shares to Eilat has complete. managerne fedressed of his grievan} imaladministration of Federal “any shore llcensed or registered by the FederatiGoy ‘ret Notified by the Federcy Government: In view‘of above Aetntion of Agere the Sefton of Agency, but also fal wits, defined in the subsequent law. ie.” Government still owns 62% shares ‘in 2 petitioner in the above-mentioned, pei No:2:has rightly approached res against the petitioner. Further,:' ‘\.. Federal ombudsmen Institutional ettect to other laws ‘and no limitalion has: fling of complaints pertaining’ to: the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secrétariat, In thiswegatd;!) laid down by the Hor un "Object of establishing the tf te diagnose, investigate, redress done to a person through rola °f any Agency. The purpose thus ‘dministrative excesses from thot Justice could be’ made: i persons without such perdons bein doors of the Courts of law:. been conferred on the Ombuids President's Order: No af 1963 = which were kept out of his junlditi which Were subjudice’ refore: of competent jurisdiction; externol affairs of Pekistan ami \ were connected i In the case reported ag + through Chairman Vs. Si ithas been held as under:- Be True Coys, Federal Government hd sv 1 Se bic Subscription and thepslt shares} to the EIP ond yié Fem wer stl owned by the Feder os the Government owhed malo either nits own name, or whether the riame of any. other organiza the Government, PTCL’ was: ai amenable .to the jurisdiction. Article 199 of the Constitution, So, it is for this reason, an agile lodge complaints against PTCL on a Wafaqi Mohtasib can entetain such OF P.O. No.1. of 1983 read with secti Article 11 of P.0.1 of 1983 obligated * the complained act did or did net amount ~ a result of investigation conducted by. conclusion that complained: act was regulations then the Ombudsman wa: with such matters in accordance case, the recommendations ’al proceed under Articles 12 & 16 of: issuance of any notice no weit right to take all objections. incluc further the petitioner has ‘a right to: President of Pakistan tinder AMticie-14 Institutional Reforms Act, 2 9. 4 | 9. oor eby dismi age8t0 Be True chpreby : issed.

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