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Cordial greetings to the directives of the environmental company CEI wild New York city

Wednesday, May 19 th, 2021

I am writing this letter in order to express my interest in the job vacancy, considering my
abilities in this area and of course taking into account my experience and my passion in this
particular area, I consider that I will perform an extremely impeccable job, I know that their
directives will not have any kind of displeasure with my work, since I usually have a lot of
commitment in this area and I promise to establish a deep relationship with my work

Since I was a child I was very interested in the environment, i guess you know there is always
something to do for it, for trying to take care of it and improve, so since that moment I knew I
would live for that.
During all my life i´ve tried to make as much as i can for the animals, specially the ones who
live on the streets, i can actually remember how many dogs and cats i´ve rescued from the
streets, they were 15; i remember everything, how and where they were, I remember exactly
how i met the first dog i rescued, it was abandoned on a house, it was horrible, there was a lot
of trash on the floor and that was what the dogs who lived there ate, the soulless people who
left him there, though it wasn't enough to leave him there, so they tied him up with a wire and
punched him , i also remember the exactly moment when i bring them to my home, how
happy he was, and the days after that, it was such a magical experience, i guess that´s why i
can´t forget it.
I love animals and I want them to be in a good space, so I have to take care of the
environment too, to have a better world for humans and animals.

I am committed to the prevention and control of pollution, it hurts me to see the destruction
of our natural resources, that is why I would love to join this majestic company, in addition to
this, I am a person who is integrated and experienced, who stands out for his dedication and
honest, always explains and makes people understand the importance of this

I think the planet should be working constantly to reduce the pollution indexes, in my case I
recycle to avoid damage, in addition to some good actions, such as planting trees towards the
future, doing awareness campaigns for the population, for my part I am committed to take
care and preserve my habitat

From my home I acquire some recommendations, I focus and fully commit, it is something
important to me, that is why I have always invited my friends from the community or where I
have a social relationship to follow some examples of these actions
The care and reduction of water consumption, and recycling from our homes

I am sure that one by one a great change can be achieved, I am a great leader with a positive
mentality, a person totally dedicated and dedicated to his work, I motivate my family to care
for the environment

I do not share activities such as fracking or land exploitation, since these are highly risky
activities for the population and the ecosystem

Previously I was working in a scenario where I exploited all my skills, I became a boss,
where I did an excellent job

Generate process and important alliances, in my community I worked hard to build a healthy
environment with the excellent participation of people.

He always makes a difference and your company seems like an excellent proposal to exploit
my skills.

I want to aspire to this job position because I have acquired a lot of knowledge through my
community, I have split my knowledge to help a lot to the development of my community,
also in different jobs I have acquired some knowledge of each job that are developed in the
different positions of the company, I have become one of the best environmentalists in the
country with too much recognition, I have also done studies on waste management in
different countries among them are the United States, China, France, Portugal and many
more, I have also gone to different countries to experience firsthand, as it affects too many
ways pollution by not handling and separating human waste well and I think that based on
this knowledge I feel qualified to acquire the position.

Well, that was my proposal. I hope it was to your liking, those are the proposed objectives, I
am pending your response, in advance I thank you for the attention that was provided I am
aware of your objection, I will be too grateful and committed if you give me the opportunity
to be part of this industry

Sincerely, John Smith

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