Expert Evaluation Form MC

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Date: 3/15-19
Session: Clinical teaching as the fellow on the cardiology service
Physician: Nick Brown
Observer: Mike Carr
Brief Description of Session:
I was the attending on service with Nick for a week of inpatient coverage. During this time, he provided ad
hoc teaching sessions during and after rounds for the residents and a medical student, in addition to
teaching sessions for our cardiology APN, a visiting cardiology fellow from Rush and a second-year
pediatric resident who was rotating on our consult service

Please rate the following statements that represent your appraisal of the issue.



Couldn't Tell

this SituationNot Applicable to


Not Qualified to

Presentation Skills O E G F P NA CT NQ
Identified objectives at the beginning of the session x
Demonstrated ability to communicate orally x
Answered questions clearly and in a helpful manner x
Used appropriate methods for the activities presented x
Used appropriate instructional materials x
Implemented activities and information in a logical x
Provided audience with opportunities to participate x
Communicated content/information that was x
technically accurate
Established rapport with audience x
Used the visual aids effectively x
The instructional materials/handouts were interesting and x
easy to understand
Personal Skills O E G F P NA CT NQ
Showed respect for all in the audience x
Developed by Kadriye O Lewis, Ed.D
Online Master’s Program for Healthcare Professionals
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Spoke clearly and enthusiastically x
Demonstrated professional/ethical behavior x
Demonstrated self-confidence x
Demonstrated a sense of humor x
Body Language (Maintained eye contact) x
Voice (Varied rate, pitch, volume for emphasis) x
Organizational Skills O E G F P NA CT NQ
The presenter was prepared to take charge. x
There was a clearly stated introduction. x
The sequencing of the subject material was logical. x
The presenter demonstrated ability to work with groups. x
The time was used effectively. x
Content O E G F P NA CT NQ
The topics covered were relevant to audience work. x
The topic was treated in sufficient depth. x
Terms were clearly explained. x
Facility/Equipment O E G F P NA CT NQ
The room was comfortable. x
The room was free from distractions. x
The computer equipment, including hardware, was set up x
correctly and worked correctly.


 Timing of teaching sessions  In areas that are not as conducive to
 Duration of sessions (respect for the other learning, make sure that all participants are
work that trainees need to get done) able to be part of the group (we had a larger
 Relevant/applicable topics than average group of learners for the
 Clearly thought about the level of week)
knowledge of all learners and provided  Continue to work on trying to engage the
some more basic background on topics individual learners more with questions and
before launching into more specifics provide immediate feedback to their
 I got very positive feedback from the responses, using even incorrect responses to
residents who worked with us for the week make a quick teaching point
specifically on Nick’s dedication to
teaching and teaching style
Developed by Kadriye O Lewis, Ed.D
Online Master’s Program for Healthcare Professionals
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Other Comments: Nick continues to improve on his on the fly clinical/bedside teaching. I felt that he had
a much better plan for the timing and duration of his quick sessions, so as not to interfere with efficient
patient care

Developed by Kadriye O Lewis, Ed.D

Online Master’s Program for Healthcare Professionals
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

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