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Group Members:

Abdullah Qazi (2035326)

Ameer Ahmed khan (2035328)
Q1.Produce the headings of the framework with a brief definition.
I. Leadership: The capacity to inspire individuals to give of their best to achieve a desired
II. Team orientation: The ability to work cooperatively and flexibly with other members of
the team.
III. Communication: The ability to communicate clearly and persuasively, orally or in
IV. People management: The ability to manage and develop people and gain their trust and
cooperation to achieve results.
V. Problem solving: The capacity to analyse situations, diagnose problems, identify the key
issues, establish and evaluate alternative courses of action.
VI. Business awareness: The capacity continually to identify and explore business
VII. Technical ability: Possession of the knowledge, understanding and expertise required to
carry out the work effectively.
VIII. Planning and organizing: The ability to decide on courses of action, ensuring that the
resources required to implement the action will be available
Q2. Team Orientation:
Positive Indicators  Effective trusting relationships among
individuals sharing same objectives, goals
 They all focus to build each other in a
situation where all members win.
 An environment of respect, fairness and
courtesy should be present among group
 Members should listen effectively to each
other and offer help whenever necessary.
Ideas, thoughts, and suggestions should be
shared among each other
Negative Indicators  There is no proper communication and
working with team members is hard.
 During a discussion of a task members
either speak a lot not giving others a
chance to speak or they all not speak at all.
 The group members like to work alone
and can’t work successfully in a team.

As we move toward finalization of competency frame work and implementation of it.
• The principle of communication is very important.
• It is important to explain them why framework was developed and how you like to used it.
The recommendations to test, implement and use framework are:
• Make framework simple as possible. You want you work to be used, not filed away or
• Treat the implementation as you would any other change initiative; try to be more open and
honest, to get the best results
• The more you honest, and open. The better the chances of achieving the objectives
Yes it was appropriate to introduce competencies among employees of the organization,
competencies has its benefits and challenges altogether but in long run the company can get
comparative advantage of it by introducing them in the organization. At first the employees
might feel that these competences are only paper based and can’t help them in any manner,
without proper assessment strategy, management can’t predict the skills needed by the
employees, these competencies can be treated as HR process and not business imperative,
employees might not realize that these changes are for the long run and consider it a short term
HR policy.

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