Wednesday 10th February: Come Back To Teams at 10:15

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Wednesday 10th February

● Individual work: Reading & grammar review

● Back together: discussion & check answers
● More grammar!
● ‘Holiday’ plans
● Homework
● Meeting Ann (11:15)

Can you give a summary of the introduction to the article we read yesterday?

Individual work Come back to Teams at 10:15

(Pages 48 & 49 in the book):
● Follow the instructions for exercise 2 and 3 in the box below and make notes for
● Write down any new words that you find in the article - please try not to look up the
word on a translation app. Try to understand the word by using the text first.

● Trials
● Headaches /k/
● Might
● Backache
● Notice
● Obviously
● Cramped /d/
● Laugh LARF
● Joke
● Abuse you ooh
● Recycling
● Items I
● Syringes /iz/
● Joked /t/
● Hepatitis
● Helped /t/

New vocabulary:
● Average = in the middle The average national salary is £26,000.
● Cramped
● Wage
● Nappies
● Rotting - food goes bad
● Diseases
● Slam - to slam
● To work bent over - to bend over
● Straightaway - immediately
● Sort - to organise

Can you use ‘must’ or ‘can’t’ to write 2 sentences for each job?
EXAMPLE: to say we think something is true! MUST & CAN’T FOR OPINION
1. Human guinea pig job - “Some people must be quite scared when they start taking
the new drugs.”
2. “They must feel really bad the first time.”
3. “Young people must/have to be careful because maybe they have a health condition
that they don’t know about.”
4. “Embalmers must be exhausted at the end of the week.”
5. “Embalmers can’t be happy about their salary.”
6. “Airlines can’t be happy about the news.”
7. “Embalmers can’t/ are not able to spend extra time with their family.”
CAN’T = when you don’t have the ability to do something. “I can’t speak Spanish.”
“Some people can’t/are not able to understand….”
“We can’t risk our health for money.” = you are telling us we shouldn’t risk our health.
“They can’t/are not allowed to take many breaks.” CAN’T = permission/not allowed to

“People at the call centre must be exhausted after many calls.”

“Working in a call centre must be a stressful job.” “This must be a stressful job.”
“They must have patience.” “They must be patient people.”
Answers to Reading Task 2
Homework: Please send me your answers in an email this week, or next week.

How to respond to these comments

A: “It must be difficult”
B: “Yes, it IS.”

A: “It can’t be easy”.

B: “No, it ISN’T.

A: “You must enjoy it!”

B: “Yes, I DO (enjoy it).”

A: “You can’t enjoy it.”

B: “No, I _______ (enjoy it).”

A: “You must be happy!”

B: “Yes, I ____ (happy).”

A: “You can’t be happy.”

B: “No, I ______ (happy.”

A: “You people must be quite scared. Are you sure you want to do it?”
B: “ Yes, I ______ a bit scared. I’m sure it’ll be fine though.”

A: “That can’t be a good situation to be in!”

B: “No, _______ not.”

A: “They must feel awful!”

B: “Yes, I think they _______ most of the time.”

A: “It definitely isn’t a good idea to book holidays now. The airlines must be terrified about
the future of their business.”
B: “Yes, I guess they ______.”

Writing homework:
Choose 1 topic (below) and write your response. Please write around 200 words.

● A job that you have done that you think is very valuable and helped you gain
important life skills.
● A job that you would like to do in the future (a future with no COVID). Why would
you like this job? Why do you think you would be well-suited to this job?

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