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Cambridge International Examinations. Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Cattents 1. Flowering plants..... 2. States of Matter. 3. Light and Shadows... 4, Earth’s Movements... 5. Scientific Inquiries. Dr Shahainaz Kashed 01111280802 Topic title: flowering plants Cambridge Internationel Examinations ‘SSmondge Pamary chackpon| Life cycle of flowering plants Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 1 Topic ttl: flowering plants Remember «Parts of the plant are: Part Function & Root Take in water and minerals from the soil-fix the plant in its place stem transports water to all plant parts leaves Use sunlight to make food for the plant G flowers Atract insets for polination - make seeds — make fut —for ra epfbdition © Stages of life cycle of flowering plants: 1. Seed 2- Seedling 3- Young plant 4- Adult plant © Through the whole life of the plant, it goes through: 1. Seed ” 2- Seedling & 3- Growth e 4- Young plant 5+ Adult plant (flower formation) to 6- Pollination . ff 7- Fertilization “ea & 8: Fruit forming(seed producti 9- Seed dispersal : a pa 10- Germination d aa 411- Then goes again from es + Hlowerparts: “QS lL # The stamen‘é male pat, of the flower is made of: © Filament hold'the anther where pollen (male reproduietivé cell) is produced. ‘* The carpel is the female part of the flower is made of stigma, styke and ovary o~. The stigma is very sticky; this helps it to catch pollen. o The ovary is where the seeds are made. ‘®, Photosynthesis: is the process where the plant uses energy from the sun, carbon dioxide gas from ‘tHe air and water and minerals from the soil to make its own food. * Germination: is the growth of the seed (when the seed start to grow) © Pollen :is the male sex cell © Ova (egg): is the female sex cell * Pollination is the transfer of the pollen from the male anther to the female stigma Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 2 Topic title: flowering plants PE] Cambriige international Examinations Hy] Gamonsge Primary Chockoonn © Fertil is when the pollen joins with the ova, and seed is formed. © Fertilization takes place in the ovary. ‘© Ways (methods) of pollination: 1+ Insects (like bees): pollen stick to their legs and fall off when they fly from one flower to another. 2. Water . 3- Wind fey tucd 4- Human. fs © Nectar is sweet liquid provide food for insects. © Colour petals and nectar attract insects for pollination. we 8 '* Methods of seed dispersal: Coconut disperses by water Syeatore or maples looks le bird with wings) disperses byind Dandelion disperses by wind 4 s Violet or cowpeas disperses by explosion (when you see eds arolind a flower) Any fruits are dispersed by being eaten by animals or birds. Burdock (with spikes and hooks) disperses by sticking to animal's fur. 0. Hazelnut: when animals burry them and then forget aout them ‘© The seeds disperse ie © Find more space to grow away from the tients © Find more water © Find more minerals © Find more light. Describe how the seeds are*Tétmed: 1. The pollen moves from athe to stigma (polination 000000 © Seeds need watér, warmth only to start to grow.(germinate) © Seeds don’t neddllight to germinate as they don’t make photosynthesis, they are buried underground, and they have thelr own food store. e28Plant leaves go yellow when they don’t get enough light to make their food by photosynthesis process? >The first part that grows after the seed cracks open isthe root Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 3 Gambrige Intemational Examinations Topic title: flowering plants ‘Gamorage Prmary checkpoint 8 Seeds are dispersed from plants so they have a better chance to grow. Here are some diagrams of fruits containing seeds. Use these examples to answer the questions, A B (a) Which two fruits from A, B, C or D dr (b) Which fruit A, B, C or Bi Dr. Shahinad'¥ 01111280802 4 ‘Gambriage intemational Exainations Topic ttle: flowering plants Sctinige Panay Ghecigars 12 (a) The diagram shows a section through a coconut fruit. O84201MIO a9 {b) A seed is What is juced when the male, is process called? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 5 {Cambridge International Examinations Topic title: flowering plants [Semorge Prnary Chacko 7 Flowering plants and animals have a life cycle. Write under each picture the stage or name which the plant is in. 7 Allplants produce seeds. os4aovonwne ay Growth Reproduction [1] (b) Which seed can be prea by attaching to an animat's fur? Tick (v) one box. € & 0] Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 6 ‘Cambridge Intemational Examinations ‘Samorage Prmary Croekoont Topic title: flowering plants (c) What is the process called when a plant releases its seed? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 7 ‘Cambridge Intemational Examinations Topic title: flowering plants Sombnage Prmary Chock 1 (a) The diagram shows a plant. Lbel the parts A, B and C. (b) A plotted plant was put in a shallow black plastic bag. It was left in the labo taken off the leaves had tumed WER, for a week. When the bag was. Why hes this happened Tick et box. The leaves were to0 % : we water, The plat aslo take in oxygen. There was no light getting to the leaves, () Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 8 ‘Cambridge Intemationel Examinations Topic title: flowering plants ‘Samocce Primary Checkoon 7 The diagram shows a cross-section of a flower. This part attracts insects. This part contains pollen. This sticky part catches pollen. fo. (b) Insects are often attracted to lovlerstbecause they are brightly coloured. ‘Name one other thing gD eRocts to flowers. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 9 Cambridge Intemational Examinations Topic ttle: flowering plants 45 Many plants have flowers. insect flower {a) Which two parts of the flower attract insects? Circle the two correct answers. carpel nectary petal {b) Complete the sentence. Pollen fertilises the ovum. This produces Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 10 Cambridge lnerntional Examinations Topic title: flowering plants SSimonage Pumany Crockpot ‘OB46NZIOINIIS gg 9. Flowers have different parts. (a) Why do flowers have petals? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 srt Cambridge international Examinations Topic title: flowering plants ‘Gamonaye Primary Choetgan Here are some seeds in a pod. OBABIOVOINN2 gg seed pod dries out Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 R Cambridge lntsmational Examinations Smbnage Penary Chockpan| 412 Seeds can be dispersed in different ways. Choose the correct word for how each seed is dispersed. animal explosion Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 water Topic ttle: flowering plants OB46)01/AMI6 gz {Gambrdge international Examinations Topic title: flowering plants emonage Pumary Cnecrpont 4 Flowering plants have a life cycle. OB45/02/ANITE gd Complete the stages in the life cycle. @ One has been done for you. Choose from the following words. germination growth pollination seed dispersal 2] Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 4 Game International Exainations Topic ttle: flowering plants Ssmenaye Peary Cheehpe B46102IANUIIE gg 44 Many plants have flowers. (a) Look at this flower. Which letter shows the female part of this flower? Circle the correct answer. A B [1] (b) Look at this flower. hich two letters show the male parts of this flower? Circle the correct answer. FandG GandH Hand K KandL 1 {1 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 5 ‘Cambridge intorationa! Examinations ‘Samonage Pamary Chectpant {c} Look at this flower. Draw the letter X on the flower to show where pollen is madey Dr. Shahinaz Rashed. 01111280802 16 Topic ttle: flowering plants ¥ Topic ttle: flowering plants uA oe4s/o1awso8 {@) What is theiname of part A? {b) What does part B contain? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 ” lona Examinations Topic ttle: fc r cena ematonts pic title: flowering plants 8430110100 {a) Label the parts A and B on the diagram, (2) LJ Function takes in water makes food makes seeds Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 18 {Cambridge Intotional Examinations Topic title: flowering plants ‘Sambaage Prvary Crockpot 0943/02/0/N09 10 Flowering plants need to disperse their seeds so that they can grow in new areas. Look at the pictures below. Draw straight lines to join each picture to the correct method of dispersal. Seed is carried by the wind, Seed sticks to a passing animal. [3] Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 19 Cambridge Intemationel Examinations ‘Samecie Parmar Chockpont| 8 All flowering plants produce seeds. (a) Why do plants need to produce seeds? Underline the correct word. fertilisation germination (b) Which seed can be spread by attaching to an animal's fur? Tick (v) one box. growth Topic title: flowering plants oseeotseri2 reproduction (d) Which statement best descritesthow these seeds are spread? Tick (~) one box. ent” Animals spread the seeds in their droppings. “Water carries the seeds. Wind blows the seeds. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 20 (1) Topic ttle: flowering plants {i) attracts insects. | (ii) contains pollen. ene ii) vanohs (iii) _is sticky and “RRO aw (1) Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 a {Game Intemational Examinations Topic title: flowering plants "onary Grockgort oxsrotronns 8 Flowering plants make whys o£, & develops disperses fertilises produces ‘Seeds are made when pollen ti Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 2 Cambridge Intemational Examinations Topic title: flowering plants Ssmonige Parmar Chocspan 10 Flowers have male and female organs. Here are three different flowers. flower A Complete the sentences. Choose from the flowers A BC. ‘The flower that has male and female organs is fi The flower that has female organs only is ‘The flower that has male organk only is {t Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 2B Topic title: flowering plants 0846/02000016 flowers can be bright colours flowers close at night leaves are large fd petals are always smaib/ mM Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 24 ee Topic title: flowering plants ambndge Panay Chectpon 10 Seeds are dispersed. 0848/02/0/NIS {a) Sophia disperses seeds. What kind of seed dispersal is Sophia using? Gircle the correct answer, animal dispersal insect dispersal mn at” What kind of 808 dispersal is Chen using? animal dispersat insect dispersal setfaispersal water dispersal wind dispersal ty Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 25 {Gambro international Examinations Topic ttle: flowering plants Seranage mmaryCheckpemt 7 (a) Look at thie diagram of a plant. 0843/01/N/06 Match up the parts of the plant with their functions. leat Transports water around the plant a= ‘Takes in water atja@ninerals root ' from the sei. » we o _ im 2 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 26 Cambridge international Examinations ESmonage pamary (b) The diagram shows @ sea weed plant. rock, _- holdfast ner ‘This plant ives on rocks on the sea shore. ()) What is the job of the hofdfast? 2. (9) Undering two tings al aren plants ned i. At, Food Satt séniigr') 2 (b) In some counties the “ohh Rayer ie vary eld of fis plants living there during winter? What will happen to the grol 0 y, eS of ajant. Label the parts of the plant. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 2 Topic ttl: flowering plants (0843/02/N/06 a C O m Lo {Gambro ntemationa Examinations Sarena ; Topic ttle: flowering plants 0843/02/N/06 On the diagram of the flower {a) Label with an S the part of the fower where the seeds form, (b) Label with a P the part where the pollen is formed, Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 28 snbrige nternaional Examinations Topic ttl: flowering plants Samoege Primary Crockoont 10 Look at these drawings. a 8 ° 2 & Complete these sentences using the letiers A, B, G oF D to represent the 0843/02/N/06 drawings. @)... ‘uses light to make food. 0) mone cuamana €K0S in water from the sell, ©... comin SFIS, 11 Plants are offen called producars. What doss the term producer mean? ‘Tick one box. ‘They make gases to keep the sir cleen, i ‘They make the food that elarts all food chain “They ae an ecient part te water afb! ‘They make ceeds 20 now planjs wee 40] & wy jgtne leaves. 0843/02/ms/07 How does water gett the £ eaionie m Ly 2 (@) Welter passes up the tee tain Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 29 Cambridge Intemational Examinations ‘Gamondge Prmary Choclpon 3. The picture shows @ cactus plant, {a) What is the habitat of this cactus? Tick (¥) one box. gen Ey fore = [J meen] scoste § C] _ (6) The cactus ie. tsi ) pry »&. so organs. Powers comtpin ‘nee (longa show which words wil complete this statement coment mate and tefl [7 G C op) c “@l) The flower has large and attractive petals. How Is this cactus pollinated? m Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 30 Topic title: flowering plants Comonge Panay Chockpant 4 (a) Flowering piants have a lite cycle. Draw lines to match the stages of the plant life cycle to whet happens, a cispersal getting the polien to the stigma Seige poten tothe stigme _| ferilisation| {joining the pollen and the 693 pollination L Avbean seed is placed in « jar, (b) The seed will start to grow (germiiat ight conditions. > ‘Which part of the plant growsltust hen the seed germinetes? ane? (c) Seeds do not neefigiito dlrminate. Why is thie? secant ay Gy 5 Pm SA ie gies Tyg Sepa, ‘without ight. They rnp ‘own store of food. ‘They receive food from their parents, ‘They, OOOO i] Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 31 Topic ttl: flowering plants ‘Cambridge international Exeminations ‘Eambege Paar Chockpor 3 New oak trees grow from acoms produced by the oak tree. 0843/02/0/N/O7 air he % soll warmth water (2) Cee (6) Acoms af, Bacstuidy animals. Birds collect the acoms and bury them in thesseouite to edt laler. Sometimes they do not collact them end the seeds afgleff¥p,the ground to grow. Dr, Shahinaz Rashed. 01111280802 32 ‘Cambridge Internationa! Exeminations: Topic title: flowering plants Sime unary Croce . (0843/02/0/N/07 <—mée A (a) Name part A, (b) Name pert B. (©) The job of part 8 is to produce potion, Why Is poten important? a Tick (7) one bow Hie the female sex cal ig the mate sex cet, It provides food for the gl It grows into a new plagy (d) This ower has large phteldito attract insects, 1nFimportant? germination Xpoundton 4% m Ld All plants need to produce new plants so thelr species can survive. ‘What Ie the name of this IMe-process? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 33 ‘upd Lom Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 51 01111280802 5 Manuela is measuring the temperature of water in a beaker with a thermometer. She heats the water unti it boils. oeeaouspnz {a) She continues to heat the water. The water keeps on boiling. What happens to the temperature of the water while it boils? Underline your answer. “ti goes down goes up stays the same. (b) Why does the water level in the beaker drop as shé continues her investigation? ; {c) She notices white crystals forming on the inside Wall of the beaker. beaker crystals <== $ water am a, Where have the white crystals come from? Tick (Y) one box. from chiéinicals washed out of the glass », “from the melting glass They have condensed from gases in the room. They were dissolved in the water. ft Dr, Shahinaz Rashed 52 01111280802 ‘Somocage Pamory chospom 20 Inthe water cycle, water can be a solid, liquid or gas. OB4GOSPIIZ condenses dissolves —_—evaporates é Saltis dissolved’in sea water. When the wali from the sea, the saltis left behind, % tw (b) Name the process that happens whey, 4 - Gferwaneenovnemionmmusnninnnin CO Ce Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 53 1111280802 ‘SSmerage ermary fnatione 8 The flow chart shows part of the water cycle, obasioa103 water droplets in process B. clouds: water vapour process A seawater |, - rivers (a) What is the name of process A? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 54 01111280802 O846/01/0"N6 ‘water vapour in the air water in the sea eontaining salt into water droplets. io) (i Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 55 01111280802 Eqmbrisan international Examinetions Semonige Pnmory Chsckpart 7 Miz gives the dog a bath, She uses a towel to dry the dog afterwards. (0843/02/0/N/07 Dr, Shahinaz Rashed 56 Page Total 01111280802 Eamprigoranternuona reminatone 5. Sue heats a salt solution a5 shown in the diagram. a 10843/02/M4/1/09 gentle heat (2) (i) What is given off when the solution is heated gently? a. (b) Sue now removes the beaker and continges Rehest the salt solution, ‘| nfesye vee (What wi bo fet in th ssh segs gst eating? . o € vs tC Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 57 01111280802 Semmes nage ss 2 Klara.uses.a bottle of perfume. PRAOD TAI top perfume ‘She forgets to put the top back on the bottle: ‘When she-comes back the nextday there is less perfu: Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 58 01111280802 Eamonage Prmary Checkpont (b) Which of these has a strong smell? Tick (v) three boxes. coffee which has just been made freshly baked bread glass of water ic] Dr, Shahinaz Rashed 59 01111280802 Sambridas meraona Exgetntone 6 These statements are about boiling pure water. Decide if each statement is true or false. Tick (¥) the correct box beside each statement. When you heat water, it sometimes bolls at 125° When water reaches 100°C, it boils. When water boils, it gets hotter. ‘When water boils, it tums into a gas. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 60 true PeAQ0 VAT 3) 01111280802 yee tern xapinaons PBAO/OTIAMI 1 7 Some students from Class 5 discuss condensation. Condensation Condensation iswhena fiquid turns into a gas. Condensation | is when a liquid ‘turns into a solid, Condensation is when a gas turns into a (b) Which of tHe following processes is the reverse (opposite) of condensing? Tick (¥) the correct box. evaporating meting (1 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 61 01111280802 Somanage prmanycreexpant 8 Sara and Ruth are shipwrecked on a desert island, PSAOO UAT ‘They are very thirsty and make some drinking water from sea water- Sara and Ruth use things they find from the shipwreck. Here is their apparatus. vite cu — FD a (a) Which cup contains the sea water at the st Give a reason for your answer. 2 rf, (b) The water is separated fom fete ne sea water. Tick (~) two boxes to explain how this happens. % ° ay (1) (a Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 62 01111280802 Topic title: Light ‘Siinecape onary nasa ight and Shado,, Shion topes Translucent, Transparent & 7 “ip ttessieen Opaque ia % # ALL source oot bet ee 2 ght | easy passes € “> through : Tien _-= SOME S| | ao light aus passes + through NO light p> passes | through 8 _ =e Wi How do we see coloured objects? wie the coming in ¥ wie coming ¥ aK \ \rtctes ... a ‘ite suace green surface Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 3 Topic ttle: Light _ambrido nternatona Examinations Remember Light travels in straight lines. The white light we see is composed of 7 colours called 7 spectrum colours (rainbow colours) This is how We see objects: Materials are classified into 3 types: 1+ Opaque materials do not let light through. 2. 2+ Transparent materials let a lot of light through. 3+ Translucent material et some light travel through and we cant see beh itveby leary. We see light sources because light from the source enters our eyes. The moon is not a source of light it eflects the sun rays. Mirrors reflect light, as shown in the figure: : Z| Inedeney © When light ray hits a mirror, it reflects with the 2 i Oa same angle. | © When the light ray hits the mirror, it reflects {bounces off) and changes its direction, AT-shirt is seen blue because it absotbs all colours and reflects only the blue We see white objects because the whitelobjéct reflects all colours and don’t absorb any colour. We see black objects because thib'olack’objéct absorbs all colours and don’t reflect any colour. Shadow : is made when light, are blocked by an opaque object The length and the position arg the’2 things that change about the shadow by time, The siz of a shadottisaffetted By the position of the object, asthe object moves away from therfight souice, the shadow gets smaller.(and the opposite is correct) When the light: sotirce'inoves near to the object, the shadow gets bigger and the opposite is correct. Shadows change jg.lefgth and positior| throughout the day. In the morning and afternoon the shadow is longer, at midday the shadow is shortest as the sun is _directly aboveus. light intensity can be measured by light meter and its measuring unit is called lux, where 1 lu Lightiinténsity means the brightness ofthe light. Umén(old measuring unit for the luminance (total amount of light present) photodiode: is one of the light meters, it changes light energy into electric energy and the result is displayed as a number. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 64 Topic ttle: Light — 5 Here is a diagram of a puppet show. OA6/ODISPHA gs audience OBAGI VOINAZ gg (a) Complete this sentence. The puppet makes an image calleda. itnage smaller? “ (c) What do the audience 908, “by 8 Tick (Y) one BOX. Sy (a) (d) What would the audience see ifthe screen were opaque? ff] Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 65 Cambridge international Examinations: Topic title: Light 3° (a) Freda is investigating light. She makes a periscope from card and two mirrors. — OBABOIMITHO gy <{ (i) On the diagram, show how Freda needs to.positiorthe mirrors so that the periscope will work. \a (ii) Freda can see the flower using fiéipetiscope. Use a ruler to draw a ray 6f light on the diagram to show how she sees the flower. (Remember to draw the' arrowheads fo show the direction of the light. yO (2 (b) (i) Glass i in abated window lets light through but we cannot see through Wa is Tee natne that we give to materials that behave in this way? el? . ty z=-{ii), Glass in a normal window lets light through and we can see through it. What is the name that we give to materials that behave in this way? Mm Lo Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 66 Topic ttle Light Cambridge Intemational Examinations Senge Pnary Ceca 3 Hassan makes a shadow puppet with his hands. OB4BIOTATTE «3 (b) Complete the sentence. Choose the correct word from thefisf. transparent t because his hands are > 0) Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 or Topic ttle Light Cambridge international Examinations ‘Snbaga Pay Concxpont S460 ANAS q10 10 Pierre investigates different materials. «He writes his name on a piece of paper. * He puts different materials over his name. Here are his results. Pierre Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 8 ambrger neatona gamnations ‘Stone pnmary Chacon Topic ttle: Light 7 _Blessy looks at herself in a mirror. Tick (“) the two correct sentences about wha Rey sees. Blessy can see something because light has’ ia her eyes. Blessy has been reflected in the itr. % Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 69 e4G/02/AMI6 G7 1) Topic title: Uight 0843/0100408 Nadia is in a dark room with a torch. She makes shpegs wa fer fingers to make shadows on the wall. (a) Explain why her hand makes a dark shadow. (b) How can Nadia change the siz oF Baeto of her hand on the wall? Tick (¥) one box. make the room darker anc lighter move her hand,closet or nearer to the torch % put different:aloured gloves on her hand use a bigger or smaller torch “4. (¢) Finish this sentence about the size of shadows. The closer the light source is to an object the shadow. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 70 f] ta] Topic ttle: Light Cambridge Intemational Examinations Samba elinay etecksa 084301/01N09 11 A raybox is a piece of apparatus that makes a thin beam of light. Alicia is doing an experiment using a raybox and a mirror to look at light. (a) What is the name of the image viewed in the mirror? (b) Draw an arrowhead on the correct reflected ray A, B, C or D to show je path of the light. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 a Topic ttle: Light _Cambrigge intematonal Examinations ‘Samonage Pimary Chackocn| o84s02/0rNI09 ) 13 (a) (i) Objects that produce their own light are ) Materials that do not allow light to pass through them are {b) Rotan is looking at the planet Venus. a Venus cannot produce its own light. Why can we see it? ; e 18 Nadia is in a dark room with a torch. She makes shapes with her fingers to make shadows)c ‘onthe wall. |_csasorsen2 1 (b) How can Nadia change the size of the shadow of her hand on the wall? Tick (viene box. make the room darker and lighter q mye her hand closer to or further from the torch ut different coloured gloves on her hand use a bigger or smaller torch ay Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 R [Cambridge Internationa! Examinations Topictitle: Light 6 A shadow play is a puppet show that uses light and shadow to tell a story. The diagram shows how it works. osaarwise2 screen B A juppet PPP) ight » 6f% source oy » audience (a) How does the puppet make a shadow on the screen? (c) What word'describes materials that do not let light through? f tH Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 B carers mersteel meminesne Topic title: Light Sabie anova or 8 A torch has a covering on the end to make shapes on a screen. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 4 os4siot/ori3 ‘Cambridge ntematonal Examinations ‘Samonobe Prmory Checkoons 10 There are five objects below. They are either transparent or opaque. Write down the objects into the correct box. window tin can spectacles microscope slide car tyre Topic tite: Light ob4e/02I001 transparent Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 2] (0846/01/0/N/16 Cambridge International Examinations ‘Samonoge Pray Chocpant 16 Each day Oliver feeds his horse. His horse sees him when he arrives. Here is a diagram of Oliver and his horse. ‘Sun 8 Mike is in a dark room. He puts a puppet between a light screen ht travels from the light source. is blocked by the puppet, Topic ttle: Light (0846/02/08 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 76 ‘Cambridge international Exeminati Topic title: Light ‘Semone Primary Checkoan (b) Mike moves the puppet. He does not move the light source. He does not move the screen. Draw lines from the size of image to the correct distance of puppet from ~ screen. x size of image distance of puppet from sefeeh « f at the mid;point furthest from the screen closest to 8 the screen 2 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 7 Topic ttle: Light Samonage Pray Check 5 The picture shows a shadow puppet, (0843/01/N/06 {2) Look at the statements about shadows. Puttioks in the table fo show if they are true or f ‘Shadows are formed by all solid objects, Shadows are formed when an object Diggtsthe Shadows are formed by ea at 4 {Fhe puppet is taken away and a botle mede from glass is putin its place, does not make a shadow. 1 Cl Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 B amor nerationa Examinations Topic title ight ‘Sonia soem Sar 13 Stefano is looking in a mirror. 0843/01/N/06 {a) Draw an arrow head on the line to show the direction of the light {b} Stefano can see his face in the mirror. ‘What is this called? {¢] Name one light source. Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 79 Topic title: Light BY campeiaue iterations! Examinations SSmonge Mons Checant 9 Children are studying the shadow of a tree. 0843/02/M/1/07 opaque blocked ~—ppassed ~— solid Shadows are formed when lights... sw Materials, Why does the shadow move during refer Tick (7) one box. 2, The Suni spinning on its ds The Sun moves round woe S The Earth i pre on He axis Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 80 Topic title: Light “Gamoridge International Examinations ‘Same Pnmary Chockoon 14 We need light to see objects, (0843/02/M/J/07 (a) Name one tight source, {b) Jasmine is looking at her new ring, we Why does the metal ring look shiny? > Tick (7) one box. Itis opaque it reflects light, Iisa light source, ‘absorbs light 0" {c) Draw two agro tise picture to show how the light travels when Jasmine sees a LJ Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 a1 Topic ttle: Light 0843/02/0/N/O7 41. The children put a stick Into a hole in the ground. itis @ sunny day. A shadow forms. Statement | The stick makes a dark shadow because i pein “The stick makes @ dak chadow becausl igang | thetight The scx makes @ dark shadgy vase the tight The slick makes @ dark aha | there. The table shows tif ienbine et the shadow at diferent times of day, Use two of ie Pay Below to complete the table. 98 2) CC] CI (d)) How else does the shadow change during the day? Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 82 ema natn xanatone Topic title: Light 44 (a) Underline two materials which let light through. 0843/02/M/s/08 air. metal stone water fa) (b) What do you see behind an opaque materiel which blocks the ligh! from a light | source? Tick (¥) one box, | echo Lu image Cy rection & shadow {a 6 Koti and Petra are in @ room with a large snigl position of the children and the mirror, below shows the iro (0843/02/0/N/08 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 83 Topic title: Light Cambridge International Examinations SSmmonape rma enecxain 3 Different materials. allow different amounts of light to pass through them. (a)!Draw lines from the material to the amount of light that passes: PANN ‘through it and to the:type of shadow it forms. material amount of light'that type of shadotiy passes through it opaque: > cos lots of light through Give me an example of translucent object. B mosquito nel c glass window: Oo D brick wall Lucy thinks of four possible answers to the teacher's question. Write the correct answer. — Uy Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 84 Topic ttle: Light 12 Sam and Emily investigate position and length of shadows during the day. Emily stands in the playground. PedaotiAmtt Sam draws around her feet with chalk. At9 o'clock in the moming he draws around her shadow to record its position and length. He repeats this process at 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Here are their results. ar o'clock (a) Which of the following mmustthoy d Tick (v’) two boxes. & Do the investigation on'a lovey day. Emily should stand (ip.sti o> G sepdTha different place each time. yht when Sam draws the shadow. Emily sho} JOO g %, > Emily should mive so the shadows move. Emily should stand on the chalk marks each time Sam draws the shadow. ie) semen, CA Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 85 ‘Cambridge Intrmaignal Examinations ‘Ezine Pury Cocoa! (c) Sam does not know why Emily's shadow moves. He asks his friends. because a different part of the Sun is shining on Emily because Emily always turns her back to the Sun Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 86 Topictttle: Light PRAQOTIAMI 4 because Emily is moving 1) Topic title: Light amore mernaional Examinations Sembee Enea 14 Here is a light ray hitting a mirror. PROV AMA 1 light ray (b) Draw an arrow head on the,refiécted'ray to show the direction the light travels. % % (1 Dr. Shabinaz Rashed 01111280802 87 Topic ttle: Light Cambridge International Examinations Samnnge Pmary ehcspant 45 Class 5 discuss light sources with their teacher. PAO ANAS takes in light yl What does a light source do? (a) Which student knows thi Write the correct tepey : (1) Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 88 “Cambridge international Exarninatior Topic title: Light ‘Samonage pnmary checkoon (b) Which of the following isinot.a light source? Tick (~) the:correct box. . Sr h card! é Ol (¢) These statements are about light. Decide if each statementis true or tals.) Tick (#) the correct box beside eachiistalanient. true false Light intensity:cannot be. measured with sensors. ar We'see light when it leaves olreyes Light travels in Straight {ities (I Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 89 Topic ttle: Earth’s movement Gambridge international Examinations Gi] Gomonsge Primary Chocioont garth's movemen, spaitic Movsh 2lst SUMMER June 2st “The Earth revolves inanorit round the sun 90 Dr.Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 cambridge inertia Cxanons Topic title: Earth's movement Rind Stee any cect Remember © There are 8 planets revolving around the sun. © Their names are (from nearer to further from the sun): Mercury ~ Venus ~ Earth ~ Mars — Jupiter Saturn - Uranus — Neptune. = ‘© Some planets have moons that revolve around them. 4 ‘©The earth has an axis (imaginary line dividing the earth into 2 halves) af ‘© This axis is tilted, causing the occurrence of the four seasons «The Earth has two movements: q , 2. The earth revolves around the sun once every 1. The ee e earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours, 365 itd qlacter#ay(1year), causing the causing the occurrence of the day and night. A odiarrehel ofthe four seasons The path of the earth around the.suiiis called its orbit. @ The sun isin the middle of the solat'system. © Apparent movementof ffié'sun (the sun seems to be moving throughout the day) because the earth spins on its axis During day the Sun is'H@bmoving. When the earth spins of its axis, it makes the sun appears to be moving, Galileo discovered craters (big circular holes) on the surface of the moon by using telescopes. Scientisfs travel to the moon by space rocket or space craft ‘They Wyeaispecial clothes because there is no oxygen on the moon or its very cold on the moan. on Dr-Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Topic title: Earth’s movement. Gamorigge international Examinations ‘Samorge Primary Chostpont Sp 2014/p1/43 ‘The Earth rotates‘on its axis. (a) Write down how long the Earth takes to make one complete rotat) onits axis. (b) Which of these sentences is true? Tick (¥) one box. The Sun does not move. ‘The Sun goes round the: Moon. 92 Dr-Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Topic title: Earth’s movement {Gambadge international Examinations ‘Camonage Primary Checkport ‘The diagram shows the Sun and Earth, spuruerna The Sun takes 4 year to orbit theta sia sun, The epi it axis once every 24 hours. ‘The Earth spins on its axis oneé every year. Qi 93 DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Cambridge Intemational Examinations Topic title: Earth’s movernent Smnage Pnmary Choskpane 2 (a) The Earth orbits the Sun, 1 hour 1 day 1 week 4 month 41 year i] Dr.Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 {Gamorage internationa Ex ‘Sampndge Primary Chesson Other planets also orbit the Sun. Dr-Shahinaz Rashed eminations, Topic ttle: Earth's movement 95 1111280802 _Gambrigge international Examinations ‘Sampnage Primary Chodtoont Topic ttle: Earth's moverent 43 Chen, Mike and Oliver write notes about the Earth and the Sun. Look at their notes. Chen The Sun spins on its own axis. It takes a year to orbit the Earth. Mike The Earth spins on its own axisi”» It takes a year to orbit the Su O846/0AMIB G13 aly cr own axis. y to orbit the Sun. e Chen Mike Oliver 96 (i) DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Topic title: Earth’s movement 46 Which scientist first explained how gravity works? OB46/01/AME G16 Tick (v) the correct scientist. Albert Einstein Galileo Galilei Isaac Newton Robert Hooke: ears does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? Ye} ‘Why does the Sun appear to move across the sky during one day? mm 7 DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 tt Topic title: Earth’s movement Senza eases oBAeo2romi2 3 For thousands of years people have studied the movement of the Earth and Moon. & (a) Which of the following takes 24 hours? Tick (Y) one box. One full rotation of the Earth on its axis One orbit of the Earth around the Sun One orbit of the Moon around the Earth 98 DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Fi] cambridge international Examinations Ht] Samomige Primary Chactoont 8 Look at the diagram of the Sun and the Earth. Sun Complete these sentences. (a) The Earth rotates on its axis once every 101 DrShahinaz Rashed Topic title: Earth's movement o8aeica/sP/2 01111280802 campridge international Examinations Topic title: Earth's movement ‘Camonage Primary Choctoont 6 (a) Nadine and Gita are discussing the movement of the Earth. |_#sov/or8 They are discussing five ideas. Tick (v) the two correct statements. The Earth orbits the Sun every 24 hours. The Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours. _ The Sun spins on its axis every 24 hours, ‘The Earth orbits the Sun once every 365 days. The Sun orbits the Earth once every 385 days. L_} (1) (b) The diagram shows the posttiois di'the Sun and the Earth in December. Where will the Earth be.in June? Draw a cross (X)'on the.diagram, Earth's orbit io Dr.Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Topic title: Earth's movement ‘SSmonago Pamary checkoant os4si0z0/13 3 The diagram shows the Earth with rays of light reaching it from the Sun. rotation of the Earth (a) Gently shade in that part of the Earth that is e: (b) Write the letter N at any point on the diagrai) where the time will be approximately noon and a letter M where the tine will m4 approximately midnight. fl 0846/01/01NAG direction ><, ofrotation ea) Put number 6 in the correct box to show where the Earth will be 6 months later. Put number 9 in the correct box to show where the Earth will be 9 months later. 103 Dr.Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Topic title: Earth’s movement Combridge Internationa! Examinations Cambrige Primary Chockoant censn2roni 42 Ahmed and Rajiv use the internet fo find information about planets, planet | years to orbit | Earth days around the Sun to orbit around the Sun € Earth | 4 Earth year 365.2 Gi Jupiter 1 Jupiter year 4332.0 7 Mars | 1 Mars year 687.0 [6 L Bye Mercury | 1 Mercury year 880" Venus | 1 Venus year 2287 (a) Which planet takes the longest time to orbit the Sun? Circle the correct answer. Earth Jupiter. © Mats > Mercury Venus (1 sft, (b) Which planet has the shortest year? Circle the cori@et“ansyver™ Earth. Jupiter Mars Mercury Venus. fi) (c) Tle larger the orbit around the Sun the more days i takes to move around the Suh ». Which two planets have a smaller orbit than the Earth? Circle the correct answers. Earth Jupiter. == Mars Mercury = Venus (] 104 DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 [Cambridge international Examinations ‘Eamon Prmary Coectpant Topic ttle: Earth's movement 16 Which two of these statements about the Sun and arth are true? 1, The Sun moves round the Earth once every year. 2. The Earth spins on ite axis one full turn every 24 hours. 9. We have day and night because the Earth orbits the Suny, 4. Shadows ere shortest at about mid-day. ‘0843/02/M/J/07 (0843/02/N/06 Lod th 40 Look af the diagram of the Sun and the Earth ti) 105 iL oO Ol DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 Cambridge international Examinations Camnge trary chesipont Topic title: Earth's movernent. 44 (a) Draw one line from each Time Period to the Statement/Cause. Statement/Cause Time Period | Eanth rotates once on its & | [earth orbits the su in once. ‘Moon orbits the Earth, | Days and nights would get shorter 1 the earth would hve ne arama 106 DrShahinaz Rashed ~—-| 0843/02/M/3/09 01111280802 ee Topic ttle: Earth's movement Scmbtiereaiiy eheakocer .0843/02/M/1/03 (a) The sun appears in different positions in the sky during the Why does this happen? (b) Malakia observed that two things about the giSlow hanged during the day. What were these two things? 107 DrShahinaz Rashed 01111280802 ‘caniidge nisrnational aranasiona Topic title: Earth's movement ‘Sampnage Primary Chotoant Pada uA 4 Drawlines fromthe description of the Sun to the correct positior ofthe Sun, description position “The Sunis atits highest (position in the sky. ‘The Sun iseppearing : ‘to tise. The Sunisappearing to set. 108, Dr-Shahinaz Rashed 01111280802 CGemacido international Examinations Topic title: Scientific Inquiries ‘Smo Pary Cheat THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD PURPOSE The reason recona ne exrernent HYPOTHESIS ‘An educated prediction ot quéss. 5 to the evecare ia ome ana supptes being ueod REPORT a See] OLB oxo om Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 109 01111280802 EPENDENT VARIABI What! OBSEAVE OLED V/ What | KEEP THE SAME pen The one thing ‘you change. Limit to only one in an experiment. came oetive Te ved s0 ein vterent pane, Whaat the pat Dependent Variable Dr. Shahinaz Rashed 110 Topic ttle: Scientific Inquiries ‘Q:Why do we keep some factors the same (unchanged)? to make it a fair test. « Q: why do we repeat the test many times?, “to make the results more reliable. ‘verything you want to remain constant and unchanging. Example: ‘Type of plant used, pot size, ‘amount of iuid, sol type, et. Controlled Variables. 01111280802 Topic title: Scientific Inquiries Sara and Juan are investigating the distance seeds can be dispersed. Here is the equipment they use. fan seed a Sara drops a seed near the fan. Juan measures the distance the seed moves. They repeat the test for five more seeds. ‘| “seed number | distance in cm 1 ab 70 85 80 45 olalale|r 9.0 Dr. Shahinaz Rashed a Sp 2014/p1/412 a 01111280802 of shoots 2+— — le 41 t 9mm 10mm 4mm fength of’shdot % 2] L (iii) Two of the students male‘these Statements. Tick (¥) the correct box to show if each statement is True or False. True False All the Seeds gréw at the same rate. Allthe seeds increased in length as the days passed. (1) Dr. Shahinaz Rashed us 01111280802

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