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Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 Animals being released from captivity might take ‘weeks to ___ to their new surroundings in the wild. a transform b diversify © adapt d alter 2 You can the height of the table to make it lower. @) adjust B shrink © replace 4. transform 3 The gardeners removed loads of weeds, dead plants, and broken branches. The garden underwent a complete __ a replacement b diversity ¢ adaptation @ transformation 4 — Most people find that Tom is a bit stingy, but I've always __ him as a generous person. a found seen managed dt looked 5 Alack of housing in urban areas has up property prices in recent years. @ ariven b_ managed © passed gone” 6 Living alone in the wilderness for six months can have a strange on you. a affect (D) effect © action reaction 7 I decided not to relocate for work as I've had a change of __. a scenery b ways © pace @ heart 8 — Canyou believe my little brother __a tent out of some plastic bags and tree branches? a manufactured @®) fashioned © gathered d accumulated 9 Hundreds of years ago people in northern Canada would place animal skins over their small huts to keep the cold. ain b away © out d off 10 South Pacific islanders may soon be elsewhere ifoceans continue to rise a inhabiting b staying © residing 4 populating 11 Asculptor must be at using tools and working with clay, marble, and other materials. a altered b adoptive ¢ adaptable adept 12 The government. retirement age. a. saw passed © drove d_ managed ‘a new law that changed the 13 He was used to staying up late at night, but the early-morning start at his new job forced him to change his a. scenery subject mind ways 14 Instead of apologizing, Fay bought Stanley lunch to her feelings. a replace © achieve b affect @ convey 15 Poor Jack. He suffers __ terrible headaches that prevent him from going out. a in b of © from don 16 Margie found life in India to be quite difficult at first, but time, she came to love it. a of b on © after @ over 17 British swallows migrate from Great Britain ‘South Africa for the winter. aa @ to © from @ in 18 Quite a crowd __ outside the airport to welcome the soccer team back from the championship, a collected (b) gathered © adapted @_ accumulated 19 With thousands of afferent animal and plant species, Madagascar has a level of found in few ther places in the world, @ diversity b shrinkage € alteration adjustment 20 The idea of iving in the jungle with snakes and insects horrfies me. Let's change the a scenery (B) subject © pace ad ways Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 Mydad is. documentaries about science and history. a Watching forever (B) forever watching ¢ ever watching d_ watching ever 2 The Navajos of North America in the Four Comers area consisting of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah, a resides b residing © reside d_ resident 3 Our flight a take b took takes taking off at 6:15 pm later today. 4 “Are things better with Marty?" “Yes, he —_ very cooperative for a change.” ais b being c be @ is being 5 a spare black pen? Mine just ran out, a Are you having (b) Do you have © Youhave You're having 6 The pizza arrived! Let's eat! a just has b has since © tas just dso far has 7 “What's Daniel up to?” *Nothing much. He out ofthe window.” a looks (B is looking ¢ look d looked 8 I'm sorry, but the chefs are busy. They to see if it's ready. tthe soup a tastes b taste istasting @ are tasting 9 “I'm going to Norway next month." “Oh, —_ there before, you'll love it.” a Ive gone (B) Ive been ¢ Iwent d lwas 10 She kicked the ball, and it the window. had smashed. smashes smashed was smashing 11 Melissa in an essay writing competition last week. a has participated bb had been participating has been participating @ participated 12. “Did you meet up with your friends at the party?” ‘Yes, but by the time I arrived, they —all the snacks.” (@) had completely devoured have completely devoured © devoured completely completely devoured 13 He the laundry twice this week a has been doing b does © has done was doing 14 They all night and were exhausted when they got home. a have danced b had danced have been dancing had been dancing 15 The wind was howling, and the window shutters banged b have been banging were banging d_ have banged 16 Jason texted me as soon as he — a was arriving (B) arrived © has arrived @- arrives at the theater. 17 “Did you and Jane go to high school together?” “Yes, and we __ best friends.” a would be b_ had been © were being @ used to be 18 Our new neighbors to be enjoying their new garden sone € are appearing b appears dis appearing 19 To date, the actor __ in three different plays on Broadway. @) fas starred cis staring b starred di stars 20 Patrick and Nina weather patterns in Antarctica for six months now. a have monitored - (B) have been monitoring sear 20 © monitored ‘ - dare monitoring Score: _/ 40 Quiz1 9 Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 I can leave my laptop at home while I'm on vacation, but my cell phone is simply a sophisticated b antiquated ¢ obsolete indispensable 2 The UK had its Industrial __ about 100 years before the USA dia. @) Revolution Breakthrough € Technology Innovation 3 I don’t need a security code to deactivate my house alarm: ithas voice a reality b production ©) recognition appliance 4 — Rather than shun new technology, we should try to at embrace empower € subject d threaten 5 By together, we can achieve far more than we can individually. a_ behaving forcing embracing acting 6 You don't have to push this vacuum cleaner around the house; its —,s0 it moves on its own, a. Innovative predictive © automated revolutionary 7 Justin was supposed to be here an hour ago. We must have got our __ crossed. wires b wavelengths © fuses @ plugs 8 Your dad's furious right now, so it’s not the time to bring the subject of getting a new car. @ up b round < in a out 9 — Michael prides himself on running his business like _ machine. a acutting-edge —(B) a well-oiled ¢ astate-oftheart dan old-fashioned 10 [can't sleep well at night due to nightmare. a an emerging ban occurring © arecurring d aterrorizing " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I'm so tired that I simply can’t drive any more. Would you mind taking _? over up © out din Michele is here to __ for the audience as she is. bilingual in French and English a innovate b. automate ©) interpret d= produce Simon makes his running a courier service for law offices. likelihood expertise livelihood, d workforce No matter how stressful your personal life is, you should never display a negative __. at work. a shift approval © attitude d level The police closed the airport because __ device was discovered in one of the waiting areas. @ anexplosive ban innovative ‘¢ an automated d apredictive I don't think this computer will run any of today’s software. It's very. @) antiquatea © cutting-edge b obsolete crucial 'm afraid | can't replace the battery in your phone a this model is now a. essential ¢ indispensable obsolete I know you think this gadget is one of a kind, but | can assure you, it's the result of mass — @ production b realty ¢ revolution d_ technology | don't know this person's date of birth because he it from the form. a ignored b neglected ¢ lacked omitted Computer technology evolves so fast, | can't afford to keep —_ it. ain ® up with © upat dat Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 “I can hardly hear the television.” ‘No problem! the volume, a I'm going to turn up b tm turning up © itu up I would turn up 2 “Im really excited about our trip to Barbados." “This time next week __ in the Caribbean!” a. we're swimming we'll have swum ¢_ welll have been swimming @ we'll be swimming 3 By the time we reach the Austrian border, _ for three nours. G@) welt have been driving Dwell drive € were going to drive d_ we'd have been driving 4 Ifyou eat this last slice of pizza, — a youre going to eat D jou eat € youll have been eating @ jour have eaten six whole slices! "They really loved your art, Susie.” Does that mean it a they'llhave bought b they buy © they would buy (@) theyre going to buy 6 “What are your plans for your first day at work?” “Well, __ around and introduce myself to colleagues. a I'm going ®) I'm going to go Tigo Mil be going 7 “Do I have time to grab a snack?” “Sure. The play __ until half past seven.” a starts ©) doesn't start cis starting will start 8 We're a bit nervous because __ a new app today at noon. @) we're launching —b_ we launch © well launch welll have launched 9 {can't make an informed decision 1 see all the laptop models first. a. once b after when 10 “How are the new posters coming along?” “Miike and James said they __ them from the printers today. a were meant to collect b collect would collect ‘d_ have been collecting u 12! 13, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Henry his computer when an error message oped up on screen. (B) was just about to shut down _ was meaning to shut down will have been shutting down is going to shut down “We finished off all the cake, Mom." “Oh, no! That last piece for your dad! a. Was thinking of being b was just about to be was due to be as meant to be “Has the package arrived in Berlin yet’ “It today." was arriving was due to arrive ‘© was just about to arrive would arrive Don’t mind me while | clean up. | promise __ quiet. a I'mbeing I'm going to be Ibe diam She __ with investors across town, so she was out of the office when you called a met b will be meeting was meeting would meet They didn’t know it atthe time, but their new software idea them millionaires. a will make b was making © would make d made Mike __during his winter break, but then he injured his ankle, a skied b was skiing (©) was going skiing would ski ''m afraid we're going to run out of time _ we finish this project. @ before b after © until d once til have a good idea of our progress __ I've read | the company report a. by the time once © before until The file will have finished downloading you return to your desk. a once f 120 b until =— 2 ei @ by tne time Score:__/ 40 Quiz2 1 i 16 Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 Even though the evidence clearly ___ his theory, he continued to believe init a denied (B) refutes mocked 4 doubted 2 The _ surgeon was given an award for her contributions to medicine. a widespread @® eminent significant 4 illegible 3 The activist believed in his heart that he was fighting for cause. Gave ban outrageous © aprofound da fast 4 — While reading the story, the __ paused to catch his breath. a informer © commentator b_reviener @ trarrator 5 Amazingly, there are people living in remote places who have never come — contact with others. a on b to € at @ into 6 Sometimes working odd jobs can aid us on our journey _— finding our place in lie. a at toward © around d for 7 He lied about his qualifications and experience and — everyone in. a tet ® took © brought d got 8 When Chioe threatened to reveal Paul's deception, he tried to buy her — @ off b out € into d in 9 My brother wants to go to medical school and become —. aan informant @ a radiologist © an operator dan auctioneer 10 They're a close-knit set of friends and don't converse much with people — their group. b around @ outside a toward within " 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 He wore a very ugly. bright orange suit to the awards ceremony, which highlighted his taste @ vulgar b refined ¢ flippant infamous This report is so with errors that it will have to be extensively revised. a unintelligible b illegible widespread @ rife The novelist had __ style of writing that set her apart from her peers, a arare ban amateur © a distinctive dan eminent | don’t think the boss is in a good mood. He was quite with me when l asked about the meeting. a fast @) short © poor just He didn't actually say you stole the files, but he did b_ mock imply a criticize © doubt She was a prolific __ who wrote about the lives of the rich and famous. biographer © commentator b technician d reviewer ‘The boss was hated for his habit of — his employees around. a firing b getting © ordering bringing Itis not uncommon __ world leaders to cite Greek philosophers as inspiration. a with @® for ¢ to about The movie Everest tells the story of __ who died cor were injured attempting the dangerous climb. a. waiters b actors (©) mountaineers trainees Al Capone was gangster from Chicago who eventually went to prison for tax evasion. aa significant (©) an infamous © apioneering d_ arrevolutionary Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 Jarrod had no trouble his mistake. a. admit admitting © to admit admitted 2 Helen has been wanting about quantum mechanics, a learning to learn in learning d learned 3 Martin likes Shakespeare, but his wife seems modern literature, a preferred b preferring to prefer to preferring 4 I'm sure Kelly will be here any minute, so we had better a litle while longer. ato waiting b waiting € to wait @ wait 5 Most parents wish __ their kids to begin reading at an early age @ encouraging (6) to encourage € toencouraging encourage 6 — Hurry up and finish __ your dinner, The TV show starts in five minutes! @ eating © toeating b toeat deat 7 There's no point in __ to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, ato trying c ty b to try trying 8 I can’t bear __ this hospital drama, The actors are Greadful, and the scenes are too gory. a watched to watch © watch to watching 9 The entertainment at Disney World is varied ‘enough —_ everyone. a inpleasing © toplease © pleasing to pleasing 10 _Lknow the prognosis is gloomy, but | refuse @ weve b eiving © gave 4 on giving —up. " 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 Jacob founded the charity __ fund reforestation. a helping ©) tohelp © tohelping help After a brief introduction, Kyle went on __ his charity work, a discuss for discussing cin discussing to discuss ‘At some point, Beverly stopped there and just asked for directions, @ auessing to guess in guessing for guessing how to get My great grandmother still remembers —_ the Golden Gate Bridge when it first opened in 1937. a tocross bin crossing by crossing crossing “Will he get angry when he sees the results?” “tm afraid —no knowing wnat he'l do.” @ there's b its © it 4 there | would appreciate ___ if you would call me by my married name, Mrs. Nelson, a you wit © him @ her ‘The weather's so horrible that there's no alternative the match ato cancel but cancel © buttocance §—d_ but canceling It looks __we'll have to start from scratch on this roject. Bas though b that © if 4 though “a phone call for you.” “OK, I'l take it in my office.” There's b it’s € Is d There Ifyou don't get that cut seen to immediately, you'll risk —_a nasty infection, a get b to get getting din getting Score: __/ 40 Quiz 3 7 NT 18 Vocabulary Choose the correct answers. 1 She hasn’t been formally trained in yoga. She's basically —_-taught instructor. a anill b amulti c awell @ aself 2 The company has tried to make the __ more enjoyable by improving the lunch room and adding abit of color. workforce workplace © attendance di targets 3 Once the bottles have been inspected, workers place them on __ belt that takes them to the .ckaging department. @ acomeyor ban assembly © an expenditure da productivity 4 Most of the crop died due to a particularly winter. @) hara b firm © savory d dense 5 Members of the marketing and design departments collaborated the advertising campaign. a in b for with @ on o Despite being offered a substantial pay raise, Amanda decided to hand in her a paper notice © note d deal 7 The manager organized the __ arrangements for the international conference. a sitting b setting seating sorting o ‘The legal department was __ from the rest of the company due to the sensitive nature of their work. @) segregated restricted ¢ forbidden di rejected 9 She was careful not to admit wrongdoing to protect herself __ a lawsuit. a around b about (©) against dat 10 Ifyou're graduating from college in under a year, I think it would be highly advised to drop out now. a multi b well ¢ self @iu 11 When flu season arrives, at work tends to rise due to illness. a. attendance b_ productivity © absenteeism ‘d cooperation 12. Company executives have set ambitious sales that many employees feel they will not be able to achieve. a_ endings b deadlines © targets levels 13. It’s true that the interns here are paid —, but they shouldn't complain because some interns don’t get paid at all. peanuts ’b fortunes © payments pounds 14 There's a spare in the comer of the office where you can do your work for nov. @ cubicle b agency © department d_ workplace 15 Josh is a well-liked supervisor simply because he treats his subordinates — b hard highly 16 Hillary's promotion to Director of Marketing broke the glass in the company. a floor ceiling © roof wall 17 ___ sugary beverages can go a long way toward fighting weight gain. a. Curbing b Forbidding © Eschewing d Refraining 18 The campaign was quite expensive, and the company intended to get their money's worth it. a for b over © around @ out of 19 The key developing products effectively is in listening to customer feedback. a for b in Ov d with 20 One way to increase profits is to keep — low. @) expenditure ib productivity % collaboration cooperation Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 “I'm going to the accounts department now.” “Then you give this form to Betty, please?” a shall ® would © must d may 2 I-can’t swim fast any more, but |___when I was young. a might b must would @ could 3 “What's the new work policy regarding social networking?" “We __ use Facebook up to an hour a day if we like.” a shall b, would © must @an 4 “I'm thirsty, but I'm too busy to get a drink! *__I bring you a glass of water?” a Need Would will Shall 5 “How did your interview go?” “Exhausting! |___ answer questions for two hours." a could b had © must @ hadto 6 Louis __with his boss in person because she had briefed him by email earlier. a needn't meet ——_(b) didn't need to meet © needn't to meet d_ must not meet 7 They just got the report today, so they time to go over it a mustn't have had might not have b couldn't have might not have had 8 She have received a promotion; she's always missing her deadlines, @ ant mustn't b might ought to 9 You leave your cell phone on while you're in a movie theater. a. ought not b couldn't shouldn't ought to 10 If were you, |__ slouch during an interview; it doesn't make a very good impression. a. couldn't b needn't d didn't n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 “There's a pile of work to do in our department.” "Yes, and we —_ to finish it all by five o'clock.” @ will need must © needn't don't have He __ have intimidated the employees in the office with his booming voice. must mustn't © should d cant I can't believe we have to stay late today. It's the day before New Year's!” “Yes, they have let “see early, right?” a couldn't could © must a might Don, you have worn a suit today. It's casual Friday! a may not b must not need not. could not I know the new guy at work looks a little strange, but you stare at him so much! wouldn't b_ might not must not. d can't “I brought a healthy salmon salad for lunch today.” “Oh, you that; the boss is taking us out.” a needn't do b didn’t need ¢ didn't bring @ didn't need to do Gary rang his friend several times last night, but he —_ to reach him. a needn't wasn’t able couldn't ought not “What was the dress code like at your previous job?” “We __ to wear whatever we liked, within reason.’ a could were allowed © needed d had “I can't understand how this program works.” “__ you like me to take a look at it?” a wil (B wouta ¢ Could d Do Ms. Richards has finished her conference call. You — 20 in to see her now. a shall b will ¢ might @ may Score: Vocabulary ‘Choose the correct answers. 1 o 10 @) cony After the accident, Veronica suffered from —_ and couldn't even remember her name. a nostalgia b_ hindsight ©) amnesia @_ flashbacks Joining a memory study seemed like a good idea at the time, but in, Kyle wished he hadn't. a retention b_ memento © retrospect keepsake ‘The mayor laid a wreath on the monument to an important event in the town’s history, () commemorate b_ memorize © associate d evoke Maria was looking through some boxes in the attic ‘when she __ upon a photo from her childhood. a tumbled @®) stumbled ¢ mumbled d rumbled They installed a ramp outside the building to make it__ for disabled people. a understandable b cautious © submissive (@) accessible After losing the championship the year before, Stacy's team sought to ___ their glory in the upcoming tournament a retrieve @ recapture ¢ imitate @ simulate My little sister adores me, and she tries to everything I do. b reclaim simulate d reflect My dog Woody is shy and up to other dogs well. . 50 he doesn't stand a intuitive b defiant © adventurous (a) submissive The museum is full of rock and roll __, such as a coat Elvis wore in concert and an award the Beatles won in the 1960s a memoirs © memories memorabilia d@_ mementos In order to be effective, private detectives have to be __ and always an the lookout for details. a memorable b defiant ¢ harmful vigilant 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 The actress's dramatic evening gown made for a stunning on the red carpet. a fantasy b_ imagination ‘The two old friends spent hours __ about their childhood. a reflecting reminiscing retaining d_ remembering When David came across a postcard from an old friend, it _ him to call her. @ prompted 'b recalled © refreshed d_ summoned She struggled to __ the details of the events the night before. a associate b retain © evoke @ recollect ‘There’s a man at the counter trying to his lost wallet, but I'm not sure he is who he says he is. (@) redaim b simulate © summon d refresh Being __ means using your feelings rather than hrard facts or evidence to make decisions and reach conclusions. a harmful b understandable © adventurous Intuitive ‘The executive sent out a reminding employees about the upcoming conference. a. souvenir b keepsake memo d_ memoir | know that person from somewhere, but I can’t her name a memorize @ recat © evoke @ summon ‘The policeman asked the robber to tell him the names of the other people involved, but he was and refused to say anything. @ defiant b cautious ¢ harmful d_ understandable Take a look at these photos and maybe that will help to your memory. a run b walk skip jog . Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1 The analyst .__ compiled this report made a few errors. a where b_ when © whom @ who 2 The laboratory __ I work in has absolutely no windows. a where @ that © why who 3 The person | spoke to wasn't very helpful with my request. @ whom b whose © which when 4 “Is there anything else | can do for you, Me Sincair? “If anyone calls while I'm gone, tell __ I'll be back in an hour” aim b her © them dus Ur two cats seem to be good friends.” "Yes, they're always licking fur and sleeping in the same cat bed.” a one another © each other @ each other's d_ another's 6 Can you believe it? Sheila, __ struggled to finish college, is up for a prestigious award? a whom b that c= who 7 “Idon't think my science experiment was well received by the judges.” “I don’t know about that. __ of them seemed auite impressed.” 2 Few ® Many c None d Much 8 The reason invited Georgia to the party was so she and Brian could meet. that Kevin didn’t —_b_ which Kevin © why Kevin didn’t () why Kevin 9 Tobe a good surgeon, __ needs a high degree of skill and enormous patience. a it b you © they (@ one 10 school performance is determined, in part, by how much time fs spent studying, @) One's b One © Yours 4 Our "1 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 “That was a delicious piece of cake.” “'m glad you enjoyed it. Would you like 7 a other b few © some @ another Michael's not in class today. Can of notes to him? everyone someone pass on a set b one noone ‘The director was not very pleased with the critic review of his film was negative. a. that b who whose which “| wonder what's going on in the biology department.” “think had quite a bit of absenteeism lately.” a we've () they've ¢ its d one’s ‘Did you enjoy your birthday party, Ellie?” ‘Yes, it was fantastic! | especially love mittens you and Jenny got me!” a that b this © these @ those The person you sent the package to no longer works there. a to whom ® wro © towho @ which “It seems that there are some quality issues with the devices.” “Imet with the team members and they promised to deal with them.” a who bb which © yourself @ themsetves “I can't understand these theories. m never going to be a good scientist.” Don't be so hard Jess, Just keep at it @ on yourseit yourself on herself herself ‘The memory study, for __ Jeremy was awarded a research grant, has been praised by many Prominent scientists. a. that © which The participants, __ left the study early, mostly complained about being very bored. b whom what some > whom 20-9 some of whom — number of whom Score: __/ 40 Quiz5 25 ee

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