Ugur Komecoglu CV Eng

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Assist. Prof.

Uğur Kömeçoğlu
Date of Birth: 12.04.1971


Ph.D 2001 Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science and International Relations
M.A. 1997 Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology
B.A. 1994 Boğaziçi University, Department of Political Science and International Relations
High School Kadıköy Anatolian Lycee


1995-1997 Research Assistant, Boğaziçi University, Department of Sociology

1997-2001 Teaching Assistant, Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Sociology
2001- Assist. Prof. Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Sociology

Courses Taught:

Change in Contemporary Turkish Society I

Change in Contemporary Turkish Society II
Principles of Sociology (London School of Economics external programme, two semesters)
History of Sociological Thought II
Religion in Society

Areas of Interest:

Modernity, Social Movements, Public Space, Ottoman Publicness, Popular Religiosity.

Research Grant: Collaborative Research Project on “Youth, Authority and Public Space in
Iran”, supported by SSRC, New York (2002-2004).


1. “Homo Ludens ve Homo Sapiens Arasında Kamusallık ve Toplumsallık”, Osmanlı

Kahvehaneleri: Mekan, Sosyalleşme, İktidar, der. A.Yaşar, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi,
2009, 45-81.

2. “Micro Spaces, Performative Repertoires and Gender Wars among Islamic Youth in
Istanbul”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2009, vol. 30, no.1: 107-119.

3. “Concordance between Asceticism and Activism: The Numinous Dimension of an Islamic

Community Movement” Ideologies, Groups and Discourses: Glimpses of the Turkish
Speaking World (eds. C. Herzog, B. Pusch) Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2008, 61-81.

4. “Islamic Patterns of Consumption” in Cultural Changes in the Turkic World (eds. F. Kıral
et al.), Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2007, 57-69.

5. “Oryantalizmin Yankısı veya Yankılanıp Duran Oryantalizm” in Uluslararası Oryantalizm
Sempozyumu, 9-10 Aralık 2006, Istanbul: Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Kültür Müdürlüğü
Yayınları, 2007: 131-157.

6. “New Sociabilities: Islamic Cafes in Istanbul” in Islam in Public: Turkey, Iran and Europe
(eds. N. Göle, L. Amman), Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2006, 163-190.

7. “The Publicness and Sociabilities of the Ottoman Coffeehouse” Javnost the Public, Journal
of the European Institute for Communication and Culture, 2005, 12, 2: 5-22 (cited in SSCI).

8. “Kamusal Alan: Katılım ve Dışlama Güçleri Arasındaki Diyalektiğin Biçimi”, in Sivil Bir
Kamusal Alan, Istanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları, 2005, 19-46

9. “Neue Formen der Geselligkeit: Islamische Cafés in Istanbul” in Islam in Sicht: Der
Auftritt von Muslimen in öffentlichen Raum (eds. N. Göle, L. Amman), Bielefeld: Transcript
Verlag, 2004, 147-177.

10. “Toplumun Dışsallığına İlişkin Bir Eleştiri”, Sivil Toplum, Düşünce ve Araştırma
Dergisi, 2004, 6-7: 123-44.

11. “Gençlik, Gündelik Yaşam, Beden-Mekan Siyaseti ve İran”, Doğu Batı, 2004,
26: 201-218.

12. “Kamusal Alan Kavramlaştırmasında Bazı Teorik Sorunlar”, Sivil Toplum,

Düşünce ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2003, 2: 7-16.

13. “Örtünme Pratiği ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Üzerine Mekansal bir Etnografi”, Doğu
Batı, 2003, 22: 37-74.

14. “Hybridizing the Secular Public” in Daniel Meyer-Dinkgrafe ed., European Culture in a
Changing World: Between Nationalism and Globalism, Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference of ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Ideas), 2002,
Aberystwyth, CD Book. ISBN: 0-9544363-0-X.

15. “Oryantalizm, Belirsizlik, Tahayyül, 11 Eylül”, Doğu Batı, 2002, 20: 33-50.

16. “Küreselleşme, Modernleşme, Modernlik”, Doğu Batı, 2002, 18: 9-26.

17. “Islamicizing the Coffeehouse as a New Spatial Practice”, in

Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Jahrbuch, Essen: KWI Publications, 2001, 148-81.

18. “Geçmişte Bir „Heterotopya‟: Kahvehane”, in 21. Yüzyıl Karşısında Kent ve İnsan,
(ed. Firdevs Gümüşoğlu), Istanbul: Bağlam Yayinlari, 2001, 93-105.

19. “Kutsal ile Kamusal”, in İslamın Yeni Kamusal Yüzleri, (ed. Nilüfer Göle), Istanbul: Metis
Yayinlari, 2000, 148-94.

20. “Eleştirel Kant‟ı Eleştirememek”, Toplumbilim (Aydınlanma Özel Sayısı),

2000, 11: 135-41.

21. “Zannın Zaferi, Görüntü ve Gerçeksizliğin Hakimiyeti”, Birikim, 1999, 119: 42-

22. “Liberalizmde Anlam Kaymaları ve Kültürel Çeviri”, Yeni Türkiye, 1999, 25: 334-42.

(non-academic writings)

“Eşikte Kaos”, Hayalet Gemi, 2001, 63: 57-61.

“Utancın ve Aşkın Hal'i Pür Melali”, Virgül, 1999, 22: 60
“Esrarlı Bir Dönüşün Başlangıç Hali”, Hayalet Gemi, 1999, 51: 20-23

Academic Presentations:

“Cartesian City”, Cities: Understanding Socio-Cultural Transformations, International

Workshop, santralistanbul, İstanbul Bilgi University & Aga Khan Institute, 15–16 October

“Gender, Space and Religious Difference: Conflictual Self between Islam and Secularity”,
International Workshop on Modern Mahrem: Islamic Veiling and Secularism,
santralistanbul, 18-19 October 2007.

“Edward Said‟i Eleştirmenin Dayanılmaz Hafifliği”, Orientalism, International Symposium

on the Memeory of Edward Said, Istanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 9-10 December 2006.

“Contents and Forms of Islamic Sociabilities”, Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2006,

Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Istanbul Bilgi University, 20-23
July, 2006.

“Religion and State, Where is the Balance”, 15th IUSY Balkan Round Table Meeting and
Black Sea Area Cooperation Meeting, Istanbul, 16-20 July 2005.

“The Public Sphere, Theatre and Sociabilities of the Ottoman Coffeehouse”, The 37th World
Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Frontiers of Sociology, Stockholm
Sweden, 5-9 July, 2005.

“Sivil Kamusallık ve Sosyallik: İslami Aktörlerin Dönüşümü ve Mekan”, III. Kültür

Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, Kimlik ve Kültür, Kültür Araştırmaları Derneği ve Koç
Üniversitesi Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, Istanbul, 14-17 June 2005.

“İslami Örtünme ve Performatif Kamusallık” Parçalanmalar Çağında Yeni Toplumsallıklar

(Nouvelles Socialités a l’ére des Fragmentations), Uluslararası Sosyoloji Kolokyumu
(Colloque International de Sociologie), Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 12-14 May 2005

“Socio-psychological Motives behind Islamic Community-based Movements in Turkey”,

Sociability in the Turkic Speaking World, Orient Institute, at Istanbul Bilgi Üniversity, 25-27
February 2005.

“Multifaceted and Fragmented Characteristic of Sociality in Public”, Beirut Conference

on Public Spheres, organized by SSRC, at American University of Beirut,
Lebanon, 22-24 October 2004.

“Muslims' Desire to Consume Modernity”, Cultural Changes in the
Turkic World since 1990, Orient Institute, at Istanbul Bilgi University, 6-7 December 2003.

İran: Doğu Konferansı İzlenimleri, panel, Istanbul Bilgi Üniversity, discussant,

12 November 2003.

“Gendered Conflicts among Islamic Youth: Is Public Space Emancipatory or

Restrictive for the Veiled?” International Workshop on Authority and Public Spaces
in Iran and Turkey (Four Comparative Round Tables), supported by SSRC, at Istanbul Bilgi
University. 9-10 September 2003.

“Fragmented Nature of the Public Sphere”, Collaborative Research Project:

Workshop on Youth Authority and the Public Space in Iran, supported by SSRC
(Social Science Research Council, New York) Tehran, Iran, 10-11 March 2003.

“Modernity, Crisis of Identity and Public Space”, 8th International ISSEI

Conference (International Society for the Study of European Ideas), University of
Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 22-27 July 2002.

“New Forms of Modern Sociabilities”, 15th World Congress of Sociology, Research

Committee 16-Sociological Theory, Session 8 on Non-Western Theoretical
Responses to Western Modernity, Brisbane, Australia, 7-13 July 2002.

“Transformation of Public Sphere in its Islamic Context”, 7th Regional

Co-operation Workshop organized by Transeuropeénnes on Religion and Politics,
Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 29 November - 2 December 2001.

“Public Sphere and the Coffeehouses”, International Workshop on New Islamic Imaginaries
and Public Space, organized by Center for Transcultural Studies, Chicago and Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul 12-17 June 2001.

“Kamusal Alanın Oluşumu ve Kentsel Mekanlar Olarak Osmanlı Kahvehaneleri”, 21. Yüzyıl
Karşısında Kent ve İnsan, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, 1-3 May 2001.

“New Patterns of Islamic Consumption and the Reconstruction of Islamic Body”,

International Workshop on New Islamic Subjectivities and Practices in Public Space in a
Comparative Perspective, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institute, Essen, Germany, 13-16
October 2000.

“A Journey from the Sacred to the Public”, International Workshop on Multiple Modernities,
Kulturwissenschaftliches Institute, Essen, Germany, 12-13 May 2000.

“Kamusal Alan ve Cemaat”, 6. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Orta Doğu Teknik
Üniversitesi, Ankara 17-19 November 1999.

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