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Leadership behavior represents the active/effective form of leading teams, a form in which leaders are
closely engaged with followers, motivating them to perform beyond their agreements.


Deming on leadership
“Things are Managed & People are Led”

Role of a Leader

Having a vision for the organization

Being able to develop strategy

Being able to communicate effectively

Managing and monitoring performance

Resource gathering


Able to select next generation of Leaders.

Personal Accountability and Ethical Behavior.

Creating an appropriate organizational culture.

A Leader has to create a Culture where people lived by values, feel empowered and take ownership.

Leader create an Entrepreneurial Mindset in his team where they have courage to take initiatives, look
problems as opportunities, come up with the innovative and creative solutions for the problems and
willing to experiment new things or take risk. A culture where people are passionate fueled with
optimism to achieve their goals

What are Super 5 Qualities of Leaders
Super5 Qualities of Leaders

1. Emotional Intelligence: Successful leaders have ability to recognize and understand emotions

2. Entrepreneurial Mindset (Innovation & Creativity): Successful leaders seek out new opportunities and
exploit them.

3. Team Player: Successful leaders works in teams having Shared Vision, Setting performance goals and
mutually accountable for results

4. Passion: Successful leaders are passionate fueled with optimism about the achievement of shared

5. Inspiring: Successful leaders are unique and compelling in their words, ideas, appearance, and actions


Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence refers to an ability to recognize the meanings of emotions and their relationships,
and to reason and problem-solve on the basis of them”


Six basic emotion of emotion

Sad. Happy .disgust. Anger. Fear happiness

The Components of Emotional Intelligence

•Emotional self-awareness

•Accurate self-assessment




•Organizational awareness

•Service orientation


•Emotional self-control







•Development of others

•Inspirational leadership



•Change catalyst

•Conflict management

•Bond building

•Teamwork and collaboration


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Emotionally intelligent leadership handles emotions and relationships well. It is the ability to manage
emotions in leadership and social relationships

In short It is an ability to understand emotions in yourself and others, and use this understanding to
handle one’s social relationships effectively


Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Emotional intelligence competencies

Self-awareness is the ability to understand our own moods and emotions, and to understand their
impact on our work and on others.

Social awareness is the ability to empathize, to understand the emotions of others, and to use this
understanding to better deal with them.

Self-management, or self-regulation, is the ability to think before acting and to be in control of

otherwise disruptive impulses.

Relationship management is the ability to establish rapport with others in ways that build good
relationships and influence their emotions in positive ways


What is Team?
Team A group of people having shared vision, team spirit, sharing and caring attitude, setting
performance goals and mutually accountable for results.


Why Team?
Teams typically outperform individuals.

Organized Workflow

Improved creativity and innovation

Improved quality of decision making

Sharing expertise

More learning opportunities

Dealing with high risk and pressure

Better control and work discipline

Improved performance


How it works?
Identify your Team Members

Understand your Team


Establish a Win-Win Relationship


5 Stages of Team

1 Adjourning

Adjourning’ is the break-up of the team, when hopefully the task or project is completed successfully.
Many teams will reach this stage eventually

2 Performing

Team members have usually come to trust and accept each other. Individuals are now competent,
autonomous and able to handle the decision making process without need of the leaders supervision

3 Norming

Team members become increasingly positive about the team as a whole, the other members as
individuals and what the team is doing.

4 Storming

Team members feel more comfortable expressing opinions and you’ll see some internal conflict emerge
within the group

5 Forming

The first stage in team development, characterized by much uncertainty.

What is Motivation?
Motivation: The forces within the individual that account for the clarity of vision, passion, and
persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.

Direction: toward beneficial goal Passion: how hard a person tries towards beneficial goals Persistence:
how long a person tries


Persistence Passion
Why Motivation?
To drive individuals for achievement

To help individuals work more efficiently

To build morale

To help individuals produce better results


How a leader can motivate his team?

1. Select team members with desired values, knowledge, skills and abilities

2. Train team members to use these abilities

3. Clarify performance goals (role clarity) and demonstrate what rewards are contingent on performance

4. Arrange necessary resources (organizational support) for performing their roles

5. Reinforce desired behaviors as soon as possible with rewards, respect, recognition and growth as per
their needs (identify their needs and adjust rewards to match these needs)

6. Establish a relationship based on integrity

7. Act as a positive role model

Reward Behavior
Behavior in which leaders engage in exchange process with followers whereby the leader rewards or
punishes follower on the basis of follower/team performance.

Clarify expectations,

Link the goal to rewards,

Provide necessary resources,

Set mutually agreed upon goals, and

Provide various kinds of rewards for successful performance.

To build sense of engagement among teams toward their job and organization


Creating Motivation
The forces either internal or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a
certain course of action

Need Creates desire to fulfill needs (money, friendship, recognition, achievement?

Behavior Results in actions to fulfill needs

Rewards Satisfy needs: intrinsic or extrinsic

Feedback Reward informs person whether behavior was appropriate and should be used again


Why Teams Fail?

Lack of Vision Difference over goals and competing vision

I will defined problem, ambiguous agenda

Avoidance of accountability

Lack of Commitment

Absence of trust

Inattention to results

Presence of one or more free riders

Personality conflict and work style difference

Past experiences of poorly organized team

No recognition of individual personality

Rigid leadership and procedure

Too many meetings


Greed for reward


Team Leadership
Team leader generally is a respected and high status member who

Embodies the values of the team

Enables members to satisfy needs

Helps the team accomplish its goals

The leader receives and interprets communication relevant to the team


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