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Course Instructor

Dr. Riyad Ahmed
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1 The heart pumps blood through the circulatory system.
(a) Put a cross in the box next to the phrase that completes each of the
following statements.
(i) The term myogenic means
A contraction initiated in a muscle cell
B contraction initiated in a nerve cell
C nerve impulse initiated by a muscle cell
D nerve impulse initiated by a nerve cell
(ii) The greatest force of contraction in the heart takes place in the wall of the
A left atrium
B left ventricle
C right atrium
D right ventricle
(iii) Cardiac output is the
A volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle in each beat divided by the heart rate
B heart rate divided by the volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle in each beat
C volume of blood ejected from the left ventricle in each beat multiplied by the heart rate
D number of breaths per minute multiplied by the breathing rate
(b) Electrocardiograms (ECGs) provide useful information about heart function.
The trace below shows the ECG for a healthy person.

(i) Calculate the mean heart rate for this person.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . beats per minute

(ii) State how the ECG for a person with a very fast heart rate would differ from the ECG shown.
(c) Describe the role of the sinoatrial node (SAN) in controlling heart rate.
(Total 9 marks)
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2 A torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a common knee injury in athletes.
Keyhole surgery can be carried out, using part of a tendon from the patient.
(a) Explain the advantage of using a tendon from the patient rather than a tendon
from a donor.
(b) State two advantages of using keyhole surgery compared with conventional surgery
to repair a torn ACL.
(c) In one procedure, a tendon is removed from the hamstring muscle of a patient to
repair the ACL.
The height or mass of the patient may affect the diameter of the tendon used for
the repair.
A study was carried out to compare the diameter of the tendons used in this
procedure with the height and mass of a group of female patients.
The graphs below show the results of this study.

(i) A student made the following conclusions from these graphs:

• there is a correlation between the diameter of the tendon selected and gender
• there is no correlation between the diameter of the tendon selected and body mass
• there is a correlation between the diameter of the tendon selected and the height of the patient.
Put a cross in the box next to the correct number of conclusions that are supported by these
A 0
B 1
C 2
D 3
(ii) From the results of this study, surgeons concluded that the optimum tendon
diameter for the successful repair of ACL in these patients is 7 mm.
Describe a further study that could be carried out to support this conclusion.

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(Total 8 marks)
3 Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady internal environment.
(a) Negative feedback mechanisms are involved in controlling the internal environment of an
Place a cross in the box that describes a negative feedback mechanism.

(b) Describe the role of the hypothalamus in maintaining the internal body
temperature during exercise.
(c) Homeostasis can involve both hormonal and nervous coordination.
Compare the mechanisms used in hormonal and nervous coordination in mammals.
(Total 8 marks)
4 Energy can be released from organic molecules by cellular respiration.
(a) Cellular respiration involves a number of chemical reactions.
Put a cross in the box next to the phrase that completes each of the
following statements.
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(i) The energy stored in ATP is released by
A hydrolysis of ADP
B hydrolysis of ATP
C phosphorylation of ADP
D phosphorylation of ATP
(ii) In cellular respiration
A NAD accepts electrons in glycolysis and in the Krebs cycle
B reduced NAD accepts electrons in glycolysis and in the Krebs cycle
C NAD accepts electrons in the Krebs cycle only
D reduced NAD accepts electrons in the Krebs cycle only
(b) The photograph below shows an alligator.

Alligators use anaerobic respiration as their main source of energy during short periods of activity.
An investigation was carried out to study respiration in an alligator.
The table below shows the data collected in this investigation.

*(i) Describe and explain the results of this investigation.


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(ii) After stopping exercise the oxygen consumption of the alligator increases.
Explain why the oxygen consumption of an alligator increases after a short period of activity.
iii) During prolonged periods of work the alligator can use aerobic respiration.
Describe the role of the Krebs cycle in the production of ATP.
(Total 14 marks)
5 A study was carried out to investigate the critical window in the development of the
ventilation centre in rats.
(a) In this study, groups of newborn rats were exposed to a five-day period of
low oxygen concentration, beginning on day 1, day 11 or day 21 after birth.
A control group was also included, in which newborn rats were not exposed to a
low oxygen concentration.
The rats were allowed to grow to adulthood. They were then tested for their
change in breathing after they were exposed to a low oxygen concentration.
The table below shows the results of this study.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term critical window in this study.

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(ii) Describe the results of this study.
(b) Describe the role of the ventilation centre in controlling the breathing response
to a short period of low oxygen concentration in the control rats.
(c) This study could provide useful information about the development of the
ventilation centre in humans.
Give two reasons that could be given to justify the use of rats in this study.
(Total 10 marks)
6 Muscles, tendons and the skeleton all interact when a human arm moves.
(a) The diagram below shows a sarcomere of a muscle.

Put a cross in the box that completes each statement about the sarcomere.
(i) Structure R contains
A actin only
B actin and tropomyosin
C myosin only
D myosin and tropomyosin
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(ii) The structures that move when a sarcomere contracts are
A P and Q
B P and R
C R and Q
D R and S
(b) Describe the role of calcium ions in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
(c) Explain the role of a tendon in the movement of an arm.
(Total 7 marks)
7 Breathing and heart rate are controlled and can respond to changes in the demand for oxygen.
(a) Put a cross in the box that completes each statement.
(i) The part of the brain involved in controlling the heart rate is the
A cerebellum
B cerebral hemisphere
C hypothalamus
D medulla oblongata
(ii) Changes in blood pH are detected by chemoreceptors in the
A coronary arteries
B medulla oblongata
C skin
D vena cava
(b) The breathing of a person is affected by altitude, the height of the location above sea level.
The table below shows the responses of a group of 12 adults to changing altitude.

(i) Describe the effect of altitude on breathing.


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(ii) Explain how an increase in altitude from 4000 m to 6000 m will cause these
changes in breathing.
(c) The graph below shows the effect of altitude on the mean resting heart rate for
another group of adults.

(i) Calculate the increase in heart rate per metre as the altitude increases from 6000 m to 8000 m.
Include appropriate units with your answer.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(ii) Explain why the resting heart rate changes as the altitude increases from 6000 m to 8000 m.
(Total 12 marks)

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8 During exercise, ATP can be produced by both anaerobic and aerobic respiration.
*(a) Describe the process of anaerobic respiration.
(b) Aerobic respiration involves the Krebs cycle.
One enzyme involved in the Krebs cycle is isocitrate dehydrogenase.
Two molecules that affect the activity of isocitrate dehydrogenase are ADP and reduced NAD.
The table below shows the effects of ADP and reduced NAD on the activity of isocitrate

(i) Describe the effects of ADP and reduced NAD on the activity of
isocitrate dehydrogenase.
(ii) Using the information in the table, suggest how exercise affects the activity of
isocitrate dehydrogenase in muscles.
(Total 11 marks)

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9 The photograph below shows Merriam’s kangaroo rat, a small rodent that lives in underground burrows.

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) varies in the burrows that this kangaroo rat lives in.
The effect of the concentration of CO2 on ventilation in kangaroo rats has been investigated.
The graph below shows the results of this investigation.

(a) Using the information in the graph, describe the results of this investigation.
(b) Explain how changes in the concentration of CO2 lead to changes in the ventilation rate of the
kangaroo rat.
(Total 7 marks)
10 (b) Rod cells contain large numbers of mitochondria.
(i) Describe the role of ATP in the response of rod cells to light.

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*(ii) Describe how ATP is produced in mitochondria.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
(Total 9 marks)
11 The tissues of some animals can carry out aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
(a) The apparatus shown below can be used to investigate the respiration of a sand lizard.

(i) Name a chemical that should be added in space X to allow the measurement
of aerobic respiration. (1)
(ii) Describe how this apparatus could be used to calculate the rate of respiration
of the sand lizard. (2)
(b) An experiment was carried out to measure the concentration of lactate (lactic acid)
in the muscles of sand lizards before and after they exercised for two minutes.
The results are shown in the graph below.

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(i) Calculate the percentage increase in mean muscle lactate that takes place
during the two minutes of exercise.
Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
(ii) Explain the change in mean muscle lactate concentration during the exercise.
(c) In another experiment, the oxygen consumption of a sand lizard, after a period of
exercise, was measured.
The results are shown in the graph below.

Explain the changes in the oxygen consumption of this sand lizard.


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(Total 12 marks)
12 Movement of the skeleton requires the coordinated activity of muscles.
(a) The diagram below shows the arrangement of some muscles around the
human knee joint.

(i) Put a cross in the box next to the row that correctly describes the hamstring
and quadriceps muscles when flexing (bending) the knee.

(ii) Put a cross in the box next to the structure that attaches muscles to bones.
A fast twitch fibres
B ligaments
C slow twitch fibres
D tendons
(b) Movement at a joint is produced by muscle contraction.
The sliding filament theory is used to explain muscle contraction.
(i) The sliding filament theory describes the interactions of a number of proteins.
Put a cross in the box to complete the following sentence.
The formation of proteins involves
A transcription of DNA in the nucleus
B transcription of genes on ribosomes
C translation of DNA in the nucleus
D translation of genes on ribosomes
(ii) Describe the role of calcium ions in the sliding filament theory of
muscle contraction.

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(c) Damage to joints can result in a condition called osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the cartilage is broken down in a joint.
In one study, the relationship between physical activity and the development of
osteoarthritis was investigated.
The results are shown in the table below.

(i) State the relationship between heavy physical activity and the frequency of
cases of osteoarthritis.
(ii) Explain why the scientists were able to suggest that BMI does not affect the
frequency of cases of osteoarthritis in this study.
(iii) One treatment for osteoarthritis is to replace the damaged cartilage in a joint
with cartilage taken from an undamaged joint of the same person.
This procedure is carried out using keyhole surgery.
State two advantages of using keyhole surgery to carry out this procedure.
(Total 11 marks)
13 Some mammalian hormones are synthesised from amino acids.
(a) (i) Put a cross in the box next to the structure where translation of messenger RNA
and protein synthesis take place.
A Golgi apparatus
B lysosome
C rough endoplasmic reticulum
D smooth endoplasmic reticulum

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(ii) Put a cross in the box next to the structure where modification of proteins
to form glycoproteins takes place.
A Golgi apparatus
B lysosome
C nucleolus
D ribosome
(b) The diagram below shows the structure of thyroxine, a hormone involved in the
regulation of respiration in cells. Thyroxine is synthesised from two amino acids and iodine.

(i) Draw a circle round the carboxyl group.

(ii) Thyroxine increases the body´s sensitivity to hormones such as adrenaline.
Thyroxine can also inhibit nerve impulses.
Compare the mechanisms used in hormonal and nervous coordination in mammals.
(iii) Cell membranes contain transporter proteins that enable thyroxine to enter
the cell. This results in a change in the activity of transcription factors.
Suggest how thyroxine is able to increase the secretion of adrenaline from
cells in the adrenal glands.
(Total 10 marks)

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14 Spirometry is a technique used to investigate lung function.
(a) The diagram below shows part of a spirometer trace of a person at rest and when
breathing in and out as fully as possible.

(i) Put a cross in the box next to the letter that shows the tidal volume.
(ii) The minute volume is the volume of air breathed in or out by a person in one minute.
Put a cross in the box next to the minute volume of a person with a tidal
volume of 450 cm 3 and a breathing rate of 18 breaths per minute.

(iii) Explain how you would use a spirometer trace to find the breathing rate of a person.
(b) The effect of exercise on the breathing of a person was investigated.
The tidal volume and breathing rate of a person were measured at rest and then
immediately after cycling for two minutes at increasing speeds.
The table below shows the results of this investigation.

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(i) Using the data in the table, describe the effect of exercise on tidal volume.
(ii) Using the results of this investigation, explain the effect of exercise on the
depth and rate of breathing.
(Total 11 marks)
15 The photograph below shows a camel. Camels are large mammals adapted to a
desert environment.

(a) A desert environment has a wide temperature range. A camel maintains a nearly
constant body temperature by the process of negative feedback.
Explain what is meant by the term negative feedback.

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(b) The table below shows the daily heat loss from a camel that had been given water to
drink and the daily heat loss from a camel that had not been given water to drink.

Using the data in the table, calculate the percentage increase in the heat loss of
the camel given water to drink.
Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
(c) Temperatures in the desert may rise above 50 C.
Suggest how the camel is able to maintain an internal body temperature within a
range of 380C to 400C
(Total 10 marks)
16 The diagram below shows two muscles in the human arm, the biceps and the triceps.

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(a) Explain how extension of the lower arm is brought about.
(b) Muscles contain structural proteins.
Put a cross in the box next to the row in the table that shows two structural
proteins involved in muscle contraction.

(c) The graph below shows the force of contraction of two muscles after a stimulus.

(i) Using the information in the graph, compare the response of these two
muscles to a stimulus.
(ii) Eye muscles contain a higher proportion of fast twitch fibres to slow twitch
fibres than leg muscles.
Complete the table below to give three differences between fast twitch and
slow twitch muscle fibres.

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(d) Some athletes use drugs to enhance the performance of their muscles.
Suggest two reasons why the use of such drugs should be banned.
(Total 10 marks)
17 *(b) The growth response of a plant shoot to light requires the synthesis of ATP.
Describe the roles of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle in the synthesis of ATP.
(Total 6 marks)
18 The calf muscle in the human leg is composed of two separate muscles, the gastrocnemius
and the soleus.
The position of these two muscles is shown in the diagram below.

(a) (i) The soleus muscle has a higher proportion of slow twitch fibres than fast twitch fibres.
Put a cross in the box next to the row in the table that correctly identifies features
of slow and fast twitch muscle fibres.

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(ii) Put a cross in the box next to the event that occurs before muscles contract.
A calcium ions form cross bridges with muscle proteins
B calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
C sodium ions form cross bridges with muscle proteins
D sodium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(b) Scientists investigated the change in the volume of muscle tissue in astronauts
after six months spent in space.
The volume of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles was measured before going
into space and after landing back on Earth.
The percentage decrease in volume of these muscles was calculated 4 days and
19 days after landing back on Earth.
The graph below shows the results of this investigation.

(i) Using the information in the graph, describe the changes in the volume of the
gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.
(ii) The cellular levels of messenger RNA involved in the synthesis of actin change
after landing on Earth.
Suggest how this might explain the change in muscle volume between 4 days
and 19 days after landing on Earth.
(iii) Actin is a structural protein found in the sarcomeres of a muscle fibre.
The diagram below shows one sarcomere.

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Draw a line, labelled A, to show the location of actin in this sarcomere.
(iv) Actin has a role in muscle contraction.
Name two structural proteins present in a sarcomere, other than actin, that
have a role in muscle contraction.
(c) The transcription of genes involved in making fast twitch and slow twitch muscle
fibres is affected during six months in space.
The mean percentage of slow twitch muscle fibres is reduced by 15%.
Explain how this reduction affects the ability of astronauts to carry out exercise.
(Total 11 marks)
19 Core body temperature in a person is kept constant by mechanisms of thermoregulation.
(a) Put a cross in the box next to the part of the brain that controls body temperature.
A cerebellum
B cerebral hemispheres
C hypothalamus
D medulla oblongata
(b) In an investigation, the core body temperature, skin temperature and heat loss by
evaporation of a person was measured for 25 minutes.
The person then ate some ice and the measurements were repeated for a further
10 minutes.
The graphs below show the results of this investigation.

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(i) Using the information given, compare the changes in the core temperature
and the skin temperature.
(ii) Explain the change in heat loss by evaporation after eating the ice.
(c) Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures causes hypothermia.
Hypothermia lowers the core body temperature which reduces the rate of
metabolic processes, such as chemiosmosis, in cells.
Explain how hypothermia reduces the synthesis of ATP by chemiosmosis.
(Total 12 marks)
20 Mitochondria are organelles involved in the production of ATP.
The electronmicrograph below shows a section through part of a cell.

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(a) (i) Place a cross in the box next to the part of a mitochondrion where most
ATP synthesis takes place.
A inner mitochondrial membrane
B intermembrane space
C matrix
D outer mitochondrial membrane
(ii) Nucleic acid is involved in the synthesis of proteins in mitochondria. These
proteins are needed to make ATP.
Place a cross in the box that shows the nucleic acid found in mitochondria.
A DNA only
B RNA only
D neither DNA or RNA
(iii) Place a cross in the box next to the part of the mitochondrion in which
protein synthesis takes place.
A cristae
B intermembrane space
C ribosomes
D stalked particles
(iv) Place a cross in the box next to the actual length of the mitochondrion.
A 0.0005 mm
B 0.005 mm
C 5.0 mm
D 50.0 mm
(v) Place a cross in the box next to the name of the structure labelled Q in the
A Golgi apparatus
B lysosomes
C rough endoplasmic reticulum
D smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(b) The Krebs cycle and chemiosmosis take place in mitochondria.
Explain how chemiosmosis and the production of ATP will be affected if the Krebs cycle is inhibited.
(Total 10 marks)

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21 Ventilation of the lungs is controlled by homeostatic mechanisms.
Six students carried out an investigation to compare the longest time they could hold
their breath at rest, after exercise and after breathing in and out deeply three times.
The table below shows the mean results with standard deviations from the investigation.

(a) Comment on the reliability of this investigation and data.

*(b) Use your knowledge of the control of ventilation to explain these results.

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(c) An investigation was carried out into the effect of smoking on ventilation.
A group of smokers and a group of non-smokers were asked to breathe in as fully
as possible and then breathe out as fully as possible into a spirometer.
The graph below shows the results of this investigation.

(i) The FEV1 is the volume of air that can be forced out of the lungs in one second, after taking a
deep breath in.
Place a cross in the box next to the FEV1 for non-smokers.

(ii) Use the information in the graph to compare the results of the non-smokers
with those of the smokers.
(Total 12 marks)
22 The heart rate at rest changes during exercise.
The diagram below shows different stages in the passage of electrical activity
through the heart during one heartbeat.
The arrows and numbers represent the different stages.

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(a) Place a cross in the box next to the correct number or word to complete each
of the following statements.
(i) The number in the diagram that represents the bundle of His is
A 1
B 3
C 4
D 5
(ii) There is a delay of 0.13 s between atrial systole and ventricular systole.
The number in the diagram that represents where this delay occurs is
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
(iii) The arrows in the diagram represent a wave of
A depolarisation
B hyperpolarisation
C polarisation
D repolarisation
(iv) A normal electrocardiogram (ECG) is shown below.

The letter on the ECG that represents stage 2 in the diagram is

(b) Nervous and hormonal control can increase the heart rate during exercise.
(i) Describe how the heart rate can be increased by nervous control during exercise.

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(ii) Give one similarity and one difference between hormonal and nervous
control of the heart rate.
(Total 10 marks)
23 The photograph below shows the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus.
The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. The cheetah needs to be within 50 m of its
prey before starting to chase it.

A cheetah runs at 27 m s –1 in an attempt to catch its prey.

(a) Calculate the time it would take a cheetah to run 50 m at a speed of 27 m s –1 .
Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(b) Table 1 below shows the activity of four different enzymes in the cells of two
different leg muscles of a cheetah.

Place a cross in the box next to the correct phrase that completes each of the
following statements.
(i) The enzyme that has the fastest activity is
A an aerobic enzyme in the gastrocnemius
B an aerobic enzyme in the vastus lateralis
C an anaerobic enzyme in the gastrocnemius
D an anaerobic enzyme in the vastus lateralis

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(ii) Following anaerobic respiration, lactate dehydrogenase converts lactate to
A carbon dioxide and oxidised NAD to reduced NAD
B carbon dioxide and reduced NAD to oxidised NAD
C pyruvate and oxidised NAD to reduced NAD
D pyruvate and reduced NAD to oxidised NAD
(c) Conservationists are concerned that keeping cheetahs in captivity may affect the
percentage of slow twitch and fast twitch fibres in their muscles.
In an investigation, scientists analysed samples from the leg muscles of wild and captive cheetahs.
The results are shown in Table 2 below.

(i) Suggest the null hypothesis the scientists were testing.

(ii) Using the data in Table 2, suggest a conclusion that can be drawn about the
effect of captivity on the composition of muscle.
Give a reason for your answer.
(d) Explain why the muscle composition of a cheetah causes it to stop running if it
fails to catch its prey within 50 m.
(Total 12 marks)

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24 Asthma occurs when the airways in the lungs become narrowed, which makes
breathing difficult.
It is thought that the caffeine contained in coffee might help people with asthma by
increasing their breathing rate.
(a) The traces below show the breathing rate of a resting person before and after
drinking coffee.

(i) Place a cross in the box next to the apparatus used to obtain these traces.
A a peak flow meter
B an ECG
C a respirometer
D a spirometer
(ii) Place a cross in the box next to the tidal volume before drinking coffee.

(iii) Place a cross in the box next to the difference in breathing rate before and
after drinking coffee.

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(iv) The traces suggest that caffeine affects the sensitivity of the brain to carbon dioxide.
Place a cross in the box next to the statement that describes this sensitivity.
A hypothalamus less sensitive to carbon dioxide
B hypothalamus more sensitive to carbon dioxide
C ventilation centre less sensitive to carbon dioxide
D ventilation centre more sensitive to carbon dioxide
(b) The formula below shows Fick’s law.

Use the information in the formula to explain how the rate of diffusion is affected
by asthma.
(c) Suggest how drinking hot coffee can cause a change in the production of sweat.
(Total 8 marks)
25 Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration produce ATP in cells.
(a) It is thought that 38 ATP molecules are produced from one molecule of glucose in
aerobic respiration.
Place a cross in the box next to the description of where most of these ATP
molecules are produced.
A glycolysis in the cytoplasm
B glycolysis in the mitochondria
C oxidative phosphorylation in the cytoplasm
D oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria
(b) During anaerobic respiration lactate is produced.
The table below shows the lactate concentration in the blood of a person who is
an athlete and in a person who is not an athlete (non-athlete), at increasing levels
of exercise.

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(i) Explain the change in blood lactate concentration with an increasing level of
exercise in the non-athlete.
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the difference between the blood lactate
concentration of the athlete and the non-athlete.
(c) The diagram below shows the fate of lactate after exercise.

(i) Name molecule X.

(ii) Describe what happens to molecule Y.
(Total 9 marks)
26 Endurance training changes the number and size of mitochondria in muscle tissue.
The graph below shows the percentage change in the number of mitochondria found
in muscle tissue during 25 weeks of endurance training.

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(a) Use the graph to describe the changes in the number of mitochondria in muscle
tissue during this 25 week training period.
(b) The electron micrographs below show a typical mitochondrion in muscle before
and after training.

(i) The width of each mitochondrion is shown by the line A to B.

Calculate the percentage change in the width of the mitochondrion after
training. Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
*(ii) An increase in the width of mitochondria increases the surface area of
membranes inside mitochondria.
Explain how an increase in the surface area of these membranes will affect the
synthesis of ATP in the muscle tissue of an athlete.
(Total 10 marks)

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27 The anterior cruciate ligament helps to keep the knee joint stable.
(a) (i) Place a cross in the box next to the name of the structure to which the
anterior cruciate ligament is attached.
A bone
B cartilage
C muscle
D tendon
(ii) Place a cross in the box next to the statement that explains why ligaments
are effective at keeping the knee joint stable.
A they contain collagen making them elastic
B they contain collagen making them inelastic
C they contain myosin making them elastic
D they contain myosin making them inelastic
(b) Each year in the UK there are about 30 anterior cruciate ligament injuries for every
100 000 people.
Assuming the population in the UK is 65 000 000, calculate the number of anterior
cruciate ligament injuries per year.
Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(c) A surgeon can use keyhole surgery when repairing a torn cruciate ligament.
The torn ligament is repaired by grafting (attaching) new tissue.
The repair often uses tissue from the patient (autograft) or from a donor (allograft).
The table below shows the failure rate of each type of repair carried out by one surgeon.

(i) Using the information in the table, compare the failure rates of these types of
graft. Suggest explanations for the difference.

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(ii) Suggest what additional information would be needed to increase the
confidence in a conclusion drawn from these results.
(iii) Give two advantages of using keyhole surgery to repair torn ligaments
compared with other types of surgery.
(Total 11 marks)
28 Movement at a joint involves muscle contraction that requires a supply of ATP.
(a) The diagram below shows muscles that cause movement of bones in the leg.

Place a cross in the box next to the description of the muscles in this diagram.
A the extensor muscle is contracted and the flexor muscle is relaxed
B the extensor muscle and the flexor muscle are both contracted
C the extensor muscle is relaxed and the flexor muscle is contracted
D the extensor muscle and the flexor muscle are both relaxed
(b) The ATP needed for muscle contraction is produced by glycolysis, the Krebs cycle
and oxidative phosphorylation.
(i) Place a cross in the box next to the final product of glycolysis.
A acetyl CoA
B citrate
C glucose
D pyruvate
(ii) Place a cross in the box next to products of the Krebs cycle.
A ADP, ATP and oxidised NAD
B ADP, oxidised NAD and reduced FAD
C ATP, reduced NAD and oxidised FAD
D ATP, reduced NAD and reduced FAD

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(iii) Place a cross in the box next to the coenzyme involved in the Krebs cycle.
B lactate
D pyruvate
(iv) Place a cross in the box next to the location of glycolysis and the Krebs
cycle in a muscle cell.

(v) Place a cross in the box next to the number of carbon dioxide molecules
formed in the Krebs cycle from the oxidation of one glucose molecule.
A two
B three
C four
D six
(c) Muscle contraction is stimulated by neurones. The axon of a neurone requires a
supply of ATP to maintain the resting potential.
In an investigation, the rate at which sodium ions leave a resting axon was
measured for a period of 200 minutes.
At 100 minutes, a metabolic poison was added. This poison inhibits oxidative
The graph below shows the rate at which sodium ions (Na + ) left the axon during
this investigation.

(i) Suggest how sodium ions leave the axon between 0 and 100 minutes.

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(ii) Suggest an explanation for the effect of the metabolic poison on the rate at
which sodium ions leave the axon.
(Total 11 marks)
29 Heart rate and body temperature are controlled in mammals.
The photograph below shows a wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, which is a small mammal.

(a) (i) Place a cross in the box next to the tissue in the heart that controls resting heart rate.
A atrioventricular node
B bundle of His
C Purkyne tissue
D sinoatrial node
(ii) Place a cross in the box next to the term that describes what is measured by
an electrocardiogram (ECG).
A blood pressure
B cardiac output
C electrical activity
D stroke volume
(iii) Name the part of the brain that controls heart rate.
(b) Suggest how the wood mouse maintains a constant body temperature when in a
cold environment.

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(Total 9 marks)
30 A respirometer can be used to measure the uptake of oxygen by living organisms.
The diagram below shows a respirometer used by a student to investigate the effect
of temperature on the rate of oxygen consumption of maggots (blowfly larvae).

(a) (i) Place a cross in the box next to the reason why oxygen consumption by
maggots can be measured using this respirometer.
A oxygen consumption equals carbon dioxide production
B oxygen consumption is greater than carbon dioxide production
C the maggots produce carbon dioxide
D the carbon dioxide produced by the maggots is absorbed
(ii) Explain the purpose of the syringe in this investigation.

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(b) The student placed the respirometer in a water bath at different temperatures.
The table below shows the results of this investigation.

(i) During this investigation, the student found that 2.0 g of maggots consumed
4.5 cm 3 of oxygen in 20 minutes.
Use this information to calculate the temperature of the water bath most
likely to produce this result. Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . °C
(ii) Suggest how this investigation could be modified to find a more accurate
optimum temperature for respiration in maggots.
(c) The student did not use temperatures higher than 35 °C because of the effect this
would have on enzyme-controlled respiratory processes such as chemiosmosis.
Explain the effect that a high temperature has on chemiosmosis.
(Total 9 marks)

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31 The diagram below shows a spirometer that can be used to measure lung volumes.
A spirometer can also be used to measure the volume of oxygen a person uses.

(a) A student used a spirometer to measure the volume of oxygen he used at rest
and during exercise.
The spirometer trace below shows the results he obtained during exercise.

i) The line P to Q slopes downwards because oxygen is being used.

Use the line, labelled P to Q on the trace, to calculate the volume of oxygen
used during one minute of exercise.

Volume of oxygen used = ..............................................................

(ii) The student had a body mass of 70 kg.
Calculate the rate of oxygen used by this student in dm 3 kg 1 h 1 .
Show your working.

Rate of oxygen used = .............................................................. dm 3 kg 1 h 1

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(iii) Suggest two differences between this spirometer trace and the one the
student obtained at rest.
(b) (i) The air the student exhaled passed through the carbon dioxide absorber in
the spirometer.
Name a carbon dioxide absorber.
(ii) Explain why the spirometer trace would be different if the carbon dioxide had
not been absorbed.
(c) Explain how carbon dioxide is involved in the control of breathing rate during exercise.
(Total 12 marks)
32 Exercise is important for human health.
The graph below shows how level of exercise changes the risk of death in young and
old people.

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(a) Use the information in the graph to describe the effect of level of exercise on the
percentage risk of death.
(b) State the effect of exercise on each of the following.
(i) The risk of having diabetes and being obese.
(ii) The immune system.
(c) Exercise has an effect on the risk of having coronary heart disease (CHD).
In people with CHD the heart muscle cells receive less oxygen.
*(i) Describe how heart muscle cells make ATP when less oxygen is available.

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(ii) A person will suffer a pain called angina if heart muscle cells receive less oxygen.
Suggest how lack of oxygen in heart muscle cells can cause angina.
(Total 13 marks)
33 The electron transport chain is involved in the synthesis of ATP.
(a) The diagram below shows part of the electron transport chain.

(i) Name the molecules P, Q and R.

(ii) Place a cross in the box next to the description of where the electron
transport chain occurs.
A cytoplasm surrounding mitochondria
B inner mitochondrial membrane
C mitochondrial matrix
D outer mitochondrial membrane
(b) In 2013, poachers killed over 80 elephants in Zimbabwe by poisoning their
drinking water with cyanide. Cyanide inhibits cytochrome oxidase, the last carrier
in the electron transport chain.
Suggest how inhibiting cytochrome oxidase would kill an elephant.
(Total 8 marks)

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34 Muscles are important in the movement of the body.
(a) Place a cross in the box that completes each of the following statements.
(i) Muscles are attached to bones by
A bone
B cartilage
C ligaments
D tendons
(ii) The diagram below shows a cross section through a muscle containing
fast twitch and slow twitch fibres.
The fast twitch fibres have been stained darker than the slow twitch fibres.

The ratio of fast twitch fibres to slow twitch fibres in this section of muscle is
A 1:4
B 1:3
C 4:1
D 3:1
(iii) Fast twitch muscle fibres have
A few mitochondria and few capillaries
B few mitochondria and many capillaries
C many mitochondria and few capillaries
D many mitochondria and many capillaries
(iv) The electron micrograph below shows a section through muscle tissue.

The number of myofibrils in this section is

A one
B three
C six
D nine
(v) The diagram below shows a sarcomere with regions labelled P, Q and R.

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Actin is found in the region labelled
A P only
B Q only
C P and Q
D Q and R
(Total 5 marks)
35 The diagram below shows the apparatus that could be used to measure the
respiration rate of a rat.

*(a) Describe how this apparatus could be used to make a valid comparison of the
respiration rates of male and female rats.
(b) A systematic error would occur if the substance used to absorb carbon dioxide
failed to work. Explain how this would affect the results obtained.
(Total 8 marks)

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36 Exercise and training programmes affect athletic performance and health.
(a) The table below shows cardiovascular measurements for a person before and
after training and for a marathon runner.

(i) Calculate the cardiac output in dm 3 per minute of the marathon runner at rest.
Show your working.

Answer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . dm 3 per minute

(ii) Training improves the performance of marathon runners.
Explain how the information in the table supports this statement.
(iii) Using the data in the table and your own knowledge, explain how training
would increase the rate of oxidative phosphorylation in muscle cells during exercise.
(b) The development of type 2 diabetes may be linked to lack of exercise.
The graph below shows the effect of exercise on the incidence of type 2 diabetes
in two groups of men.
Men at low risk had no family history of developing type 2 diabetes. Men at high
risk had a family history of developing type 2 diabetes.
The men were grouped according to their level of exercise per week.

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Using the information in the graph and your knowledge of correlation and
causation, discuss the relationship between the incidence of type 2 diabetes and
the level of weekly exercise.
(Total 13 marks)
37 Muscles, tendons and the skeleton all interact when the leg of a human moves.
(a) Place a cross in the box that completes each statement about skeletal muscles.
(i) The diagram below shows part of a muscle fibre.

The label that shows a sarcomere is


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(ii) When a muscle contracts, the length of a sarcomere
A becomes zero
B decreases
C increases
D stays the same
(iii) In the diagram below, tropomyosin is found in

(iv) The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases ions that bind to troponin.
These ions are
A calcium
B phosphate
C potassium
D sodium
(v) The thin filament in a muscle fibre is
A actin
C ATPase
D myosin
(vi) Slow twitch muscle fibres have
A less myoglobin than fast twitch fibres
B more myoglobin than fast twitch fibres
C no myoglobin
D the same quantity of myoglobin as fast twitch fibres
(b) Explain why tendons need to be inelastic.
(Total 9 marks)

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38 Activities such as exercise can affect both the heart rate and breathing rate of humans.
(a) Heart rate can be measured using an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Explain what is meant by the term electrocardiogram.
(b) A spirometer trace can be used to find the resting breathing rate in humans.
Explain how a spirometer trace can be used to calculate the mean resting
breathing rate of a person.
(c) The atmosphere near a volcano has a high concentration of carbon dioxide. This
can lead to an increase in the breathing rate of people walking near a volcano.
The photograph below shows two people walking near a volcano.

*(i) Explain how the atmosphere near a volcano can lead to an increase in
breathing rate.

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(ii) Suggest how an increase in breathing rate can help to reduce the
concentration of carbon dioxide in a person walking away from a volcano.
(Total 13 marks)

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