Fa18-Bce-001 Lab Assignment 5

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NAME Registration Number

Ali Haroon Turk CIIT/ FA18-BCE -001/ATD

APRIL 25, 2021

TASK 1: For each of the following systems determine the general form of the step response.
1. 𝐺(𝑠) = 𝑠2+12𝑠+400

Figure 1: In this task we were asked to find the general form of step response, since there are two
distinct complex L.H.P roots, so the nature of response is Underdamped.

Figure 2: Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response.

2. 𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠 2 + 90𝑠 + 900

Figure 3:Since there are two distinct L.H.P roots, so the nature of response is Overdamped.

Figure 4: Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response.

3. 𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠 2 + 30𝑠 + 900

Figure 5: Since there are two distinct complex L.H.P roots, so the nature of response is

Figure 6: Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response.

4. 𝐺(𝑠) =
𝑠 2 +625

Figure 7:Since there are two complex jw-axis roots, so the nature of response is Undamped.

Figure 8:Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response.

Task 2: For the following feedback system, find the values or range of values of K for which the
response of the system is


Figure 9: In this task we were asked to set the value or range of K for which the response system is
Underdamped, Undamped, Critically damped, or Overdamped. So I set the value of K to 20 then
took its feedback and plotted the step response and location of poles in S-plane. since there are two
distinct complex L.H.P roots, so the nature of response is Underdamped. We are ignoring third
poles on the concept of dominant poles, because the overall response shape is due to dominant
Figure 10:Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response.


Figure 11: I set the value of K to 2 then took its feedback and plotted the step response and
location of poles in S-plane. since there are two distinct L.H.P roots, so the nature of response is
Overdamped. We are ignoring third poles on the concept of dominant poles, because the overall
response shape is due to dominant poles.
Figure 12:Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response

Critically Damped

Figure 13: We are ignoring third poles on the concept of dominant poles, because the overall
response shape is due to dominant poles. So I set the value of K to 0.25 then took its feedback and
plotted the step response and location of poles in S-plane. since there are two repeating L.H.P
roots, so the nature of response is Critically damped.
Figure 14: Location of Poles on s-plane and Step response

In this lab I learnt to analyze various types of responses of the system and how the location of poles
have an effect on the response of the system. In first task we were asked to find the general form of step
response In second task we were asked to set the value or range of K for which the response system is
Underdamped, Undamped, Critically damped, or Overdamped. Overall, I learnt to analyze the response
of the given Transfer Function or System, to find the value of constant K of the closed-loop system and
how it can affect the system response.

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