MCL Signed Caroline Welch - 2021 Mentor Verification Form 1 2 1

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Northgate High School

Senior Project Mentor Verification Form

Name of Student _Caroline Welch_______________ Period __4______

Mentored Project __Voter Registration Drive _____________

As a Senior Project mentor, your final responsibility is to verify completion of your student’s work and to
pass his/her project. This is due by Thursday, May 13th. Mentors may write additional comments on the
back of this sheet

1. Please check if you have seen the following documents:

___x__ Your student’s Letter of Intent -- explains plans for Senior Project.
___x__ A Mentor Agreement -- explains your responsibilities.
___x__ A copy of your student’s Senior Project Research paper.

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Please list dates you have met with student (OR email exchanges):
Date __4/25/2021_________ Reason for Meeting: _____Review of Research Paper _________________
Date ____4/28/2021_______ Reason for Meeting: __Update on Voter Registration Drive___
Date ___3/18/2021________ Reason for Meeting: ___Zoom to take Selfie __________________

Additional meeting dates: __N/A__

Comments:_Caroline has presented to 20 classes and has registered 30 new voters. She still has two more
weeks to register more voters, and plans to continue her efforts.
3. How did the project stretch or challenge the student’s abilities? Please assess the quality of the
project. Please make additional comments on the back if necessary:

This project required Caroline to learn about voting and the voter registration
process. She developed her public speaking skills through class presentations.

4. Please verify that your student spent at least 20 hours on the project: Yes __x___ No _____

Mentor Name (please print) _Marilyn Cachola Lucey ______ Verified by PDFFiller

Qualifications as mentor:
Qualifications mentor: ______________________________________________
Former California State Election Campaign Field Organizer, Event producer and Trainer for
ActLocal Electoral Activist Network
Date: ___________
Telephone Number: __(925) 708 5030____ Mentor’s Emai:l

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