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Sexual Diversity

Thesis: If philosophical studies and others reveal that we are sociable and structurally
capable of creating strong and technologically advanced societies, why do we get stuck
in the acceptance of sexual diversity?

Julian Mauricio Mosquera Lemus

Introduction: The purpose of this essay is to let the individual know that despite all our
indifferences we can achieve a better coexistence, communication, acceptance and
protection to all people of different behaviors than us, when we mistreat, judge, offend and
repudiate, we not only cause harm, we hurt their feelings, we also feed that repulsion
towards them.

By making the purpose known it is hoped to avoid the exclusion of LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, transsexual, transvestite).

Social evolution of man through time: Man is a social being who has lived in society all
his history. Society is extremely important for man, since thanks to it he adopts habits,
beliefs and customs. Over time, societies advance and evolve, becoming more complex.
There are several theories as to why this happens, but the most accepted was social
Darwinism, society changes in its different facets. We can also notice that each of the
stages was characterized by something, either because it deepened the way of subsistence,
because it gave a resounding change to the way of life, because of new revelations and
advances, the appearance of political groups and the formation of hierarchies.

Today it constitutes the basis of modern evolutionary synthesis; with its modifications, Darwin's
scientific discoveries continue to be the founding act of biology as a science. A good part of the
scientific community accepted this vision, because it gave coherence to the existing knowledge about
the living world and the existing theories of evolution.
What is sexual diversity: According to what we have investigated, sexual diversity is the
variety existing between the sexual identity of each individual, that is to say, it is the
contrast between the tastes and physical and emotional preferences of each person: the way
of expressing themselves, the way of dressing, acting, thinking, feeling, relating to others.
Conventionally, there are four orientations to which a subject can belong: heterosexuality,
homosexuality, bisexuality, and pansexuality. Respectively, we define these as the
attraction between two people of different genders (male-female), the attraction between
two people of the same gender (female-female, male-male), the attraction of one person to
both genders, and the attraction of one person independently of the gender of the other.

Initially I thought that my autobiography was a spelunking within myself. Starting from the fact that
speleology is the science that deals with the exploration and study of the subway cavities, and that I
already wanted to search deep inside myself, the essence of my work as a homosexual person who
seeks social transformation. (June 10, 2010, Velandia Mora M. A. )

An interview was conducted with a person who defines himself as being gay, his name is
Jesús Evelio Mosquera Mosquera, he tells us that it was not very easy to come out of the
closet, since in his family they did not see homosexuals very well. When he decided to do it
and tell everyone, he began to suffer from bullyng and all kinds of discrimination. We still
find people within society who do not accept that two people of the same gender are
attracted to each other. Up to May 2020, in 29 countries, there has been marriage between
people of the same sex.

Conclusion: People who do not identify with the conventional sexes or as some people call
them "normal" have been beaten and devalued throughout history and throughout their
history. It is clear that we are very similar in physiological characteristics, but each person
has different tastes and ambitions, so we must respect, accept and consider those people as
social beings with equal rights to all. Do you think it is fair to accept, respect and consider
that sexual diversity exists and each person decides how to identify?

Uzcátegui, E. (11 April 2010) THE CONCEPTION OF MAN AS A SOCIAL BEING -

Knowledge Meeting for Integral Knowledge with Ever Uzcátegui (
Perez P. J. and Gardey. A. (2010). Updated: 2013.Definition of sexuality - What it is,
Meaning and Concept (

NACHO LÓPEZ LLANDRES 14/04/2016 - 09:25 h. CEST. History of sexuality

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