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the goal of this section, which covers the “skin” of your character: everything
from their outer appearance to the way that they speak. Think of it as a kind of
offender profile — one that can help you spot your character in the middle of a
crowded Times Square.

Name: Hania

Age: 20

Place of birth : Karachi

Current location: Gulshan e iqbal

Nationality : Pakistani

Education: Bachelors In Advertising

Occupation: Content Writer

Income: 35,000+

What's their:

• eye colour? Black

• hair style? Layers
• build? Average height & thin

Do they have any distinguishing features (tattoos, scars, birthmarks)? She has
birthmark on her neck
What's their preferred outfit? All sort of trendy clothes she used wear

Do they wear glasses? yes

What accessories are ALWAYS associated with them (cane, pipe, necklace, etc.)?
She used wear a necklace which on which ‘A’ is written its lil bit confusing
because her name starts with ‘H’

What's their usual level of grooming?

• Disheveled
• Smart, very put together
• Untidy but clean
• Other?

Do they have any distinguishing “tics” and mannerisms? She starts biting her nail
when she is in crowd or in between 4 to 5 people

What's their health like? Do they suffer from chronic illnesses?

Hania is a patient of asthma

Describe their handwriting (sloppy, neat, careful, unintelligible). ✍ How

do they walk?

• Confident, powerful strides

• Lazy stroll
• Fast, walks at a clip
• Distracted, eyes on the ground
• Other?


How do they talk (rapid, slow, measured, drawl, etc.)?

What's the style of their speech (elevated, educated, peppered with slang, etc.)?

Do they have an accent? NO ANY

• Stiff, military
• Slouching
• Casual and relaxed
• ‘Turtle,’ tired

• Other?

Do they gesture?

• Only when agitated or eager

• Doesn’t gesture
• Compulsive “hand-talker” • Controlled, only to make a point
• Other? If so, explain:

How much eye contact that they like to make (direct, shifty, etc.)?

What's their preferred curse word? Fuck

What's their catchphrase? You will not understand me because I am a book

which no one can read.

Any speech impediments? YES, BUT ONLY INFRONT OF STRANGERS

What are any distinguishing speech “tics”? SHIVERING & SWEATING

What's their laugh like? What do they tend to find funny? She starts making
unreal stories and she laughs like a cute baby.
Describe their smile? Her smile is so deep which sometimes show her evil side
but on the same time she looks like a cute baby.

How emotive are they? Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? How easily
can others to read them?

Her emotions are not easy to read because at the same time she has 4 to 5
expressions on the same thing.

They have a resting _____ face.

• Bitch
• Angel
• Neutral
• Other

Characters don’t exist in a vacuum — they’re a product of their environment.

This section in the character template dives a bit deeper into your character and
covers their “flesh”: the people, circumstances, and formative influences that
filled them out and made them who they are today. It’s the springboard to your
character’s biography.

What's the name of their hometown? KARACHI

What type of childhood did they have (sheltered, neglected, etc.)?

Describe their education? Doing bachelors in advertising because her father

owns an advertising agency

Were they involved in organizations and clubs at school?

• Sports
• Debate
• Gay / Straight Alliance
• Model
• Drama
• Other? If so, explain:

At graduation, they were named Most Likely To BEST FACIAL EXPRESSIONIST in

the yearbook.

Jobs (if applicable)? What would their résumé look like? Film Maker

What was their dream job as a child? Why? Docter, because when she was born
everyone of her age wanted to be a doctor, engineer or a pilot but now want to
write scripts and do something different from all as a film maker.
Who were their role models growing up? Describe them. No one because she
was not allowed to do whatever her aim. Her mother is a motivational speaker
who talks about women empowerment but her behavior is opposite with her

What's their greatest regret? Doing bachelors in advertising instead of film


What were their hobbies growing up? Coloring, painting & making sketches

Favourite place to be as a child? Sea View because she feels good there and had
a lot of memories

What's their earliest memory? A fight with colleague

What's their saddest memory? Her mother’s reaction when she told her aims
What's their happiest memory? When she used to be special for everyone in

What's their clearest memory? Her relation with grand parents and her


• Age (if living) : ABOVE 50

• Occupation Head of Advertising Agency
• Briefly describe their relationship with your character Not good because of her
father’s strictness

• Mother

• Age (if living) ABOVE 40

• Occupation Motivational Speaker
• Briefly describe their relationship with your character Good but she don’t
like the way she deliver the speech and can’t implement those thing on
her daughter.

• How many?
• What are their names and ages?
• Briefly describe their relationship(s) with your character

Children (if applicable)

• Age (if living)

• Occupation
• Briefly describe their relationship with your character

Extended family

• Grandparents NOT ALIVED

• Uncles and aunts 2 UNCLE & 1 AUNT
• Cousins 3 COUSINS
• Other
What's their family's economic status? Rich

Who are their closest friends? Describe them. She doesn’t have any best friend.

Who are their other significant friends? Some of her colleagues and


Enemies? Describe them. Those who are manupulative

How are they perceived by?

• strangers in the street?

• acquaintances at a work function?
• colleagues in the office?
• authority figures?
• friends in their friend circles?
• children?
• the opposite sex?
• extended family?
What’s their role in a group dynamic?

• Leader
• Joker
• Parent
• Hype man
• Mooch
• Other? If so, explain.

Who do they depend on for?

• practical advice?
• mentoring
• a wingman?
• emotional support?
• moral support?

What do they want from a relationship? Care & Respect

Who would be their ideal partner? Who will understand her and let her do
whatever she wanted to do.

We’ve come now to the “core”: who your character is deep down.

This section in the character profile worksheet covers the “heart” of your
character. If a backstory shapes a dynamic character, this will define them. More
importantly, it will help inform the two most important points leading up to your
film and the character’s story goal and story motivation.

What do they do on rainy days? USED TO ENJOY Are


• Street-smart or book-smart
• An optimist or pessimist
• Introverted or Extroverted What is their favourite sound? THE


Favourite place in the world? Paris

What secrets do they keep? What are they most afraid of people finding out?
She used to hide her parents behavior people will make fun of her and no on
would understand

What do they want the most? Some more pencils and sketchbook

What's their biggest flaw? Over Thinking

What's their biggest strength? LOVING, CARING & TRUSTWORHTY

What's their biggest fear? Losing her respect in front of people when she will
tell them about her parents behavior with her
What is their biggest accomplishment? She is creative

What is their idea of perfect happiness? Having a cup on tea on terrace alone

Do they want to be remembered? What for? Yes because of her unreal stories

How do they approach:

• power?
• ambition?
• love?
• change?

What is the one object or possession that they would rescue from their burning

Her Sketches and some pictures

What (or who) bores them? Who starts talking about how their parents take
care of them

What makes them angry? A person who makes fun of her

If they didn’t have to sleep, what would they do with the extra time? Sketching
and painting

Describe the character’s bucket list at the ages of 15, 20, 30, and 40.

15: Making sketches, painting, used to sit alone

20: Making sketches, painting, used to sit alone but when she is at home,

planning her life

List the 10 songs that would occupy their All-Time Most Played playlist on


• Closer
• Broken Angel
& some song she used to play randomly just to divide her mind.

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