Unit 2 Chapter 1introduction To Matrices

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Unit 2

Chapter 1
Matrices and Solving Systems of Equations

Introduction to Matrices

We encounter rectangular arrays of numbers all the time. One of most common
situations in which this happens is when we are presented with tables of data. Matrix
algebra provides us with a systematic way of working with the arrays of numbers.
The following example will give us an idea, how does a Matrix give us a tabular
display of data,
London Madrid New York Tokyo
London 0 785 3469 5959
Madrid 785 0 3593 6706
New York 3469 3593 0 6757
Tokyo 5959 6706 6757 0

The above table gives us the airline distances between the indicated cities (in statute
In mathematics, matrices are normally written within square brackets. For example, the
matrix representing the distances in Table 1 could be written in the following form:

The dimension (sometimes used in the plural form: dimensions) of a matrix refers
to the number of rows and columns in the matrix. A matrix that has m rows and n
columns is said to have dimension m X n [read: “em by en]. The matrix in Table 1 above
is a 4 X 4 matrix because it has 4 rows and 4 columns.
Boldface capital letters, such as A, are used to denote matrices. For example, for
the data in Table 1, we could define the matrix A

When a matrix has only one row or one column, it is often called a vector and is usually
denoted by a lower case boldface letter such as r or p, although capital letters can also be
used. For example:

r= [1 3 7 2] and s=

r is a 1 X 4 row vector or row matrix and s is a 3 X 1 column vector or column
In mathematics, the entries of a matrix are indicated by the name of a matrix, such as
αij is the value in the i’th row and the j’th column of the matrix A. For example, the α21
entry is the entry in the matrix that is in the second row and first column, so for the
matrix defined above for Table 1, . In general,

A= [αij] =
To illustrate specific examples, general forms for a 2 X 3 matrix (named B) and 3
X 2 matrix (named C) are given by

B= C=
Classification of Matrices
The Matrix which has dimension (ie equal number of rows and columns) is called

a Square Matrix. For example is a square Matrix.

is a square Matrix.
A Square Matrix with for is called a Diagonal Matrix. For

example , .

A Diagonal Matrix is called a Scalar Matrix, when .

For example

A Scalar Matrix is called an Identity Matrix when . For example

are respectively , and Identity Matrices.
Transpose of a Matrix
If the rows of one Matrix are converted to columns and columns are converted to rows,
then the Matrix we get is called transpose of the original Matrix.
Sample problem: 5 If we look at the Tables 5 and 6 below and compare the entries we
can get a clear idea of the transposition of the Data.
Table 5
Maruti Suzuki
Economy Standard
Moin 2 1
Kamal 3 4

Table 6
Maruti Suzuki
Moin Kamal
Economy 2 3
Standard 1 4

The Matrix form of Table 5 is represented by A and its transpose Table 6 is represented


Problem 1-11 refer to the following matrices:

A= B= C= D= E=

F= G= H= I= J=

1. Give the dimension of each matrix.

2. For matrix H, give the numerical value of .

3. For matrix H, give the numerical value of .

4. What is ?
5. Give the dimension of .

Linear Systems

Consider the linear system of 2 equations in 4 unknowns,

Now, let us try to show the left hand side of the given system as a linear combination of
some column matrices. So,

The expression (3) can also be represented as a product of a matrix and a column
vector, ie-

Also writing the right side of the linear system as an m column vector, (2) can be shown
in the matrix form as


Let us name (4) as AX = B.

The matrix A is called the coefficient matrix of the linear system (2). And the matrix

Obtained by adjoining B to A, is called the “Augmented Matrix” of the linear system (2).
The Augmented matrix of (2) will be written as .


Consider the linear system

-2x +z=5
2x + 3y -4z = 7 ……………..(5).
3x + 2y +2z = 3

We can write (5) as,


Therefore, the augmented matrix is

Example- 03:

The matrix

Can be considered as the augmented matrix of the linear system

Exercies 04

Express AC as a linear combination of the columns of A.

02. Consider the following linear system:

a. Find the coefficient matrix.

b. Write the linear system in matrix form.
c. Find the augmented matrix.

03. Consider the following linear system:

a. Find the coefficient matrix.
b. Write the linear system in matrix form.
c. Find the augmented matrix.

04. Write the linear system with augmented matrix

05. Write the linear system with augmented matrix.

06. Write each of the following as a linear system in matrix form:

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