Violations Documented at Sunshine Learning Center

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win pepe vs VISIT SUMMARY pes Completed 02/192021 ‘Name of Operation: SUNSHINE LEARNING CENTER OF THE SANDHILLS, INC Facility 1a: 63000474 ‘Consultant: DEBORAH DAVIS Operation Type: Center Case Number: 0221-0611. ‘Visit Date: 02/19/2021 ‘Namber Preseat: 46 ‘Completed Date: 02/19/2021 Ages from: Oto 5 Total Minutes: 75, Time ln: 10:15AM Time Out: 11:30 AM Tie In: ‘Time Out: “List to Use: Center ‘Type of Visit: Complaint Visit ‘Announced or Unannounced: Unannounced Observations: Today I conducted an unannounced complaint vist to discuse allegations received by DCDEE on Februmy 8, 2021 {The reporter stated staf taped shoes to child's feet, The tape was in contact withthe child's skin. 'Nintecriowed the administrator and both teachers in the classroom for one year old children, All thee staff stated the child ‘ep taking his shoes off. One staff stated she placed tape around his ankle area to keep the child from removing his shoes ‘outside. When they retumed inside, she went to another classroom and forgot to remove the tape. They stated this wes the first time tape had been used in this manner. Based on information obtained, the complaint was substantiated ‘A compliance letter stating how this violation was corrected and how it willbe prevented in the fture mist be submitted ‘ome no later than March 5; 2021. Failure to submit the letter by that dats could result ina follow up visit ‘Violations: Item [Comment ‘902 [Bach child was not ariended to in a maturing and appropriat manne, or in Keeping with the childs developmental needs. A teacher placed tape around the ankles of » one year old child to prevent him from removing his shoes. This is a violation of a requirement ia GS. 110-91(10) ‘Comments: During the visit, the administrator and I discussed implementing a policy regarding shoes. We discussed involving the teachers in waiting the policy. I suggested having a section foreach age group. Also discussed were- parents leaving play shoes atthe center to wear while they are present, stating the policy is forthe safety of the children, {the shoes must fit appropriately and younger children should not be able to remove them, a statement that parents must ‘provide appropriate fitting shoes for their child suggested once the plan is written, I will be glad to review it, Treminded Mr. Byob he must inform the parents of the policy change 14 days before it takes effect. If the operator fails to correct any documented violations within the established time period, the Division of Child Development may deny, suspend, terminate, or revoke any permit to operate (10A NCAC 09 .2000), All information in this report has been reviewed with me today. Iunderstand that tiv my responsibility 10 maintain compliance with applicable NC Child Care Reguiremenss at all thmes. semmenomrorssnmamecrmrornn— hddeee 25f— 2) i DCDRE Visit 0128/2020 SIT SUMMARY Completed: 01/28/2020 4 Name of Operation: SUNSHINE LEARNING CENTER OF THE SANDHILLS, INC Facility TDA: 63000474 Consultant: DEBORAH DAVIS, Case Number: | Visit Date: 01/28/2020 Number Present: 58 : ‘Completed Date: 01/28/2020 ‘Ages from: Oto 5 Total Minutes: 150 Timetn: 1015 AM Time Out: 12:45 PM Time in: Time Out: List to Use: Center ‘Type of Visit: Routine Unannounced Announced or Unannounced: Unannounced Violations Ttem# [Comment 532 [All children were not held or placed in feeding chairs or ther appropiate apparatus fo bo fed. Two infants were silting in bouncy seats drinking from bottles, This isa violation of a requizementin 1A NCAC 09 .0902(6), 807A sate indoor and outdoor environment was uot provided forthe children. The fire extinguisher in the Gansportation van had expired. This is violation of a requirement in 10 NCAC 09 _0601(3). 1106 Bach adult and child was not restzained by appropriate individual beltdevie. Three booster seats had expired manufactured dates. This is a violation ofa requirement in GS 110-91(13) 1850 — [Signage was not posted regarding the smoking and tobacco restriction at te entrance of the center andor in vehicles |ssed to transport children. ‘There was not a no smoking sign in the ven used for transportation. This isa violation of a |ssquirement in 0604). If the operator fails to correct any documented violations within the established time period, the Division of Child Development may deny, suspend, terminate, or revoke any permit to operate (10A NCAC 09 2000), NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ROY COOPER * Governor HUMAN SERVICES: MANDY COHEN, MD, MPH + Secretary Dison of Cd Development and Ea ere tae o ANNA CARTER * Dizector August 14, 2019 | NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION: TYPE OF ACTION: WRITTEN WARNING ISSUED TO: ‘Sunshine Learning Center of the Sandhills, Inc FACILITY: Sunshine Learning Center of the Sandhills, Ine 1725 Richards Street Southern Pines, NC 28387 ‘TD# 63000474 ‘The Division of Child Development and Early Education in the Department of Health and Human Services hereby issues 2 WRITTEN WARNING to Sunshine Learning Center of the Sandhills, Ine, operator of the above- named facility. Authority to take this action is provided by North Carolina General Statutes §§ 110-98, 110-102.2, 110-105.3(h) and Child Care Rules 10A NCAC 09 .2201 and ~.2203. In accordance with 10A NCAC 09 .2201(k), further noncompliance may result in assessment of a civil penalty or an administrative action, Immediately after receipt, this Notice of Administrative Action, cover letter, and Correetive Action Plan must be posted for three months and mn of Child Development and Early Education stating that the Corrective Action Plan has been completed, The Notice of Administrative Action, cover letter, and Corrective Action Plan must be posted in a location visible to parents and visitors near the entrance of the child care facility as required by Child Care Rule 10A NCAC 09 .2201(i), regardless of whether the Notice of Administrative Action is appealed. ‘An unannounced visit will be made by a representative of the Division of Child Development and Barly Education to verify compliance with the Corrective Action Plan. Documentation to support compliance with the Corrective Action Plan is required. Failure to comply with the terms of the Corrective Action Plan may result in the issuance of a more stringent administrative action and/or the assessment of a civil penalty. When required in the Corrective Action Plan, training will not be calculated as part of an employee’s annual in-service training hours unless otherwise noted. Nc HPARTUETOF HEALTHAND MMA SERED + MINE CL EMELOPHENT AND EARLY ELAN cet aa tig At sou nia heat avez monn fain cr amore wk 63000474 0519-169 2019 Page 3 of $ BASIS FOR ACTION : On May 22, 2019, an Investigations Consultant of the Division of Child Development and Early Education visited Sunshine Learning Center of the Sandhills, Inc. regarding alleged violations of child c: requirements related to discipline. Based on the information the Consultant obtained, the Division determined the following. On May 6, 2019, a staff member handled several three-year-old children roughly by pulling them on the arms and pushing them in an effort to move them from one place to another, a violation of Child Care Rule | 10A NCAC 09 1803(a)(1) regarding discipline. August 14, 2019 a heaniter 35 Unit Program Manager Date Regulatory Services Section DODEE Visit | c6s209 VISIT SUMMARY Completed: 06/04/2019 Page: 2 01:16:16 PM Facity TD: 63000474 Operation Type: Center ‘Name of Operation: SUNSHINE LEARNING CENTER OF THE SANDHILLS, INC EBORAH DAVIS Consultant: Case Num! ‘Visit Date: 06/04/2019 ‘Completed Date: 06/04/2019 ‘Total Minutes: 225 ‘Number Present: 55 Ages from: 01055 ‘Time In: 10:00 AM. ‘Time in: ‘Time Out: 01:45 PM Time Out: List to Uses Center ‘Type of Visit: Annual Comp Full Announced or Unannouneed: Unannounced Ttem# [Comment (Par Al equipment and furnishings were notin good repair. A blue plastic riding loy was oracked and broken onthe boom, [twas removed from the playground, Ths isa violation ofa requirement it G.S.110-91(6), O6O1CL). This was lcorected during the visit All staff did not successfully completo certification in First Aid appropriae fo the age of children in care: Verlicaton of staff completion of First Aid treining from en approved training organization was not inthe staff ile. One stafF person {id not obtain First Aid within the required timeframe, Ths is a violation ofa requirement in_1102(0) [All staff did not sucessflly complete certification in CPR training approprise tothe ago of he children in are Verification of staff completion ofthe CPR course from an approved training organization wasnt inte staff ile. One aff person didnot obtain CPR certification within the required timeframe, This i a violation ofa requirement in. 1102 (a. stat requied to receive on-going training had nctcompleied the required aumber ofhowrs according o their elocation an experience. One stf¥ person was shor one hour of in sevice truning, This is a violation of roguirement in 1103, la. [Bach employee's personnel file didnot contain an annval sta evaluation and sta development pan, No salt had e current staff evaluation and staff development plan on file, Tis isa violtion ofa roquiromeat in 10A NCAC 09 0514 lo. /Al stft did not review the centers EPR Plan during orientation and/or on an annwal basis withthe tained wa Docuaentation ofthe review was not maintained on fle. No stofFhad an enmual review ofthe EPR plan This i 8 violation of e requirement in .0607(5. [The opersior did not notify the parent of each child enrolled In wilting of he smoking and tobaoco resticion, One child did not have documentation of receipt on file. Tis is a violtion of requirement in 0604(), [The Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma peley was not reviewed with paras of coment enolled children 0-5 within 30 days of adopting the policy. Treo children didnot have documentation of receipt on fil. This isa violation ofw requirement in .0608(b). ‘Comments: Violation descriptions- There were eight (8) violations documented today, Toss 1049 10s Tae 1825, i) st ie ‘The violations documented above must be corrected immediately. A signed and dated leter of compliance must be nailed to me by June 18,2019 describing how and when tho violations were corected, Ifthe letr isnot received by this the operator fils to correct any documented violations within the established time period, the Divison of Child Development may deny, suspend, terminate, or revoke any permit to operate (10A NCAC 09 1000), DDE Visit 06/15/2018 SIT SUMMARY ‘Completed: 06/06/2018 Page: 2 (02:26:40 PM Facility ID#: 63000474 Operation Type: Center Name of Operation: SUNSHINE LEARNING CENTER OF THE SANDHILLS, INC )EBORAH DAVIS Consuttant: Case Num! Visit Date: 06/06/2018 ‘Number Pret: 61 ‘Ages from: 00 8 Timon: 0950AM Time Out: 02:00 PM. ‘Time In: Time Out: ‘List to Use: Center ‘Typo of Visit: Annual Comp Full Announced or Unanaounced: Unannounced Item# [Comment 428 |The activity plan was not current or accessible for easy reference by pareuts and by caregivers. The activity plan for school age children was not dated. This isa violation ofa requirement in GS {10-91(12); 10A NCAC 09 0508(4)1), This was comected during the visit. 807 A safe indoor and outdoor environment was not provided forthe children. The swimming pool gate was unlocked during| tac visit. This gate lead tothe playground area, This isa violation of a equirerment in 10A NCAC 09 .0601(a). This was corrected during the visit Bi [Potentially hazardous items were not stored in locked areas, removed fromthe premises, or made accesible to children, Three toilet bow! brushes were observed in the bathroom for scoolxge children. These were placed locked storage. This is violation ofa requirement in 10A NCAC 09 O64), This was comected during the visit, 1084 Al staf, including the director, didnot have an annual health questionnaire on file. One staf did not have en updated neath questionnaire on file. This is a violation of a requirement in 0701 (a). This was corected during the visit. 1035 [Childcare provides, including the director, uncompensated providers, shsttue providers, and volunters did not have the required Emergency Information Form on fils which incladed al the required information sadior the information on the form was not updated as changes occur and at least annually. One stff person did not have an updted form on fil. [This isa violation ofa requirement in 0701(a). This was corrected during the vist. If the operator fails to correct any documented violations within the established time period, the Division of Child Development may deny, suspend, terminate, or revoke any permit to operate(1A NCAC 09 2000). DCDEE Visit SUMMAR' Page: 2 osvisi2018 SIT SUMMARY 11:46:57 AM Completed: 05/15/2018 ‘Name of Operation: SUNSHINE LEARNING CENTER OF THE SANDHILLS, INC ‘Facility 1D#: 63000474 Consultant: DEBORAH DAVIS. Operation Type: Center ‘Case Number: 0518-026L Visit Date: 05/15/2018 ‘Number Present: 65 ‘Completed Date: 05/15/2018 ‘Total Minutes: 120 Ages from: 005 ‘Time Out: 12:15 PM Time Outs 1st to Use: Center ‘Type of Visit: Complaint Visit Announced or Unannounced: Unannounced Item# [Comment 705 [Equipment and furnishings were not sturdy, sable and free of hazards, large rubber matin the infant room had tears land pieces of the tabs missing leaving exposed foam rubber. It was removed during the visit. This isa violation of a requirement in .0601(c). This was corrected during the vis ‘Comments: Violation deseriptions- There was one (1)violation documented todiy. ‘No pars of the complaint were substantiated. However, a violation of equipment notin good repair was cited and corrected during the visit. Compliance Statement- You are required to maintain compliance with all applicable child care rules and regulations at all times. NC GS 110-90 (4a) requires all child care facilities to maintain a compliance history score ofat least 75% for the past 18 months or uring the length of time the facility has operated, whichever is less. Failure to do'so may result in the issuance of a provisional license of other administrative action. Your compliance history was 92 % prior to today’s visit. Violations cited today may negatively affect this score. A compliance letter is not required. For assistance contact me at (910) 709-4222 or by ¢ mail at Deborah. If the operator fails to correct any documented violations within the established time period, the Division of Child ‘Development may deny, suspend, terminate, or revoke any permit to operate(10A NCAC 09 .2000).

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