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Twilight Struggle

SoloPlay Rules
Original game design by Ananda Gupta and Jason Matthews 2005
Additional rules 2011/2012 SoloPlayTM (BGG User: GameRulesforOne)

Introduction: Twilight Struggle is a game designed for 2 experienced gamers. Every effort has been made in the
development of this variant to give a solo player an experience similar to playing a face to face game. Extensive play testing
has been performed to try and balance all elements of play that are present in the game. To compensate for the lack of
direct competition, additional mechanics have been added such as a modified card drafting process that will occur at the
beginning of each turn. It was the goal of the designer to give the AI player “your” play style which will be dictated by the
cards that you provide the AI to use against you. In this way you will be playing against your toughest opponent, yourself.
1. Find a comfortable place to be able to play. Once experienced with this variant, it will take 3-4 hours to play out a
game that goes the distance, longer if you are apt to ponder deeply.
2. Choose a side to play. Your opponent will be referred to as the AI.
3. Preparing the cards:
a. Place the China card in the USSR control (faceup)
b. Remove all scoring cards (3 (early) and 4 (mid) war). These cards will remain in their own stack and serve
an important purpose in the game beyond indicating scoring.
c. Retrieve the early war cards, shuffle and place facedown near the game board.
4. Layout the game board and the starting components:
a. Setup all game tokens in their proper positions on the game board (Defcon, turn, VP, standard influence
token setup noted on the board etc.).
b. Perform a variable influence placement by retrieving and rolling the 2 dice and placing the noted amount
of influence markers on the game board in the country sequence as follows:
i. The smaller number rolled is the amount of influence placed in Poland for the USSR player (not
Variable Starting to exceed 4) and either 4 on a low roll of 4, 5 or 6 in West Germany, 3 on a low roll of 3 in France
The lowest die of the 2
or 2 on a low roll of 2 in Italy for the US.
rolled determines where ii. Place 1 (additional) influence in each of the following countries, in order, until all remaining setup
the initial influence will influence has been placed: the USSR/US place an additional 6/7 influence during the game setup
be placed at game start.
above what is marked on the game board which includes the low roll amount already placed.
1. USSR: Finland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria and Bulgaria.
2. US: France and/or Italy (if one/both has no influence), Spain, Greece, Denmark, Benelux
and Sweden (only on a low roll of 1). Note: West Germany will have no influence at
game start unless a low roll of 4+ occurs.
a. Therefore if a 1/1 was rolled there will be 1 influence in 6/7 countries if playing
the USSR/US respectively. If the lowest # rolled was a 4 or higher, the USSR will
add 4 to Poland and 1 each to Finland and Czechoslovakia. The US will have 4
in West Germany and 1 each in France, Italy and Spain.
c. Place all remaining game components nearby for easy access when needed.
4. Optional Skill Level Adjustment: To increase the challenge of this variant you can adjust the starting VP position
for the side you are playing: Give = start the VP marker on the AI side of zero.
a. Give 2 VPs: Experienced
b. Give 4 VPs: Challenging
c. Give 7 VPs: Expert

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 1

Gameplay: (the game is played over a maximum of 10 turns which each consist of 6 or 7 action rounds)
1. Preparing the player hands for action round play. A modified drafting mechanic will be used prior to determining
the active regions for influence placement in the first round described below.
a. Turn 1 only (start game)
i. Step 1: Draw 6 cards from the draw stack and review them. You will keep 3 and give your AI
opponent 3 setting them facedown in each play area after selection with the following drafting
Drafting Cards: restrictions/notes:
To setup the player's hands
for the coming turn a
1. Balancing OPs: The total OP value on the cards you keep may not exceed those given to
balancing draft mechanic will the AI. It can be equal.
be used.
This will build a "deck/ hand"
2. You may keep any combination of your/shared/AI events. After a little bit of practice
for each player from which you should be able to make more knowledgeable decisions. For your first time you
actions will be might want to keep as many events that apply to your side as possible.
ii. Step 2: Draw 1 card for you and the AI (do not look at the cards).
iii. Step 3: Repeat Step 1
iv. Step 4: Repeat Step 2
1. Each player should now have 8 cards in their “deck/hand”.
v. Step 5: Shuffle each player’s “deck/hand” and place them facedown near the respective
components for the player.
b. Turns 2 and 3 only (Early War)
i. Step 1: Draw 1 card for each player who has an empty hand unless the player has the China card
in their possession (faceup or facedown). If this is the case, move the China card into the active
"deck/hand" of the player who possesses the card (mandatory if the condition exists – do not
Drawing cards:
During this turn's setup draw a card). You may not need to draw any cards.
process, cards will be drawn ii. Step 2: Draw 6 cards from the draw stack for drafting (keep/give 3, balancing OPs)
from the deck. Those that are
not being drafted are not to 1. Possible Bonus Scoring: Gain 1 VP if you decide to keep 3 cards that total 3 or more OPs
be looked at. You will not less than the AI.
have perfect knowledge
about what is in play.
iii. Step 3: Draw 1 card, without looking at it, for each player with 4 cards (it is possible that one
player has 5 or more cards at this point through the playing of the China card or some other
event(s) during the previous round).
iv. Step 4: Draw 4 cards from the draw stack for drafting (keep/give 2, balancing OPs)
v. Step 5: Draw 1 card without looking at it for each player who has 7 cards.
1. Each player should now have 8 cards in their “deck/hand”.
vi. Step 6: Shuffle each player’s “deck/hand” and place them facedown near the respective
components for the player.
vii. Step 7: Turn the China card faceup if not moved into the “deck/hand”.
c. Turns 4 and on (Mid/Late War)
i. Step 1: Draw 1 card for each player who has an empty hand unless the player has the China card
in their possession (faceup or facedown). If this is the case, move the China card into the active
"deck/hand" of the player who possesses the card (mandatory if the condition exists – do not
draw a card). You may not need to draw any cards.
ii. Step 2: Draw 6 cards from the draw stack for drafting (keep/give 3, balancing OPs)
1. Possible Bonus Scoring: Gain 1 VP if you decide to keep 3 cards that total 3 or more OPs
less than the AI.
iii. Step 3: Draw 1 card, without looking at it, for each player with 4 cards (it is possible that one
player has 5 or more cards at this point through the playing of the China card or some other
iv. Step 4: Draw 6 cards from the draw stack for drafting (keep/give 3, balancing OPs)
1. Possible Bonus Scoring: Gain 1 VP if you decide to keep 3 cards that total 3 or more OPs
less than the AI.
v. Step 5: Draw 1 card, without looking at it, for each player who has 8 cards.
1. Each player should now have 9 cards in their “deck/hand”.
2. It is possible though rare that a player has more than 9 cards in hand at this point. If this
happens the player must randomly discard down to 9 cards.

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 2

vi. Step 6: Shuffle each player’s “deck/hand” and place them facedown near the respective
components for the player.
vii. Step 7: Turn the China card faceup if not moved into the “deck/hand”.
2. Playing a Round:
a. Setting up the region play restrictions: Southeast Asia and Asia are considered different regions for the
sake of determining a primary or secondary region except when the China card is played.
i. Determining Primary and Secondary Regions:
1. Step 1: Reveal the top scoring card. This will be the primary region for the round. Place
the card faceup to the left of the scoring card pile near the game board.
Region Restriction Setup a. Placing influence in the primary region is comparable to the normal rules (no
Using Scoring Cards "deck"
penalty). This includes all countries in the primary region and any connection
to a country neighboring the primary region that the player is able to place
Primary Scoring Secondary
Region Card Deck Region influence in. (Example: If the Middle East is the primary region and you have
influence in Iran (don’t have to control), you may place influence into Pakistan
Both faceup regions cannot be early war cards or Afghanistan like it was being placed in the Middle East)
during turn 1, 2 and 3.
2. Step 2: Reveal the next scoring card faceup and determine if a further draw is needed.
Turn Setup / Region Play a. A further draw is needed only if both of the first 2 cards revealed are early war
Restrictions Example:
Draw the top scoring card from the draw scoring cards and it is turn 1, 2 or 3 otherwise an additional draw is not needed.
stack. The Europe score card was If an additional draw is required, the second card drawn is set aside and reveal
revealed, it becomes the primary region
for the first action round. Place the card
another scoring card. If it is also an early war card, set it aside and draw one
to the left of the scoring card draw deck. more card.
The Middle East scoring card is revealed b. The early/mid-war scoring card revealed will now be the secondary region for
next. Since it is also an early war scoring
region it is set aside. The South America the round. Place the card faceup to the right of the scoring card pile.
scoring card is then revealed. Since it is i. The players may place influence into the secondary region at a penalty
not an early war scoring card, it qualifies
as the secondary region card. Place it to cost of 1 OP regardless of how many OPs are placed in the secondary
the right. Shuffle Middle East card into region reducing your available OPs to a minimum of 1. This does not
the scoring card draw deck.
extend to neighboring countries in this case. Therefore Pakistan
would not qualify if the Middle East was the secondary region
assuming that you had influence in Iran.
1. Example: If you had 3 OPs and you wanted to place some or
How many OPs points will I have to
all influence in the secondary region you may do so as if you
place influence if I play a ? OPs card had played a 2 OPs card.
to a primary/ secondary/other 3. After the regions are determined, you will have either one early and one mid-war card
region? or 2 mid-war cards faceup or possibly 2 early war cards after turn 3.
1 OPs: 1/1/Not allowed a. Return all excess scoring cards drawn, if more than 2 cards were revealed
2 OPs: 2/1/1
3 OPs: 3/2/1 (excess is lost) during this process, and shuffle back into the scoring card deck.
4 OPs: 4*/3*/2* 4. What if you want to place influence in another region not shown on a faceup scoring
* The China card permits the gain of 1
additional 1 OP cost influence in Asia/SE
Asia if all of the OPs are used there. a. Only you can choose this option at a cost of 2 OPs per influence placed (2/4
Therefore with the China card you would OPs needed to place 1/2 influence in any one region of your choice). However,
have 5/4/3 OPs for Asia. The China card
also permits the only exception to the if the China card is played and all of the OPs are used in Asia then 1 additional 1
maximum of 2 influence placed in a OP cost influence may be placed in Asia/SE Asia. Therefore if Asia/SE Asia are
country per round. The maximum in an
Asia/SE Asia country is 3 with the China not faceup, you still may be able to place 3 influence in Asia even in the same
card. country which exceeds the normal restriction.
i. Any excess OPs are lost which will only happen if you are using a 3 OPs
ii. You must have at least 2 OPs to choose this option.
b. Headline Phase: The headline phase is performed using the sequence noted below (you select first, the AI
turns a card(s) and then resolve) unless you have advanced the space race to the 4 position and the AI
has not cancelled the privilege granted to see the AI headline action first. Refer to the primary and
secondary region cards to assist in making your choice.
i. You: Draw 3 cards from your “deck/hand” and choose one to play (required).

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 3

Headline Phase: 1. If you have advanced the space race to the 4 position and the AI has not cancelled the
(normal process)
- You draw 3 cards
bonus, the AI will perform his “choice” first. You can then make your selection with this
- Choose 1 for play additional knowledge.
- AI turns his top card 2. Move the 2 cards that you are not using to the bottom of your “deck/hand” in any
- Determine if playable
- Resolve events in order.
descending OPs order ii. AI: Chooses a headline event by revealing the top card of his “deck/hand”.
(This process and sequence
may change by the state of 1. If the event is solely your event, he continues to draw cards until he finds one that is not
the space race) solely your event.
a. If, in the extreme chance, there is not one, he will play the lowest OP value
b. Any additional cards that were drawn and not used are then shuffled back into
his “deck/hand”.
2. If the event is not solely your event, it is played as his headline choice if permitted.
(Some cards cannot be chosen during the headline phase (the China card is one) and
others are disallowed by the card appendix below. If a disallowed card is turned, set it
aside and draw another card until a card qualifies for play.)
a. If the AI has advanced the space track to the 4 position and you have not
cancelled the bonus, the AI will continue to reveal cards until the OPs value of a
qualifying card turned equals or exceeds your headline choice OPs value and is
not solely your event.
i. If the Defectors card is turned at any point and the AI is the US, the
card is used to cancel your USSR headline event.
ii. If unable to match/exceed the OPs value, the lowest value for the side
he is playing is chosen.
iii. Resolve the headline phase normally (descending OPs value with US first if tied). Refer to the
card appendix/influence placement/region-country sequence (pg 6) sections as needed to
determine how the AI will react to the card played.
1. If the AI is dictated to place influence during the headline phase, he will add to Europe
unless otherwise specified. See AI Influence Placing Sequence below.
2. If you are permitted to place influence, only the primary and secondary (no 1 OP
penalty) regions can be chosen unless specified by the card event.
c. Playing cards: The USSR will go first each round unless you are playing the US and the round will be a
scoring round. In this case, you will go first.
i. Influence Placement Restrictions: Neither you nor the AI may place more than 2 influence in a
Influence Placement country using a card’s OPs in a single round (except with the possibility of a China card play). It is
Neither you nor the AI may
possible that it can happen through other means (coup or event) which is permitted.
place more than 2 influence ii. Your Action Round: Draw the top 2 cards of your “deck/hand” (this may be 1 or none depending
in a single country during a on the actions of previous rounds) and decide which one you will play. Move the other card to
single round without
assistance from the China the bottom of your draw “deck/hand”, if applicable.
card. 1. Choose how you will use your card, making note of your coup and realign options. If
you choose to use UN intervention as an event, only the "other" card event can be
a. When can you coup? Only if one of the following conditions exist are you
permitted to coup within DefCon restrictions:
i. If you have zero military operations and the AI has more.
ii. If it is action round 4+ and you have not met the required military
Action Round Sequence:
USSR will play first in all b. When can you realign? Anytime within DefCon restrictions.
action rounds unless you are iii. AI Action Round: Turn the top card of his “deck/hand”. Depending on the type of card turned
playing the US and the round
is a scoring round. You will
and if it is a scoring round a reaction will be chosen using the following sequence: (Reminder:
play first in all scoring rounds. The AI will always play second during a scoring round)
1. If it is not a scoring round ...

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 4

a. and the card turned is UN Intervention. Continue to turn cards until one of
your events is revealed, the OPs value of that card will be used this round. Any
cards not used will be shuffled back into the AI’s “deck/hand”. If none, set
aside and draw another headline card.
b. when will the AI play to the space race? If the card turned is solely your event
and the AI has not played to the space race (or played a second card if
applicable) and the card qualifies, the card is played to the space race. Roll a
die and determine the result. Make sure to turn the space race marker
facedown to indicate the play made.
i. If the space race cannot be played to, the OPs will be used as if it is a
scoring round explained below or the China card may be used to place
c. and the card revealed is a shared or AI event. Determine if the event is
triggered based on the possible effect of the event or as noted in the card
appendix at the end of these rules. If the event is not able to be activated, the
OPs will be used as if it is a scoring round explained below.
Definitions: 2. If it is a scoring round, perform the best option(s) in the order listed:
BG = Battleground
non-BG = Non-battleground a. Important Note: If the event would have a stronger impact in the primary
region (better scoring, more controlled countries etc.) than just placing
influence, this option must be chosen. This is dependent on the sequence that
Determining how the AI will b. AI Influence Placing Sequence:
take action:
The most complex component of
1. Influence placement is considered before attempting a
this variant is determining how the coup/realignment. The AI won’t gamble if an improvement can be
AI will place influence. In brief, if he guaranteed.
turns your event he will try to send
it to space but not in a scoring 2. Important Placement Notes: Each step is considered only if it
round. In a scoring round his goal is improves the scoring award/position first and then the one that
to increase his scoring potential.
Considered in order are: provides the best AI expansion possibilities for later in the game. Use
- Potential of his played event the region/country sequence as needed.
- Gain control of BG countries
- Gain control of non-BG countries
a. The maximum total influence that the AI is permitted to
to gain dominance/ control have in a BG/non-BG country is the amount needed to gain
- Strengthen current positions BG control +1/0 respectively. Your presence in a country will
and then non-BG countries
- Expand into BG countries affect the total amount of influence required. Example: If
- Expand into non-BG countries you have 2 influence in France, the AI is permitted to place
If influence placement cannot a maximum of 6 influence there. 2 + 3 (stability #) +1 = 6
achieve a scoring gain, the AI will
attempt a coup or realignment in influence. This would be 4 without your presence.
the scoring region. However, a coup or event can cause the AI to exceed this
b. Reminder: The maximum amount of influence that each
player can place in a country each round is 2. However, it
may require 3 or 4 OPs to place the 2 influence. The AI
“Increase/expand” Definition: wants to use as few OPs as possible when placing his
Increase/expand = add 1 or 2 influence to
the country type specified to meet the
requirements of the option. Countries c. Note: Once an influence placement creates minimum
that the AI occupy are considered first control in a country or the condition mentioned is met, the
unless a better scoring option exists such
as breaking your control in a BG country sequence is restarted to determine if the conditions have
next to a superpower. If not, then changed such that a different option needs to be
expanding into countries that grant the
most connections to BG/non-BG considered for any remaining influence to be placed. For
countries is considered first. example: if after adding influence to control a non-BG
Note: The AI always wants to conserve his
OPs and will place influence for 1 OP
country domination + 2 countries has occurred that option
before expending 2 if the options are is no longer considered.
similar. 3. Option 1: Increase(expand) influence in(to) a BG country to gain
minimum control or to eliminate your control considering those next

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 5

to a superpower first and the closest to gaining control. This would be
Region/Country AI Priority 5 in the France example above. The best scoring option is chosen.
Sequence This option is not considered if increasing a non-BG would give the AI
Europe: domination/control of a region.
US: West Germany, France (mid war +), Italy,
Canada, Spain, U.K., Greece, Denmark, Sweden, 4. Option 2: Increase(expand) influence in(to) a BG country to gain
Benelux, Turkey and Norway. minimum control +1 considering the higher stability number countries
USSR: East Germany, Poland, Romania (mid war
+), Finland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria, first and in the case of similar options increase those that neighbor
Hungary and Bulgaria
your countries first. This option is not considered if increasing a non-
Middle East:
US/USSR: Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Israel, Saudi BG would give the AI domination/control of a region.
Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Gulf States.
5. Option 3: Increase(expand) influence in(to) a non-BG country next to a
Asia: (Southeast Asia is integrated into this list)
US/USSR: Pakistan, North Korea, Thailand, South superpower to gain minimum control considering those with AI
Korea(after Korean war played as an event), influence first and closest to control.
India, Japan (US: mid war +) Afghanistan,
Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia, Laos/Cambodia, 6. Option 4: Increase(expand) influence in(to) a non-BG country to gain
Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam (USSR: mid war +)
and Australia. minimum control, closest to control first. This may be important to
Central America: gain presence in a region and can be selected only up to the point of
US/USSR: Panama, Mexico, Cuba (mid war +), El
Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala,
domination/control + 2 countries.
Haiti, Honduras and the Dominion Republic. 7. Option 5: Increase influence in a "connected" BG country with AI
South America: influence to gain minimum control. Pakistan is "connected" to the
US/USSR: Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Chile (not
until Allende or late war +), Paraguay, Columbia, Middle East, for example, which can be selected if the AI has influence
Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia.
in Iran. If multiple options, choose the one closest to control.
US/USSR: South Africa, Zaire, Algeria, Nigeria, 8. Option 6: Increase influence in all BG countries the AI currently
Angola, Sudan, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia,
Botswana , Saharan States, Morocco, Ivory
occupies by 1 influence considering those closest to gaining control
Coast, Cameroon, SE African States, Somalia, first. If there are still similar choices and you share a country with the
West African and Kenya.
AI, the AI chooses this country. Otherwise the country with the higher
Feel free to alter priorities if your experience
dictates differently. The better your opponent
stability number is selected.
performs, the more interesting the variant will 9. Option 7: Expand into a primary BG country or neighboring region BG
be and your play will become.
country ("connected" to the primary region) gaining control if
The regions are not prioritized necessarily
because game conditions can alter the priorities.
possible. This is similar to Option 5 except the BG country currently
The header is just a reference to indicate that does not have AI influence.
the list breaks the countries into regions.
10. Option 8: Increase influence in all non-BG countries the AI currently
occupies by 1 influence considering those closest to gaining control
first. If there are still similar choices and you share a country with the
AI, the AI chooses this country. Otherwise the country with the higher
stability number is selected.
11. Option 9: Expand into a primary non-BG country or neighboring region
non-BG country ("connected" to the primary region) gaining control if
c. If it is determined that playing the OPs in influence does not change his scoring
potential/position and the AI is not leading and/or present in the region, he
will coup/realign a BG country if able (DefCon), country next to a superpower
or a non-BG country in the region, choosing the lowest stability number
country first. This option is only chosen if the chance of success will improve
the AI's scoring position in the primary region.
i. The country’s stability number being couped or realigned must be
AI Coup Limitations: equal to or less than the OPs value of the card used.
The AI will not coup a country ii. Is a coup an option? A BG/non-BG country with a combined total
with a combined stability + your
influence greater than 5. At this
(stability + influence) of 5 or less is a viable option. Example: If Cuba
point a realignment may be had 3 of your influence it cannot be a target of an AI coup (3 + Cuba’s
chosen instead. stabilization # of 3 is more than 5).
iii. Realignment is chosen due to the lack of a country to coup, DefCon
position or due to the fact that the only countries have a total
stabilization + your influence value of 6 or higher making a successful
coup unlikely.

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 6

1. A BG country is chosen before a non-BG country with the
following restrictions:
a. Only countries with 3 or less influence are
b. Countries with favorable to zero modifiers are
chosen before those with no more than a -1
c. The AI will not realign countries that he has
influence in.
d. Refer to the region/country order as needed.
d. If the AI is tied or leading in the primary region and the OPs/event will not
change his scoring position then the event is reviewed to see if the
requirements are met to activate the event as if a non-scoring round.
i. If it does not and it is a shared or AI event, then the AI will follow the
sequence noted above; AI Influence Placing Sequence placing
influence into the secondary region. A country which grants access to
another region (which the AI does not have presence in) is more
important than a country that provides multi-country access in the
same region.
AI China Card Limitation: ii. If the event is yours, the space race is considered first as noted above
The China card cannot be
chosen as an option by the AI if and if not the AI will either coup (considering DefCon)/realign in the
leading in the primary region, secondary region, using the following order: (the China card may not
nor to coup or realign. The
China card can only be used to
be used in this case)
place influence. 1. Option 1: Coup a BG/non-BG neighboring superpower/non-
BG country with an equal or lower stability # than the OPs on
the card played is considered first with stability + influence 5
or less.
2. Option 2: Realign a BG/non-BG neighboring superpower/non-
BG country with an equal or lower stability # than the OPs on
the card played is considered first.
3. Additionally, the country chosen will have the lowest stability
number and then have the least influence in the event of a
tie. In the case of a further tie, a country that does not
neighbor one of the AI’s occupied countries (does not have to
control) is selected.
e. If no option improves his position at all due to it being late in the game, or the
AI is playing the USSR and has no presence in the Americas with only an
America primary region etc. then the influence is used without penalty to
expand the AI’s presence in Europe using the AI Influence Placing Sequence and
country order.
3. China Card: (cannot be used as a headline event nor to coup or realign)
a. The AI will choose to use the China card to place influence if:
China Card Flexibility: i. The card was placed in his “deck/hand” at the end of a previous turn
The China card provides extra
flexibility in placing influence and and is the card turned during an action round.
strengthens the placement of ii. The AI has emptied his “deck/hand” during the course of the turn and
influence in Asia. Its strength
should not be underestimated if there are one or more rounds to be played.
used timely. iii. If the China card is in his possession but not in his deck (like at the
beginning of the game) and it is a scoring round and the card turned
has solely your event on it.
1. Your event that was revealed is moved to bottom of the AI

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 7

b. China Card Bonus Influence: Each player gains 1 additional 1 OP cost influence
if by using the China card all influence is played into Asia/SE Asia. The
additional influence can be used to place a 3 influence in a country.
c. You may choose to use the China card whenever it is face up in your area
instead of the card(s) drawn. You cannot opt to play the China card without
drawing cards from your “deck/hand”.
i. However, if the card has been moved into your “deck/hand” then it
can only be selected when it is drawn during your action round.
1. If either player is required to give the China card to the other,
it is given regardless of the location of the card. If a
“deck/hand” has to be searched to find the card, the
“deck/hand” must be shuffled after removal.
d. Note: China card influence can be placed anywhere in Asia/SE Asia if the Asia or
SE Asia card is the primary/secondary region. Asia and SE Asia are considered 2
different regions for all other non-event placement.
iv. Remove events that have occurred as normally required and place the other used cards into a
discard pile, faceup.
3. Ending a round, scoring or determining if the next round is a scoring round
a. If it is a scoring round, perform scoring normally after both players have executed their action round.
There will be a maximum of 17 scoring rounds and a final scoring, if necessary, during the contest.
i. The earliest that a scoring round can occur in the early war is the 3 round but it could be as late
as the 6 .
1. A scoring round will only occur in the early war from the 3 round + when the next early
war scoring card is revealed becoming the primary region of play for that round. (This is
st nd
either the 1 or 2 early war scoring card revealed depending if one was revealed at the
beginning of the turn) See example below.
ii. Mid/Late War scoring occurs in the 3rd and 6th rounds regardless of the scoring cards turned.
b. Determine the primary and possibly a secondary region for the coming round
i. If the last round played was the 1 or only scoring round of the turn, turn the next 2 scoring cards
Early War Scoring: faceup creating a primary and secondary region again.
There will be one scoring round
each turn during the early war. It 1. Exception: the last scoring card is not turned over during the early war. Therefore if the
can occur as early as round 3 or scoring round is late during the early war (round 5 or 6), you will turn 1/0 cards
as late as round 6. The
appearance of the first early war
respectively. A facedown scoring card is retained during the final round to help indicate
scoring card after round 2 will the primary/secondary regions and create a play restriction.
trigger a scoring round to occur ii. If the last round was not a scoring round, set the primary region card aside and either move the
in that region after actions are
taken. secondary region card to the primary region position or draw a new primary region for the
coming round if no cards are currently faceup. Therefore, there will only be one faceup primary
region after a non-scoring round.
1. Process Change: At the start of round 3 from turn 4 (mid war) and on, retrieve the
bottom scoring card from the draw stack (do not look at the card) and the first 2 region
cards used for the first 2 action rounds, shuffle and return all 3 cards to the bottom of
the score card draw stack.
a. Full Turn Example: (Early War)
Mid/Late War Scoring: i. Round 1: Europe (primary) and South America (secondary) are put
There will be two scoring rounds
each turn during the mid/late into their positions to start the round.
war which will occur at regular ii. Round 2: South America (primary) is moved to the primary position
intervals, round 3 and round 6.
after Europe is set aside. No secondary region.
iii. Round 3: SE Asia (primary) is revealed and placed in the primary
position after South America is set aside. No secondary region.
iv. Round 4: Middle East (primary) is turned and placed in the primary
position after SE Asia is set aside (this will be a scoring round, after
actions are taken, as it is the first early war scoring card to appear
after round 2). No secondary region.

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 8

v. Round 5: Central America (primary) and Asia (secondary) are revealed
and put into their positions after Middle East is set aside.
vi. Round 6: Asia (primary) is moved to the primary position after Central
America is set aside. No secondary
vii. Turn End
b. Mid War Turn with SE Asia Removed Example:
i. Round 1: Middle East (primary) and Asia (secondary) are put into their
positions to start the round.
ii. Round 2: Asia (primary) is moved to the primary position after the
Middle East is set aside. No secondary region.
iii. Round 3 (scoring round): [Retrieve the Middle East and Asia scoring
cards and the bottom scoring region card and shuffle, moving all 3
cards to the bottom of the scoring card stack] then Central America
(primary) is revealed and placed in the primary position (this will be a
scoring round/region). No secondary region. Scoring in Central
America will occur after both players have completed their action
rounds with you playing first.
iv. Round 4: South America (primary) and Europe (secondary) are
revealed and put into their positions after setting aside Central
v. Round 5: Europe (primary) is moved to the primary position after
setting aside South America. No secondary region is revealed.
vi. Round 6 (scoring round): Middle East (primary) is revealed and put
into the primary position after setting aside Europe (this will be the
scoring round/region). No secondary region. Scoring in the Middle
East will occur after both players have completed their action rounds
again with you going first.
vii. Round 7: Asia (primary) is revealed and put in the primary position
after setting aside the Middle East. There is no secondary region
because this is the last round of the turn. Note: In this example the
Africa region did not appear as a primary nor secondary region.
4. Ending a Turn:
a. After 6 (early war) or 7 rounds have been played, the turn has ended. Perform the following actions to
reset for the next turn:
i. Note the required military OPs required as determined by DefCon and subtract points from your
Required Military OPs: score accordingly. The AI does not lose points by not meeting the military OPs requirement.
Only you suffer a penalty for not
executing the required number
1. Raise DefCon one position
of military OPs at turn end. It 2. Return both military OPs markers back to zero
will be important setup yours ii. Retrieve the scoring cards and shuffle, placing them facedown until after the card drafting
and the AI's coups properly to
reduce your potential losses. actions at the start of the next turn are completed. Be sure to take the SE Asia card out of play if
scored during the past turn.
iii. If a reshuffle is required due to a different war period or the deck running out, add cards as
needed and shuffle the draw deck as required.
iv. Continue play by following the instructions above, Preparing the player hands for turn play
making the slight changes when the mid-war begins. You will retain 9 cards for instance.
5. Game End Conditions:
a. The game ends immediately without final scoring …
i. If a player has moved the VP marker to 20 points at any point during the game.
ii. If you are the phasing player and DefCon drops to 1, you lose. The AI will never lose this way.
The DefCon reduction text is ignored but the rest of the event does occur.
iii. Europe is under player control during scoring:
1. AI has control, AI wins.
2. You have control and have a positive score, you win with that score.

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 9

iv. The War Games card has been played.
b.Otherwise, after 10 rounds have been completed a final scoring of all regions occurs with the winner
being the one with the VP marker on their side of “0”. Note: Southeast Asia is part of Asia during final
scoring and is not scored separately in the event that the card has yet to be removed which is possible.
6. Determine Your Victory Rating:
a. Score <0 or the AI scores 20+ during the game; you have lost
b. Score 0; draw
c. Score +1 to +3 Game Victory
d. Score +4 to +6 Major Victory
e. Score +7 to +9 Complete Victory
f. Force a 20+ point condition before game end or 10+ after final scoring: Master Level Victory
Card Appendix: The following card list indicates when the AI is permitted to trigger an event card. Cards should be used by
the AI for OPs influence instead of the event unless a condition/restriction is mentioned below or the card's event is less
than playing OPs. You may choose to use your card as you desire unless you are specified below.
Additional Notes:
1. If at any point the AI is required to go through the discard deck and there is not a card that fits the requirement or
there is no discard pile, turn the top draw deck card until a qualifying card is found.
2. If when performing a draw from another player's hand, the China Card is pulled. It cannot be taken, draw another
card. If trying to fulfill an OPs requirement for an event (Quagmire, for example), it can be chosen. Reshuffle the
"deck/hand" as needed.
3. The AI would rather spread into another region than gain control of a country if not a scoring round or it would
have no effect.
Early War: (The AI will activate an associated event only in the noted phase(s) if the condition(s) mentioned, if any, are
• Arab-Israeli War: Headline / non-scoring round (if modifier 0 or -1 but only if a victory could win the game.)
• Blockade: Headline / non-scoring round; you may only cancel the event by choosing to use one of the 2 cards drawn on
your turn otherwise you will be affected by the event. You must use the other card during your action round if the event
was canceled. If AI is affected: the AI turns a card(s) until a 3+ OPs card is shown and discarded. Event will take place
• Captured Nazi Scientist: Headline / non-scoring round; if AI is behind on the space race.
• CIA created: Headline / non-scoring round; you must sequence your hand in descending OP order (top to bottom) AI only
events, then combining (shared/your) events put in increasing OP order (largest OP values on the bottom of your
"deck/hand"). Shuffle like OP values without looking at the order when building deck. If AI is affected: You may view the
AI "deck/hand" but do not change the card order.
• COMECON: Headline / non-scoring round (if AI can gain control in 2 or more countries)
• Containment: Headline / round 1 only.
• De Gaulle Leads France: Headline / Europe or non-scoring round (only if 3 influence affected)
• Decolonization: Headline / non-scoring round: Attempt to control multiple BG countries first that do not neighbor each
other, if none, place in neighboring non-BG countries to gain control where possible. The countries taken should give the
AI the best ability to spread out.
• Defectors: Headline only: May not be played during action round for the OPs value unless it is the only card in hand
including the China card if applicable. If drawn during an action round, move Defectors to the bottom of the "draw/hand"
and draw another card for play.
• De-Stalinization: Headline / non-scoring round: The AI will use the event if he has at least 2 "excessive" (above control)
influence in country(ies) to use to spread to at least 2 different BG countries in at least 2 regions. If he can gain control of
2 different BG countries in the regions, he will choose to do this. The BG countries considered in order are Panama,
Thailand, Venezuela, Argentina, Nigeria, Zaire otherwise gain control of one of these BG countries and 2 non-BG countries
or as many non-BG countries as possible.
• Duck and Cover: Headline / non-scoring round: Activated if 2+ VP are earned or in any scoring round: if the VPs earned
achieve victory.
• East European Unrest: Headline / European scoring round: Activated if the effect of the event in the scoring round is
greater than using the OPs to place influence.
• Fidel: Headline / Central America or non-scoring round
• Five Year Plan: Headline / non-scoring round

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 10

• Formosan Revolution: Headline / during an Asia scoring round: Event is only used in the scoring round if the additional
influence is not needed and it will benefit scoring.
• Independent Reds: Headline (only if 2+ influence affected otherwise draw another card) / Europe or non-scoring round if
3+ influence gained.
• Indo-Pakistan War: Headline / non-scoring round: Attack the direction providing the AI’s greatest benefit and only use as
event if 0 or 1 adjacent controlled countries during headline or 0 during a non-scoring action round. If both options are
the same, India invades Pakistan.
• Korean War: Headline / non-scoring round (if US has at least 1 influence in South Korea with a zero modifier or US
influence 3+ and a +1 modifier)
• Marshall Plan: Headline (if 6+ influence can be placed or 2+ countries can gain control) / Europe scoring round (if 2+
countries can gain control)
• Nasser: Headline / non-scoring round unless the 1 influence would have an effect on scoring.
• NATO: Event never activated, play for OPs only. If drawn in Headline phase, redraw.
• Nuclear Test Ban: Headline / non-scoring round: Activated if 2+ VP are earned or if achieves victory.
• Olympic Games: Headline / non-scoring round: Boycotts only to prevent victory and won't choose the event if DefCon is at
2. If you boycott the Olympics, the AI places influence in Asia without penalty using the country sequence noted above.
• Red Scare/Purge: Headline / round 1 only:
• Romanian Abdication: Headline (as long as 1 or more influence is affected) / Europe or non-scoring round if 2+ influence
• Socialist Governments: Headline / Europe scoring round (if favorable for scoring)
• Suez Crisis: Headline (if 3+ influence can be removed, draw another card otherwise) / non-scoring round but only if 4
influence can be removed. Remove influence from France, Israel and then the U.K. taking 2 from the first country possible
in the order.
• Truman Doctrine: Headline (only if influence can be removed, redraw otherwise) / Europe or non-scoring round (if 2 or
more influence can be removed)
• UN Intervention: (Cannot be used during the headline phase.) Can be used in any action round. The AI will turn cards
from the AI’s deck until an event revealed is solely yours, the event card will be used for its OPs value to place influence.
Reshuffle any other cards turned into the AI deck. If no suitable card is found, the card is used for its 1 OP value. If you
choose to play UN Intervention you may only cancel the "other" card drawn during the action phase.
• US/Japan Mutual: Headline only
• Vietnam: Headline, Asia/SE Asia / non-scoring round
• Warsaw Pact Formed: Headline / Europe or non-scoring round
• ABM Treaty: Headline / all rounds (Always play event)
• Allende: Headline or South America scoring round (only if AI does not control Chile, redraw during headline phase as
• Alliance for Progress: Headline / non-scoring round (only for 2+ VPs)
• Arms Race: (Not during the headline phase) / non-scoring round (if the AI has used more military actions than you.
Compare his used MA to the current DefCon to determine if 3 VPs earned instead).
• "Ask not what your country can do for you ...": Headline / non-scoring round (Looks through his cards and discard all
events that are solely yours then reshuffles his "deck/hand".) You: You may not review the cards that you drew and must
shuffle your “deck/hand” after adding the cards to your "deck/hand".
• Bear Trap: Headline or non-scoring round (If AI affected, AI draws cards until a 2+ US OPs card is revealed otherwise
selects a 2/3/4 (in order) OP shared event before rolling. Activate event otherwise. If you are affected, you may only block
with the 2 cards that you draw. You may choose to not discard a card and skip your turn.)
• Brezhnev: Headline or action round 1 only
• Brush War: Headline or any action round (Scoring region chosen first (BG before a non-BG Country), if applicable.
Otherwise a BG country in the secondary region or a country in Europe (BG before non-BG). Countries with a zero
modifier are considered first in all cases. If none, then only those with a -1 modifier are considered, otherwise the event is
not activated and influence is placed.
• Camp David Accords: Headline or Middle East or non-scoring round (only if control in 1+ BG country gain or control of 2
• Colonial Rear Guards: Headline or non-scoring round (Refer to the AI influence placement sequence. None should be
placed in neighboring countries, if possible. Gain control of 2+ countries if possible.)
• Cuban Missile Crisis: Headline (only if influence can be removed) or Europe scoring round (Set DefCon to 2 (or leave there)
and remove 2 influence from West Germany/Turkey whichever is yours but only if it affects scoring more than placing OPs.
All other text is ignored.)

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 11

Cultural Revolution: Headline or 1 action round (if can gain China card otherwise draw another card) / later action round
only if VP gain achieves victory.
• Flower Power: Headline (only if leading by 5+ VPs, otherwise draw another card)
• Grain Sales to the Soviets: Headline (3+ OPs with AI or shared event, otherwise draw another card) / any action round (use
event if favorable to his position otherwise return and use OPs).
• How I learned to stop worrying ...: Headline or non-scoring round (AI sets DefCon to 5 and gains 5 military OPs).
• John Paul II Elected Pope: Headline (2+ influence exchanged) / Europe or non-scoring round (if 3 influence exchanged)
• Junta: Headline or Central America or South America scoring round (Place influence according to AI sequence in a scoring
region, if applicable, then the region which the AI has the least control. Coup a 2 stability BG country but if none, realign
considering a country with a 2 then a 1 stabilization number. The AI wants to access the most countries.
• Kitchen Debates: Headline or non-scoring round (only if 2 VPs can be earned. Redraw during the headline phase as
• Latin American Death Squads: Headline or Central America scoring round (AI will immediately coup Central America using
the card effect and referring to DefCon. BG countries, next to superpower and then non-BG countries are considered in
order. If none, the OPs are used for influence placement in Central America. The cards effect stays active.
• Liberation Theology: Headline or non-scoring round (Refer to the AI influence placement sequence. None should be
placed in neighboring countries, if possible. Gain control of 2+ countries if possible.)
• Lone Gunman: Headline or non-scoring round (If you are affected you must sequence your hand in descending OP order
(top to bottom) AI only, then combining (shared/your) events but in increasing OP order (highest OPs values at bottom of
deck). Shuffle like OP values without looking at the order when building deck.
• Missile Envy: Headline or non-scoring round (If you played it, expose the AI "deck/hand" and choose the greatest OPs
value card if 3+, solely your event is taken, if possible. Shuffle like valued cards and choose randomly, if needed. Reshuffle
the AI hand after the selection has been made. If AI played, you must choose the highest value OP card. If 2 or more are
the same, you choose between the options.) In either case give the Missile Envy card to the other player for OPs use in the
next action round.
• Muslim Revolution: Headline (Must be able to remove 4+ influence to activate the event, draw another card otherwise) /
non-scoring round (Must be able to remove 5+ influence to activate the event.) If activated BG countries considered first
in the following order: Iran, Libya, Egypt and the Iraq before other non-BG countries. Refer to country sequence as
• Nixon Plays the China Card: Headline / Non-scoring round (AI must have the China card.)
• Nuclear Subs: Headline only (the first time the AI coups this turn he will coup twice, in the appropriate country sequence
noted above.) Leave card visible if/until activated.
• OAS Founded: Headline or South America or Central America scoring round (scoring then weaker positioned region is
chosen first considering score and then country access)
• "One small step": Headline or non-scoring round (only if behind in the space race).
• OPEC: Headline or non-scoring round or scoring round if OPs have no effect (use only if 2+ VPs can be earned. Draw
another card during headline phase if needed.)
• Panama Canal Returned: Headline or Central America scoring or South America scoring or non-scoring round (must be
able to gain/break control of at least one country or expand into two. Redraw during the headline phase as needed.)
• Portuguese Empire Crumbles: Headline (only if not controlling both countries, redraw if needed) / Africa scoring round (if
has a greater effect on the region)
• Puppet Governments: Headline or non-scoring rounds (take control of 2 countries that don’t neighbor each other, if
• Quagmire: Headline or non-scoring round (If you are affected, draw your top 2 cards, if both are 1 OPs do not roll and lose
your turn. You may also choose not to roll but just to discard and not play the round. If the AI is affected, turn cards in the
AI deck until a 2+ OPs card with your event is revealed. If none, choose another 2/3/4 OPs card in sequence. Then roll to
see if the event is cancelled. Reshuffle the AI deck after selection has been made if additional cards are drawn.)
• Sadat Expels Soviets: Headline or Middle East scoring or non-scoring round (only if USSR has influence in Egypt or control
can be gained)
• SALT Negotiations: Headline or non-scoring round or leading in a scoring round (AI will go through the discards from top
down; gaining the first solely AI, 3+ OP event card that he comes across. Reshuffle his deck)
• Shuttle Diplomacy: (Not during headline phase, draw another card) / Middle East scoring or Asia scoring (the card's
effect must be able to alter scoring when played.
• South African Unrest: Headline (only if influence placement does not over control (+2) any of the countries, if so, redraw) /
Africa scoring or non-scoring round (U.S. controls South Africa and control can be taken away or the USSR already controls
the neighboring 2 countries, the South Africa only option is chosen. Otherwise must be able to take control of one country
or expand into 2)

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 12

• Summit: Headline or non-scoring round (Only if even or has an advantage. Redraw in headline phase if needed. If the
event is used, the AI will move the DefCon up one level.)
• U2 Incident: Headline / any other round (only to achieve victory)
• Ussuri River Skirmish: Headline or Asia scoring or non-scoring round
• Voice of America: Headline or any round other than a European scoring round (unless no effect) The scoring region is
considered first. The AI will want to gain control in the most BG countries as possible before considering non-BG countries
unless domination or control can be achieved in the primary region.
• "We Will Bury You": Headline or non-scoring round (Event cannot be chosen if DefCon is currently 2. If forced to play the
event for OPs and DefCon is 2, do not reduce DefCon. The AI cannot be forced into thermonuclear war.)

Late War:
• Aldrich Ames: Headline or non-scoring round (If you are affected, expose your hand, discard your highest OP card that is
solely your event, if none, choose the highest OP shared event card (not the China card). Then you must sequence your
hand in descending OP order (top to bottom) AI only cards, then combining shared/your events but in increasing OP order.
You as the US player must play the cards in sequence and will not "draw 2 cards and select" for the remainder of the turn.)
• An Evil Empire: Headline / any round (only used to achieve victory)
• Chernobyl: Headline (effect is delayed until the first scoring round and protects the region) / scoring round (protects the
scoring region only if the AI is leading in the region)
• Glasnost: Headline / any other round (only if "The Reformer" is in effect or the 2 VP will gain victory)
• Iran-Contra Scandal: Event never activated, play for OPs only. If drawn in Headline phase, redraw.
• Iran-Iraq War: Headline (modifier of 0 or -1) or non-scoring round (modifier of 0 or -1 only to possibly achieve victory)
Attack the direction that favors the AI or Iran, otherwise.
• Iranian Hostage Crisis: Headline or non-scoring round (if USSR does not control Iran)
• Latin America Debt Crisis: Headline or non scoring round (If you are affected, the 3+ card must be in the 2 cards drawn or
the “other” card playing on your phasing turn, otherwise the event happens.)
• Marine Barracks: Headline or Middle East scoring or non-scoring round (Activated only if US has influence in Lebanon and
control can be eliminated or control can be gained in 1+ countries.) Redraw if needed during headline phase.
• North Sea Oil: Event never activated, play for OPs only. If drawn in Headline phase, redraw.
• Ortega Elected in Nicaragua: Headline or Central America scoring or non-scoring round (Activated only if the US has
influence in Nicaragua and neighboring country with influence.) Redraw if needed during headline phase.
• Pershing II Deployed: Headline / Europe scoring (if influence removal affects scoring or VP achieves victory) / non-scoring
round (if VP achieves victory)
• Reagan Bombs Libya: Headline or non-scoring round (activated only if USSR has influence in Libya. If you as the USSR has
3+ influence in Libya the AI will activate the event and gain 2 VP instead of 1. If no USSR influence in Libya and the event is
headlined, another card is drawn meeting the headline requirements.
• Solidarity: Headline or Europe scoring or non-scoring round
• Soviets Shoot Down KAL 007: Headline or Asia scoring round or non-scoring round (May not be played if DefCon is at 2. If
AI forced to play when DefCon is 2, only the VPs are applied. The AI playing the USSR cannot cause thermonuclear war by
using the event.)
• Star Wars: Headline or scoring round (if leading in the primary region) Look for a 3+ US event to execute choosing the first
one you come across.
• Tear Down this Wall: Headline or Europe scoring or non-scoring round (used only gain or break control of East Germany)
Redraw if needed during headline phase.
• Terrorism: Headline / non-scoring round (if "Iranian Hostage Crisis" is active) / scoring round (if OPs have no effect)
• The Iron Lady: Headline (playable if 2+ influence can be removed from U.K. and/or US has Argentinean control that is not
lost by the addition of the influence) / any round (only if the VP gains US victory)
• The Reformer: Headline or Europe scoring or non-scoring round or any other scoring round (if OPs does not make a
difference in the scoring round.)
• War Games: Headline or any round (only to achieve victory)
• AWACs Sale to Saudis: Headline or Middle East scoring or non-scoring round (only if US does not control Saudi Arabia)
Redraw if needed during the headline phase.
• Che: Headline or Central America scoring or non-scoring round (lowest stability BG and then non-BG country chosen first
which must have a 1 or 2 stabilization number. If successful, repeat. Choose the scoring region or a region that has yet to
be seen first, if applicable.)
• NORAD: Headline or non-scoring round (Place influence in a BG country that affects control first before considering other
BG countries (early war regions during early war and weakest region thereafter))

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 13

• Our Man in Tehran: Headline (Draw 5 cards and keep all US or shared event cards, shuffle into "deck/hand" or non-scoring
round (only in turns 4 to 9)
• Special Relationship: Headline or Europe scoring or non-scoring round (only if countries neighboring UK are not
controlled) Redraw if needed during headline phase.
• The Cambridge Five: Headline (place one influence in the current primary and secondary region according to the AI
region/country sequence) or any scoring round (only if able to break control in a BG country, place one influence in the
• Yuri and Samantha: Headline only

Influence Placement Decision Examples:

The following are examples of AI influence placement decisions referencing images in the rule book. Each decision is
performed as if the AI is playing the noted side and had to play the noted influence because the event was not more
favorable in the scoring region. Reminder: If the event is yours, the AI may choose to coup a BG if able of equal or lesser
stabilization than the OPs on the card (as long as the stabilization + influence present does not exceed 5). If there are
similar options, the country with the least influence is chosen to coup in region/country sequence.
South America scoring round (pg. 14) (Reminder: in all scoring rounds the AI will play second)
1 OP:
USSR: 1 influence to Argentina (Country priority sequence and spreads out countries controlled) or coup Columbia if playing a card with solely your event
to gain domination of the region.
US: 1 influence to Panama (Placing influence in South America would not change his scoring potential. Therefore, referencing the AI Influence Placing
Sequence, since he has influence in Columbia he can place influence in Panama.)
2 OPs:
USSR: 1 influence to Argentina and Brazil (Gaining control of 2 BG countries) or coup Columbia as noted above.
US: Use the 2 OPs to place 1 influence in Venezuela (Neutralizes the region(improving his scoring by reducing yours) and spreads his position) or, if your
event, coups Argentina, if solely your event and DefCon permitting.
3 OPs:
USSR: Use all 3 OPs to place 2 influence in Columbia (gaining control). (Gains domination in the region. AI would rather place to take control than to coup.)
US: Use 2 OPs to place 1 influence into Venezuela and place 1 influence into Panama (Neutralizes region and gains control of a battleground country) or
coup Argentina as noted above, if solely your event and DefCon permitting.
4 OPs:
USSR: Use 3 OPs to place 2 influence in Columbia (gaining control) and place 1 influence in Argentina. (Gains domination and an additional battleground
US: Use 2 OPs to place 1 influence into Venezuela, place 2 influence into Panama (Neutralizes region and gains control +1 of a battleground country) or
coup Argentina as noted above, if solely your event and DefCon permitting.

Asia scoring round (pg. 14)

1 OP:
USSR: Place 1 influence into Laos/Cambodia (Gains domination of the region, Laos/Cambodia is chosen due to the sequence above also because it provides
access to 2 countries)
US: 1 influence to South Korea (Since the scoring potential cannot be affected, the option to over control a BG country is the best option)
2 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence into Laos/Cambodia and 1 influence into North Korea (Laos/Cambodia play provides domination and since controlling an additional
non-BG does not affect scoring, the over control of North Korea is chosen)
US: Use 2 OPs to place 1 influence in North Korea (Chosen for the greatest effect on the scoring region reducing the USSR scoring by 2 VP)
3 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence into Laos/Cambodia and use 2 OPs to put 1 influence in South Korea (Laos/Cambodia play provides domination and the South
Korea play increases his scoring)
US: Use 2 OPs to place 1 influence in North Korea and place 1 influence into South Korea (North Korea play was chosen for the greatest effect on the
scoring region reducing the USSR scoring by 2 VP and given that controlling another non-BG country would not affect scoring further, the over control of
South Korea was the best option).
4 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Laos/Cambodia, use 2 OPs to put 1 influence in South Korea and place 1 influence into North Korea (Laos/Cambodia play
provides domination, the South Korea play increases his scoring and given that gaining additional of additional countries would not improve scoring, the
over control of North Korea is the best option)
US: Use 2 OPs to place 1 influence in North Korea, place 1 influence into South Korea and 1 influence into the Philippines (North Korea play was chosen for
the greatest effect on scoring, given that controlling another non-BG country would not affect scoring further, the over control of South Korea was the
best option and now that all BG countries that the US controls in the region are now +1 over control, the Philippines play to gain control is the next best

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 14

Middle East scoring round (pg. 15)
1 OP:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Syria (Syrian play provides domination)
US: Place 1 influence in Jordan (Jordan play provides presence and is a country which already has influence which permits better expansion possibilities)
2 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Syria and 1 influence in Iran (Syrian play provides domination and since occupying another non-BG country would not help
scoring increasing influence in Iran to control +1 is the best play.
US: Place 2 influence in Egypt (Egypt play provides presence and is a BG country improving scoring. Additionally, Egypt provides access to Africa and the
Middle East BG country, Libya)
3 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Syria and 2 influence in Iraq (Iraq play gives another BG country to the USSR improving scoring)
US: Place 2 influence in Egypt and 1 influence in Jordan (Jordan play gains control of a non-BG country which solidifies his position in the Middle East and
ranks as a higher priority)
4 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Syria, 2 influence in Iraq and 1 influence in Pakistan (With all countries now controlled the AI want to solidify its BG countries.
Since Iraq has already had 2 influence played to it (2 is max per round) and Iran is not accessible to the US, the Pakistan play increases control to +1 helping
to protect the region)
US: Place 2 influence in Egypt, 1 influence in Jordan and 1 influence in Iraq (Iraq play increases access to countries in the region also putting the US within 2
of controlling the country. The additional access is what ranks the Iraq play above playing to Israel.)

Europe scoring round (pg. 17)

1 OP:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Romania (Control of a country next to a superpower improves scoring)
US: Place 1 influence in West Germany (Since any other play will not improve its scoring position, he looks to strengthen a BG country to control +1. Since
France and Italy are beyond that point (which is not likely to occur but it is possible in this variant), the West Germany play was the only option)
2 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Romania and 1 influence in Poland (Playing to Poland increases a BG country to control +1 ranking higher)
US: Place 2 influence in Spain/Portugal (Spain/Portugal play provides dominance in the region and grants additional access to another region making it a
better move than playing to Greece)
3 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Romania and use 2 OPs to add 1 influence to West Germany (West Germany play increases the scoring result adding to the
US: Place 2 influence in Spain/Portugal and 1 influence in West Germany (combination of both moves already explained)
4 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Romania, use 2 OPs in West Germany to place 1 influence and place 1 influence in Poland (all reasons have been explained)
US: Place 2 influence in Spain/Portugal, 1 influence in West Germany and 1 influence in Algeria (Algeria play increases country access and expands into a
BG country in another region)

Central America scoring round (pg. 19)

1 OP:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Panama (Since the USSR already has domination the Panama play strengthens his position in a Central American BG country
ranking as a better move to take)
US: Realign Panama (1 OP is not enough to effect control in the region and therefore a realignment attempt must be made. Since Panama is a BG country
and has a lower amount of influence, it is the target. Had it been equal to Costa Rica, it still would have been the target given it is a BG country. Either
country has 1 support which is the maximum for such an attempt.
2 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Panama and 1 influence in Nicaragua (Nicaragua play gains control of another country in the region and ranks higher than
expanding and not controlling Columbia since the USSR already has presence in the region)
US: Place 2 influence in Mexico (Mexico play improves scoring by providing a BG country and a country next to a superpower, +2 VP)
3 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Panama, 1 influence in Nicaragua and 1 influence in Honduras (Honduras play ranks a better play because it grants increased
access in Central America and is the only other move since all countries that the USSR controls are now at maximum permitted influence (BG countries:
control +1 and non-BG countries: control)
US: Place 2 influence in Mexico and 1 influence in Cuba (Cuba play is the best available play given that a maximum of 2 influence may be played to any
country in a given round. There is no other place that the US can play to in Central America.)
4 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Panama, 1 influence in Nicaragua and 2 influence in Honduras (Honduras play takes control of another non-BG country)
US: Place 2 influence in Mexico and use 2 OPs to place 1 influence in Panama (Panama play improves scoring and expandability)

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 15

Africa scoring round (pg. 19)
1 OP:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Sudan (Sudan play provides domination but even if it didn't is a stronger play due to its proximity to another region. The country
has a higher priority ranking.)
US: Place 1 influence in South Africa (South Africa provides US presence and improves scoring)
2 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Sudan and 1 influence in Egypt (Egypt play was created by the play to the Sudan since playing to a neighboring region with
influence in a connecting primary country allows it to occur. The additional influence is enough to take control Egypt improving the USSR position there.
An additional play to Zimbabwe which is a higher ranking country would not improve scoring "globally" and therefore ranks lower due to this.)
US: Place 1 influence in South Africa and 1 influence in Sudan (Sudan play strengthens the US connection with the Middle East and provides control of a
non-BG country)
3 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Sudan, 1 influence in Egypt and 1 influence in Algeria (Algeria play strengthens the highest stability BG country in the region to
control +1. While playing influence to Zimbabwe (non-BG that provides the best access) would add another controlled non-BG country, it would not aid in
scoring. If it would have been needed to gain domination, then it would have been a priority.)
US: Place 1 influence in South Africa, 1 influence in Sudan and 1 additional influence in South Africa (The second play to South Africa was the best play
given the sequence and the importance of the AI to protect its limited control of a BG country taking control to +1)
4 OPs:
USSR: Place 1 influence in Sudan, 1 influence in Egypt, 1 influence in Algeria and 1 additional influence in Egypt (The second play to Egypt follows the same
rational as the play to Algeria with 3 OPs. Given that Egypt is "part" of Africa due to its connection, it has the next highest stability number in "Africa" that
the AI does not have at control +1.)
US: Place 1 influence in South Africa, 1 influence in Sudan, additional 1 influence in South Africa and 1 influence in Botswana (Botswana play is made
because all regions are controlled and the AI in not able to control another this turn. Therefore using the country sequence Botswana is the better play
due to its proximity to South Africa and its position to support 2 different BG countries.)

Final Comments:
It is not possible to cover all possible scenarios that might occur using these rules. It is important that the decisions made
by the AI are consistent and provide a logical and methodical way to spread its influence about the world. This is most
important when it comes to deciding whether an event is going to provide a better impact elsewhere than playing influence
in the primary region. Due to the balancing mechanics that are in these rules it is suggested that you stay as close as
possible to the methodology discussed when choosing the action to perform.

Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 16

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