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Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges

Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City

Teacher Education Program
Name: CN:

Instructor: Date:
True or False. Write true if the statement is true and if otherwise, underline the term
that makes the term false and give the correct answer to it.
1. At absolute zero, molecules stop moving and vibrating at all.
2. Molecules with high entropy stops moving and vibrating at all.
3. There are 4 Laws of Thermodynamics.
4. The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy is
equals to the heat minus work.
5. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics deals with the Law of Conservation of Energy.
6. Entropy is needed to identify the First Law of Thermodynamics.
7. The other name for the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics is Lebrons’ Theorem.
8. Absolute Zero is equals to 0 Kelvin.
9. The Entropy of all homogenous crystalline solid substances is zero at absolute
zero temperature.
10. At absolute zero temperature, the entropy of a substance reaches to its minimum
value taken as -273.15° C.
Identification. Give what is asked in each item.
1. represents the inevitable partial loss of energy or the degree of disorder or
uncertainty in a system
2. the change in internal energy equals to heat minus work which is all measured in
3. deals with Entropy
4. it is a specific configuration of all the particles and energies in a system.
5. deals with the idea of Absolute Zero.
6. the 3rd law of Thermodynamics was developed by
7. the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics is also referred to as
8. Absolute Zero is equals to
9. the 2nd law of thermodynamics came through the work of
10. it absorbs heat and uses it to do work
11. it absorbs heat from a coal furnace to generate steam which would then move
train wheels.
12. deals with Thermal Equilibrium
13. highlights the Law of Conservation of Energy
14. it states that it is impossible for any system in such a way that the sole result
would be an energy transfer by heat from cooler to a hotter body.
15. it states that is impossible for any system to operate in a thermodynamics cycle
and deliver a net amount of energy by work to its surroundings while receiving
energy by heat transfer from a single reservoir.
Solving. Solve the following using with the use of the 1 st Law of Thermodynamics.
1. Use the first law of thermodynamics to determine the amount of heat change, Q,
and whether it was added to or removed from the system, given that W = 500 J
and ΔU=1 kJ.
2. During a chemical process, a system absorbs 5.3 kJ of heat while doing 1.3 kJ of
work on the surroundings. That is the change in internal energy of the system?
3. 4 kJ of heat is added to a system and 525 J of work is done by the system. What
is the change in internal energy of the system?
4. 348 J of heat is added to a system and 2 kJ of work is done on the system. What
is the change in internal energy of the system?

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