Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage SEMESTER II 2018/2019 At10603 Penulisan Akademik Section 1 Individual Task

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SEMESTER II 2018/2019








TIME: 9:00-10:00AM (MONDAY)


Figure 1: Map of the Nuclear Missile Capabilities in Democratic People’s 4
Republic of Korea
Figure 2: Map of the Nuclear Facilities in Democratic People’s Republic of 5
1.1 Introduction

2.1 North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: United States’s Reaction and Its 4
2.1.1 United States: The Trump’s Administration Foreign Policy Toward 5-6
North Korea
1. Economic Sanctions Against North Korea. 6-7
2. Offers Diplomatic Relations 7-8

3.1 North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: United Nation’s Reaction and The 8
3.1.1 United Nation’s Security Council: The View of U.N National Security 8-9

4.1 Conclusion 10

References 11-13


Nuclear weapons programs are one of the most well-known issues in the globalization
of international politics. Generally, nuclear is a source that affecting the production of
nuclear energy, medicine and producing weapons whilst in a wider context, nuclear
had a major impact on a state that involves several aspects which is political, economic
and security (Keling & Mohamad Faisol, 2010). These aspects are very essential in the
international system due to the relations between state in conducting international
trading activities, investment in industries, sharing technologies and introducing state’s
cultural to other state. However, if nuclear energy is used incorrectly or illegally such
as using nuclear weapons to destroy an enemy state it can bring harm to the
international system of the world. Thus, the nuclear weapons program has been a
concern for all states because of the possible threats to the state’s security that could
potentially lead to nuclear war.

If to look back at history or background about where and how nuclear weapons
been manifested, it started from the United States (U.S). United States become the
first state that successful developed their nuclear weapons. In 16 July 1945, the very
first nuclear weapons explosion was located in New Mexico after the United States
(U.S) conducted its first nuclear bomb test. After conducting their first nuclear bomb
test, there are few more states that has started to conduct their own nuclear weapons
like the Soviet Union and in South Asia, India has also conducted its first nuclear test
in 1974 followed by Iran and Pakistan. The nuclear weapons becoming more famous
during the final stage of World War II. In August 1945, United States dropped their
atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The nuclear bomb
detonation caused mass destruction where 70 per cent of the buildings were wiped-
out and around 30 per cent of the city’s occupant which 70 000 to 80 000 people were
died. End of this historical incident, the world vowed and refuse all the nuclear
weapons to be used.

The nuclear dilemma eventually binding an agreement to prevent the further

spread of nuclear weapons. In 1968, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT) was created and during 1970 the five nuclear-state, China, French,
Russia, United Kingdom and United States signed the agreement and agree to the
three pillars of NPT; non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the peaceful use of nuclear
energy and denuclearization of nuclear weapons. Only three states never follow the
rule of agreement which is India, Israel and Pakistan. In December 1985, North Korea

ratifies the NPT and joined the promotion of peaceful cooperation on nuclear energy
with the other party.

Nevertheless, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced its

withdrawal from the NPT on January 10, 2013 resulting the nuclear crisis of North
Korean. Due to the emergence of nuclear weapons from North Korea, it concerns many
states until now. North Korea located in continent of Asia and the 99th largest nation
in the international system. After the Korean War, Korean separated into two part
which is South and North. The South Korea were mostly practice democratic
governmental pattern and in 1953, former president Lee Sung man formed an
autocracy government which drifted more to military ideology. Meanwhile in North
Korea, they were mainly influenced by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Their ruling ideology inclining more to communism. Then, the crisis began after North
Korea start a nuclear weapon test that poses threat to the world. World see North
Korea as existential threat to humans on earth which can trigger nuclear war among
dominant power.

North Korea’s nuclear program background outline can be traced back during
the Cold War. In theoretical perspective, former leader Kim Il Sung (1948-1994) are
more to Realism perspective. North Korea need to pursue their own collective goods
because United States during that time play an important role in economic and politic
by having its nuclear capabilities and military power. U.S has become the hegemonic
power since they intervene in restoring the balance of world political economy after
the end of the World War II therefore, to protect the nation from U.S military power,
Kim Il Sung began working with their interest to develop their own nuclear weapons
from the Soviet Union help (Olivia, 2017). DPRK announced the world that they were
declared as one of the world’s nuclear power when North Korea shocks the world with
first nuclear test on 9 October 2006. Then, North Korea continue their nuclear weapons
program until in 2013, where North Korea conducted its third test and finally the sixth
test in 2017. The sixth test where carried out two tests of long-range ballistic missiles
which has developed ‘perfectly’ and many believed it is the most powerful nuclear
weapons apart from the other nuclear-state.

Nowadays, North Korea are still passionate to develop their nuclear weapons
and becoming more active and increasingly sophisticated. Hence, these behaviour
from North Korea concerns many states especially the dominant power which is United
States and European states. Therefore, these issues received reaction from the United
States and United Nation regarding to this Northern Korean harmful behaviour. The
problem statement is, how will United States as the hegemonic power and United
Nation as an important international organization will took action against North Korea
and what is their role in international system to achieve safety and peace globally.


Nuclear weapons issues are the one of most tough and complicated issue to deal in the
international security system and it is already a security dilemma for many states. The North
Korea’s missile capabilities have sparked international concern over the threats of mass

Figure 1: Map of the Nuclear Missile Capabilities in Democratic People’s Republic of


Source: Robertson, J. (2003). North Korea Nuclear Crisis-Issues and Implications.

Accessed from
brary/PublicationsArchive/CIB/cib0203/03CIB18 on 20 March 2019

Based on Figure 1, it shows that the power of missile test from North Korea is super large and
strong which can affect many states including the ASEAN regional which is Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia and more. These capabilities concern the international system. In
addition, since the end of World War II, the use of nuclear getting extremely essential to every

state especially the developed countries (DC) in many aspects, economically, politically and
socially. As a hegemonic power, United States has reacted to North Korea’s nuclear weapons
programs. During Barack Obama’s Administration, the U.S had made various of efforts to
handle the North Korea’s nuclear issue. For instance, U.S used cyber techniques to sabotage
North Korea’s missile test to address this issue and seeking for a negotiation with the leader
of North Korea.

2.1.1 United States Reaction

The Trump Administration Foreign Policy Against North Korea

Figure 2: Map of the Nuclear Facilities in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Source: Robertson, J. (2003). North Korea Nuclear Crisis-Issues and Implications.

Accessed from
rary/PublicationsArchive/CIB/cib0203/03CIB18 on 20 March 2019.

Based on Figure 2, it shows the North Korea’s nuclear facilities which has thrived. The
nuclear issue received reaction from U.S and apparently, the role of the United States
is not only in the context of environmental issues and trade issues but also in
addressing the issue of nuclear weapons. In this context of issue, the United States
has a power in shaping the agenda on security issues because as known U.S is the
hegemonic power in the international system so basically U.S can implement measures
to halt North Korea behaviour. The primary focus of Trump’s policy toward North Korea

is the nuclear weapons violence. With North Korea’s advance in its nuclear and missile
capabilities, it poses one of the most challenging part into U.S foreign policy due to
their greatness of weapons technology that concerns the Unites States and its Asia

Three of the U.S allies in Asia is China, South Korea and Japan. In the past,
the U.S almost launch an attack to North Korea with military strikes but the concerns
about the counterattack from North Korea on South Korea or Japan. If so, it could
potentially create huge effect on humanitarian crisis and affecting the diplomatic
relations between allies. The DPRK and United States never had formal diplomatic
relations before. Although there have been plenty of efforts to negotiate with North
Korea, it seems like North Korea won’t stop its nuclear weapons development and yet
continue their sixth nuclear test in 2017. Since Donald Trump become the President of
United States, his Administration raised the North Korea threat to number one
necessity in foreign policy. In early 2017, Trump Administration conducted North Korea
policy and according to the Administration, they will pressure North Korea into
dismantling its proliferation nuclear and ballistic missile.

Economic Sanctions Against North Korea.

The pressure is by tightening economic sanctions and pursuing diplomatic measures.

The economy sanction is a form of punishment towards North Korea violence in the
peace and international security (Albert, 2018). “Maximum pressure” toward North
Korea’s behaviour was put because of the four main reason which is the behaviour of
North Korea are seen as an international terrorism, North Korea is a Marxist-Leninist
country, the nuclear weapons had tendency to bring mass destruction and it’s a threat
to the United States National Security (Rennack, 2006). The DPRK nuclear weapons
and ballistic missile development concern the U.S.

Therefore, U.S imposed economic sanction against North Korea as an action to

punish the state beside hoping the North Korea to denuclearize its nuclear weapons
program. Economic sanction is when there is no trade cooperation (trade market),
there are no any economy activities are allowed. Maximum economic sanctions against
North Korea causing them no other option than to comply the requirements. Therefore,
North Korea need to find a way to survive from their economic stress. North Korea
also faced few more economic sanctions from other states which is Japan and South

Korea. The U.S allies, China also put an sanction to North Korea and started to mediate
on Korean nuclear issues due to U.S sincere request. As a Developed Country (DC),
China’s role is also important to oppose strongly the nuclear proliferation.

Offers Diplomatic Relations

Besides that, United States foreign policy target to pursue diplomatic measures with
North Korea to dismantle it nuclear weapons. U.S try to approach North Korea many
times by involving diplomatic engagement such as Six Party Talks among the alliance
China, Japan, Russia and South Korea. This engagement is an open talk between the
state to have a multilateral dialogue between state to discuss about North Korean
nuclear arms issues. The Six-Party Talk (SPT) is negotiations to resolve the North
Korea’s nuclear weapons proliferation. It was first held in Beijing on August 9, 2003
joined by South Korea, North Korea, China, Russia, Japan and United States (Kwak,
2014). It started from the past negotiations called Three-Party Talks and now become
the Six-Party Talk.

The main goal is to make North Korea fully end its nuclear weapons
development. Six-Party Talk failed many times although there have already been
discuss this since 2003. North Korea walked out of the negotiations in 2009 and after
a year, U.S discover that North Korea are hiding new nuclear weapons. However, since
Trump took the office, he sees North Korea as the number one security problems in
his Administration Policy. Therefore, to explain Trump’s decision, its either related in
Liberalist or Realist perspective which President Trump was committed to forging
diplomatic negotiations with North Korea. The unilateral sanctions by Trump
Administration to North Korea is to limit and regulate more economic activities to North
Korea resulting pressure to North Korea’s economic and financial. To lift these
sanctions, U.S order North Korea make promise to dismantle its nuclear program or
receive more sanction.

The sanction will be lifted once North Korea agree to abolish their nuclear
program. These action from Trump can emerge two impact either positive or negative.
The negative part is, the more stress put on North Korea’s economic, the potential of
war to happen will be increased. The positive part is, the economic sanction managed
to make a path to encourage leader Kim Jong Un to join the table talk when North
Korea finally agree to summit with United States for the first time in history. Recently,

in 2018, U.S and North Korea held the first summit at Singapore and second summit
just happened at Hanoi, Vietnam in 2019. This agreement between these two leaders
to meet, arise a question if there any direction of dismantling North Korea’s nuclear

After an observation, the U.S economic sanctions and diplomatic relations

toward North Korea seen as an important step to control the behaviour of North Korea.
These action from Trump Administration brings the negotiations with North Korea to
another level. However, if the negotiations between them failed, the Administration
might conclude that a military strike is the only way forward, then it will greatly
increase the chance of war.


Besides that, in the international system there is existence of international organization (IO)
called United Nation (UN). This IO was made to control and handle any issues related to peace
and national security. The North Korea’s nuclear program gain attention from all over the
world since they had capable nuclear weapons that can cause mass destruction. The issues
continue to heat up, one frequently raised question is what is the U.S and U.N reaction to
these issues.

3.1.1 United Nation Reaction: The View of U.N National Security Council

In 1946, the first resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly
established a commission task with eliminating nuclear weapons and ensuring the use
of nuclear weapons only for peaceful purposes. North Korea’s third nuclear test on
February 12, 2013 resulting reaction from United Nation National Security Council
(UNSC). After the test, UNSC passed a resolution to critique the nuclear test and
imposed a new sanction on North Korea. UNSC

The member of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) critique and

condemning North Korea for its proliferation nuclear weapons. They worried the
nuclear will lead harm effect to the world which resulting a nuclear war between
nuclear-state. Therefore, the member of UNSC are urging UN to do something to North
Korea’s nuclear threats. As one of the main important International Organization, UN
Security Council trying to stop and handle the North Korea’s behaviour toward the
threats. UN also imposed sanction on North Korea and the measures expanded to

several agreements. In a wide view for UN’s role or goals, UN has released some rules
to North Korea. One of the rules is, UN banned any trade related to arms and military

Other than that, any metals and industrial machinery are also banned to
dismantle nuclear proliferation and avoid more proliferation of nuclear to happens.
Secondly, UN is an International Organization that have role to freeze the individual’s
assets related to nuclear program. These is to avoid and prevent any issues that
related to individual’s owning its own nuclear weapons like the North Korea. Beside
that, UN also cap North Korea’s labour exports, cap the imports of oil and petroleum
products by North Korea so they could not make more nuclear weapons, ban natural
gas imports by North Korea also ban export of electrical equipment and any exports
of food.


To conclude, the use of nuclear weapons had started since World War II and wider use after
U.S dropped its nuclear bomb in Japan during the end of World War. After the proliferation
nuclear energy, more states especially the huge power made their own nuclear programs.
North Korea then started its nuclear program after gaining knowledge from the Soviet Union.
However, North Korea’s nuclear program becoming more powerful causing international
concerns to the hegemonic power, United States. Therefore, US start making a move based
on their reaction to control the North Korea’s nuclear activities so it will not affect international
security. These issues have been the most complicated issues to deal although there are
plenty of efforts that have made since the past three Administration of United States.

The effect of economic sanctions imposed on North Korea has been mixed so far either
it brings good or bad effect. As for the positive effect, economic sanctions against North Korea
has open a path to encourage Kim Jong Un the Leader of North Korea government to join the
table talk for peace agreement. As for the other side of effect, if economic sanctions against
North Korea did not work it might lead to harmful conciliation between U.S and North Korea.
Thus, United States and United Nation Security Council have an important role in order to
make and choose decision in making policy and reconciliation with the North Korea so it will
not lead any affect for instance nuclear war to the international security.


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