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Evidencia 4

(De Producto) AP04-EV04- INGLES: "Taller de comprensión de lectura".



1. Match the Word with the corresponding meaning:

2. According to the text, mention the things people take into account to determine
the demand.

 The market is key to any investment that is made with the intention of

generating income and profits. The measure of demand for a product or

service will be the number of people who buy or use it.

2. Write F for false or T for true

3. Answer the following questions

a. What is Benchmarking?

 Benchmarking is a process used to collect information and new ideas for the

development of your company. The main idea is to get useful information to

improve it from the examples of the strongest competitors in the market. It is

also a reference source for companies, where to compare some of their

areas with those of other similar companies.

 Today, the business world is highly competitive, largely due to the evolution

of the digital economy. Companies need to compare themselves to the best

on the market to stand out. This is how Benchmarking has several clear and

concise objectives to develop during its execution.

b. What is the process of Benchmarking?

 The process consists of five phases. The process begins with the planning
phase and continues through analysis, integration, action and finally

c. Number the aspects to be taken into account in Benchmarking:

1. price
2. Promotion
3. Payment systems
4. Advertising
5. Location
6. Planimetry
7. Human resources

5. Write the vocabulary (20 words) from the reading, and make a Glossary:
Organize the words in alphabetic order and write the meaning of each word.

Benchmarking: is the procedure of determining who the best one is. It is an

amount of the quality of company’s products, policies, programs, tactics.

Consumers: A consumer is a person or organization that demands goods or

services for a change of money provided by the producer or supplier of goods or
services. In other words, it is an economic agent with a series of needs.

Demand: it refers to the desire, ability, and disposition of consumers to buy any

Distribution: It represents the location where a product or service can be

purchased and the distribution channel. coverage, assortments, locations,
inventory and transportation of the product or service.

Income: Cuando el ingreso aumenta, la cantidad exigida también aumentará.

Location: It is a place where something is or could be located.

Distributor: That distributes a product for its commercialization, acting as an

intermediary between the producer and the retailer. Organization: It is a social unit
of people systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue
collective goals on a continuing basis.

Place: Assortments Transport Locations Channels Coverage Inventory

Financial statements: These are reports used by the institutions to publicize the
economic and financial situation and the changes it experiences on a given date or

Partner: The legal relationship between two parties, having specific rights and
responsibilities as a common company.

Passion: Emotion, feelings. The emotions as distinguished from reason, a strong

taste or devotion for some activity.

Payment systems: It is used for transferring money include debit cards, credit
cards, and e-commerce payment systems.

Price: It refers to the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to

another in return for goods or services.

Product: It´s the tangible object or service that can be offered to a market for
acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.

Promotion: It refers to the communications with the public in an attempt to

influence them toward buying your products and/ or services.

Prospect: Community Individual Characteristics Region or zone

Sales systems: It is a set of principles, processes, strategies and tools that are put
into place to bring the company results day-in and day-out.

Supply: it is related to the ability and disposition of producers to offer products for

6. Write a ten lines text that summarizes the topic of the activity.

Supply and demand is the price formation mechanism; that establishes the market

price of a good or service is one for which supply and demand are equal. As the

quantity of a good increases, the unit cost decreases; It is this economy of scale

that has promoted the processes of business concentration and fostered the

existence of multinationals at the international level.

Prices are found anywhere in an economy and at any level of production. They are

essential in determining what is produced, how much is produced, and when the

goods are produced. Prices determine profitability and help coordinate where

scarce resources should be allocated.

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