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Case Requirements

A Terminal Report
Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering & Architecture
Saint Louis College, City of San Fernando, La union

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in CE511: Construction

Methods & Project Management

Rosejohn P. Pechayco
May 2021
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Case Requirements.........................................................1

TOOLBOX MEETING............................................................................1

PROJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION........................................3

SAFETY MANAGEMENT.......................................................................7


Chapter 2: The Insights.........................................................................16

Most Relevant Case Requirement: Toolbox Meeting............................16

Least Relevant Case Requirement: Project Monitoring and Evaluation16

Most Difficult Case Requirement: Safety Management........................16

Least Difficult Case Requirement: Scheduling....................................16

Most Enjoyed Case Requirement: Toolbox Meeting.............................17

Least Enjoyed Requirement: Project Monitoring and Evaluation.........17


Chapter 1: The Case Requirements


A Toolbox Meeting is an informal meeting that focuses mainly on

topics related to the specific job, such as workplace hazards and work
practices. It is normally short in duration and is generally conducted at
the job site prior to the commencement of a job or work shift.

Construction projects need to have toolbox meetings within its

duration to ensure a smooth flow of operation.

As a future implementer of a construction project, describe how you

will carry out this tool in project management by answering the following
questions comprehensively:

1. What benefits are derived when toolbox meetings are conducted in

the construction site?

=) Worker safety should always be the number one priority of every
construction company. Safety meetings and toolbox talks should
be conducted on a regular basis to educate workers on safe work
practices and stay compliant with regulations regarding safety and
=) Incident investigations are a reactive approach to something
negative happening in the workplace and safety can be exact
opposite. They are an opportunity to proactively encourage safe
behaviour and improve workplace safety before an incident takes
place. Keep the focus on what can be done to create a safe work

environment instead of focusing on what has gone wrong in the

=) Opening lines of interactions in an everyday setting keeps little
things from slipping through the cracks and going unnoticed. If
there are tools that are broken or outdated, this is a method to let
management understand them. Need to be replaced or to remind
other employees not to use them.
2. How often and how long should a toolbox meeting be conducted?

 Typically, Toolbox meeting lasts 10 to 15 minutes, may take

place once a week, involving small groups of up to 10 people.
They should be in an appropriate tone for the audience
providing reminders about specific issues or certain safety
procedures or protocols and should be part of a wider training
and education program. They should involve asking questions
to verify that the task has been understood, and to obtain
feedback. Attendance should be registered to provide evidence
that workers have been given the correct information and

3. What are the specific topics that should be discussed during a

toolbox meeting?

 Topic that should be discussed during toolbox meeting is the

safety topics related to the specific job, such as Slips trips and
falls, Electrical safety, PPE safety, Working at heights,
Confined Space Safety, Accident Reporting Toolbox, Asbestos
Awareness, COOSHH, Excavation, Housekeeping, Manual

Handling, Demolition, Drugs, Considerate Contractor,

Construction Site Rules, Alcohol, Accident Costs, Abrasive
Wheels, Behavior, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Safety, First Aid,

4. How should a toolbox meeting be conducted?

=) Ensure the topic is Relevant to other industry and Job site. You
can also focus on the employees personal agenda. Staying safe so
they can attend their kids favorite game after work, participate in
off-the job hobbies and continue providing for other families. Make
sure the talk matters to employees both on and off the job of
workers don’t feel the topic applies directly to them. You will have
a hard time keeping their interest.

5. Is it always necessary that the project engineer is the one who will
facilitate the toolbox meeting? Why

 Yes, Because they are the ones who manages project team
resources and training and develop extensive project
management experience and expertise. The role of project
engineer can often be described as that of a mason between
the project manager and the disciplines involved in a project.
The Distribution of and performing tasks within the technical
disciplines can vary from project to project.


Monitoring is the collection and analysis of information

about a project undertaken while the project is ongoing.
Evaluation is the periodic, retrospective assessment of a project
that might be conducted internally or externally.

Monitoring and evaluation are ways of systematically

measuring and assessing project activities and results. Their
purpose is to check on the progress of implementation and
outputs. They help to determine whether the activities are going
with the plan or when changes may be needed.

As a future project engineer, present your Monitoring and

Evaluation scheme or strategy by answering the following
questions comprehensively with the necessary justifications and

1. What do you monitor? Give at least nine (9) items that you
monitor and classify each of the said items as Highly Prioritized
(HP), Moderately Prioritized (MP) or Least Prioritized (LP).

1. Manpower Distribution (MP)

2. Material Delivery (HP)
3. Project Schedule (HP)
4. Productivity (MP)
5. Safe Manhour (MP)
6. Project Cost/Project Budget (MP)
7. Material Consumption (HP)
8. Tools and Equipments (HP)
9. Quality of Work (HP)

2. When do you monitor? Identify the period, stage or part of

the project when you carry out a monitoring task. If necessary,
specify the frequency of monitoring.

 Monitoring plan is designed before starting the

implementation of the project, once you have your monitoring
plan ready, start implementing the project and monitor the
project regularly it can be once every month.

3. Who do you monitor? Specify the person/s that you need to

monitor and elaborate accordingly.

 The project manager is the one that needs to monitor because

he has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation,
planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling, and
closure of a project. They ensure that the project is completed
within the specified deadline and gets delivered to the client
without any flaws. He/she handles all the aspects of the
project from project initiation to project delivery.

4. How do you monitor? Present in a detailed manner how you

implement your monitoring and evaluation task.


1. Identify Program Goals and Objectives.

2. Define Indicators.
3. Define Data Collection Methods and Timeline.

4, Identify M&E Roles and Responsibilities.

5. Create an Analysis Plan and Reporting Templates.
6. Plan for Dissemination and Donor Reporting.

Steps to Implement Project Monitoring and Evaluation task.

Establish project schedule: Further breakdown is needed at

this point. Each deliverable needs to be converted into tasks
that need to be performed in order to produce required
results. Here, the number of man hours per tasks needs to
be calculated and resources need to be assigned this
includes both people and other resources. With this
calculation, there may be a need to update the project
timelines specified previously to present a more realistic
image. If there is a drastic difference in delivery date
expectations from project head or sponsor and the actuals
calculated, then there may be a need to either renegotiate
the deadline, increase resources or reduce the scope of the
Creating Monitor Commitments: Being a Project Manager,
you will have to keep track of the commitments of different
stakeholders in the project. The stakeholders can include
anyone: the team members, management, peers, vendors as
well as clients.
Monitor the Project Risks: It is important to keep a track of
all the risks that might be involved with the project. There
are various types of risks that can be involved in a project,
including process, people, technology, tools, etc.

Data Management monitoring: Keeping track of all of the

configuration items, which includes software, hardware as
well as documentation of the project.
Monitoring the Stakeholder involvement: As a Project
Manager, it is important that you keep track of how all the
stakeholders are involved in the project. This can be done
through different types of meetings, status reports, etc.
Manage Progress Reviews: Conduct and manage the project
progress reviews with the help of different techniques which
includes the work progress of team members, client
meetings, milestones reviews, etc. Based on these activities,
various status reports are created, which are shared with the
stakeholders as well.
Manage actions to closure: Based on the progress of the
project, it is important to take corrective actions to get
control over the progress of the project plan. These
corrective actions are then tracked by the Project Managers
till the project closure or until the progress is under control.

5. What are your Monitoring & Evaluation Tools? Identify the

materials that you use when you do your Monitoring & Evaluation
task and explain accordingly.

 For Monitoring TolaData and for Evaluation TaroWorks. The

materials you use when you do monitoring and evaluation
tasks is basically your laptop or mobile phone where your
application or software for Monitoring & Evaluation are
saved. You can’t monitor the progress and evaluate the

project if you do not have the right material and right

software for monitoring and evaluating a project.


A hazard assessment is an evaluation of a work place, or work

situation, as to the potential for hazards that a worker may encounter
while performing the job. A hazard assessment is a thorough check of
the work environment. The purpose of a hazard assessment is to identify
potential risks and hazards in the area as well as to identify appropriate
safety measures to be used to mitigate the identified hazards.

Since you cannot make a real-time hazard assessment of a specific

construction project, you can use your past observations of projects
which you have seen or you can utilize news reports (radio, newspaper or
television) relating to construction projects that you have heard, read or
watched accordingly.

1. Make a list of work hazards that can be identified in a construction


2. Using the list in #1, evaluate the level of risk for each hazard as
either minimal exposure or serious exposure.

3. Based on the level of risk assessed in #2, suggest or recommend

appropriate measures for each hazard. Always consider

eliminating the hazard first, if possible. If elimination is not

possible, consider reducing the hazard to an acceptable level.

Note: Use the table format given below to present your answers in #s 1,2
and 3.

Hazard Level of Risk Recommended Measures

To minimize the risks, I

recommend to:

 Additional Noise Risk

Assessment for
Noise Minimal Expose workers and the public
 To minimize the risks
they need specify the
assessment for
workers undertaking
particularly hazardous
activities, such as
using ground-breaking

To minimize the risks, I

recommend to:

 They need to install

guardrail and fall
Working at Heights Serious exposure system
 They need to use and
maintenance of
personal protective
equipment (PPE)

To minimize the risks, I

recommend to:

 Conduct full risks

assessments and
introducing protocols
Manual handling Minimal exposure and working processes
which eliminate risks
of prolonged use.
 Use of appropriate,
well-maintained lifting
equipment, including

To minimize the risks, I


 They need to use

temporary surfaces to

cover holes and

Slips trips and falls Serious exposure  Keeping the walkways
and stairways free wet,
debris, and materials
which could cause


The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a

statistical tool used in project management, which was designed to
analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a given project. It
analyzes the time required to complete each task and its associated
dependencies to determine the minimum time to complete a project. It
estimates the shortest possible time each activity will take, the most
likely length of time and the longest time that might be taken if the
activity takes longer than expected.

To conduct PERT analysis, three time estimates are obtained

(optimistic, pessimistic and most likely) for every activity along the
critical path. These estimates are used in the following formula to
calculate how much time is needed for each project stage.
Time = (P + 4M + O)/6

Optimistic Time (O) = the minimum possible time required to

accomplish a task, assuming everything proceeds better than is normally

Pessimistic Time (P) = the maximum possible time required to

accomplish a task, assuming everything goes wrong

Most Likely Time (M) = the best estimate of the time required to
accomplish, assuming everything proceeds as normal.

Part 1
Make a list of the activities needed in the construction of a two-
storey commercial building consisting of six (6) 5mx5m stalls per floor.
Based on these activities, estimate their O, P and M times (expressed in
days) assuming that the project has a foreman, 2 carpenters, 2 masons,
2 steel men and 4 labourers and a 1-bagger concrete mixer. Compute
the Calculated Time using the formula given above. Use the table 1
template given below to present your answer.

Table 1

Activities Optimistic Pessimistic Most Likely Calculated

Time (O) Time (P) Time (M) Time

Marking of 2 3 5 4

Excavation 4 5 7 6

Foundation 5 6 7 7

Column 3 4 5 5

Construction 4 6 7 6
of walls

Roofing 3 3 4 4

Plastering 3 4 5 5

Fixing of doors 2 2 2 2
and windows

Tiles laying 3 3 3 3

Painting 2 3 4 4

Part 2
Analyze the activities that you have listed and arrange them according to
the order of implementation with due consideration to the predecessor
activities and activities that can be done simultaneously. Present your
analysis in tabular form using the format given below.

Table 2:

Activity Predecessor/s Calculated



A Marking Layout - 4

B Excavation A 6

C Foundation work B 7

D Column casting C 5

E Construction of walls D 6

F Lintel E 5

G Fixing of doors and E

windows 2

H Plastering work F 5

I Roofing F 4

J Fixing electrical works G 2

K Tiles laying H,I


L Painting K 4

M Miscellaneous Works L,J 2

Chapter 2: The Insights

Most Relevant Case Requirement: Toolbox Meeting

For me, The toolbox meeting is the most relevant case requirement
because it is where they motivate you to stay positive always and it is
also where they are telling you to always ensure your safety and also you
need to get along with others.

Least Relevant Case Requirement: Project Monitoring and

In my own opinion, Project Monitoring and Evaluation is the least
case requirement among the 4 cases, Monitoring of a Project can come
every once a month since the progression of the project can be seen a
month after or a year. Evaluation also can be done after seeing the
progression a project.

Most Difficult Case Requirement: Safety Management

The most difficult case requirement among the 4 cases is the
safety management, since accident is everywhere in the workplace it is
the most critical thing to do since it includes the safety of workers in the
workplace. Not eliminating hazards can hurt, injure or can kill workers.
eliminating the hazards is the best way to make the workers safe inside
the workplace.

Least Difficult Case Requirement: Scheduling

Scheduling can be the least difficult requirement, since it is just
analyzing and representing the task involved in completing a project, it

analyzes the time required to complete each task and its associated
dependencies to determine the minimum time to complete a project. It
also estimate the shortest possible time each activity will take.

Most Enjoyed Case Requirement: Toolbox Meeting

The most enjoyed case is the toolbox meeting since it is a safety
meeting among the project team and laborers; it also shows the
importance of safety of each worker over the project.

Least Enjoyed Requirement: Project Monitoring and Evaluation

It is the least enjoyed case since it is not done regularly.

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