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Name: Andin Cahyuni Candrawati

St. Number: E1D118013

Class: VI/TP3


I am writing to complain about students using mobile phones at schools. They cause a lot of
problems which affect the quality of education. I think pupils should not be allowed to take their
mobile phones to school for a number of reasons.

First, mobile phones are a nuisance. They cause interruptions and disturb students’ concentration
due to their constant ringing. As a result, students’ academic performance is lowered.

Second, phones have recently been misused to record student fights, and intimidation of teachers.
This is a big worry as it is only a matter of time before schools become unsafe.

Finally, there is rising concern that radiation from mobile phones can cause brain damage. In
addition to this, youngsters are thought to be at higher risk as their nervous systems are still
developing and they absorb more energy through their heads.

For these reasons, I think the government should take action to stop the use of mobile phones at
schools. We should not wait until it is too late and we can only regret the negative impact mobile
phones have had on students.


Sentence Function
1-2 Topic Sentences
3 Thesis Statement
4-10 Development (Body)
11-12 Conclusion

 Unmarked Topical Theme (I, They, We)
 Unmarked Textual Theme (First, Second, Finally, For these reasons)
 Material Process: Action
I am (Actor) writing (Material Process: Action) to complain about students using mobile
phones at schools (Extent).
 Material Process: Event
Phones (Actor) have recently been misused (Material Process: Event) to record student
fights, and intimidation of teacher (Extent).
 Mental Process: Cognition
I (Senser) think (Mental Process: Cognition) pupils should not be allowed to take their
mobile phones to school for a number of reasons (Phenomenon).
I (Senser) think (Mental Process: Cognition) the government should take action to stop
the use of mobile phones at schools (Phenomenon).
 Existential Process
There is (Process: Existential) rising concern that radiation from mobile phones can cause
brain damage (Extent).
 Simple Present Tenses
 Temporal Connectives (First, Second, Finally)
 Modal Auxiliaries (Should)
 Goal: Persuading the reader


Because the text is written to express a one-sided point of view on a particular subject, in this
case Mobile Phone.

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