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Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki

Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki

Channeled and copyrighted by Daelyn Wolf July 2013

SpiritLight Reiki
Daelyn Wolf
Reiki Master Teacher
Accredited by the World Metaphysical Association

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Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki

Chi (pronounced chee) is the life force energy that exists in all things. It is
the creative source energy, the energy that is the pure essence of life.
Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki connects you to this energy in a way
that allows you to tap into it and increase your income, draw more money
your way, and radiate an aura of success and abundance.

Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki

Each of us is surrounded with energy that radiates from within us. This chi
energy is the life force energy that creates all that is. We all have auras that
surround us also and that is our energy field, like a protective skin the
surrounds us and allows in energies or things that vibrate in the same flow.
If we having moments that are dominated by negative thoughts of lack and
limitation, then our energy fields and our chi are vibrating in the same
frequency to allow and create what we are thinking about a lot.
Our aura changes frequently. It changes with our thoughts. As the chi
energy within us radiates out light energy that is in harmony with our
thoughts, the energies and colors of our aura flickers with different powers,
colors, and vibrations from moment to moment to reveal our thoughts. We
may not be able to see this with our physical eyes, but we feel it intuitively
and instinctually.
This energy can repel good things that we want to manifest when our inner
energies are not in alignment or harmony with what we want to create. And
it can bring in swiftly good things we do want when we are in harmony and
vibration with our desires.

Your Chi energy is the source energy that creates your desires. It is the
source energy that is focused to manifest your life as you want it to be. It is
the living energy that forms and rearranges to physically become real in
the physical realm. It is always real, and it is always there in energetic form.
Your thoughts create feelings, and those feelings are the force that causes
Chi energies to move, transmute, transform. It is how we, as humans live in
physical form. So it stands to reason, that if you are ill, you need to
transform those thoughts, and feelings that create the illness into positive
energies that manifest as good health. The same is true for poverity
consciousness. Thoughts of lack and limitation, create feelings of fear and
doubt, which transforms chi – life force energy—into the manifestation of
the very thing you fear, so you life a life of lack. And with time, you learn to
expect lack and limitation because this type of thinking, which creates fear
of not enough, becomes habit. It becomes soooo easy to manifest lack and
limitation after awhile because you get comfortable in those thoughts and
feelings and life style.

I know it is easy to get caught up in everyday situations, but if you continue

to do that, your chi energies will create more of what you are giving your
attention to—which is the very thing you do not want to create. It is so
important to break out of that old habit of thought and attitude so that you
can transform your chi energies into the positive manifestations of
prosperity you so much desire.

Chi energy is life force creative source energy. It creates easily whatever
you think and feel for any length of time. It is just as easy to create
prosperity as it is to create a lifestyle of poverty. The only difference is in
the thoughts, the feelings, the attitudes. You get what you expect to get. If
you think about prosperity and all the wonderful good things it brings, you
feel joy and happiness and this transforms your chi energy to create
prosperity. When you feel good and happy you expect to live well and
receive prosperity. Your attitude is what you expect to receive. Your
attitude is what is how you learn to deal with your thoughts and feelings.
Your attitude is what you expect to experience.

Prosperity Chi is life force creative energy thinking positive thoughts, and
feeling abundant and happy and the result is that you expect good things
and prosperity to come into your life. You believe it. You expect it. And so
you receive more of it. More money. More joy. More abundance.

The empowerment is the positive attitude or expectations that you believe

as a result of your positive prosperity chi energy thoughts and feelings.
Empowerment Reiki is the ability to focus and transmute or change chi
energies into positive manifestations by desiring it. It is a healing energy,
that creates positive manifestations—good health, well being, etc. It is all
connected. It is all a flow of chi energy.

Below is the symbol that will help you focus and connect you quickly to
creative source energy.

Prosperity Chi Empowerment Symbol

This symbol represents the sun star in the center of your heart.
To use this symbol visualize it in your palms and then place your palms
together to run the energies. When you feel a warmth in your palms, open
your hands and place your palms over your heart.
Visualize the light of the sunstar shining brightly and radiating out from
your heart to manifest your desires. Feel the prosperity, the money being
drawn to you. Allow yourself to feel joy and see yourself as abundant and
radiant and prosperous. You can visualize anything you would like to
manifest in this way. See money coming to you. See yourself getting a
raise in pay. See your new home, or your new car, etc. When you feel the
energies slowing, thank the universe and chi energies.
You can run these energies as often as you like.

Here is another version of this Prosperity Chi Empowerment symbol. This

symbol works best if you print it and place it beneath a green, gold, yellow
or red candle that is in a safe candle holder. You may want to write the
name of the person you are doing a Prosperity Chi healing on, on the
symbol. You can also place it on your altar and run the energies with the
visualization technique given above.

Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki Symbol 2

May your chi energy be pure, strong, and always bring you great
prosperity! So be it!

To Receive This Distance Attunement:

To receive your attunement, you will need about 20 to 30 minutes of quiet

time to receive the energies of the attunement. You may receive the
attunement distantly, as chi ball, or in person.
When you are ready for your attunement, get comfortable, relax, and take
three deep breaths, exhaling slowly to relieve any stress of the day. Then
when you are ready, say, “I accept this attunement for (name of

attunement, and level if appropriate) from (name of teacher) now.” Then

just relax and allow the energies to flow in to you, and enjoy it.
You will receive the attunement in the same way, no matter how it is sent to
you. The difference in the methods of sending attunements varies, but the
actual receiving of any attunement is always the same.

To Send This Distance Attunement:

This attunement can be passed in person, distantly, or as chi ball method.

The attunement is passed with intention in the manner that works best for
you. Each person is a bit different in how they like to pass attunements—
some use crystals, some use meditation, or soft music, chanting, or many
other personal ways to increase power and ease of sending or passing
attunements. It is my belief that each teacher knows what is the most
comfortable, enjoyable, and powerful way that works best for them to pass
on attunements, and whenever passing attunements you should always
follow your guidance. Here is the basic method:

Get comfortable and relax. Take three deep breaths and exhale slowly to
release any stress or tensions of the day. When you are ready, say, “I ask
that (name of person being attuned) be attuned to (name of attunement,
and level if appropriate) on (date and time).
If the attunement is sent as chi ball, you must create the energy sphere by
creating energy between the palms of your hands, (move them closer
together and out again—back and forth with your palms facing each other
to build the energy), and use visualization to see the sphere or chi ball.
Then place the attunement energies inside the chi ball or energy sphere
with visualization as you say, “I ask that (name of person being attuned) be
attuned to (name of attunement and level if appropriate). I ask that the
energies of this attunement be placed within this chi ball and that the
energies be kept pure until (name of person being attuned) accepts this
attunement. I ask that this (name of attunement) chi ball go now to (name of
person being attuned) and continue to float around (him or her) until he or
she calls it in and accepts this attunement. I thank you. And so it is.”

Again, I stress this is a basic way to send this attunement as chi ball and
you as teacher should always pass attunements in the way that is best for
you with pure intention. You may want to seal the chi ball sphere with
angelic protection to keep the energies within the sphere pure until the
student calls in the attunement. You can do this by simply asking the
Angels, or specific Angel like Archangel Michael to seal the energies with
angelic light to protect them and keep them pure until they are received by

the student. But again, you should do this in your own way. Always use the
method and means of protection that work best for you.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that always helps and never harms. If you
are ill, please see your physician. Reiki works hand in hand with the
medical profession. Results may vary.

Please ask permission of the founder, Daelyn Wolf before translating this
manual. Do not change anything in the manual. Do not add anything to or
remove anything from the manual.

Prosperity Chi Empowerment Reiki is not affiliated with, nor is it to be

confused with any other reiki or energy system that may exist now or in the

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