Tihara Williams - Week 1 Internship Blog - 3135458

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VTFT Student Name: Tihara Williams

Blog Assignment/Title: Week 1 internship Blog

Date: April 26, 2021

Week 1 Internship Blog

To begin with, my first week of internship was great. My cooperating teacher, Ms.R, is so much fun and

is an amazing Social Studies teacher. She runs her class with grace and is always extremely patient with her

students. She gives them all equal opportunities to express themselves and it seems that they are very

comfortable with her and aren’t afraid to be themselves when on zoom. They actively participate during class,

ask so many questions, express their concerns, and they even tell really funny jokes.

The way Ms.R runs her classroom is very organized and smooth. She begins with a fun activity

pertaining to the material, such as Booket, and then she goes straight into her lesson. She has them do a variety

of different assignments so they understand the material/topic. Usually, she gives students an opportunity to

complete the assignments in small groups or they have an option to work alone. I have noticed that regardless if

they work alone or collaboratively, they always have the work completed or almost completed by the end of the

class period. So far, I have interacted with a few students while observing. On my first day of internship, Ms.R

assigned breakout rooms. I went to each room and just watched how the students were interacting with each

other, they were very focused and were sharing ideas. I had the chance to work one-on-one with this sweet

student who was struggling with the material in a breakout room. All she needed was a little guidance on filling

out the notes and reading the documents. I felt that she just needed to think out loud more, because she knew

exactly what to do but she just didn't know where to start. I am very proud of how much work we got done on

that day and I look forward to working with this student a lot more.

One of the best moments, by far, was being able to work with that same student. I was nervous at first

because I wasn’t very particularly familiar with the content, but the way Ms.R had the notes set up made it very

easy for me to help the student and explain to her how to fill out her notes.
One difficult moment I had was with my internet connection. During internship on Friday, my internet

connection was really bad and I wasn’t able to have my camera on or engage with the class as it made my

meeting quality very poor. Fingers crossed that my internet will be okay for my next week of internship, haha.

One thing that I am looking forward to is becoming more comfortable with instructing, teaching, and interacting

with more students. I feel that I am already on the right path, I just need to practice, adapt, and adjust to this

new normal. I hope my next week of internship is going to be as enjoyable as the first. I am so glad that I was

assigned Ms.R as my cooperating teacher and her wonderful 6th grade Social Studies class and I am very

excited to see my progress for the next 3 weeks of internship!

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