Tarea de Inglés

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Docente: Rosa Carvay "INGLÉS"
Año: 4to y 5to año (todas las menciones) Momento: 1ero Año escolar:2020-2021

Plan de atención pedagógico

Guía de inglés” 4to y 5to año (todas las menciones)

Objetivo 1: Primer condicional:

Se usa el primer condicional para hablar acerca de posibles futuras situaciones.

First conditional sentences are divided into two parts:
1º The if clause and 2º concequence clause
Primer condicional las oraciones son divididas en dos partes:
1º La (si) clausula y 2º (consecuencia) de la clausula

When the if clause comes first, it is separated from the consequence clause
by a comma.

(Cuando la cláusula if viene primero, está separada de la cláusula de

consecuencia por una coma).

If clause consequence clause

If + subject + verb in present + complement , subject + wiil/won`t + verb in infinitive withot to+ complement

If I feel tired , I Will go home

When the consequence clause comes first, the work IF connects the two
clause and you don`t use comma.
(Cuando la cláusula de consecuencia viene primero, la palabra IF conecta a
las dos clausulas y no usa coma).
Consequence clause If clause

subject + will/won`t + verb in infinitive without to+ complement + If + subject + verb in present + complement

I Will go home If I feel tired

Ejercicios practicos a evaluar:

1) Complete the sentence with your own information:
If I don`t have lunch, I will be hungry______________
a) If there`s fire at school, I ______________________
b) If they invite me to the party, I _________________
c) If she doesn`t call me, I _______________________
d) If the teacher is late, I ________________________

2) Write conditional sentence with the information below.

Example 1: You / give me some money / I / pay the telephone bill
If you give me some money. I will pay the telephone bill.
Example 2: We / go for a picnic / it / not rain
We will go for a picnic If it doesn`t rain.
a) You / not feel better / I / call the doctor

b) We / leave early / we / not finish on time.


c) The weather / is good / they / go to the beach


d) I / help you / you / ask me

3) Select the correct answer:

a) What will happen if you study? If they are free; they will pay in the park.
b) What will happen if you see Sarah? If I study, I will pass the exam.
c) What will happen if they are free? If she feels, she will go to bed
d) What will happen if she feels tired? If I take the medicine, I will feel better.
e) What will happen if he has time? If he has time, He will visit his parents
f) What will happen if you take the medicine? If we see Sarah, we will tell her the news.

4) Select the correct answer:


a) If the weather is nice, I will invite her to have a drink.

b) If my best friend calls me, We will go to the beach.
c) If it doesn`t rain this weekend, A. We will visit my grandparents
d) If he goes out with someone else, I will visit the amusement park.
e) If we go to the mall, We will buy your uniform
f) If they let me go, I will feel jealous.
Objetivo 2: Segundo condicional:
Use the second conditional to talk about a situation in the present that is
hypothetical, improbable or imaginary.
Usa el Segundo condicional para hablar acerca de una situación en presente que es
hipotéticas, improbable o imaginaria.
The If clause can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
La clausua IF se puede colocar en el inicio o al final de la oración.

If clause consequence clause

If + subject + verb in past tense + complement, subject + would/wouldn`t + verb in infinitive without to+ compl.

If I had money , I would buy a car

Consequence clause If clause

subject + would/wouldn`t + verb in infinitive without to+ complem + If + subject + verb in past tence + complem

I Would buy a car If I had money

In the if clause, use the action verb in the past. (En la cláusula if, usa el verbo en pasado).
In the consequence clause, use would(n`t), could(n`t), should(n`t) or might (not).
Would: terminación “ría” Ejemplo: I would buy a car / yo compraría un carro
I wouldn`t a car / yo no compraría un carro
Could: Podría Ejemplo: I could buy a car / Yo podría comprar un carro
I couldn`t buy a car / Yo no podría comprar un carro
Should: Debería Ejemplo: I should buy a car / Yo debería comprar un carro
I shouldn`t buy a car / Yo no debería comprar un carro
Might: podría Ejemplo: I might buy a car / Yo podría comprar un carro
I might not buy a car / Yo no podría comprar un carro.
Ejercicios practicos a evaluar:
1) Complete with you own answers.
If I had money, I would buy a new house.
a) If I found a dog in the street, I _____________________________
b) If my friends invited me to go out. I _________________________
c) If the teacher didn`t do the test, I ___________________________
2) Complete with you own answers.
If I were rich, I would buy a very fancy car.
a) If he were rich, he _______ _____ around the world.
b) If they were rich, they _____ _____ a farm.
c) If we had money, we _____ _____ a big house.
3) Write conditional sentences with the information given.
I / study hard/ get better grades
If I studied hard, I would get better grades.
a) He / not be too busy talk to you
b) She / be responsible / have a cat
c) You / fail the test / not go out for a month
4) Read the conversation.
Carlos: If I lost my pet, I would do everything to find it.
Ana: I know. I`m trying very hard. I don`t know what else to do.
Lisa: If were you. I would post a picture of Pelusa at the supermarket.
Ana: I already did that.
Lisa: I would leave the back door open at night, in case she comes back.
Ana: Good idea! I will try that tonight!
Now, answer the questions:
a) Why is Ana so upset? Because she lost her pet
b) What would Carlos do if he lost his pet? _____________________
c) What would Lisa do if he were Ana? ________________________
Objetivo 3: SHOULD:
Significa: Deber
Use should para preguntar y dar consejo (Use should to ask for and give advice).
Escribe la accion del verbo sin el TO. (Write the action verb in infinitive without to).
SHOULD Is a modal that can be used with all the personals pronouns.
SHOULD es un modal que puede ser usado con todos los pronombres personales
Example: What should I do? ________ ¿Que deberia hacer yo?
You should go to the dentist. ___ Tu deberias ir al dentist.
You can also ask for advice using must. (Tu puedes tambien preguntar y aconsejar usando
1) Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn`t.
a) You look terrible! You _______________ go out.
b) Pedro, you can`t play soccer. You __________ do your homework.
c) Remember that you _______________ eat in class.
d) You______________ listen to the teacher, That`s why you get bad grades!
e) I think you ___________________ take that without permission.
f) C’Mon! you ___________________ eat pizza. You’re on a diet.
2) Write sentence with the information given.
Example: Leaving late/ take a taxi
You’re leaving late. You should take a taxi.

a) Going to a concert / book the tickets

b) feeling sick / go out in the rain.
c) having an oral test / speak more slowly
d) going out later at night / go alone
3) Traslate the next sentences:
a) You shoul use mouth cap. It`s good for you.
b) You should stop smoking. It`s bad for you.
c) You`re tired. You should take a break.
d) You shouln`t spend so much money.
e) You look terrible! You must stay home.
f) You should be at work.
g) You shouln`t eat that.

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