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Bodos - Tribe Of Assam

Bodos are the true ethnic Tribal Community of Assam - the sub branch of the Bodo - Kachari
Clan. Bodos reside in the Brahamaputra valley and are considered to be largest ethnic and
linguistic group of tribes. The Bodos speak Tibeto - Burmese language.

Occupation :

Tea Plantation

One of the major income sources, the Bodos turn to working in tea estates. The
women working in assam tea estates are mostly bodos.

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The Culture of Bodos

Bodos in their ancient years used to pray their forefathers.

Today they have changed significantly - they have accepted
Hinduism as their main religion. They practice a Culture known
as Bathouism.
The main work of Bodos is tea plantation, silk worm rearing,
weaving, pig and poultry farming.. The mainly consume of the
Bodos include Narzi, Onla and Oma Bedor as food.
Gonds - The Gods People

Gondvana - the Mighty Kingdom in the olden days still stands with the ruins of the Kingdom in
its sand. From the 15th century to the 18th century, this region called Gondwana was the home
to the Gonds. The Gondwana Land gave its name to the present day Africa, South America,
Australia, India Sub Continent and Antarctica Apart from Madhya Pradesh, Gonds can be found
in Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. They are the largest Tribe in India, South Asia, and
perhaps the world with nine million people (out of which four million resides in India)..

The Home

It looks like any regular house in

a small village. The Gonds have
begun to live in the wooden
houses from quite a time,
another big change which is
visual in the living ways of the

Culture of Gonds

The main diety of the Gonds is the pantheon - a single Temple which bows to all the Gods and
Culture of the World The Staple Food of Gonds is two millets known as Kodo and Kutki.
Vegetables are usually grown in kitchen gardens or collected from forests. Gonds grow tobacco
for smoking and make liquor for Mahua tree for celebrations.

Hmar - The Christian Tribe Of India

Hmar also known as Mhar or Mar are the dwellers of the North Eastern Part of India. Hmars can
be found in Meghalaya, Mizoram, Cachar, Meghalaya, Chittagong Hill Tracts and Tripura.

Dimasas are supposed to be the aboriginals of the Brahmaputra Valley ascending from the
Himalayas with their roots connecting to mainland China.

The Modern Hmars :

The Dress

The traditional dress of Hmar Tribe is colorful filled with bright and radiant colors. Girls wear
short skirts and the men coats and chongas.

The Culture of Hmar

Hmars speak Hindi, English and Hmas language in their day to

day life. They are primarily Baptist and follow Christianity. They
are the cultivators as they make their livelihood from farming.

Bhil - The Archers

Bhils - The Archers, are the tribals of Mewar, descandents of original inhabitants of India. The
word Bhil is derived from Bil or Vil meaning Bow. The Bhils used to furnish the needs of Prince s
of Mewar with bowmen, supplies or by guarding their families
Colors Of Bhils :

Traditional Dance Of Bhils

The Traditional Dance of Bhils known as Ghoomar, involves going round and round at very high
speeds without losing balance. It also involves keeping upto ten to twelve water pots on the
head and then moving in circles at high speeds.

The Culture Of Bhils

In the Olden days the Bhils used to live in hive like huts on
isolated hill tops, living there for a few weeks and then
constructing a new one. They have different ceremonis for
birth, death, marriage and divorce.
There is a tradition of adapting children in this society.

Munda - Adivasis Of Jharkhand

Mundas are the Adivasis or the Tribals of the Jharkand. They spread over other states like Bihar,
West Bengal, Chhatisgarh, and Orissa. Outside India Mundas can be found in Bangladesh. Today
there are around two million Munda People.

The Mundas are highly respected tribals from the time of pre - independence of India.
Different Aspects Of Mundas :

Festival of Munda Tribe

Like any other tribes, Mundas also have festivals but here they are a with a difference. Lights,
fire games, pomp and show make a big part of their festivals.

Culture Of Mundas

For the occupation , in the ancient days they used to be the

woodcutters, cutting down the forests and then selling the
wood. But now they have taken to fishing and earth cutting.

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