Tihara Williams - Week 2 Internship Blog - 3135458

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VTFT Student Name: Tihara Williams

Blog Assignment/Title: Internship blog #3

Date: May 3, 2021

Week 2 Internship blog

Since the first week of internship I have had so much fun with my cooperating teacher and the students.

I have noticed a lot of things that my cooperating teacher does that I would like to do/use when I become a

teacher. First, she makes sure her students aren’t being rushed and are able to keep up with the material. Second,

she lets her students express themselves. Lastly, she gives them fun games and assignments to help them

prepare for tests of quizzes. I have learned that these tactics she uses, helps her students excel in their learning

and to obtain good grades. So far, I have been participating with students in breakout rooms, one on one. I had

the opportunity to assist students with their unit test. I guided them through their notes and helped them apply

the information from the notes to their test. We weren’t able to get through the whole test, but we got a majority

of it done and the student got to finish it on their own time.

It seems that many students struggle with online learning because they aren’t getting that face-to-face

teaching experience that they are used to or may need because of covid. Covid has negatively impacted school

environments/ classes and has forced us to adjust to a new normal. I learned that having patience with students

during this time gives them a sense of relief and they'll feel a little stress-free. They are able to find the

motivation to do work because they aren’t pressured to do so much in a short span of time. I am currently

looking forward to learning and growing during this internship. I hope I am able to help more students and

make connections with them. I am struggling with trying to retain all this newly-learned information but I am

adamant that it will help me tremendously in the future.

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