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VTFT Student Name: Tihara Williams

Blog Assignment/Title: Week 3 Internship Blog

Date: May 7, 2021

Week 3 Internship Blog

The third week of internship went so smoothly! I am starting to make stronger connections with more of

the students. This week they are learning about the revolution and the impacts that noticeable figures made

during that time. I can tell that the students are loving this unit because they are contributing a lot more than

usual and they like to share their opinions as well. It was amazing to see how each student felt about some of

the controversial topics, they expressed their concerns very maturely and appropriately.

So far, I have been involved in the classroom by interacting with students in the chat more. If they have

any questions in the chat, I will answer them to the best of my knowledge while Ms.R is teaching. As of now, I

haven’t taught a lesson or small group yet, it’s only been one-on-one breakout rooms since the first week of

internship. When Mrs.R feels that a student needs more help with a topic, she will put me in a separate breakout

room and have me explain a little more about the topic to help them understand. A majority of the students are

able to grasp the material right away and they can do their work with no problem. I love doing one-on-one

breakout rooms with the students because it gives me an opportunity to learn more about the student and I can

focus more on what they specifically need help with. I know as a teacher, you need to jump out of your comfort

zone sometimes and that is a skill I'm still developing and working on.

Currently, I have a rough draft made for my lesson I am going to teach next Friday on the Trail of tears. I

am using my Barrier mini-lesson plan that I did about a month ago, as inspiration on how I can organize my

lesson and make the lesson go smoothly. First, I am going to begin class with a short introductory video on the

trail of tears, just something to help grab their attention and help them get excited to learn about the topic. Then,

I am going to go through a google presentation to provide more information on the topic. Last, I am going to

have them do a Blooket, correlated to the information provided from the presentation. I feel that my lesson plan

draft is well thought out and I feel that I am more than ready to teach on Friday.
I am developing my teacher perspective slowly but surely. There are times where I still feel like just

another student in Mrs.R’s class. On Thursday is when I really felt that my teacher's perspective shifted. I felt

that I was on the other side of the desk because I was interactive with the students instead of observing. I

usually would work with students one-on-one or just sit back and observe the class but I went out of my comfort

zone a little. While Mrs.R was teaching I would just add more information about the topic in the chat so I

wouldn’t interrupt her while teaching, and she would use my chat’s as an example of the points she was trying

to make and the kids seemed to be enjoying my small contributions. I was nervous about doing something like

that because I felt that the students wouldn’t care to interact or respond back in the chat, but they proved me

wrong and I am so happy to have experienced that moment. This leads me to the next question about the best

moment of internship for this week.

The best moment would have to be when Mrs.R was speaking on women's rights and how they were

treated during the revolution. The kids did not like how women were perceived as unequal to men and I shared

more information about the material in the chat and they took it all in. They felt so strongly about it that Mrs.R

ended class 10 mins early so the students could express how they felt for the women back then. It was so

awesome to see that they made mature, appropriate responses and they felt so much empathy/sympathy for

them. In conclusion, this would have to be the best week of internship for me, by far. I am so excited to teach

the Trail of Tears next Friday because it’s one topic that the students are most looking forward to!

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